Where to find Google Cloud Compute Cost Breakdown? - google-cloud-platform

I am trying out Google Cloud Compute, which is a totally different from Microsoft Azure, and I'm having difficulty getting the hang of it.
For instance, where do you find the Google Cloud Compute equivalent of Microsoft Azure's cost breakdown?
Please see this screenshot, and you'll know what I'm talking about: Microsoft Azure's Price Breakdown

To see your payments breakdown, go to https://console.cloud.google.com/billing/, then choose your billing account. Go to "Payment overview" to see your invoices, download PDFs, etc.
If you want to see services that are not yet billed, go to https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector/billing/unbilledinvoice and choose a project in question.


Google cloud won't let me increase GPU quota until I've used my present quota, which is 0?

Apparently google will not offer support for free trials, so there is no way to get official help on this.
I am trying to set up a free trial version of google cloud, to run a deep learning project on a cloud GPU. After setting up a project, I wish to add a machine learning VM. I go there, and it tells me I need to increase my GPU quota. However, when I follow the 'change quota' link, I can't change the GPU quota, because I am not using my currently available quota (which is 0) ...
Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? The aim for me was to make a guide for my students who will need this resource in a few days. I got it to work on another google account in summer, but need to go through it again on a fresh account, so I can tell my students what it will look like for them. So, I think I'm familiar with most of the steps, but I haven't seen this "service usage history" error before.
Google has restricted few products in free trial. You can upgrade the account during the free trial. Both free trial and paid will be running simultaneously but you will be paying only for restricted products which were not available in free trial. .
The GPUs on Compute Engine are no longer in beta and are shown in free trial. But, you can start machine learning in free trial mode as the quota is 0.
However you can try products which are machine learning based like Auto ML, Vision API, Bigquery(Depending on your project and your needs) as per free tier usage limits. Also check out GPU pricing.
This issue seems to somehow be related to the fact that I have already used the 300 USD on a different google account. I tried it with a colleague who had not used any paid google product before, and it worked just as it should.
So, somehow, either through my credit card info or something else, google cloud knows about the other account.

How to generate uptime reports through Google Cloud Stackdriver?

I am a new user with Google cloud (Stackdriver).
I would like to set and generate uptime reports on a monthly basis which would include the past 4 weeks through e-mail in the cloud but I have not been able to find from where I could do this.
I have done research but have not managed to find what I am looking for. The closes I got to was TRACE but is still not what I would like to have.
It's not possible to generate that kind of reports using tools available in Google Cloud.
Using traces is probably the best you can do now - although you can try the Cloud Trace API which may give you a way to extract the information in a more structured way.
If you want this feature included in GCP please go to IssueTracker and create a new feature request with detailes explanation of what your goal is and mention the time-span you want to be able to get data from.

How activate GSuite Credits for my Google Cloud Platform startup credits?

I get the Spark plan for Google startups. And here https://cloud.google.com/developers/startups it says that I have G Suite Credits, for up to 10 users.
How/Where can I redeem this feature?
It means you have a G-Suite Basic plan you should use the SIGN UP wizard from the link I added, this will give you a free 14-day trial from there you can create a Support Case with G-Suite to make the corresponding changes to your subscription plan.
Or else open a Case with GCP (from GCP Portal "Support > Cases) and let them route it to the proper team since you already have the startup credits you are entitled to receive Support.

Google Cloud APIs usage data by projects

Is there any way to programmatically get data similar to APIs overview of Google CLoud dashboard. Specifically, I'm interested in the list of APIs enabled for the project and their usage/error stats for some predefined timeframe. I belive there's an API for that but I struggle to find it.
There's currently no API that gives you a report similar to the one you can see through the Google Cloud Console.
The Compute API can retrieve some quotas with the get method but it's somewhat limited (only Compute Engine quotas) and, for what I understood from your question, not quite what you're looking for.
However, I've found in Google's Issue Tracker a feature request that's close to what you're asking for.
If you would need something more specific or want to do the feature request yourself, check the "Report feature requests" documentation and create your own. The GCP team will take a look at it to evaluate and consider implementation.

Google Cloud CDN - Can I choose distributions?

AWS allows users to choose CDN(CloudFront) distributions and I did find a documentation about it on their site.
However, on Google Cloud Platform(GCP), I did not find anything saying that users can choose which distributions they like.
I currently don't have a GCP account so I cannot test it myself due to some registration issue. So can anyone please tell me, is it possible to choose distributions? Since I'd like to exclude certain area while using.
I believe there is no geoblocking option in GCP. But there is price differentiation based in destination.