how to use Pagination with swipe using swift 3 - swift3

How to Implement Pagination In PageControl , please suggest any demo or tutorials, i want to load my data in different page , different page has different data from rest Api ,so how to do it , suggestions are appriciated .!


DJango-tables2 how do I refresh/update the table on the webpage without hitting refresh button

I followed the DJango-tables2 official tutorial and was able to create data set in the terminal using:
Person.objects.bulk_create([Person(name='Jieter'), Person(name='Bradley')])
However, the new data in the table on the website doesn't show up until I hit the refresh button. My question is how the table can be updated/refreshed without any human interaction on the webpage.
What I'm trying to achieve is to update the table on the webpage without human interaction as soon as new data comes in. I'm relatively new to this, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
To avoid refreshing the page you would need to get new data using an Ajax request, this table use template rendering meaning it is not meant to work like you want to use it.
Usually, to do what you want to do, you need a front end JavaScript component like, FancyGrid ... and make requests to server using Ajax to get new data.

its possible to display different categories from another site?

Im working a newspaper, and I was wondering if its possible to display different categories from another Website, and display in my website. This site created by Joomla 2.5, I Hope someone understands this :)
Since your site is the Joomla one, you could either write a custom extension or more simply use the Jumi extension so you can write PHP code directly in the article or page on which you need to grab the content from the other site.
Then depending on what you know about the other site, there are different approaches. If it offers an API or RSS feed, you can use that to pull the content you need (and use PHP string functions for instance to modify it as you need). If the other site doesn't have an obvious way of offering content through a web service, try PHP curl, and again you can modify the content before displaying it. Check out this page too: How to parse actual HTML from page using CURL?
As Arunu said an iFrame could also work if you don't need to modify the other site's content.
What u wish to do can be accomplished using RSS feed or an i-frame.But from ur question
it's not clear which site is using joomla.

How can get images from wikipedia api?

i have the product keyword, i need images from wikipedia for that search keyword to display in my web application. is it possible? i'm doing this application in python/django framework.
Some simple searching has this example in the tutorial, for fetching search result images:
You can use urllib2 to fetch the results, etc.

Reload googlemaps after user clicks a link in Django

I am doing a project in Django and i want to have some google maps displayed in my site. So, i installed django-easy-maps and successfully used it in a sample template. So, i am ready with my maps.
The interface i want to implement is this
I want to display the maps where the Hellow World! container is and with different links on the sidebar i want to refresh the map being displayed on user click without reloading the page.
I did some researching and it seems Ajax is the solution...
Can anybody tell me how i might achieve this (with or without Ajax ) ?
Sorry for sounding like a noob but i am fairly new to this.
The basic steps are:
Create a view for the Google Maps section to the right. This view does not return a full HTML page but only the HTML for that section (which contains your Google Maps map).
When the user clicks on a link on the left, use JavaScript to perform an ajax call to request that page. In short this means: attach an event handler to the onclick event of those links and in code you can perform an ajax call .Many people use a JavaScript library for this purpose, such as jQuery (which has $.ajax()).
You can then use JavaScript to put the received HTML inside the container on the right (using $.html()).

Hide Joomla Template in Controller

i have a big Joomla 1.5 Problem. I'll create my own Gallery Component/PlugIn and want to add an AJAX Sorting possibility.
In the Backend i want to reorder the Images by Drag&Drop in an Gallery. It works, but for the Output i have the following Problem:
I send the AJAX Request to
As i told you, it works, but i want to display the result in a Layer. But Joomla always sends the complete Template and the Result back.
How can i disable sending the Admin Template??? Hope you understand what i mean?
Add &format=raw to the end of your URL.