Check calculation with summation - sympy

How to use Sympy to check calculations step by step, for instance that the 2 formulas below are equal?
from sympy import IndexedBase, Sum, symbols
i, n = symbols('i n', integer=True)
a = IndexedBase('a')
Sum(a[i], (i, 0, n - 1)) + a[n]
Sum(a[i], (i, 0, n))

The simplify function is used to check whether two expressions are equal.
from sympy import IndexedBase, Sum, symbols, simplify
i, n = symbols('i n', integer=True)
a = IndexedBase('a')
#to check calculations
x=Sum(a[i], (i, 0, n - 1)).doit() + a[n].doit()
y=Sum(a[i], (i, 0, n)).doit()
print x,y
#To check functions are equal
if simplify(x-y) == 0:
print "The two functions are equal"


Integrating without `polar_lift`

from sympy import *
x = Symbol('x')
c, k = symbols('c, k', real=True, nonnegative=True)
integrate(exp(-c * k * x**2), (x, -oo, oo))
I don't want polar_lift in the output, is there an assumption I can add, or something else I can do to get a cleaner result?
You've set the symbols to be nonnegative which implies the possibility that they are both zero in which case the integral does not converge. If the symbols are both positive (i.e. not zero) then you get a simple result:
In [85]: x = Symbol('x')
In [86]: c, k = symbols('c, k', positive=True)
In [87]: integrate(exp(-c * k * x**2), (x, -oo, oo))

How to make sympy simplify a radical expression equaling zero

The three (real) roots of the polynomial x^3 - 3x + 1 sum up to 0. But sympy does not seem to be able to simplify this sum of roots:
>>> from sympy import *
>>> from import x
>>> rr = real_roots(x**3 -3*x + 1)
>>> sum(rr)
CRootOf(x**3 - 3*x + 1, 0) + CRootOf(x**3 - 3*x + 1, 1) + CRootOf(x**3 - 3*x + 1, 2)
The functions simplify and radsimp cannot simplify this expression. The minimal polynomial, however, is computed correctly:
>>> minimal_polymial(sum(rr))
From this we can conclude that the sum is 0. Is there a direct way of making sympy simplify this sum of roots?
The following function computes the rational number equal to an algebraic term if possible:
import sympy as sp
# try to simplify an algebraic term to a rational number
def try_simplify_to_rational(expr):
float(expr) # does the expression evaluate to a real number?
minPoly = sp.poly(sp.minimal_polynomial(expr))
print('minimal polynomial:', minPoly)
if len(minPoly.monoms()) == 1: # minPoly == x
return 0
if == 1: # minPoly == a*x + b
a,b = minPoly.coeffs()
return sp.Rational(-b, a)
except TypeError:
pass # expression does not evaluate to a real number
except sp.polys.polyerrors.NotAlgebraic:
pass # expression does not evaluate to an algebraic number
except Exception as exc:
print("unexpected exception:", str(exc))
print('simplification to rational number not successful')
return expr # simplification not successful
See the working example:
x = sp.symbols('x')
rr = sp.real_roots(x**3 - 3*x + 1)
# sum of roots equals (-1)*coefficient of x^2, here 0
print(try_simplify_to_rational(sum(rr))) # -> 0
A more elaborate function computing also simple radical expressions is proposed in sympy issue #19726.

Getting sympy to simplify infinite sums containing piecewise functions

I am running the following in my jupyter-notebook.
from sympy import *
B = IndexedBase('B')
x, L = symbols('x L', real=True)
n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
n = Idx(n, (0, oo))
Bn = Indexed('B', n)
m = Symbol('m', integer=True)
Sum(Piecewise((0, Ne(m, n)), (L, True))*B[n], (n, 0, oo)).doit()
The last expression should evaluate to $L B_n$. I have tried using simplify, doit, limit and evalf methods on it to without success. I also found more similar issues in github but couldn't taylor this to my specific problem.
I also tried fiddling around with the underlying assumptions for integer m but couldn't find anything suitable.
Is there any direct or indirect way to get sympy to simplify infinite sums containing piecewise functions?
Just as an aside this code below works:
p = Piecewise((1, n<5), (0, True))
Sum(p, (n, 1, oo)).evalf()

Integrate Legendre polynomials in SymPy and use these integrals as coefficients

I am trying to make a simple example in SymPy to compute some coefficients and then use them in a sum of legendre polynomials. Finally plot it. Very simple but can not make it work. I want to use it for my electromagnetism course. I get errors in both the attempts below:
%matplotlib inline
from sympy import *
x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True)
f, step, potential = symbols('f step potential', cls=Function)
var('n x')
B=Tuple.fromiter(2*(2*n+1)*Integral(legendre(2*n+1,x),(x,0,1)).doit() for n in range(50))
Here is a part of an script in Mathematica of what I would like to replicate:
Nn = 50;
Array[A, Nn]
For[i = 0, i <= Nn, i++, A[i + 1] = Integrate[LegendreP[2*i + 1, x]*(2*(2*i + 1) + 1), {x, 0, 1}]];
Step = Sum[A[n + 1]*LegendreP[2*n + 1, #], {n, 0, Nn}] & Plot[Step[x], {x, -1, 1}]
I think the structure you were searching for with A is Python's lambda.
A = lambda m: 2*(2*m+1)*Integral(legendre(2*m+1, x), (x, 0, 1))
f = Sum(A(m)*legendre(2*m+1, x), (m, 0, 10)).doit()
plot(f, (x, -1, 1))
The key point is that m has to be explicit in order for integration to happen; SymPy does not know a general formula for integrating legendre(n, x). So, the integration here is attempted only when A is called with a concrete value of m, like A(0), A(1), etc.

Enumeration all possible matrices with constraints

I'm attempting to enumerate all possible matrices of size r by r with a few constraints.
Row and column sums must be in non-ascending order.
Starting from the top left element down the main diagonal, each row and column subset from that entry must be made up of combinations with replacements from 0 to the value in that upper left entry (inclusive).
The row and column sums must all be less than or equal to a predetermined n value.
The main diagonal must be in non-ascending order.
Important note is that I need every combination to be store somewhere, or if written in c++, to be ran through another few functions after finding them
r and n are values that range from 2 to say 100.
I've tried a recursive way to do this, along with an iterative, but keep getting hung up on keeping track column and row sums, along with all the data in a manageable sense.
I have attached my most recent attempt (which is far from completed), but may give you an idea of what is going on.
The function first_section(): builds row zero and column zero correctly, but other than that I don't have anything successful.
I need more than a push to get this going, the logic is a pain in the butt, and is swallowing me whole. I need to have this written in either python or C++.
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
global r
global n
r = 4
n = 8
global myarray
myarray = np.zeros((r,r))
global arraysums
arraysums = np.zeros((r,2))
def first_section():
bigData = []
myarray = np.zeros((r,r))
arraysums = np.zeros((r,2))
for i in reversed(range(1,n+1)):
myarray[0,0] = i
stuff = []
stuff = list(combinations_with_replacement(range(i),r-1))
for j in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[0,1:] = list(reversed(stuff[j]))
arraysums[0,0] = sum(myarray[0,:])
for k in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[1:,0] = list(reversed(stuff[k]))
arraysums[0,1] = sum(myarray[:,0])
if arraysums.max() > n:
if printing: print 'myarray \n%s' %(myarray)
return bigData
def one_more_section(bigData,index):
newData = []
for item in bigData:
if printing: print 'item = %s' %(item)
upperbound = int(item[index-1]) # will need to have logic worked out
if printing: print 'upperbound = %s' % (upperbound)
for i in reversed(range(1,upperbound+1)):
myarray[index,index] = i
stuff = []
stuff = list(combinations_with_replacement(range(i),r-1))
for j in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[index,index+1:] = list(reversed(stuff[j]))
arraysums[index,0] = sum(myarray[index,:])
for k in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[index+1:,index] = list(reversed(stuff[k]))
arraysums[index,1] = sum(myarray[:,index])
if arraysums.max() > n:
if printing: print 'index = %s' %(index)
if printing: print 'myarray \n%s' %(myarray)
return newData
bigData = first_section()
bigData = one_more_section(bigData,1)
A possible matrix could look like this:
r = 4, n >= 6
|3 2 0 0| = 5
|3 2 0 0| = 5
|0 0 2 1| = 3
|0 0 0 1| = 1
6 4 2 2
Here's a solution in numpy and python 2.7. Note that all the rows and columns are in non-increasing order, because you only specified that they should be combinations with replacement, and not their sortedness (and generating combinations is the simplest with sorted lists).
The code could be optimized somewhat by keeping row and column sums around as arguments instead of recomputing them.
import numpy as np
r = 2 #matrix dimension
maxs = 5 #maximum sum of row/column
def generate(r, maxs):
# We create an extra row and column for the starting "dummy" values.
# Filling in the matrix becomes much simpler when we do not have to treat cells with
# one or two zero indices in special way. Thus, we start iteration from the
# (1, 1) index.
m = np.zeros((r + 1, r + 1), dtype = np.int32)
m[0] = m[:,0] = maxs + 1
def go(n, i, j):
# If we completely filled the matrix, yield a copy of the non-dummy parts.
if (i, j) == (r, r):
yield m[1:, 1:].copy()
# We compute the next indices in row major order (the choice is arbitrary).
(i2, j2) = (i + 1, 1) if j == r else (i, j + 1)
# Computing the maximum possible value for the current cell.
max_val = min(
maxs - m[i, 1:].sum(),
maxs - m[1:, j].sum(),
m[i, j-1],
m[i-1, j])
for n2 in xrange(max_val, -1, -1):
m[i, j] = n2
for matrix in go(n2, i2, j2):
yield matrix
return go(maxs, 1, 1) #note that this is a generator object
# testing
for matrix in generate(r, maxs):
print matrix
If you'd like to have all the valid permutations in the rows and columns, this code below should work.
def generate(r, maxs):
m = np.zeros((r + 1, r + 1), dtype = np.int32)
rows = [0]*(r+1) # We avoid recomputing row/col sums on each cell.
cols = [0]*(r+1)
rows[0] = cols[0] = m[0, 0] = maxs
def go(i, j):
if (i, j) == (r, r):
yield m[1:, 1:].copy()
(i2, j2) = (i + 1, 1) if j == r else (i, j + 1)
max_val = min(rows[i-1] - rows[i], cols[j-1] - cols[j])
if i == j:
max_val = min(max_val, m[i-1, j-1])
if (i, j) != (1, 1):
max_val = min(max_val, m[1, 1])
for n in xrange(max_val, -1, -1):
m[i, j] = n
rows[i] += n
cols[j] += n
for matrix in go(i2, j2):
yield matrix
rows[i] -= n
cols[j] -= n
return go(1, 1)