Can't install soil.h library - opengl

I've made a simple opengl game which uses soil.h in ubuntu but in my college fedora is installed, how do install soil.h in fedora in my college pc?
I've already tried make install method in an earlier post and also tried "yum install libsoil.h-dev" both didn't work, still no SOIL/SOIL. H file or directory found error.

SOIL.h is a C header, i.e. a text file. And : A header is not a library.
The Fedora package name can be decided with # yum provides */SOIL.h
Install the package : # yum install SOIL-devel
Provides ...


Unable to locate package GLFW on Linux Mint

I have been trying to install GLFW and GLFW3, using Terminal to install
sudo apt-get install GLFW
sudo apt-get install GLFW3
Whenever I do so, I get results such as
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package glfw3
I have been trying to install GLFW for two hours now, and I'm getting a bit impatient. Also I'm very new to Linux (Mint), so I apologize if I'm doing something stupid...
No matter what I try, my program encounters
/home/myusername/Desktop/basic_window.cpp:11:21: fatal error: GL/glfw.h: No such file or directory
#include <GL/glfw.h>
compilation terminated.
Having a frustrating time with this, not sure why this is much more complicated than the other libraries I've installed so far.
I have been trying to install GLFW and GLFW3, using Terminal to install...
On Mint 17, it looks like you need to install libglfw2. So perform a sudo apt-get install libglfw2.
If you plan on developing against it, then install libglfw-dev instead. Notice the lack of a version number.
If interested, perform apt-cache search glfw
In Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu and Mint, library packages typically have names that begin with "lib", and development headers (for compiling new programs that use the library) are in a separate package whose name ends with "-dev".
Ubuntu 14.04 has GLFW 2 packaged as libglfw2 and libglfw-dev. Mint doesn't seem to have those packages, but you can probably use the Ubuntu ones since Mint 17 is based on Ubuntu 14.04.
GLFW 3 isn't in Ubuntu 14.04, but it looks like it'll be in 14.10 (as libglfw3 and libglfw3-dev).
Unless you really need GLFW 3 specifically, you're probably better off sticking with the packaged GLFW 2. Packages get easy automatic upgrades; compiling stuff "by hand" is a good way to end up with lots of cruft in your system with no automatic upgrade or uninstall.
Download GLFW source packages from their website.
Extract the folder glfw-3.0.4 from the tarball
Open console
Navigate to the folder you just extracted and go inside of it using cd
Type cmake . (be sure you include the dot)
If cmake . fails, then type the following as root:
apt-get install cmake
If you don't think you're root then type the following:
sudo apt-get install cmake
If that doesn't work then type the following as root, or add sudo if you're not root:
apt-get install build-essential cmake
Once you have cmake installed, navigate back to the folder and try cmake . again.

How do I install ImageMagick devel libraries on Fedora?

I have already installed several packages that would seem appropriate:
yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++
but still I do not have the Magick++.h file. What package am I supposed to be looking for?
On Fedora you can find packages that provide certain files with yum provides. So for your needs, try:
$ yum provides '*/Magick++.h'
On my Fedora 19 system, the repos show that GraphicsMagick-c++-devel and ImageMagick-c++-devel packages have that file.

Unable to install and locate libsqlite3.a

I'm a computer science student currently running on Ubuntu 12.10 on VMware player. My assignment requires me to be using sqlite with my c++ program and I have trouble linking it with netbeans. I've read that I need libsqlite3.a to link it with my project.
I have run sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev, however I'm clueless about finding/downloading/making one. Can anyone help me with this?
That's how you list files in an installed package:
dpkg -L libsqlite3-dev
On my (Debian) system, the library is at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsqlite3.a.

BLAS library incompatible with Fortran 77 compiler settings

I'm trying to install Octave-3.6.2 from source on Ubuntu 12.04 with KDE desktop but when I run the Octave configure script I get this error
BLAS library was detected but found incompatible with your Fortran 77
compiler settings
I used ./configure F77=gfortran as was suggested by numerous web searches and I've ensured that the alternatives system F77 files are moved out of harms way as per the comments in this SO post. The installed BLAS libraries are those installed by the package manager.
What does the error mean and how do I remedy it?
Try installing the Package liblapack-dev, libblas-dev, and if it exists, libblas-64. While not Ubuntu, I had the same issue and needed to install the fedora fc20 equivalent packages which are blas-devel, blas64-devel, lapack-devel, and lapack64-devel. The standard routine for getting the build dependencies is
sudo yum-builddep octave
While that installed most of the dependencies, I needed to follow with the following before it would completely configure. This is from an almost scratch Fedora fc20 install with updates as of 10/23/2014.
sudo yum install lapack64-devel lapack64
sudo yum install gl2ps-devel qrupdate-devel qt-devel qscintilla-devel java-devel
Although I did not explicitly list the blas-devel and blas64-devel packages, they were installed as dependencies of the libpack packages as was libpack-devel and plain libpack.
I suppose for Ubuntu it may be apt-get. Either way, here is another post that talks about an earlier version of Ubuntu.
BLAS and LAPACK libraries required for compiling
I fixed this problem by moving the BLAS to /usr/lib64.
for slackware recompile blas using -libdir=/usr/lib64
Run sudo apt-get build-dep octave
This will install all dependencies for octave
I was compiling octave-4.0.1 on openSUSE-12.3_x86-64 and met this problem. Before this, the blas lib (libblas3) was already installed. Then I installed the 32bit lib (libblas3-32bit), nothing changed. Then I installed the package named "blas-devel", it's resolved.
That package includes these files:

How to integrate Tesseract OCR Library to a C++ program

I am trying to use Tesseract OCR Library in order to create a program to read pictures of elevator floor numbers. I haven't found any example on how to include the Tesseract Library into a C++ file. Something like:
#include "tesseract.h"
I am using Tesseract v 3.00 on Ubuntu 10.10.
The PlatformStatus Page has some comments on how to install it. It has dependencies (leptonica) which also need to be installed.
Another solution also linked from the above discussion has similar details for other linux distributions.
When it comes to linking with your program, this post has some specifics
There is also a C wrapper to the underlying API calls; looking at the files included should tell you what to include. Other wrappers are available here.
The documentation of the base API class are here...
A comment from the Platform Status page for the installation.
Comment by, Nov 23, 2011
I successfully installed tesseract-ocr on Ubuntu 11.10 64Bit using these commands:
sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev autoconf automake libtool libpng12-dev libjpeg62- dev libtiff4-dev zlib1g-dev subversion g++
svn checkout tesseract-ocr
cd tesseract-ocr
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /usr/local/share/tessdata/
sudo wget
sudo gunzip eng.traineddata.gz
cd ~/tesseract-ocr/
tesseract phototest.tif phototest
cat phototest.txt