Mule Cloudhub - Service not available for request uri: /* - cloudhub

I am getting very strange problem where after deploying my plain HTTP application on cloudhub, I am getting response message as :
Service not available for request uri: /*
The same application works fine when I run it from my local anypoint studio embedded server.
Please could one help or have faced this issue ?

I assume you are using cloudhub url properly?


Postman rest client is giving 404 error every time in response

When I am running same url("http://localhost:4047/webServicesDemo/webapi/injectdemo/context") in tomcat configured in eclipse it it working fine. While getting 404 error every time in postman rest client.
Please put some light on it.
Thanks.enter image description here
Sometimes Apache does not work with other ports. You need to set the port of your google chrome in httpconfig file of Apache Server.

WSO2 BPS - BPMN API not working

I'm trying to use the REST API for BPMN following the documentation, but even the most basic requests such as
return the following error
I'm using BPS server 3.5.1 with Oracle JDK 1.8.0_77, as it was downloaded, with the only addition of a BPMN process to test its dashboard. The service is run as root (via sudo)
What can be done to fix this?
I tried it on postman and it works perfectly. Please choose the correct request type (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE), if not the following error will be thrown on the server side:;Ljavax/ws/rs/core/Response$Status$Family;)Ljavax/ws/rs/core/Response;

Weblogic deployed application calling webservice not working, but in Tomcat deployment works fine

I am facing problem in calling webservice in my project which is deployed in weblogic, but the same application works fine in tomcat deployment.
Error: Failed to access the WSDL at: XXXservices?wsdl. It failed with:
Response: '401: Unauthorized' for url: '://'.
But same works fine in Tomcat deployment.
I search in the net. people said, we need to force weblogic to use sun http handler, so written something like below. but its not works for me. handler = new;
URL wsdlURL = new URL(null, "", handler);
HttpResponse code 401 denotes that authorization has been refused for the credentials. By default, Weblogic has basic authentication enabled. You can disable it as follows
Setting the enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials Flag
To set the e enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials flag, perform the following steps:
Add the <enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials> element to config.xml within the <security-configuration> element :
Start or restart all of the servers in the domain. Please go through this link for good understanding

403 Forbidden error When calling webservice method from Application

Need help urgetly,
I am trying to access a web service from a remote computer. I am able to browse the web service link from the browser, and able to communicate from windows application But when i try to call from application which is hosted on IIS 6 on windows server 2003 getting HTTP 403 and some times 501 not implemented errors.
Please help me out.
Thanks In Advance.
I have Found the solution for my problem here.
Thanks to Gaurav.

SOAP Request fails with "Invalid service URL" error

My BlackBerry application consumes axis2 web services. SOAP POST HTTP request constantly fails with this error "Invalid service URL". I launch my app in 8800 simulator with ";deviceside=false" option specified. MDS is running.
I can't test my app on real device for now. Any help?
Problem solved. You need to add specific options to MDS configuration to make it work behind proxy. Here's an artical that describes the solution.