cherrypy 2.3.0 compatibale with Python 2.7.5? - centos7

How can I get cherrypy 2.3.0 to be compatible with Python 2.7.5? I am trying to run the Filelocker2 application. It is previously on an older server that is running centos 5. We created a new Centos 7 VM server, and are migrating Filelocker2 over to the new cent7 machine. However I am not able to find much info on this subject. I believe it must either be extremely simple so there isn't much documentation on it, or it's simply not possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Screenshot of the error message I receive when executing the python startup script for Filelocker2

FileLocker 2.6 requires CherryPy 3.2+.
But I'm not sure you really have FileLocker 2.6. There is no such code in lib.FileFieldStorage. You have to find out what versions you really have.


Versions of Python & Spark to work with VS Code Notebooks

I'm developing scripts for AWS Glue, and trying to mimic development environment as close as possible to their specs here. Since it's a bit costly to run a Notebook server/development endpoint, I set everything up on local machine instead, develop scripts on VS Code Notebook, due to its usefulness.
There're some troubles with Notebook setup due to incompatible versions between installed Python & Spark.
For Python, I have gone through some harsh time to clean up, and its version is 3.8.3 now
For Spark, I use the manual method with version of 2.4.3, since I plan to use Scala alongside at later time. I install the findspark package to load that version as expected.
And it doesn't work! The error was TypeError: an integer is required (got type bytes)
I've searched around, and people said to downgrade to Python 3.7 using pyenv, and I got 3.7.7 installed but still had the same error
As a last resort, I tried pip install pyspark. it's Spark 3.0.0, and works fine, but not as expected.
Hope there's someone have experiences of this matter
A better approach would be to install the glue dependencies on docker then ssh into that docker container using VS code to mimic exact glue local dev environment.
I've written a blog about the same if you like to refer

How do I update my h2o version on AWS working with flow?

I installed h2o using the AMI on the marketplace. It installed 3.14, and I am trying to update the version to the latest stable one of so my co-workers can use flow. How can I best do this?
I have tried uninstalling using
pip install
And directly by SSH-ing into my instance via terminal. However, even if it says "successfully uninstalled", it seems to keep reverting to the version 3.14.
I suspect there is a script at startup that is reinstalling and loading 3.14, but I can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated.

Step by Step install of wso2 EMM for Ubuntu

I've visited the wso2 website and the install instructions are very disjointed in that there is a lot of jumping around between pages. I've seen the following blog that seemed to streamline the instructions but it doesn't seem complete (plus it's out of date with the version it's installing) -
Has anyone seen step-by-step instructions on what needs to be done to completely setup wso2-EMM on a newly installed Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine with just the O/S on it and none of the pre-reqs installed yet? The blog I mentioned above seems to give a lot of the necessary apt-get install bits but doesn't mention anything about a database (yet the wso2 has a whole section on installing and using a database).
Thank you.
To try out WSO2 EMM you will only need to have JDK 7 or 8 [1] installed as minimum to start off the server. WSO2 products are build to run with OOB database which is H2. So to get things started and play around, I suggest that you install java and then start the pack to get things going.
To getting started all you need is JDK installed in your machine and setting the Java related environment variables like PATH, JAVA_HOME. You might have to install the correct version of JDK for the particular version of the EMM.

Rethinkdb chef solo cookbook

Is there any RethinkDB chef solo cookbook that allows one to install latest rethinkdb on ubuntu 14.04 / AWS.
I tried couple options, however it didn't help. - how to install latest version? - source compilation takes hours
I would appreciate any help regarding this.
Try the cookbook that is available from the community repository first:
It claims to be integration tested on Ubuntu. If it doesn't work under chef-solo, then I'd advise you to switch to local mode chef client instead.
Also checkout Berkshelf for managing cookbook dependencies. It's a standard tool in the chefdk
I updated rethinkdb-chef to work with the latest version of RethinkDB as well as removed the network portion of the .kitchen.yml file. I validated that this does work on CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 14.04.
I still need to write tests as well as documentation. As per Marks answer, try to use the community supported version 1st. I created this cookbook, so that I can customize it as per my needs with vFense.

How to deploy Django 1.3 site on Python2.7 running on 64-bit Windows 7?

mod_wsgi seems to be only available for win32.
I'm looking for a no cost solution.
EDIT: For Production environment
Top search result returned by 'mod_wsgi win64' on Google.