Updating values, one control to another - oracle-apex

History, I am an experienced PL/SQL dev learning to use Apex and struggling with some of the concepts. Before working with PL/SQL I worked with various platforms including Delphi and VB.
Problem, how to pick up the value set in component from another component. The object of the exercise is to make the report in an interactive grid change dependant on a value selected in a drop down, the value in the drop down being in the where clause as a bind var. My original setup for this did not work. After various experiments with this I produced this test case where the object is for the label to display the value selected in the drop down:-
Page view
P300_SELECT (left) is a simple drop down, unmodified with the default values. P300_SELECTED_VALUE is a label set to display the value in P300_SELECT:-
Component setup
This does not work! And it continues not to work when I change the source setup of the label to be STATIC VALUE and set the value to &P300_SELECT.
I have also tried adding a CHANGE dynamic action on the drop down to call refresh on the label, it still does not work! In desperation to confirm that the value was indeed changing for the drop down I added a second true action to the change event executing the following javascript:
Sure enough, this works showing that the event is firing and that the value is correct:-
Label no change, but alert message works...
Why does the label not update even with a refresh called on it?
What do I have to do to make this work?
Thanks in advance for your help!

To do this
1 - Create one dynamic action to start when you change the value of P300_SELECT.
2 - Now there is a lot of ways to do this step, but I will sugest to do in this way. Create one true action in this dynamic action, this true action is "Execute PL/SQL code". The code is:
In this true action put the item P300_SELECT in the field "Items to submit". And the item P300_SELECTED_VALUE in "Items to Return".
3 - Now create one more true action in this same dynamic action. This true action is "Refresh" and select the region of your report/IG.
***If the item P300_SELECTED_VALUE is just to test, so discard the first true action above and fill the field next of your select statement "Page items to submit" with the item P300_SELECT.
Why what you have try don't work?
1 - The source section is used to set the value when the page is loaded, this setup not affect changes after the page is loaded.
2 - The report is not refreshed because the item is not in the session after you change it.
Ex. https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=145797:15
Use this workspace to check something:
user: test
password: test
app: 145797
page: 15
login on: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=4550


Pass values between pages Oracle APEX

There is a problem transferring values between pages in the application. I have 2 pages on the first page there is a variable P9_ITEMID (when you run page 9, in this variable SQL Statement query writes the data). There is a second page 181. I want to move data from variable P9_ITEMID to variable P181_ITEM. To do this, I use the 'redirect to page in this application' option. But it doesn't work. Although I see in the variable P9_ITEMID there is data. But when you go to page 181 but P181_ITEM is empty. I would be grateful for help))
P9_ITEMID is a virtual variable that is not assigned to any column in the table. This mmin simply displays data. When I start the page, I see the data that was written to it due to the dynamic action
also i tried to write the value in P9 ITEMID this way
My code:
v_empname items.id%type;
select id into v_empname
from items where id = :P9_ITEMID;
apex_util.set_session_state('P9_ITEM_ID', v_empname);
when others then
apex_util.set_session_state('P9_ITEM_ID', null);
I'm assuming that you have created a button with action: 'redirect to page in this application' and you want the session value of a page item to be passed to the target page.
When an url is constructed using link builder, the link is built at page rendering time. It does not pick up any changes in session. Even when you set the session state in a dynamic action, it will not pick it up because the url is already rendered.
To pick up any changes on that page, it is necessary that the page item value is set in session state and this is done by the "page processing".So if you use "Submit Page" on the button and create a branch to redirect to the page it will behave the way you want.

Set Style by Dynamic Actions does not work

I would like to change the color of the Display Only text on a form depending on its value. As I read it, I have created a Dynamic Action to set it, but it doesn't work. To test it, I created a second True Action in the same place that sets the value of another item. This works, so the Action fired, but the color did not change. I tried coloring by a static value (f.e. green), but nothing changed. I have an another simple test project where this method works.
The APEX version is 21.1.6
If you check the properties of the display only item in the inspector you'll see that the actual page item has an input tag with attribute "hidden" so it is not displayed. Following the hidden element there is another tag with an element id of item_name_DISPLAY. That is where you want to set the style.
Page item "P33_DISPLAY_ONLY" of type "Display Only"
Dynamic action on change of "P33_DISPLAY"
True action of type "Execute Javascript" with code
$('#P33_DISPLAY_ONLY_DISPLAY').css({ color: "red" });
Note the id: it is P33_DISPLAY_ONLY_DISPLAY not P33_DISPLAY_ONLY
Add a client-side condition to each true action per color you want to set.

How to add a new record into an interactive grid using IG methods then set column's value using $s() api?

I am using Oracle Apex 18.2.
I have an interactive grid and a custom button to add a new row to the IG using,
apex.region("myRegionStaticId").widget().interactiveGrid('getActions').invoke('row-add-row'); then set a column's value using, $s("myColumnStaticId","2");. When I try it, it adds the first row without setting any columns' values and starts setting the value from the second row on. Even using selection-add-row or insert-record, there is always something with the first row. Here is a sample,
user = forhelp
pwd = forhelppwd
app = TEST
page = Add Row on top of an IG.
After a lot of talking and testing, I've found that $s with setTimeout isn't very reliable. I've set up page 7 again to demonstrate.
If you click the Rowaddrow button twice in rapid succession (the second time before the first setValue returns), the second row will not be initialized. I'll show you a workaround for this below, but you'll
If you lower the setTimeout to, say, 10 ms, and try focusing in the Expiry Date column before clicking the Rowaddrow button, you'll find it doesn't work. This means that, while the setTimeout of 100 ms works now, it could break in the future if the IGs internal logic changed. Unlikely but who knows.
For the moment, I would say that $s can only be reliably used to set a column value in an IG for the active row. When the row-add-row action adds a new record, it does make it active, but that is done asynchronously via setTimeout. This is because the IG is based on the flyweight pattern and there are a number of async (setTimeout based) heuristics that are built in to handle focus and blur events to correctly enable and disable rows and cells as needed.
I've found the following to be the most reliable solution. Unfortunately, it's more complex than what you had before - but it was the only way I could wrangle it all together. Feel free to use it or not. See page 8 for an example.
Right-click the custom Rowaddrow button and select Create Dynamic Action. Set the Name of the DA to rowAddRow button clicked. The When settings will automatically be configured for the click event on the button.
Select the action for the new DA. Set Action to Execute JavaScript and enter the following JavaScript in the Code attribute.
addRowClicked = true; // Global used to distinguish custom button click
this.triggeringElement.disabled = true; // Disable button to serialize access
Create a new Dynamic Action and set the Name to New row initialized. In the When section, set Event to Row Initialization [Interactive Grid], Section Type to Region, and Region to KITCHEN_SHARE_DTL.
Under Client-Side Condition, set Type to JavaScript expression and enter the following code in JavaScript Expression (which ensures the DA only fires for the click of the Rowaddrow button):
addRowClicked === true
Select the action for the new DA. Set Action to Set Value, Set Type to Static Assignment, and Value to 2. In Affected Elements, set Section Type to Column(s) and Column(s) to INGREDIENT_ID. This will replace the static assignment that was being done with $s. Ensure that Fire on Initialization is disabled.
Right-click the True branch for the DA and select Create TRUE Action. Set the Action to Set Value, Set Type to SQL Statement, and enter the following code in SQL Statement:
select MIN(EXPIRY_DATE) from stock
where ingredient_id = TO_NUMBER(:INGREDIENT_ID);
Set Items to Submit to INGREDIENT_ID and disable Escape Special Characters. In Affected Elements, set Selection Type to Column(s) and Column(s) to EXPIRY_DATE. Ensure that Fire on Initialization is disabled.
Right-click the True branch for the DA and select Create TRUE Action. Set Action to Execute JavaScript Code and enter the following JavaScript in the Code attribute.
addRowClicked = false; // Unset the global
$x('ADD').disabled = false; // Enable the button
Change the following code:
with the following one:
setTimeout(function(){ $s("INGREDIENT_ID","2"); }, 100);
It seems that the IG needs a little time to render the new row before you are able to change any value.

Oracle Apex dynamic action not firing on true condition

I have a page with two Interactive Grids. One shows Approved records. One shows Unapproved records. There is a button with processing underneath on each grid to set the selected rows to Approved/Unapproved respectively.
I want to hide these buttons based on if a user is an Approver. These values are store in some user managed tables.
I have a dynamic action on Page Load that runs the following and sets a page item to 1 / null depending on the return:
select 1 from users where upper(username) = upper(:APP_USER) and userrole = 'APPROVER';
Based on the value in the page item two dynamic actions fire on page load to set the buttons with
Client Side Condition: Item = Value: P1_PAGE_ITEM = 1
Now - on my local machine this works fine. I made the page item visible. Can see a 1 or null and the buttons are hidden/shown.
I moved this to a Development environment and now I get a warning about Unsaved Changes each time I click out of the page (doesn't happen on Local). And although I can see a 1 in the Page Item field the actions see this as False (I put an alert on to fire when true/false).
Question is: Why am I getting the unsaved changes warning on the new environment. And why would the actions see the field as FAlse.
I have compared all of the properties as best as I can and they seem identical. I have even arranged the sequence numbers to be identical in the two environments.
All thoughts welcome...
This doesn't need to be a DA that is modifying a field value, hence the alert.
Why not define a computation that executes during the render, and use that as a server side condition on your Dynamic Action?
Otherwise you've enabled a security threat, where the user can tweak some HTML to see the regions you've hidden.

How to set a value to an application item in oracle apex 5

I have several tabs. There is a date picker on each tab. I need that date to be the same on all tabs no matter what. So, if the user changes the date on Tab 1, then goes to tab 2, the date on tab 2 will have changed also. I have never created an application level item before and I thought that might be the most efficient way to accomplish what I need (by setting that item's value to the date the user selected). My problem is that I don't know how to set the value of the application item and also how to retrieve that value on another tab.
You didn't describe what exactly you're trying to do, but - if each tab represents its own table, why do you keep the same date value in all of them? Doesn't look like a normalized data model. Consider using a single date column (in one - master - table) and use (i.e. reference) it in others (i.e. details).
As of your question: How about creating a global page (i.e. page 0) and having a date picker item on it? You can display it on any other page you want. For example, if you set its value while on tab 1 and then move on to tab 3, you can again modify that value which will be visible on all other pages. Basically, you'd maintain just one item instead of as many as number of tabs involved. (BTW, doesn't that remind you of what I described in the first paragraph?).
Alternatively, create a date picker item on tab 1 page; on all other pages, create a "lookup" (display) item which would simply display what's been selected on tab 1. That's easy to do, just make its source to be an "Item", such as P1_DATE_ITEM.
In Shared Components > Application Items create new Item called G_DATE.
Then for every datepicker add Dynamic Action on Event Change.
In True action Set Value select Type PL/SQL Expression with code
and Items to Submit :P1_DATEPICKER1
Next in every datepicker Source set Type PL/SQL Expression with code
used Always (...)