SqlAlchemy: Join Two Tables With Not Equal Condition - python-2.7

I two tables (Loan_Contract and Loan_Amend) that have same column LoanID. My purpose is that I want to get all data from table Loan_Contract only if they are not exist in table Loan_Amend.
So I tried my query as below:
join(Loan_Amend,Loan_Amend.LoanID != Loan_Contract.ID).\
join(Loan_Amend,Loan_Amend.LoanID == Loan_Contract.ID).\
filter(Loan_Contract.ID != Loan_Amend.LoanID).\
However, either of query above returned all record from Loan_Contract even though LoanID exist in Loan_Amend.
What is correct way to archive result as expected above purpose? Thanks.

To get all Loan_Contract rows that don't have any Loan_Amend referring to it, you need to use a LEFT JOIN:
SELECT * FROM Loan_Contract LEFT JOIN Loan_Amend ON Loan_Contract.ID = Loan_Amend.LoanID
WHERE Loan_Amend.LoanID IS NULL;
Using SQLAlchemy:
session.query(Loan_Contract) \
.outerjoin(Loan_Amend, Loan_Contract.ID == Loan_Amend.LoanID) \


How to convert this SQL query to Django Queryset?

I have this query which selects values from two different tables and used array agg over matched IDs how can I get same results using the queryset. Thank you!
sf.id_s2_users ,
s2_followers sf
left join s2_post sp on
sp.id_s2_users = sf.id_s2_users1
sp.id_s2_post_status = 1
and sf.id_s2_user_status = 1
group by
You can run raw SQL queries with Django's ORM if that's what you wanted. You don't have to change your query in that case, you can check documentation here.

Check if all dates in database (sqlalchemy) are between two distinct dates

If I have created a Dates column in flask sqlalchemy and also stored some dates in it, how can I check if each and every one of these dates are between to dates that I choose
There are lots of ways to accomplish this. Here's one example.
The goal is to select all rows that have a date outside your desired range. If the result set is empty, all rows have a valid date. For good measure, we'll include any rows that don't have a date value in our "bad rows" query.
from sqlalchemy import select, or_
with Session.begin() as session:
my_start_date = '2022-01-01'
my_end_date = '2022-01-31'
query = select(MyTable).where(
or_(MyTable.date < my_start_date,
MyTable.date > my_end_date,
MyTable.date == Null)
results = session.execute(query).all()
Now you can take a look at the results and see what's up.
you can use between in your orm or plain query:
with Session.begin() as session:
my_start_date = '2022-01-01'
my_end_date = '2022-01-31'
q = session.query(table_name).filter(table_name.c.date.between(my_start_date,my_end_date))
select(table_name).where(table_name.c.date.between(my_start_date, my_end_date))

DAX Query Union Multiple Tables & Return Distinct

I have two tables (CompletedJobs & ScriptDetails) and using DAX, I want to return distinct Names that appear in CompletedJobs that do not appear in ScriptDetails.
Here is my SQL Query. Works and return values.
Select Distinct CJ.[Name]
From CompletedJobs CJ
Left Join ScriptDetails SD
ON CJ.[Name]=SD.ActivityName
Where SD.ActivityName IS NULL
I started with creating the following DAX query, but just doing this, I get the following error message:
"A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected"
AdhocJobs = DISTINCT(UNION(SELECTCOLUMNS(CompletedJobs,"Name",CompletedJobs[Name]),SELECTCOLUMNS(ScriptDetails,"Name",ScriptDetails[ActivityName])))
How do I create a DAX query that would replicate the SQL query?
Rather than recreate your SQL, there is DAX that already addresses your specific use case. The EXCEPT function returns a table where rows from the LEFT SIDE table do not appear in the RIGHT SIDE table.
SUMMARIZE ( CompletedJobs , CompletedJobs [Name]),
SUMMARIZE ( ScriptDetails , ScriptDetails [ActivityName])
In this case I used SUMMARIZE to reduce each table down to one column, and then wrapped them with EXCEPT to take only the Names from Completed Jobs that aren't ActivityNames in ScriptDetails.
Hope it helps.

How to phrase sql query when selecting second table based on information on first table

I have two tables I would like to call, but I am not sure if it is possible to combine them into one query or I have to some how call 2 different queries.
Basically I have 2 tables:
1) item_table: name/id etc. + category ID
2) category_table: categoryID, categoryName, categoryParentID.
The parent categories are also inside the same table with their own name.
I would like to call on my details from item_table, as well as getting the name of the category, as well as the NAME of the parent category.
I know how to get the item_table data, plus the categoryName through an INNER JOIN. But can I use the same query to get the categoryParent's name?
If not, what would be the mist efficient way to do it? The rest of the code is in C++.
SELECT item_table.item_name, c1.name AS CatName, c2.name AS ParentCatName
FROM item_table join category_table c1 on item_table.categoryID=c1.categoryID
LEFT OUTER JOIN category_table c2 ON c2.categoryID = c1.categoryParentID
SQL Fiddle: here

query builder select the id from leftJoin

I have a select field that fetch from an entity
and I would like to customize completely my select by choosing the table the id is picked from
(here I would like to select t.id instead of tl.id as the select value)
return $er->createQueryBuilder('tl')
->leftJoin('tl.lang', 'l')
->leftJoin('tl.type', 't')
->where('l.isDefault = 1')
->orderBy('tl.name', 'ASC');
Due to my tables, I can't simply fetch the table t, I have to use tl
Your query is not according to the syntax defined in Doctrine 2 QueryBuilder: http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.0/en/reference/query-builder.html
Your query might work in Doctrine 1.2 but in Doctrine 2 you should build your query according to the syntax defined in the link I posted above.
For example ->addSelect('l') is not being used in Doctrine 2 anymore. It has become ->add('select', 'l').
You don't have to set different alias for your column. It'll be hydrated as column of the related entity.