Implementing callback function within a class in C++ - c++

I would like to implement a workaround to use a non-static class as a call-back function. I am working with Eclipse Paho MQTT code. The following type is implemented and used as callback:
typedef void MQTTAsync_onSuccess(void* context, MQTTAsync_successData* response);
MQTTAsync_onSuccess* onSuccess;
onSuccess = myStaticCallback;
void myStaticCallback (void* context, MQTTAsync_successData* response)
//...callback actions...
I want to wrap this C API (without modifying the existing MQTT C API) and implement non-static / non-centralized callback function that belongs to an object/class.
typedef void MQTTAsync_onSuccess(void* context, MQTTAsync_successData* response);
class myMQTTClass
void myCallback (void* context, MQTTAsync_successData* response);
MQTTAsync_onSuccess* onSuccess;
void foo (void)
this->onSuccess = this->myCallback;
As you might guess, the code above causes the error:
cannot convert myCallback from type 'void (myMQTTClass::) (void*, MQTTAsync_successData*)' to type 'void (*)(void*, MQTTAsync_successData*)'.
Any guidance as to how to address this issue or any workaround is greately appreciated. I would be willing to provide any possible missing information. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Actual code with some omissions
namespace rover
typedef struct
char * clientID;
char * topic;
char * payload;
int qos; // 1
long int timeout; // Such as 10000L usec
} RoverMQTT_Configure_t;
class RoverPahoMQTT
RoverPahoMQTT (char * host_name, int port, RoverMQTT_Configure_t MQTT_Configure);
* #brief Host name used for connecting to the Eclipse Paho MQTT server
char * HOST_NAME;
* #brief Port used for connecting to the Eclipse Paho MQTT server
int PORT;
RoverMQTT_Configure_t rover_MQTT_configure;
/* Internal attributes */
MQTTAsync client;
* #brief Connect options
MQTTAsync_connectOptions conn_opts;
* #brief Disconnect options
MQTTAsync_disconnectOptions disc_opts;
static void onPublisherConnect (void* context, MQTTAsync_successData* response);
void onPublisherConnect_ (MQTTAsync_successData* response);
int rover::RoverPahoMQTT::publish (void)
this->flushFlags ();
this->conn_opts = MQTTAsync_connectOptions_initializer;
this->client = new MQTTAsync;
int rc;
char my_addr[20];
this->constructAddress (my_addr);
printf ("address: %s", my_addr);
MQTTAsync_create ( &(this->client),
MQTTAsync_setCallbacks(this->client, NULL, onConnectionLost, NULL, NULL);
conn_opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
conn_opts.cleansession = 1;
conn_opts.onSuccess = rover::RoverPahoMQTT::onPublisherConnect;
conn_opts.onFailure = onConnectFailure;
conn_opts.context = this->client;
if ((rc = MQTTAsync_connect(this->client, &(this->conn_opts))) != MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to start connect, return code %d\n", rc);
return rc;
/*printf("Waiting for publication of %s\n"
"on topic %s for client with ClientID: %s\n",
while (!mqtt_finished)
return rc;
void rover::RoverPahoMQTT::onPublisherConnect_(MQTTAsync_successData* response)
MQTTAsync_responseOptions opts = MQTTAsync_responseOptions_initializer;
MQTTAsync_message pubmsg = MQTTAsync_message_initializer;
int rc;
printf("Successful connection\n");
opts.onSuccess = onPublisherSend;
opts.context = client;
pubmsg.payload = &default_MQTT_configure.payload;
pubmsg.payloadlen = strlen(default_MQTT_configure.payload);
pubmsg.qos = default_MQTT_configure.qos;
pubmsg.retained = 0;
deliveredtoken = 0;
if ((rc = MQTTAsync_sendMessage(client, default_MQTT_configure.topic, &pubmsg, &opts)) != MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to start sendMessage, return code %d\n", rc);
void rover::RoverPahoMQTT::onPublisherConnect (void* context, MQTTAsync_successData* response)
rover::RoverPahoMQTT* m = (rover::RoverPahoMQTT*) context;

As clearly stated here, the callback has to be
registered with the client library by passing it as an argument in
and the context argument is a
pointer to the context value originally passed to
MQTTAsync_responseOptions, which contains any application-specific
I suggest a common interface for your classes, which provides a static method that matches the callback prototype:
class myMQTTClass
static void callback(void* context, MQTTAsync_successData* response)
myMQTTClass * m = (myMQTTClass*)context;
virtual void myCallback(MQTTAsync_successData* response) = 0;
You can now implement different behaviours in subclasses:
class myMQTTClassImpl : public myMQTTClass
void myCallback(MQTTAsync_successData *response)
std::cout << "success!!!" << std::endl;
Let's see how to use it:
int main()
myMQTTClass * m = new myMQTTClassImpl();
MQTTAsync_responseOptions options;
options.onSuccess = myMQTTClass::callback;
options.context = m;
Edit (refers to actual code posted):
In your publish method, this is right:
conn_opts.onSuccess = rover::RoverPahoMQTT::onPublisherConnect;
this is wrong:
conn_opts.context = this->client;
it should be:
conn_opts.context = this;

If you can use the context parameter to point to the object you want the callback to fire on you could simply make the callback function static and forward to an instance function. If the context parameter is needed for other data then I would use libffi to generate a closure and associate the object pointer with the closure's saved arguments.
There is no correct way to pass an actual instance function to that callback and be sure that it will work (even if you made the instance function be something like void MyCallback(MQTTAsync_successData*) and then forcibly cast that to the callback type you aren't guaranteed that the calling convention would match.
For the first (where you can use the context arg to point to 'this'):
class MyCallback
static void CallbackFunc(void * ptr, MQTTAsync_successData* data)
void RealCallback(MQTTAsync_successData*)
You would then assign &MyCallback::CallbackFunc to the function pointer.
libffi is quite a bit more complicated.


using a bytes field as proxy for arbitrary messages

Hello nano developers,
I'd like to realize the following proto:
message container {
enum MessageType {
evt_resultStatus = 1;
required MessageType mt = 1;
optional bytes cmd_evt_transfer = 2;
message evt_resultStatus {
required int32 operationMode = 1;
The dots denote, there are more messages with (multiple) primitive containing datatypes to come. The enum will grow likewise, just wanted to keep it short.
The container gets generated as:
typedef struct _container {
container_MessageType mt;
pb_callback_t cmd_evt_transfer;
} container;
evt_resultStatus is:
typedef struct _evt_resultStatus {
int32_t operationMode;
} evt_resultStatus;
The field cmd_evt_transfer should act as a proxy of subsequent messages like evt_resultStatus holding primitive datatypes.
evt_resultStatus shall be encoded into bytes and be placed into the cmd_evt_transfer field.
Then the container shall get encoded and the encoding result will be used for subsequent transfers.
The background why to do so, is to shorten the proto definition and avoid the oneof thing. Unfortunately syntax version 3 is not fully supported, so we can not make use of any fields.
The first question is: will this approach be possible?
What I've got so far is the encoding including the callback which seems to behave fine. But on the other side, decoding somehow skips the callback. I've read issues here, that this happened also when using oneof and bytes fields.
Can someone please clarify on how to proceed with this?
Sample code so far I got:
bool encode_msg_test(pb_byte_t* buffer, int32_t sval, size_t* sz, char* err) {
evt_resultStatus rs = evt_resultStatus_init_zero;
rs.operationMode = sval;
pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
/*encode container*/
container msg = container_init_zero; = container_MessageType_evt_resultStatus;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.arg = &rs;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.funcs.encode = encode_cb;
if(! pb_encode(&stream, container_fields, &msg)) {
const char* local_err = PB_GET_ERROR(&stream);
sprintf(err, "pb_encode error: %s", local_err);
return false;
*sz = stream.bytes_written;
return true;
bool encode_cb(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) {
evt_resultStatus* rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
//with the below in place a stream full error rises
// if (! pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) {
// return false;
// }
if(! pb_encode(stream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
//buffer holds previously encoded data
bool decode_msg_test(pb_byte_t* buffer, int32_t* sval, size_t msg_len, char* err) {
container msg = container_init_zero;
evt_resultStatus res = evt_resultStatus_init_zero;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.arg = &res;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.funcs.decode = decode_cb;
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, msg_len);
if(! pb_decode(&stream, container_fields, &msg)) {
const char* local_err = PB_GET_ERROR(&stream);
sprintf(err, "pb_encode error: %s", local_err);
return false;
*sval = res.operationMode;
return true;
bool decode_cb(pb_istream_t *istream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg) {
evt_resultStatus * rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
if(! pb_decode(istream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
I feel, I don't have a proper understanding of the encoding / decoding process.
Is it correct to assume:
the first call of pb_encode (in encode_msg_test) takes care of the mt field
the second call of pb_encode (in encode_cb) handles the cmd_evt_transfer field
If I do:
bool encode_cb(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) {
evt_resultStatus* rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
if (! pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) {
return false;
if(! pb_encode(stream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
then I get a stream full error on the call of pb_encode.
Why is that?
Yes, the approach is reasonable. Nanopb callbacks do not care what the actual data read or written by the callback is.
As for why your decode callback is not working, you'll need to post the code you are using for decoding.
(As an aside, Any type does work in nanopb and is covered by this test case. But the type_url included in all Any messages makes them have a quite large overhead.)

Incompatible pointer type error while setting directives in Apache server

I am trying to set a directive in Apache server using the example code in the section 'The directive handler function' at
Here's my code:
static const command_rec example_directives[] =
AP_INIT_TAKE1("exampleEnabled", example_set_enabled, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "Enable or disable mod_privet"),
AP_INIT_TAKE1("examplePath", example_set_path, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "The path to whatever"),
AP_INIT_TAKE2("exampleAction", example_set_action, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "Special action value!"),
{ NULL }
Handler for directives:
/* Handler for the "exampleEnabled" directive */
const char *example_set_enabled(cmd_parms *cmd, void *cfg, const char *arg)
if(!strcasecmp(arg, "on")) config.enabled = 1;
else config.enabled = 0;
return NULL;
/* Handler for the "examplePath" directive */
const char *example_set_path(cmd_parms *cmd, void *cfg, char *arg)
config.path = arg;
return NULL;
/* Handler for the "exampleAction" directive */
/* Let's pretend this one takes one argument (file or db), and a second (deny or allow), */
/* and we store it in a bit-wise manner. */
const char *example_set_action(cmd_parms *cmd, void *cfg, const char *arg1, const char *arg2)
if(!strcasecmp(arg1, "file")) config.typeOfAction = 0x01;
else config.typeOfAction = 0x02;
if(!strcasecmp(arg2, "deny")) config.typeOfAction += 0x10;
else config.typeOfAction += 0x20;
return NULL;
However, when I try to build, I get the following error:
error: initialization from incompatible pointer type [-Werror]
AP_INIT_TAKE1("examplePath", example_set_path, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, "The path to whatever")
Am I missing out on something?
Third parameter of example_set_path should be const char *arg
#define AP_INIT_TAKE1 ( directive,
help ) { directive, { .take1=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE1, help }
func is defined as...
const char *(* take1 )(cmd_parms *parms, void *mconfig, const char *w)

How to send a message to the class that created the object

I would like to send back data to class that create this object.
It's game related.
The enemy objects have a threaded function and move on their own in the scene.
It generates lots of errors if you include the header file from the class that creates to the objects into the object itself ... to pass pointers.
Enemy Class:
Class Enemy
void (*iChange)(DWORD &);
Enemy::Enemy(void (*iChangeHandler)(DWORD &) ) : iChange(0)
this->iChange = iChangeHandler;
void Enemy::Draw(D3DGraphics& gfx)
this->iChange(this->dwThreadID); // send a message back to the class that created me
gfx.PutPixel(this->my_position_x + 0,this->my_position_y,this->red,this->blue,this->green);
this->grafix->DrawCircle(this->my_position_x + 0,this->my_position_y, this->radius, this->red,this->blue,this->green);
(sprintf)( this->enemy_buffer, "X: %d, Y: %d", this->my_position_x , this->my_position_y);
this->grafix->DrawString( this->enemy_buffer, this->my_position_x , this->my_position_y, &fixedSys, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255, 0, 0) );
Game Class:
struct enemies_array_ARRAY {
std::string name;
Enemy* enemy;
} enemies_array[25];
void Game::EnemyEvent(DWORD &thread_id)
enemies_array[0]...... // i want to acces this struct array
Game::Game(HWND hWnd)
enemies_array[0].name = "john Doe";
enemies_array[0].ID = NULL;
enemies_array[0].enemy = new Enemy(&Game::EnemyEvent);
// error: C2664:
// another attemp
enemies_array[0].name = "john Doe";
enemies_array[0].ID = NULL;
enemies_array[0].enemy = new Enemy(Game::EnemyEvent);
// error C3867:
If I understand correctly, you want to call a function on the Game object. This means you need to pass a pointer to the Game object in order to correctly call a non static member function pointer(iChange) on it.
Make the changes shown below and you should be able to do what you want
enemies_array[0].enemy =  new Enemy(this,&Game::EnemyEvent);   
typedef void (Game::*ChangeFunc)(DWORD &)
Class Enemy
ChangeFunc iChange;
Game *pGame;
Enemy(Game *pCreatorGame, ChangeFunc iChangeHandler )
iChange = iChangeHandler;
pGame = pCreatorGame;
void Enemy::Draw(D3DGraphics& gfx)

how to create a php extension for an object?

I am working on a php extension for c++ classes. How to create a link to a method that accepts as parameter an object of a class?
Can you give me some examples?
I succedded to create a link to a method that accepts as parameter a string or int. But I don't know how to do this for a method.
Here is a short example:
PHP_METHOD(Class1, method_string)
Class1 *access;
char *strr=NULL;
int strr_len;
if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &strr, &strr_len) == FAILURE) {
access_object *obj = (access_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(
getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
access = obj->access;
if (access != NULL) {
std::string s(strr);
Use the zend API zend_parse_method_parameters():
ZEND_METHOD(ext_access_class, do_something)
zval* objid_this = NULL, objid1 = NULL;
// note: ext_access_class_entry and ext_param_class_entry are of type zend_class_entry*
if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "OO", &objid_this, ext_access_class_entry, &objid1, ext_param_class_entry) == FAILURE)
ext_access_class* const access_obj = (ext_access_class*) zend_object_store_get_object(objid_this TSRMLS_CC);
Class1* const access = access_obj->access;
ext_param_class* const param_obj = (ext_param_class*) zend_object_store_get_object(objid1 TSRMLS_CC);
Class2* const myobject = param_obj->myobject;
const bool ret = access->do_something(myobject);
I believe ZEND_API int zend_parse_method_parameters(int num_args TSRMLS_DC, zval *this_ptr, char *type_spec, ...); AND
ZEND_API int zend_parse_method_parameters_ex(int flags, int num_args TSRMLS_DC, zval *this_ptr, char *type_spec, ...); are the right API for retrieving the input parameters in the method.
I think the same API will help you accept an object as an input parameter.

How to make upnp action?

I want to implement port-forwarding using intel-upnp.
I got XML data like:
Device found at location:
service urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1
controlurl /upnp/control/WANIPConn1
eventsuburl : /upnp/control/WANIPConn1
scpdurl : /gateconnSCPD.xml
And now, I want to make upnp-action. But, I don't know how to make it.
If you know some code snippet or helpful URL in C, please tell me.
char actionxml[250];
IXML_Document *action = NULL;
strcpy(actionxml, "<u:GetConnectionTypeInfo xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp- org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1\">");
action = ixmlParseBuffer(actionxml);
int ret = UpnpSendActionAsync( g_handle,
I know this is an old question, but it can be kept for reference. You can take a look at the sample code in the libupnp library here:
The relevant code is in the function TvCtrlPointSendAction():
int TvCtrlPointSendAction(
int service,
int devnum,
const char *actionname,
const char **param_name,
char **param_val,
int param_count)
struct TvDeviceNode *devnode;
IXML_Document *actionNode = NULL;
int rc = TV_SUCCESS;
int param;
rc = TvCtrlPointGetDevice(devnum, &devnode);
if (TV_SUCCESS == rc) {
if (0 == param_count) {
actionNode =
UpnpMakeAction(actionname, TvServiceType[service],
0, NULL);
} else {
for (param = 0; param < param_count; param++) {
if (UpnpAddToAction
(&actionNode, actionname,
TvServiceType[service], param_name[param],
param_val[param]) != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
("ERROR: TvCtrlPointSendAction: Trying to add action param\n");
/*return -1; // TBD - BAD! leaves mutex locked */
rc = UpnpSendActionAsync(ctrlpt_handle,
TvServiceType[service], NULL,
TvCtrlPointCallbackEventHandler, NULL);
if (rc != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
SampleUtil_Print("Error in UpnpSendActionAsync -- %d\n",
rc = TV_ERROR;
if (actionNode)
return rc;
The explanation is that you should create the action with UpnpMakeAction() if you have no parameters or UpnpAddToAction() if you have parameters to create your action, and then send it either synchronously or asynchronously.