Trying to upgrade recaptch from v1 to v2 on Joomla 2.5 site - joomla2.5

I've inherited maintenance for a club site which uses reCaptcha v1 on a Joomal 2.5 (I'm also trying to upgrade to Joomla 3.x, but that is a separate issue). I'm very mucha a Joomla newbie, so be gentle.
I got an email stating
You are receiving this email because you are registered as a website administrator using reCAPTCHA, and your website is still using reCAPTCHA v1, which will be turned off on March 31, 2018.
I clicked the Developer guide in the link, and applied and received new keys. I have installed them into a subdomain test site. Before I overwrote the old keys, the captcha was working correctly. Now it is not, displaying only *captcha.
The google instructions also tell me to perform the following:
Paste this snippet before the closing tag on your HTML template:
<script src=''></script>
Paste this snippet at the end of the where you want the reCAPTCHA widget to appear:
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LdFhzUUAAAAAPmsD-junpPMr7AUh_TbI-lmx4PX"></div>}
I do not have a file called template.html and I am uncertain what "form" it is that I should paste the 2nd snippet.
Kindly help!

If you still haven't found a solution, I suggest that you try a fix/patch I prepared for a couple clients of mine that had the same issue. Basically, I have modified the code of the standard captcha/recaptcha plugin so it can support reCAPTCHA v2 keys (by default Joomla 2.5 supports only v1). I have also written down detailed instructions on how to call this plugin from 3rd party extensions, which may be necessary if you have at least one component that's calling the default captcha plugin. Here is the URL:
Disclaimer: I'm the author of this fix and I wrote it because I could not find a working solution elsewhere.

I have 2 suggestions of where to start.
Recent versions of Joomla have built-in support for reCaptcha. You enable it from System > Global Configuration > Site Settings > Default Captcha.
Settings and your keys are then configured in Extensions > Plugins > Captcha - ReCaptcha, and remember to enable the plugin when you are finished.
It's also possible that the reCaptcha on your site might be coming from a form extension. If the above doesn't solve your problem, what form extension are you using?


Need help to add front-end on slatwall eCommerce

I am trying to build the eCommerce store by using Slatwall and lucee. Slatwall is the ColdFusion based eCommerce framework. The admin part is working fine. But I could not create the user side. I also referred the slatwall documentation. But no luck I couldn't seen any clear example and document for adding the front end on slatwall. If anyone knows help me please?
Slatwall frontend document
As OP says, SlatWall has excellent $upport, that's where they make a living. You now have three choices for a front end:
1) Slatwall latest versions have their own integrated CMS now. I'd recommend you export your product info, install the latest Slatwall, import the data back in.
2) Load MuraCMS, an Open Source Content Management (i.e. front-end) system that has integration to Slatwall (or the other way round, IIRC)
3) Roll your own in ColdFusion after learning ins and outs of the Slatwall api. Not recommended unless you're already CF experienced and have some previous experience with an api, any api.
For completeness I am going to answer this question even though its months old, for anyone else that views this.
You have a couple options here but the easiest way:
There is a complete example of a fully implemented Slatwall site including product listing pages, shopping-cart, and checkout included with Slatwall.
You may view the sample site by visiting http://{yourslatwallsite}/meta/sample
On the sample site, you can choose from the menu to view your products, add them to your cart, or checkout. Make sure your products are both active and published in the admin or you will not see them on the sample site. If you go through the .cfm pages that makeup the sample site, there are many examples documented (as comments in the code). Note that the actual .cfm files will be stored in /public/views/xxx.cfm and the meta folder just references them. /public/views/templates/slatwall-productlisting.cfm for example has complete examples on listing products on the frontend.
The sample site is powerful enough that you could restyle it and use it as your store

Sitecore freezes when trying to define WFFM (Web Forms For Marketers) restricted placeholders

I have the latest version of WFMM (Web Forms For Marketers) for Sitecore. When I try to define the restricted placeholders from Desktop -> All Applications -> Web Forms for Maketers -> Restricted Placeholders everything freezes, including IIS.
I have no errors in the browser console or Sitecore's log.txt.
I has same issue with Sitecore 8.0 rev. 150621 (Update-4) and Web Forms for Marketers 8.0 rev. 150625. Sitecore Support helped me:
The //*[contains(#Allowed Controls, '{0}')] query runs on all items from the database. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
I changed the query to search items only under the root item: .//*[contains(#Allowed Controls, '{0}')]
Could you please follow the steps below to address the issue:
Copy the attached Sitecore.Support.406505.dll assembly to /bin folder.
Change the implementation class for forms:selectplaceholders command in forms.config file:
<command name="forms:selectplaceholders" type="Sitecore.Forms.Core.Commands.RestrinctingPlaceholders,Sitecore.Forms.Core" />
<command name="forms:selectplaceholders" type="Sitecore.Support.Forms.Core.Commands.RestrinctingPlaceholders,Sitecore.Support.406505" />
Here is the linked to the mentioned dll: Sitecore.Support.406505.dll
Restricting Placeholder dialog is an quick way to add WFFM sublayout form and view form to Allowed Controls field in placeholder settings. Selection of placeholders is maintained on last step of installation of module. Everything is already installed, you just need to follow manual poststeps(attach DB, etc). You can continue without solving this problem.
And if you don't have a huge amount of placeholders then it is quicker to do it using Allowed Controls field rather than trying to find root of the problem.

Can't Open Web forms for marketers Form Designer or Security Manager

I have had WFFM running on a Sitecore instance for a while, but it has recently stopped working. When I go to "Form Designer" on an existing form, I get the standard Sitecore "The requested document was not found" page.
Requested URL: /applications/modules/web
User Name: sitecore\admin
Site Name: shell
If the page you are trying to display exists, please check that an
appropriate prefix has been added to the IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in
the web.config.
Note that the requested URL is stated as /applications/modules/web instead of /applications/modules/web forms for marketers.
A lot of development has occurred on this site recently, so I'm not sure when exactly this started happening.
Additional: info:
Folder and file permissions are correct.
I've tried reinstalling the WFFM package, and made sure that all the files are in place.
Several processors have been added to the HttpBeginRequest pipeline, but I removed them all to test if they were the cause - they weren't.
I haven't upgraded Sitecore since WFFM was working and the version is correct.
No errors are logged
This also seems to be affecting the Sitecore Security Editor:
Requested URL: /appl
User Name: sitecore\admin
Site Name: shell
If the page you are trying to display exists, please check that an
appropriate prefix has been added to the IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in
the web.config.
Further investigation with this is making me think it is related to the Requested URL. I originally thought the the "Not found" page was displaying the requested url incorrectly. However, if I attempt to goto folder with spaces/fake page with spaces I get this error message:
Requested URL: /applications/fake folder with spaces/fake page with
User Name: sitecore\admin
Site Name: shell
If the page you are trying to display exists, please check that an
appropriate prefix has been added to the IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in
the web.config.
As you can see the Requested Url is correct in the error message. So in relation to my problem, I think maybe Sitecore is requesting the wrong URL in the first place.
Additionally if I go to the go the following url by typing directly into the browser, then the Security Editor opens as expected:
This is quite old now but I thought I'd provide an update for anyone else who encounters the problem.
Unfortunately, Sitecore support weren't able to help beyond pointing out that setting the addAspxExtension attribute to 'true' in the link provider seemed to solve the problem. This may have been acceptable except that extensionless URLs were important to the customer.
In the end I had to amend my link provider so that addAspxExtension is set to 'true' in the web config, and then I set it to false inside the GetItemUrl method for specified sites only.
So now whenever the context site is 'Shell' or 'Admin' etc, the extensions are added by default, but switched off in my main website.
Of course, this is a work around. I still don't know how to actually fix the problem
So the first thing that I am going to tell you is that I suspect that there is something wrong with your site declaration for Sitecore Modules. In your web.config, there's a site declaration for "modules_shell" and "modules_website". Those are where the code files that run the modules are usually located... a shell folder to run the parts that run in the Sitecore shell and a web folder to run the part that is accessed by the externally facing site. Please check your site declarations (and the form.config file) to make sure that you're not in live mode or something like that. I would definitely say that this is where you should start looking.
The next thing is to say that your comments about Sitecore not serving a url in the /sitecore/shell directory is really not surprising. Sitecore processes all requests unless you specifically tell it to ignore requests (like setting it in the IgnoreUrlPrefixes in web.config), it's going to try processing it. Like going to /sitecore/shell/applications gives me a layout error because it doesn't have anything set to handle that request. Now your error suggests that there is something wrong with Site declarations.. however, even if they were all right, it still wouldn't work.

Why doesn't Railo read the 'customtag' path like CFMX 6.1 does?

I am trying to migrate from CFMX 6.1 to Railo 3.1.
I have custom tags in this directory for CFMX 6.1
I copied the directory to
and added this mapping through the Railo administrator and also enabled the "Search subdirectories" setting.
I get this error the moment I try to access a page that calls anything from this directory:
invalid component definition, can't find mycfc
My Railo installation is deployed through GlassFish v3.
I see the error the moment this script is loaded:
mycfcinstance = createobject("component","mycfc");
In the legacy app that I try to migrate, a lot of CFCs have been stored in CFMX 6.1's customtag path.
First of all, Railo simply does not support search for CFC's inside the Custom Tag directory. Seems that it will, one day.
Second, it looks like small misunderstanding the meaning of the Railo CFC-based custom tags, which you can manage using that "Archives & Resources > Custom Tags" page in Admin. You can find more about it in Railo's blog, for example in these posts: part one and two.
As for the Railo workaround for this legacy app, I couldn't find the way to imitate desired behaviour.
It can be inappropriate, but maybe you will end with batch-replacing
and creating mapping in the Application.cfc or Admin.
So, if you want to put cfc somewhere in the application root.
this.mappings["/components"] = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "components";
Yes, it's not really matches your problem, just an example.

Using Redmine with an external Wiki?

We've got a company wiki running Mediawiki on our intranet that has been in use for a while. We just recently installed Redmine and are in the process of getting it configured just the way we like it.
I was wondering if there's any way to use our already existing wiki instead of the built-in one that comes with Redmine. We've got alot of articles & documentation written by non-developers and don't want to lose and/or re-import into another wiki (ie redmine's). The Wiki portion of redmine will not allow me to enter the url for the external wiki as it includes various illegal characters (mainly : and /)
Edit: As a temporary work around, I've just used each project main page on the "external" Wiki as the Projects "Home Page" in Red Mine, so far this is the best I've been able to figure out. You don't get Wiki access from the various issues & what not, but the link to our other Wiki does show under the Overview for each project now.
Btw, both of these are installed on the same physical box, a Windows 2003 Server, where Mediawiki was installed using a WAMP package, and Redmine was installed pretty much manually instead of using a stack like Bitnami.
Did you see this MediaWiki integration patch for Redmine? and its reference page I have not used it so im not sure if it meets your needs but it might be worth a shot. (Be sure to backup first)
The reference page says this about the patch:
Here's a patch for 0.7 that will add a
MediaWiki tab to your project settings
and integrate it into the issues
pages. You will also need to add:
is_mediawiki tinyint(1) NOT NULL
default '0', mediawikiurl
varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
mediawikinamespace varchar(255) NOT
NULL default ''
To the projects table for this to
I know you didn't want to import but just in case someone else did here is a rake file for importing MediaWiki pages into Redmine
We looked into this as an option since there are so many tools that work with mediawiki however we decided not to pursue the option since we already had so many issues and wiki pages in redmine. As far as I can tell, this patch replaces the existing redmine wiki input boxes with mediawiki boxes. This is done not only in the wiki section but also for issues and documents. We were afraid of:
Losing all of our existing wiki pages, and issue descriptions.
The whole thing breaking as Redmine updates are posted and installed.
We have found that the newest Wiki Extensions plug in has given us most of the features we wanted for the wiki part. It has comments, voting, tags, and many other things. It works well with the latest version of Redmine.
We still are trying to find a good way to import into the wiki all of our existing documentation from word.