Cannot compile resource for application manifest in C++ Builder 2006 - c++

I am trying to add the application manifest to a program built with C++Builder 2006, by following this article.
(The manifest is to obtain admin rights for my program, which contains "setup" in his name and so it triggers the “This program may not have installed correctly” warning).
I have the MyApp_Setup.exe.manifest in the project folder, along with the MyApp_Setup1.rc file, which is present in the project.
When i try to build, i get:
[RC Fatal Error] MyApp_Setup1.rc(1): File creation failed
What i'm doing wrong, or what should I do?
question edited 'cause i messed up the filenames and the output error didn't matched

Found the problem.
In the project options I always set an "_obj" output folder, but the resource compiler WANTS an existing "debug_build" folder to write the .res file.
It don't create the directory, hence the error in the file creation.
If i remove the "Obj" option, or once you have the "Debug_Build" folder present, everything compiles.


How to properly delete projects in PlatformIO?

I use PlatformIO with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
Now whenever I:
create a Project with a name X
close Visual Studio Code
delete the Project folder X
open Visual Studio Code
create a new Project with the same name X
I get an empty project with a main.cpp file as expected, but the IDE shows an error for the line:
#include <Arduino.h>
The Error says: "Include Error recognised. Update your includePath." (Translated)
However, if I try to build, it compiles just fine. Even uploading and running works.
This include error appears not only with Arduino.h but with all includes, even if the file is in the exact same location. And it appears in other files than just main.cpp as well.
Can you tell me why this happens? How can I reuse the project names of deleted projects? Or If I should not delete projects like this (delete the project folder), how else would I delete a project?
I tried this with multiple project names and different boards, always with the same result.
Things I tried so far:
I found a Folder .cache in the PIO directory. But unfortunately renaming it (after step 3) did not help: after restarting PIO it recreated the folder as expected but the error message is still here.
In the same location there is a file homestate.json that among other things contains the path to recently opened projects. I removed those entries without luck.
I am just starting out with VSCoode and PlatformIO so i can't tell you why all of what you are seeing is happening is happening.
I use VSCode v1.63.0 on Windows 10.
If you want to delete the old project name, reuse it or not, you can bring up the Command Palette under the View menu (Shift-Control-P for me) and search for Workspace: Remove Folder from Workspace...., it will only be listed if you have projects in the workspace. A list of projects will be displayed, selected which one to delete and click on it. There will not be a confirmation prompt.

C++ Windows Driver MSB3030 could not copy the file '' because it was not found

VS2017, SDK/WDK, C++ project
we have a c++ solution (driver) that is shared across developers via Team Foundation Services - (now called azure devops?).
When I perform a get latest source code, and want to rebuild the solution I get two MSB3030 errors:
"Could not copy the file "C:\path of my colleague his file" because it was not found."
I found it strange that I saw on one of the two errors a path of my colleague his pc. He works on C:\ I'm working on E:\
Unloading the project, I saw he path being set here:
<FilesToPackage Include="C:\path of my colleague\foo.xml" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
We cannot get this solution to build because of the MSB3030. First we have to clean the specific projects individually, rebuild it, then build another project etc.. a few steps to perform manually in the correct order , trial and error, drinking coffee, throwing bananas to the pc and praying that a monkey outputs the code correctly.
Has anyone seen somehting similar regarding MSB3030 errors?
On my pc I see the path of my colleague, but he doesn't see my path (strange!).
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(1699,5): error MSB3030:
Could not copy the file 'C:...' because it was not found.
I've set the Any CPU to x64 because it doesn't make any sense for c++.
C++ Windows Driver MSB3030 could not copy the file '' because it was not found
The reason for this issue is that the path of the ItemGroup is an absolute path in the project file:
<FilesToPackage Include="C:\path of my colleague\foo.xml" ...>
Regardless of whether your colleague has added this file to source control, when you pull the code from the TFS server to your local and put the code in a different local folder, the absolute path will bring you a lot of trouble, you need to manually check the code on the TFS server for this file and you need to modify the absolute path of this file in your project. But this problem will reappear after your colleague updates after you submit your code. Because an absolute path cannot be assigned to two different paths C:\ and E:\.
To resolve this issue, you need to change the absolute path to a relative path in the source code. Generally, we prefer to add this file to the Solution/Project folder, then use the MSBuild Macros $(SolutionDir)/$(ProjectDir) to specify it.
Check Common macros for build commands and properties for some more details.
Hope this helps.

Creation of the virtual directory failed with error: cannot write configuration file applicationhost.config

I'm just simply trying to open up a VS 2017 project. When I open the solution, I get the following error message:
Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:58051/failed with the error: Filename: \?\C:\Users\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Testing\Version 2.0.vs\config\applicationhost.config Error: Cannot write configuration file
I've checked the folders along the file path and they are not encrypted. All the folders along the file path have a black box for the Read Only attribute. When I go to the config folder and clear out the black box for the Read Only attribute and Apply the setting, I find if I exit and go back to the same folder, the black box reappears for the Read Only attribute. I've read that the black box doesn't really mean the Read Only attribute has been turned on. If the Read Only attribute was actually turned on, I should expect to see a check mark instead. However, this doesn't explain why I can't open the solution.
After I click the OK Button to the VS Error message, VS just says the solution is "(unavailable)" in the Solution Explorer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I too had this problem with my project files located on OneDrive. The way I resolved it was I renamed the applicationhost.config file located in the ".vs\config" directory of your root project directory then reloaded the web project. This will create a new applicationhost.config file.
I had the same error message sharing a project between 2 machines via OneDrive and fixed it as follows:
1 - Closed VS.Net
2 - Opened [myappnamefolder].vs\config\applicationhost.config in Notepad
3 - Searched the open file for the filename in my error message (In your case C:\Users\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Testing\Version 2.0.vs\config\applicationhost.config ).
It was found under system.applicationHost, sites, site name, application path, virtualDirectory - physicalPath
4 - Amended the physicalPath value to point to the valid path of the project's config file as above.
5 - Saved the applicationhost.config file
My paths were different because I had different home user directories on each machine. (User A & User B)
I have resolved this error with this way mention as below:
Go to on that path
When you reach on this folder "config"
in this folder we can see "applicationhost" file
Close the Visual studio existing project and delete the applicationhost file(see on Step 2 path)
Then open the existing project again, it will be reloaded automatically and work properly.
Had same problem then looked into vs\config\applicationhost.config and it was encrypted. I unencrypted file and solution loaded with no problems.
I've had this problem several times using VS 2017 with Onedrive. Resolved it by renaming the application.config and having VS recreate it. Just as well could have edited line in the file. See the Diff below as an example.
The config file is located in something like C:\Code\MyProject\.vs\config\.
I just encountered this error. I followed the steps in this answer:
When I tried to save my changes I realised TFS had marked the file as read-only, preventing VS from updating the value. Removing the read-only attribute fixed the problem.
None of the above worked for me. I ended up deleting and recloning the repo that was giving me problems. It then opened up just fine.
Windows 10 Defender was causing this for me. When I disabled control folder access it worked again. Odd, because it had been working with that setting on for a while.
my drives were different - but the main codebase was shared between the two machines - so on one it was in the d drive - so i mapped the parent subdirectory on the second machine to be the d drive ... which resulted in the same paths then on both ... i just had to open the solution from the d drive on the second machine

Where should i save codeblocks projects?

so i downloaded codeblocks codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup-TDM-GCC-481.exe
when i try to run main.cpp i get this error message:
Failed to open 'C:\Users\$imba\Documents\Codeblocks projects\test\main.cpp'.
this is a detailed summary of what i did prior to opening main.cpp
i selected the defaults all the way through the end. I created a seperate folder (called Codeblocks projects) in my documents to save the projects in.
now when i went to create a new folder, i selected console application, C++ and then i named my project test. i decided to create the project in the Codeblocks projects folder that i created. the resulting filename comes out to be C:\Users\$imba\Documents\Codeblocks projects\test\test.cbd
i then selected
GNU GCC Compiler,
'Create Debug Configuration: Debug'
output dir: bin\Debug\
object dir.: obj\Debug\
i selected create Release configuration,: 'Release'
output dir.: bin\release\
objects output dir.: obj\ Release
when i double click on main.cpp is when i get the error message
Failed to open 'C:\Users\$imba\Documents\Codeblocks projects\test\main.cpp'.
please help, i need this program for my course.
Try saving it in a folder in C:\, like C:\Cpp\. Code::Blocks may be having problems with the space or the $ in the file path.
I just created a new folder CB-Project under my D: drive where I have codeblocks installed.
You may want to look in the directory that you have CB installed in first, you may also find this in program file (x86) or the codeblocks sub directory. Look for a file named that may have proj or project in it's name. If you don't find it you can just create a new folder. You will have to put the new folder name in the CB path so it will find it.

Codeblocks cannot create output directory

I'm using Code::Blocks 12.11 in Widnows XP. I've been learning C++, so I haven't been working on any specific projects, just individual files. I'm trying to debug one of these files, but found from this question that I needed to be in a project in order to debug. So, I created a project for all of my C++ practice files. Now, when I try to debug (or run) the program, Code::Blocks gives me this error: "Can't create output directory bin\Debug.
When I remove the file from the project it still gives me this error. What can I do to try to fix this so that the program can run and debug?
Additional information:
In Settings>Compiler>Global Compiler Settings>Compiler Settings>Compiler Flags, I have enabled "Produce debugging symbols [-g]". This is something that a lot of other resources I've checked have mentioned.
Also, under Debug>Active Debuggers, I've tried using both debuggers, both of which produce the same error message.
Why don't you try to remove the entire project directory, create an empty project and then place the source files one by one into the project. Beware if you have a main() method in each of your source files.
Well, a friend of mine was getting the same error. So I decided to check it out.
I my case, the error was because of the account user name.
When I checked, the output directory while creating the file and the one in the error being shown, were different.
When I checked, I created an user account name with "$aaa$", and I got the same error.
and I noticed that the error was because of the "$" sign. (Probably).
So, I guess the problem is with the user name. Try changing the user name to something simple.