Workflow for developing and publishing a Foundation template with Hugo and GitHub pages? - zurb-foundation

I'm creating a website which shall be hosted on GitHub Pages using Hugo as a static site generator.
The Hugo theme itself is being developed using the Zurb template of Foundation 6. In order to track any changes to the theme I've set up a local Git repository which will later be pushed to GitHub for maintaining the template. Let's call this repo1.
Additionally I would like to make my Hugo theme available for others. Let's call this repo2.
I have some trouble understanding a possible workflow. Here is what I have in mind:
Make changes to the Zurb template and commit them to repo1.
The Foundation CLI will compile the template to the dist/ folder.
The recompiled content is "promoted" to update the Hugo theme in repo2.
Additionally the final GitHub pages site is updated with the new Hugo theme.
I habe some trouble puttings this into words but maybe you get the basic idea.
Are there any recommended workflow and setups for developing and publishing a Foundation template in combination with Hugo and GitHub pages?


why is my hugo site not building on github pages?

So my hugo site is working on localhost and doesn't work on github pages.
My repo is at:
You can follow the Hugo documentation "Host on GitHub", but you would need two different repositories:
As mentioned in the GitHub Pages documentation, you can host a user/organization page in addition to project pages.
Here are the key differences in GitHub Pages websites for Users and Organizations:
You must use a <USERNAME> to host your generated content
Content from the main branch will be used to publish your GitHub Pages site
This is a much simpler setup as your Hugo files and generated content are published into two different repositories.

Zurb Foundation Docs and Demo site - Create local copy?

Zurb broke their documentation site for V4.3.2 of Foundation. Unfortunately, I have a site using that version that can't be upgraded. I need ongoing, reliable access to see the docs and examples/demos for that version. Is there a way to install those on my own system, like Telerik allows you to do that with their controls?
That way I wouldn't have to depend on Zurb keeping the docs working for old versions of Foundation.
For a short term fix I used the web archive:
to access the site.
Once Zurb gets their site back up, I'll update this answer if I figure out how to duplicate their doc site locally.

keep gh-pages automatically up to date

I have this project with a gh-pages branch setup.
The web content inside of it was published via gh pages generator function.
It s really just the to index.html + layout.
Now i would like this web content to be synced with my updates.
As a matter of fact, gh pages functionality requires to go through the github web ui to trigger the build.
Indeed, i made a test change on my readme, pushed it on master, but the published website remains the same.
See the commit
The test wording won t be find into the site
Q: how can i do to automatically triggers the rebuild of my pages ?
Ideally, with just a call to a github api.
Would like not to do a plain setup of jekyll.
If not possible, can you provide a 3 steps command way to build the pages using a free theme and the of my project ?
You could use Travis CI or another CI system to do automatic updates to you gh-pages branch. This Github Gist has a complete and detailed explanation of the process. You can easily combine those instructions with these on how to restructure your index.html etc. to allow to Jekyll updates and automate everything.
I don't think that the raw Github Page Generator is available through the Github API, but I'm pretty sure that the Github Page Generator is just using Jekyll.
Only gh-pages branch content is published.
If you push to master branch this doesn't trigger the build for gh-pages branch.
If you want to update you published pages, you have to push to gh-pages.
At, which is the gh-pages site for the repo for agentscript, I simply:
Created an automatic page via github's Automatic Generator
Replaced the static readme text in index.html with html generated by the current readme
..By using a library that converts md to html.
I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. I could supply more details if needed.
thanks to all for your contributions, I ended implementing my own solution.
Basically its a bunch of sh scripts to execute over vagrant, docker, travis etc.
For now on I provided all you need to generate, with a vagrant box or a travis yaml, your gh-pages with the cayman theme like the github service does.
It is available at
The generated site is here
If you want to use another theme, you will need to ensure the jekyll configuration in _config.yml is correct.
You may also need to update the template files of the selected theme, at least for cayman theme i needed to.
All those adjustments are to implement into a file to put on the root of your repository to generate.
That's it!

What are the respective purposes of the and ember-cli websites?

I am a bit confused regarding the ember websites "" and "". Isn't ember-cli now a part of emberjs and documented at ""? If so, why have a different website for ember-cli? Also, why do the sites differ regarding the versions of the prerequisite JS frameworks? For example, the getting starting page says to use Node.js 0.12 or higher while the site says to use the latest stable version of Node (version 4.0.x).
the getting starting page says to use Node.js 0.12 or
higher while the site says to use the latest stable
version of Node (version 4.0.x).
Seems like is out of sync, you can create issue on website repository on GitHub or hope that it's already created and it will be resolved shortly. Also, there was as issue with bufferutil in Ember CLI + node.js 4.0, so they might wait until it's resolved, but for some reason it's recommended on
Isn't ember-cli now a part of emberjs and documented at ""?
It isn't part of Ember.js. It's part of Ember.js ecosystem. It's recommended tool to work with library and that's why examples in guides assume that you're using Ember CLI. But, you could also use Ember.js without Ember CLI by loading jQuery, Ember.js, Ember.js template compiler and working on globals.
Ember.js documents everything about library itself, how logic behind library works, core concepts. You have components, routing, controllers, models explained there, but you won't find information there how to add CoffeeScript to your project.
Ember CLI website documents everything about Ember CLI, which is tool that provides:
asset pipeline
a strong conventional project structure
powerful addon system for extension.
You can see in user-guide that it documents possible build configurations, how to make SASS or CoffeeScript working in your environment etc.

How can develop module in Sitecore?

I have started Sitecore learning few months ago.That time first question come in my mind is that how can I develop module? but can not able to find documentation. Can anybody provide me documentation how can I develop custom module?
If you mean you would like to create a module for the Sitecore marketplace, as others have done, then the process is fairly simple.
Write your code (ASCX, ASPX, CS, JS, etc.)
Create your Sitecore items (Layouts, renderings/sublayouts, custom buttons, etc.)
Create your configuration files (if necessary) for the App_Config\Include folder.
Build your solution and test it in a Sitecore instance locally.
Package the published files and item together using the Sitecore packaging utility.
Contribute your module on the marketplace and upload the package for review.
What you are hoping to achieve here is that another person could grab your package, install it on their system, and be able to use it without needing to recompile your source code.
If you want to develop a module, come up with the idea and then build it.
You can then submit it to the Sitecore a Marketplace under the contribute section.
Typically you'll submit a package to this section and documentation on how to setup and use the module.
Sitecore will then test the module and inform you whether it is suitable for the marketplace. Your module will then be published on the marketplace ready for others to download.
When developing your module you should consider compatibility with Sitecore versions, and you should also test it thoroughly.
Here's some more info on best practices when building modules: