Removing my own users ACL permisions - baqend

I have an app where multiple users are allowed to edit the data of an object, let's just say user A, B, and C. All with both Read and Write explicitly defined on the objects ACL.
When I'm logged in as user A, I can remove access for user B and C... but when I try to remove myself it throws an error:
CommunicationError {message: "The permission modification is not valid.", name: "CommunicationError", cause: {…}, reason: "Invalid Permission Modification", status: 462, …}
Is there a way to allow a user to remove his own ACLs? And if not, given this code, how can I catch this error and do alert("You can't remove your own access to this company, please have an associate remove you or contact our support team.") ?
removeManager(event, id) {
.then((company) => {
return company.update()
.then(() => {
return company.partialUpdate()
.remove("managers", id)
.then(() => {

not being able to revoke the user's own access is by design, because users could not undo this operation afterward.
That said, there is a way to get around this if you really want that:
You need to give read and write access to the node role. This way the object can always be accessed from backend code.
You write a backend code that revokes the access of the currently logged-in user (
If you prefer to catch the Exception and show an error message you can do it like this:
.catch(e => {
if (e.status == 462) {
// show message
I hope this answers your question.
Regarding your code above you could use deleteReadAccess(id) instead of denyReadAccess(id) (the same for write access). With denyReadAccess(id) you are creating an additional deny rule, so you end up with an allow rule for UserX and a deny rule for UserX, so it is better to just revoke the access by deleting the allow rule. (For an explanation of allow and deny rules see this answer)


Access permissions on AWS API Gateway

I'm building an application where some data within DynamoDb can be accessed by users over a Rest API.
What I have in mind is:
User accesses API Gateway, authenticated by a Cognito user pool;
API Gateway invokes a Lambda function (written in Python);
Lambda function accesses DynamoDB and returns data.
I'd like to be able to restrict the level of access to DynamoDb according to the user. Initially I thought that the Lambda function could inherit its permissions from the user, but this doesn't work because it needs an execution role.
What is the best way of achieving this? For example, can I pass user information to the Lambda function, which in turn can assume this role before accessing DynamoDb? If so a code example would be appreciated.
Take a look at SpaceFinder - Serverless Auth Reference App and Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers
With Cognito you can use RBAC:
Amazon Cognito identity pools assign your authenticated users a set of
temporary, limited privilege credentials to access your AWS resources.
The permissions for each user are controlled through IAM roles that
you create. You can define rules to choose the role for each user
based on claims in the user's ID token. You can define a default role
for authenticated users. You can also define a separate IAM role with
limited permissions for guest users who are not authenticated.
so you can create specific roles for each user, although it would be better to use groups
With Lambda authorisers you create your own policy. An example is in awslabs.
In addition to blueCat's answer, I briefly tried giving my Lambda function sts:AssumeRole permissions, and then allowing it to assume the role of the Cognito user that invoked it via the API. I can then use this to get a new set of credentials and carry out some activity with the Cognito user's permissions. Roughly the code inside the lambda is:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
sts_client = boto3.client('sts')
role = event['requestContext']['authorizer']['claims']['cognito:roles']
cognito_role = sts_client.assume_role(
credentials = cognito_role['Credentials']
sess = boto3.session.Session(
# Do something as the assumed user, e.g. access S3
s3_client = sess.client('s3')
# Do stuff here...
Although this works I found that there was roughly 0.5s overhead to assume the role and get the S3 client, and I can't re-use this session between invocations of the function because it is user-specific. As such this method didn't really suit my application.
I've decided instead to give my Lambda full access to the relevant DynamoDb tables, and use the Cognito user groups plus a Lambda authorizer to restrict the parts of the API that individual users are able to call.
I dealt with this issue also but I implemented my solution with Node.js and I figured that although your question is for a Python implementation, then maybe someone would stumble upon this question looking for an answer in JS and I figured this could help out the next person who comes along.
It sounds like you're trying to come up with an effective Authorization strategy after the user has Authenticated their credentials against your Cognito User Pool using custom attributes.
I created a library that I use to export a few functions that allow me to capture the UserPoolId and the Username for the authenticated user so that I can capture the custom:<attribute> I need within my lambda so that the conditions I have implemented can then consume the API to the remaining AWS Services I need to provide authorization to for each user that is authenticated by my app.
Here is My library:
import AWS from "aws-sdk";
// ensure correct AWS region is set
region: "us-east-2"
// function will parse the user pool id from a string
export function parseUserPoolId(str) {
let regex = /[^[/]+(?=,)/g;
let match = regex.exec(str)[0].toString();
console.log("Here is the user pool id: ", match);
return match.toString();
// function will parse the username from a string
export function parseUserName(str) {
let regex = /[a-z,A-Z,0-9,-]+(?![^:]*:)/g;
let match = regex.exec(str)[0].toString();
console.log("Here is the username: ", match);
return match.toString();
// function retries UserAttributes array from cognito
export function getCustomUserAttributes(upid, un) {
// instantiate the cognito IdP
const cognito = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({
apiVersion: "2016-04-18"
const params = {
UserPoolId: upid,
Username: un
console.log("UserPoolId....: ", params.UserPoolId);
console.log("Username....: ", params.Username);
try {
const getUser = cognito.adminGetUser(params).promise();
console.log("GET USER....: ", getUser);
// return all of the attributes from cognito
return getUser;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR in getCustomUserAttributes....: ", err.message);
return err;
With this library implemented it can now be used by any lambda you need to create an authorization strategy for.
Inside of your lambda, you need to import the library above (I have left out the import statements below, you will need to add those so you can access the exported functions), and you can implement their use as such::
export async function main(event, context) {
const upId = parseUserPoolId(
// Step 2 --> Get the UserName from the requestContext
const usrnm = parseUserName(
// Request body is passed to a json encoded string in
// the 'event.body'
const data = JSON.parse(event.body);
try {
// TODO: Make separate lambda for AUTHORIZATION
let res = await getCustomUserAttributes(upId, usrnm);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:primaryAccountId: ", res.UserAttributes[4].Value);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:ROLE: ", res.UserAttributes[3].Value);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:userName: ", res.UserAttributes[1].Value);
const primaryAccountId = res.UserAttributes[4].Value;
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log("This call failed to getattributes");
return failure({
status: false
The response from Cognito will provide an array with the custom attributes you need. Console.log the response from Cognito with console.log("THIS IS THE Cognito response: ", res.UserAttributes); and check the index numbers for the attributes you want in your CloudWatch logs and adjust the index needed with:
Now you have an authorization mechanism that you can use with different conditions within your lambda to permit the user to POST to DynamoDB, or use any other AWS Services from your app with the correct authorization for each authenticated user.

Can you manually set 'phone_number_verified' to true on an AWS Cognito user, without having the end user need to interact with your web-app?

We just solved an issue where entering a wrong phone number (starting digit was missing) resulted in 'phone_number_verified' defaulting to false. Now that the issue is resolved, we do still have a lot of registered users who have had an activation sent to them (and entered said code) whose statuses are CONFIRMED in AWS Cognito, but have the 'phone_number_verified' property still set to false. Is there any way to edit this property in bulk / per user in Cognito itself or is there an API call that needs to be made? Or any solution that does not require the end user to go through the activation process again themselves.
(Further Info)
- AngularJS as Front-End
- Node v6.9 as Back-End
The recommendation here is that the users should call GetUserAttributeVerificationCode and receive a code to verify the phone/email which is then supplied to VerifyUserAttribute. This will ensure that if their numbers are verified.
Although if you are sure that all of their numbers are verified, you can use AdminUpdateUserAttributes to mark them verified. We do not have a batch API right now.
The phone number verified can be set to true by using the following example payload:
let parameters = {
UserPoolId : `${USER_POOL_ID}`,
Username : `${Username}`,
UserAttributes : [
'Name': "phone_number" ,
'Value': `${phoneNumber}`
'Value': "true"
cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminUpdateUserAttributes(parameters,function (err, result) {
console.log("Attribute updated successfully");

Meteor share sessions data between client and server

I'm building a restricted signup. I want user with a specific code passed in a url to be able to signup and not others. I'm using the accounts package.
I can prevent account creation in the Accounts.onCreateUser method. I'm looking for a way to tell the server if the client had an authorised signup code. With a classic form (email+password) I can just add an extra hidden field. How can I achieve the same result if the user signs up with let's say Facebook?
Since Meteor doesn't use cookies, I can't store this info in a cookie that the server would access. Session variable are not accessible server side. And since I'm not controlling what got send with the account-facebook creation, I can't use a Session variable on the client side that I'd pass along when the user presses sign up.
Any idea"?
Just add the special token to the user object being passed to Accounts.createUser():
var user = {
email: email,
password: password,
profile: {
token: token
Accounts.createUser(user, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
On the server side you can access this in the Accounts.onCreateUser():
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
I think it's in the options variable that you will find your token, so it would be options.profile.token.
for me, the best option here was passing in custom parameters to loginbuttons.
see the package docs:
Where it outlines the below:
accountsUIBootstrap3.setCustomSignupOptions = function() {
return {
mxpDistinctId: Session.get('mxpdid'),
leadSource: Session.get('leadSource')

Facebook PHP SDK 4.0 - Cannot re-ask read permissions once denied

I'm currently asking users for two read permissions i.e. email and user_location and one write permssion i.e. publish_actions. Following is the code snippet I'm using to verify if the user has granted all requested permissions:
$facebook = new Facebook(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI);
if ( $facebook->IsAuthenticated() ) {
// Verify if all of the scopes have been granted
if ( !$facebook->verifyScopes( unserialize(SCOPES) ) ) {
header( "Location: " . $facebook->getLoginURL( $facebook->denied_scopes) );
Facebook is a class I've customly built to wrap the login flow used by various classes in the SDK. IsAuthenticated() makes the use of code get variable to check if the user is authorized. verifyScopes() checks granted permissions against SCOPES and assings an array of denied scopes to denied_scopes property. getLoginURL()` builds a login-dialog URL based on permissions passed as an an array as a only paramter.
Now, the problem is when the user doesn't grant write permissions, publish_actions in this case, write permission dialog is shown until user grants the write permission. But if the user chooses to deny of the read permissions, say email, the read login dialog isn't show. Instead Facebook redirects to the callback URL (that is REDIRECT_URI) creating a redirect loop.
The application I'm builiding requires email to be compulsorily provided but apparently the above approach (which seems to be the only) is failing. So, is there a workaround or a alternative way to achieve this? Or Facebook doesn't allow to ask for read permissions once denied?
As of July 15, 2014, an update has been made to the Facebook PHP SDK 4.x that allows user to re-ask the declined permissions. The function prototype of getLoginUrl() now looks like this.
public function getLoginUrl($redirectUrl, $scope = array(), $rerequest = false, $version = null)
So, to re-ask declined permissions we'd do something like this:
// ...
$helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper();
if ($PermissionIsDeclined) {
header("Location: " . $helper->getLoginUrl( $redirect_uri, $scopes, true );
// ....
For the time being you can append &auth_type=rerequest to the getLoginUrl return value to enable a rerequest, kind of lame but it works.
$helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper($app_url, $app_id, $app_secret);
$login = $helper->getLoginUrl(array('scope'=>'user_likes', 'user_location'));
print $login."&auth_type=rerequest";
what about getReRequestUrl(); ?
That works just fine.

Facebook - Are granted permissions cumulative?

From Facebook Best Pratices I've understand that I should request a minimum set of permissions on the initial login page and delay the request of extended permissions for when they are really required.
For example. Say that my original login request for two extended profile properties:
<fb:login-button show-faces="true" width="200" max-rows="1"
scope="user_photos, friends_photos">
Now, at some latter point, the user wishes to upload a photo back their profile using my app (which requires publish_actions).
As I understand it my App have to:
Check if the user have already granted that permission (say, with FB.api('/me/permissions')) to avoid triggering a login flow for no reason
Ask for the new permission by means of performing a new login:
FB.login(function(response) {
// handle the response
}, {scope: 'publish_actions'});
Perform a second permission check to see if the user have granted the new permission. If the user have granted the new permission perform the upload, else display some kind of error message explaining to the user that he should grant the new permission before being able to upload.
And my doubts are:
On the second step outlined above, should I ask only for publish_actions or should I also request already granted permissions?
{scope: 'user_photos, friends_photos, publish_actions'});
I'm using a Login on Client, API Calls from Server model:
So, at the moment that I request the new permission, my server will be holding a long-lived access token with the two initial permissions (user_photos, friends_photos). If the user grants publish_actions, am I supposed to go through the entire server side token exchange process again (using the new short lived access-token) before uploading?
GET /oauth/access_token?
Or will the new permission be promptly available for the long-lived token?
Answering my own question to anyone facing the same problem.
Yes, granted permissions are cumulative.
Should I ask only for publish_actions or should I also request already granted permissions?
I only need to ask for new permissions. Previously granted permissions remain available.
If the user grants publish_actions (with FB.login), am I supposed to go through the entire server side token exchange process again (using the new short lived access-token) before uploading? Or will the new permission be promptly available for the long-lived token?
The client side call to FB.login suffices. If the user grants publish_actions I can use the previously stored server side token to post content.
One small gotcha: When you call FB.login the user may skip the permission again (and it will return response.status === "connected"). So I had to actually double check for permissions:
Function to check permissions with callbacks:
function checkPermissions(perms, callback, failCallback) {
FB.api('/me/permissions', function (response) {
var fbPerms =[0];
var haveAllPermissions = true;
if (typeof perms === 'string') {
perms = [ perms ];
for (var i in perms) {
if (fbPerms[perms[i]] == null) {
haveAllPermissions = false;
if (haveAllPermissions) {
} else {
Assuming that photoUpload is a function that requires the publish_actions permission, here is the usage pattern that worked for me:
// First check
// If the required permissions have already been granted
// call the desired method
// else
function () {
// Asks for permission
FB.login(function () {
// double check - the usar may have skiped the permission again
// if the user granted the permission, call the desired method
// else cancel everything and warn the user
function () {
alert("Can't post without permissions");
}, {scope: "publish_actions"});