Unable to Open Visual Studio professional 2017 project connected to TFS online - visual-studio-2017

Unable to sign into TFS online using visual studio professional 2017 v15.2 (26430.14) - Visual Studio locks up few seconds after login dialog appears...
Seems sign-in dlg is displayed as VS attempts to connect to TFS online; but no matter what you do you get locked up 3 secs later.. No matter what... end result is me killing the process and left unable to access any project.
THE ONLY WAY OUT I did figure out that if you cancel(esc key) the dlg closes before it hangs. you can THEN connect to TFS via team/menus. life saver.
does anyone know why this happens or how to correct..? seems intermittent but sometimes lasts for days.. meaning, I have to do this on every startup; but then magically the problem goes away. An associate of mine also sees this problem.

It looks like this issue is resolved with the latest VS2017 update (15.0.26430.16).
I'm not sure what version you are running, but try updating as it worked for me.


The setup for this installation of visual studio is not complete, really?

I have been using Vs 2017 for several months on dev machine. This fine morning says setup incomplete. Am I missing something?
In this case you need to go to Control Panel => Programs and Features and choose Visual Studio and update it.
VS 2017 (15.6.6) was fine for me on Friday 6/1/18 on Windows 10, but same issue as OP today after a restart.
As suggested by the dialog and Retired Ninja, I ran the Visual Studio Installer (to 15.7.3 after updating VS Installer) and that fixed it.
Note that the 15.7.3 update was a 7.73 GB download. Your download size may vary.
This has happened to me for the last 3 upgrades in Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 (now again on upgrade to 15.9.21).
The fastest fix (and I'm not sure why) is simple and doesn't bomb your settings or take for ever.
In the Visual Studio Installer, click on Modify.
Click "Modify" on the bottom right corner.
Yes it says "Total space required 0 KB".
Yes you didn't really change anything.
It will then act like it is downloading something. (not sure what)
It will then act like it is installing something. (again, not sure what)
Open Visual Studio 2017 and it works.
Hope this helps.
If you have an offline installation like me and can't simply re-run the Visual Studio Installer you can edit devenv.isolation.ini and change the last line to read SetupFinished=true. It will detect your trickery and complain, but at least it will launch again.
Edit: I ended up getting the Visual Studio Installer to fix the issue after choosing the "Download then Install" option. Maybe I was too impatient when I initially stopped the update? My above answer is useful when you need to get work done that isn't affected by the broken features, but you will likely encounter problems later on.
just had the same problem (without any reason with) vs 2019 prof, after googling and reading on that topic, just went to vsix, looked for some individual component to install/uninstall, randomly picked cloud explorer, uninstalled it and some dependent components and VS 2019 prof started normally
decided to leave this here. may be it helps somebody
Solved: I did following steps, run the visual studio and it works for me.
In my case visual studio was working fine , I just restarted the PC, this popup was keep coming when I try to open visual studio.(in my case I was using VS 2019)
Go to this path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE"
Open devenv.isolation.ini, set SetupFinished=true and save.
Now open visual studio.
In my case did following steps:
Clear temp files (you can %temp% in run command and Shift+Delete files)
Restart your computer
Open visual studio it will work properly.
Update: Faced problem again after couple of days, This time I go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Click on retry.
Select one more feature which I had already installed on my Visual Studio
Click on modified and after installation it worked again.
This happened to me after I canceled a plugin update.
I solved by going to this site that has the latest update of Visual Studio.
I downloaded and upgraded it.
After that, Visual Studio worked.
If your VS is already upgraded, there´s an option to "repair" on the installer.
For this problem, goto uninstall screen in control panel right-click visual studio and select option change, Installer page will open now, In that window without changing anything click modify. it will solve the problem. I'm using VS Professional 2017
I got the same error today morning. This is what I did:
I ran the visual studio installer then I clicked on Modify.
The installer was showing 0KB Required. I continued and then it downloaded and installed. (Not sure what).
After that installation, it was able to launch.
I hope it works for you as well.
I was using Vs 2019 professional 16.6 and happened to me this issue one morning. I modified the installation by adding Azure Development tools even though I was not using it. This fixed the issue.
I just updated to 15.9.24 and I got this yet again, as I have my resolution above, and Visual Studio 2019 seems to be a lot better with avoid this issue. The installer for 2019 you do have to change something and do the modification, 2017 you don't have to change anything.
I reported this issue through Developer Community:
Setup not complete since 15.9.21
I don't know why but sometimes its buggy
it's up to date but after launch visual studio this error prompted !
you have to click modify in vs installer and just modify it.
its not going to download anything.
after a moment launch vs and enjoy :)
For VS2022, WIN11:
Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Microsoft Visual Studio Installer
Then, click on Change and resume the previous process.

Visual Studio 2017 - Prerelease software. This license has expired

Issue: Download Visual Studio Community 2017
And the login dialog says, "Prerelease software. This license has expired" even though I'm logged in with a valid account. My laptop and another PC are both running the same version linked to the same account. They work fine.
I've tried everything outlined here (#answer-47683843):
Visual Studio 2015 - Prerelease software. This license has expired
I fixed it by resetting my Windows 10 OS (https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/reset-windows-10-pc), which is kind of annoying - but it worked!
Here's my visual studio support ticket in case they ever decide to fix the issue without such an extreme approach.
Coming from a guy that spent hours reinstalling VS over and over and OVER again... And trying to come up with all kinds of workarounds with VMs and deleting registry keys, etc...
This was a way better sure-fire, fairly quick, fix compared to all that!
I've never reset my Windows 10 before this, and so far it's really not too intrusive. All my data is still on the machine, you can choose JUST to clean out your apps, and Windows settings (which I assume includes your registry).
So I'll be reinstalling a bunch of stuff... but again... it was way worth it, if you need Visual Studio 2017 working now
Hope this helps someone else out there!

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is failing to repair itself

I'm trynig to install MVS 2017 because my previous version (2015) broke. By broke I mean it was not able to connect to the internet to check my version or something and it did not let me in. Tried googling it, found nothing.
So here I am, trying to intall MVS 2017. So far nothing but failure is being seen.
My first attempt at installing it kind of worked, it even successfuly loaded up, but had no extensions whatsoever (only Visual C++) and was unable to create any projects, the project window just kept reappearing after I finished configuring my project's settings. While installing it for the first time by the way, there were a couple of windows that popped up, they basically couldn't find the installer for Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 and some "Kits" thing.. It was something along the lines of "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Try selecting the installer from some other directory", but I could find it and clicked "Cancel".
After that I tried repairing MVS with the installer. Same two windows appeared, they still can not find their installers apparently, I clicked "Cancel" like in my first installation attempt and the MVS kept repairing itself for about an hour. Then, in my installation window it said "A restart is required. If needed, any remaining setup will resume automatically after the restart".
So I went ahead and restarted my PC and tried launching MVS. Absolutely nothing changed, there are no extensions that I checked when installing.
I tried googling my error messages and other problems and I ended up doing this:
Cleared my C:\ProgramData\Package Cache folder
Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 manually
Changed the installation directory
Nedless to say, on my previous version of MVS I had quite a lot of extensions installed. Including the lastest version of QT, support for Unity, some other C# stuff and a buch of different extensions for C++ development.
Can somebody please give me a website where I can post my logs to or help a little with my situation.
Thank you.
This might be helpful, Please take a look :

Unrecognized error occurred in the Windows Web Services framework

I'm trying to build and run a simple project in Visual Studio 2017 (C++) in x64 using the Local Windows Debugger. However every time I try to run it using the debugger I get this error.
This error doesn't show up when I change it from x64 to x86, but I need it to compile to x64. This has happened on both computers that I've tried it on, and seems to happen in every one of my projects. I've tried reinstalling Visual Studio already and nothing's changed. I've tried adding 'devenv.exe' as an exception to the Windows Firewall but no changes there either, even when I disabled the firewall completely. My antivirus isn't affecting it at all either: still happens when I disable it.
The application runs fine when I find it in the explorer and run it manually but then I don't have any debugging tools.
What am I doing wrong here, how do I make it build and run my project as x64?
I get this error every time I have an active VPN connection. If you use a VPN, try disconnect and see if the error disappears.
If you want to use a VPN, the solution (assuming you have Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7 or later) is as follows:
Go to the Windows Start Menu and launch the “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 Preview”
Run: "%DevEnvDir%vsregedit.exe" set "%VSINSTALLDIR:~0,-1%" HKCU Debugger UseAnonymousPipes dword 1
Restart VS if it is already running
That solution is from this link to Microsoft.

Multi Device Hybrid App in Visual Studio 2013 Does Not Refresh / Crashes

I have created a multi device hybrid project in Visual Studio 2013.
I am having a few major issues:
1) Changes to my scripts do not appear unless I completely rebuild the application when I am using Ripple to view the project.
2) Pressing F12 in the Chrome ripple window causes Visual Studio to stop running the application. This seems very strange. It's like if I were to quit debugging on a normal webapp.
Output shows The program '[1] http://localhost:4400/index.html?enableripple=cordova-3.0.0-NexusGalaxy: WebKit' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).
Has anyone had these problems or know what might be causing them?
Both of the behaviors you describe are expected. Ripple is not automatically refreshed when you save your changes so you will need to rebuild and deploy for it to pick up the updates. Since only one process can use the webkit debugging at once, the VS debugging session gets disconnected when you use the debugging tools in Chrome.