Continuously (asynchronously) poll and update label in C++ GUI application - c++

I have an application that opens another process and modifies its memory. What I'd like to have as a part of the GUI is a label that updates (perhaps every second or so) to let the user know if they're attached to the other process.
When the application is found running, I'm creating a handle to it, obtaining the base address of it, and then the rest of the work is done through button clicks and hotkeys. Anyway, for each time the application is found running, I want it to do all the things I have it do to obtain the handle, etc., etc.
This way, the other application can be closed and reopened without my app also needing to be closed/reopened accordingly.
Thus far, my research has led me to CreateThread() and std::async (as well as std::launch::async and std::launch::deferred). The issue I'm having is I can't seem to find examples of infinitely-running asynchronous code (in its own thread, perhaps). I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around how to make this happen, as everything I've tried still keeps execution from continuing as if I'd just written a while loop in main() or something.
Anything exemplifying the type of functionality I'm looking to achieve would be immensely appreciated! Thanks for your time and help, everyone.


Using wh_shell hook for custom windows-shell(explorer.exe replacement program) C++

So I have spent that past week and a half working on code to simply setup the hook procedure for wh_shell for a program that will replace explorer.exe in the registry and will run as the main desktop program. There seems to be very little information and sources for using this outside of just the windows API which is a bit undescriptive and doesn't explain everything to a great detail. For some reason I just cant get it to work, no matter if I run it inside of explorer.exe, or if I replace the register and make it the default shell. I'm going to ask a couple of things in this post because I think that if you can answer one of these questions you likely have the answer to more.
So first I just have a question about hooks in general: When I run the SetWindowsHookEx(...) function -resource below- it says for var lpfn that a dll is not necessary if the hook is only used to monitor the current process. Now obviously when monitoring events such as window_created, those are events within a different processes which makes me think that the hookproc has to be within a DLL(which is how ive programmed so far). But this is questionable to me because when u are running SetWindowsHookEx(...) the process I wish to monitor do not yet exist until the user decides to start them. Do these processes notify the system when wh_shell events are being done so that I my hook doesnt need to get placed into every process upon creation, or is it more like when I run SetWindowsHookEx(...) with wh_shell that it will place a hook in all processes when the are created. The second resource states that the system just calls the hookproc when these things happen, so then do I even need a DLL, or what process does it need to be hooked to because I dont think it needs to be hooked into everything.
So second I have a question regarding setting my process as default shell - see resources - the resource states any process that registers itself as the default shell(which I assume is just modifying the registry to my process, if not and there is more please let me know) needs to call the SystemsParameterInfo(...) function. So first, does this func need to be called before running SetWindowsHookEx(...) or is there some expected spot it should be elsewhere in my code? Then in regards to the other variables it doesnt specify for, just curious what the recommended would be to set them as, like what are they set as for explorer.exe, and maybe a few other examples(including things NOT to do).
Finally for the sake of testing, using the console will be the most helpful to me here. The console will be used for input to run functions and commands for now(like open the register and swap back the shell to explorer.exe). If my hookproc is within a DLL, I need it to output some messages, I dont want to muddle the same console and I also dont even know if it will output to the same console, so what might be a recommended or potential solution for outputs(again this is temporary and for testing so it doesnt have to be perfect or even great)?
Also I would think windows 11 shouldn't be an issue, but I havent tested on windows 10 system...
I havent included any code as Im pretty sure most of this stuff can be answered without it and that its so few lines of code that its not like typical questions where its like examine my code and help me, maybe some example code you can show me would be really helpful.
regards to WH_SHELL section
Testing Environment:
Windows 11 vm running in Hyper-V Manager
You haven't mentioned an important parameter in your description and that is the last argument of SetWindowsHookEx, the thread id.
When it is set to 0 then ..
'[in] Specifies the identifier of the thread with which the hook procedure is to be associated. If this parameter is zero, the hook procedure is associated with all existing threads running in the same desktop as the calling thread.'
That said, then like everything in Windows programming nothing is as what the documentation states, its as if the documentation is a wish-list Microsoft will like Windows to be when it grows up.
Actually even if you manage to get everything right you will see that the shell messages you will get will be VERY few compared to what the documentation states.
I am working on the same issue and when I get it going I will post the results here.

Synchronous single file download - is it the right approach in a GUI Qt application?

I'm developing an updater for my application in Qt, primarily to get to know the framework (I realize there are multiple ready-made solutions available, that's not relevant here). It is a basic GUI application using a QMainWindow subclass for its main window and an MyAppUpdater class to perform the actual program logic.
The update information (version, changelog, files to be downloaded) is stored on my server as an XML file. The first thing the updater should do after it sets up the UI is query that server, get the XML file, parse it and display info to the user. Here's where I have a problem though; coming from a procedural/C background, I'd initiate a synchronous download, set a timeout of maybe 3 seconds, then see what happens - if I manage to download the file correctly, I'll parse it and carry on, otherwise display an error.
However, seeing how inconvenient something like that is to implement in Qt, I've come to believe that its network classes are designed in a different way, with a different approach in mind.
I was thinking about initiating an asynchronous download in, say, InitVersionInfoDownload, and then connecting QNetworkReply's finished signal to a slot called VersionInfoDownloadComplete, or something along these lines. I'd also need a timer somewhere to implement timeout checks - if the slot is not invoked after say 3 seconds, the update should be aborted. However, this approach seems overly complicated and in general inadequate to the situation; I cannot proceed without retrieving this file from the server, or indeed do anything while waiting for it to be downloaded, so an asynchronous approach seems inappropriate in general.
Am I mistaken about that, or is there a better way?
TL;DR: It's the wrong approach in any GUI application.
how inconvenient something like that is to implement in Qt
It's not meant to be convenient, since whenever I see a shipping product that behaves that way, I have an urge to have a stern talk with the developers. Blocking the GUI is a usability nightmare. You never want to code that way.
coming from a procedural/C background, I'd initiate a synchronous download, set a timeout of maybe 3 seconds, then see what happens
If you write any sort of machine or interface control code in C, you probably don't want it to be synchronous either. You'd set up a state machine and process everything asynchronously. When coding embedded C applications, state machines make hard things downright trivial. There are several solutions out there, QP/C would be a first class example.
was thinking about initiating an asynchronous download in, say, InitVersionInfoDownload, and then connecting QNetworkReply's finished signal to a slot called VersionInfoDownloadComplete, or something along these lines. I'd also need a timer somewhere to implement timeout checks - if the slot is not invoked after say 3 seconds, the update should be aborted. However, this approach seems overly complicated
It is trivial. You can't discuss such things without showing your code: perhaps you've implemented it in some horribly verbose manner. When done correctly, it's supposed to look lean and sweet. For some inspiration, see this answer.
I cannot proceed without retrieving this file from the server, or indeed do anything while waiting for it to be downloaded
That's patently false. Your user might wish to cancel the update and exit your application, or resize its window, or minimize/maximize it, or check the existing version, or the OS might require a window repaint, or ...
Remember: Your user and the environment are in control. An application unresponsive by design is not only horrible user experience, but also makes your code harder to comprehend and test. Pseudo-synchronous spaghetti gets out of hand real quick. With async design, it's trivial to use signal spy or other products to introspect what the application is doing, where it's stuck, etc.

Uncloseable Application

I was sitting around bored and thought of this idea. Is it possible to change the WM_DESTROY code so that it will do something else instead of closing the application. But, I don't think this will work, but does that keep it from closing when you try to close the application from the task manager in windows. Also, is there a way to remove my application from the task manager so they wouldn't be able to do that in the first place? So, is this possible or do you have a better way? I have googled this and have tried this, but I want to ask the experienced here to answer this question.
BTW, I am not making a virus.
Windows Task Manager will use TerminateProcess to "close" a process - which is a good thing if your program has accidentally or on purpose got a broken VM_DESTROY handler.
There are supposedly ways to mess about with the process list that hides a process. But I don't actually know how that is done othat than very fundamentally (the process list is a linked list, and you can "unlink" a process from the list, and it "disappears"). Obviously doing so would be the type of thing that virus, trojan's, spyware, etc does, and I don't see any reason why you would want to do that in a legitimate application.
Edit: And hiding the application just means it doesn't appear in the list of processes in task manager. If you KNOW that the task exists (and you could for example "guess" based on system activity or some such), it can still be killed using it's process ID by some application that has enough privileges to terminate the process.
you shoud read win32 api demo. when mainwindow receives WM_DESTROY message, call postquitmessage([exitcode]) to end message loop。

hiding threads from CreateTool32Help api

Is is possible that someone can hide his or her thread from the CreateTool32Help api? I want to know this because I'm building an anti-cheat program for a little game I made. I don't want to go into kernel mode so the only way I can stop intruders injecting threads into my process is by comparing the threads I created with those found in the snapshot.
Could there be ways to circumvent this measure? I've hooked NtSetInformationThread just in case.
If somebody is running code inside your process, then you've already lost. Once they're in your process, they can patch your code that tries to detect them!

Why is my paintBox Canvas being erased when my program is "Not Responding"?

I have written a small program using Borland's C++ builder, and along the way, everything seemed fine. My program has a map window and a table window, and when a user presses a button, a long process is started that reads in all the map and table information and then displays that. Every time i ran it through the debugger, I had no issues. Then today, I decided to test it without running it through the debugger. To my horror, The program reads in the map information and then displays it on the paintbox canvas without a problem, but when it loads the information for the grid, the map gets erased!!! It appears to happen during the load phase for the table. this takes about 4 seconds, and during which time, the window tells me that it isnt responding. This is when the map gets erased. Anyone have any ideas on why this is happening? Its driving me nuts, and I dont really understand whats going on under the hood here.
I have fixed the problem to some degree. I was poking around and found this: Avoiding "(Not Responding)" label in windows while processing lots of data in one lump
I added the code to run once in the middle of the data read in for the table. this fixed my problems. however, I was wondering if anyone knows why this is the case? why does my program going unresponsive cause my canvases to be erased?
Marcus Junglas wrote a detailed explanation of the problem, which affects both Delphi and C++Builder.
When programming an event handler in
Delphi (like the OnClick event of a
TButton), there comes the time when
your application needs to be busy for
a while, e.g. the code needs to write
a big file or compress some data.
If you do that you'll notice that your
application seems to be locked. Your
form cannot be moved anymore and the
buttons are showing no sign of life.
It seems to be crashed.
The reason is that a Delpi application
is single threaded. The code you are
writing represents just a bunch of
procedures which are called by
Delphi's main thread whenever an event
occured. The rest of the time the main
thread is handling system messages and
other things like form and component
handling functions.
So, if you don't finish your event
handling by doing some lengthy work,
you will prevent the application to
handle those messages.
You can reduce the problem by calling Application->ProcessMessages(), while loading your map data, however I recomend using a separate thread to load the data.
I have never used C++ Builder, but i used Delphi. I think the libraries are the same.
Does that component you use store the image data? It may only draw to the screen. Try covering the window of your app with another window. If it erases it, you have to use a component which stores the image.
See this, it is for Delphi, but it may help. There should be a Image component in C++ Builder. Try using that instead of PaintBox.
You can solve the unresponsivenes problem by running the time consuming task in a separate thread or calling some function that processes the window's messages.