I have a web application I am trying to write a macro for. I have it all working except for the button click event. So I pause the code and manually click the button and then resume the script to the next section, rinse and repeat. I would like to automate the click but I can't find any information on how to do that when working with an angular web app. Below is the button element showing the ng-mousedown event. Any help would be appreciated.
<button id="nextPageLink" type="button" ng-mousedown="nextPageButtonClick($event)" ng-class="{navButton:!useNavImage('next'),nextNavImage:useNavImage('next'),invalidPage:pageHasErrors(promptForm,nextClickAttempts)}" ng-hide="hideNavButtons()" ng-style="getNavSize('next')" tabindex="2" class="ng-binding nextNavImage" style="width: 44px; height: 32px;">Next<span class="arrow nextArrow"></span>
I found it. I enabled the EVENT (Experimental) section and recorded a script clicking the button and I was presented with this nifty little snippet.
Prior to enabling the Experimental section all, I got when I did the same thing was...
URL GOTO=http://www.whereIwasBeingTakenTo.../.../...
In my page, I am using polling to refresh current status of an event.
In the same page, I have one dropdown(select). When I click the dropdown, the data inside it like flickering. SO, I think it is related to polling request.
I tried using wire:ignore.self and wire:model.defer but the issue still there.
Since the wire polling is updating DOM, try adding wire:ignore (and not wire:ignore.self) on <select> tag.
When a user clicks a button on my site, they are prompted to sign up for our service. This prompt appears via a Bootstrap modal. But it's possible that the user will already have an account, in which case I want them to be able to log in. I want to add a "log in" link within the modal that when clicked will close the "sign up" modal and open a new "log in" modal on the same page. How would I do this?
You need to add a click event to the login button and trigger two actions.
1. Target the register modal by its ID and add the toggle option of the modal method to it. This will check the current state (in this case 'opened state') and activate the reverse.
2. Target the login modal and attach the show option of the modal method to it as shown below.
$(document).on('click', '#id_login_button', function(){
return false;
I am working with Oracle Apex 4.2 where in i have a page which is Page1 and within the page i have a report region and a button. When i click on the button a Skill Builder Pop-up plugin hits up and a popup window opens up where in i created a form on another page which is Page2.
I am adding a JavaScript page refresh for Page1 and it will automatically refreshes the page at particular intervals. Code is as follows:
function cache_clear()
But when i click on the button, the page refresh on Page1 should stop and again it should get activated after closing the popup only.
Any help would be appreciated.
To stop process when button click use clearInterval() function.
Refer discussed thread Stop setInterval call in JavaScript
for more details.
I have implemented a Like Button on a page, attempting to allow users to "Recommend" a PDF. The button appears on the page and seems to function correctly. Clicking the button opens the comment box; and a user can enter a comment. However no activity is actually posted on the test user's page. The counter even increments correctly and the "recommend" action is disabled after the test user has clicked it. This status is remembered on reload, and the counter is never reset.
<div class="fb-like" data-href="www.bgsd.com/hockey/stats/2012/
East_Side_Hockey_Fall2012.pdf" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count"
data-width="70" data-show-faces="false" data-action="recommend"></div>
Can this button not be applied to this type of resource (PDF)?
Well the PDF can't possible have the meta tags used by Facebook to display a story about that URL - when you put the URL into Facebook's Debug Tool you'll see.
You probably should/could have pointed the Like plugin at a URL which has a download link (or redirect) to the PDF, not to the PDF URL itself
My Facebook Like button does not work for those not logged into Facebook. They press the "Like" button and the login window appears for Facebook. When they enter their information and submit, an HTTP 500 error pops up. I followed the Facebook developer code to put the "Like" button on the page. Any ideas?
This maight be facebook app restriction issue. Try to set peoples age who can see your app, from 18 to 13 8for example
There are a few things you could try - first of all your code is kind of mess. There are two <html> (and there should only be one) tags opened and only one gets closed for example. Also, your using
<fb:like href="http://www.thebleepkidssay.com" send="true" layout="button_count" width="300" show_faces="false"></fb:like>
to call your button. You might try
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.thebleepkidssay.com" data-send="true" data-width="300" data-show-faces="false"></div>
instead (this is the format that is generated if you use http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ to get your button).