Testing Graphene-Django - django

Currently I am investigating using graphene to build my Web server API. I have been using Django-Rest-Framework for quite a while and want to try something different.
I have figured out how to wire it up with my existing project and I can test the query from Graphiql UI, by typing something like
industry(id:10) {
Now, I want to have the new API covered by Unit/integration tests. And here the problem starts.
All the documentation/post I am checking on testing query/execution on graphene is doing something like
result = schema.execute("{industry(id:10){name, description}}")
assertEqual(result, {"data": {"industry": {"name": "Technology", "description": "blab"}}}
My point is that the query inside execute() is just a big chunk of text and I don't know how I can maintain it in the future. I or other developer in the future has to read that text, figure out what it means and update it if needed.
Is that how this supposed to be? How do you guys write unit test for graphene?

I've been writing tests that do have a big block of text for the query, but I've made it easy to paste in that big block of text from GraphiQL. And I've been using RequestFactory to allow me to send a user along with the query.
from django.test import RequestFactory, TestCase
from graphene.test import Client
def execute_test_client_api_query(api_query, user=None, variable_values=None, **kwargs):
Returns the results of executing a graphQL query using the graphene test client. This is a helper method for our tests
request_factory = RequestFactory()
context_value = request_factory.get('/api/') # or use reverse() on your API endpoint
context_value.user = user
client = Client(schema) # Note: you need to import your schema
executed = client.execute(api_query, context_value=context_value, variable_values=variable_values, **kwargs)
return executed
class APITest(TestCase):
def test_accounts_queries(self):
# This is the test method.
# Let's assume that there's a user object "my_test_user" that was already setup
query = '''
user {
executed = execute_test_client_api_query(query, my_test_user)
data = executed.get('data')
self.assertEqual(data['user']['firstName'], my_test_user.first_name)
...more tests etc. etc.
Everything between the set of ''' s ( { user { id firstName } } ) is just pasted in from GraphiQL, which makes it easier to update as needed. If I make a change that causes a test to fail, I can paste the query from my code into GraphQL, and will often fix the query and paste a new query back into my code. There is purposefully no tabbing on this pasted-in query, to facilitate this repeated pasting.


<HttpResponseNotFound status_code=404, "text/html"> in django-test

I'm new to unit testing and I've been trying to test a GET method of the card game that I've built.
My TestCase is the following:
def test_rooms(self):
c = APIClient()
room_id = PokerRoom.objects.get(name='planning').id
request = c.get('{}'.format(room_id))
The id is a UUID that's why I'm using the room_id method.
My url:
path('room/<int:pk>', room),
where room is a #api_view(['GET']) method and pk is the id of the room. But when I try to test it, an error occurs:
<HttpResponseNotFound status_code=404, "text/html">
Checked if the room exists in the test database and it exists, now I don't know what is happening. Can someone help me?
Can you add more details to your code above, such as how the test suite has been created, how is the data set up, etc? One problem I am noticing straight away is how the request is being made. Why are you using a complete URL? If you are using the Django/DRF test API client, you should use the view path URL instead of the complete URL.
Reference: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/topics/testing/tools/#overview-and-a-quick-example

flask_restx - api.expect from two sources for swagger

Hei there!
I have a flask restx api and I have an endpoint that essentially needs to do the following
filters = api.model('filters', {
x = fields.Raw('x')
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('b', type=int, location='args')
class Process(Resource):
def get()
I have a large set of endpoints that all accept the same filter design, but some endpoints also need query parameters
The code works just fine, I can access the json payload and the query parameters inside the method.
The problem
I need everything documented by swagger but I need to "mix" the api.model object with the parser object into the #api.expect()
#api.expect(filters,parser) should work

Is there a user-controlled way to refresh data in a Dash app?

I have a Dash app that makes some graphs based on data drawn from an API, and I'd like to give the user an option to change a parameter, pull new data based on this, and then redraw the graphs. It could be through a form, but I figured the simplest method would be to use the <pathname> route system from Flask. Dash allows me to do this:
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import plotly.express as px
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False),
#app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('page-content', 'children'),
[dash.dependencies.Input('url', 'pathname')])
def display_page(pathname):
if pathname == '/':
return html.Div('Please append a pathname to the route')
data = get_data_from_api(int(pathname))
fig_1 = px.line(data, x="time", y="price")
fig_2 = px.line(data, x="time", y="popularity")
return html.Div(children=[
if __name__ == '__main__':
But the problem is that the API call takes a minute or two, and it seems to be constantly polling it, such that the request times out and and the graphs never redraw. What I need is something which doesn't auto-refresh, which can run the API call, update the underlying data, and then tell the app to refresh its state.
I did consider a Dash-within-Flask hybrid like this, but it seems excessively complicated for my use-case. Is there a simpler way to do this?
I think you can add a html.Button to your layout.
html.Button('Update', id='update-button')
To your Callback you can add:
#app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('page-content', 'children'),
[dash.dependencies.Input('url', 'pathname'),
dash.dependencies.Input('update-button', 'n_clicks')])
def display_page(pathname, n_clicks):
No need to process the variabel n_clicks in anyway. The Callback is always triggerd.

Validate custom field with Flask-RESTPlus

I'm trying to create a custom field for validating POSTed JSON in my API using Flask-RESTPlus 0.10.1
Below is the basic setup...
from flask_restplus import fields
import re
EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(r'\S+#\S+\.\S+')
class Email(fields.String):
__schema_type__ = 'string'
__schema_format__ = 'email'
__schema_example__ = 'email#domain.com'
def validate(self, value):
if not value:
return False if self.required else True
if not EMAIL_REGEX.match(value):
return False
return True
I like the way the above documents in Swagger UI, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually use the validate method on it.
Here's how I'm using the custom field.
Json = api.model('Input JSON', {
'subscribers': fields.List(Email),
#api.expect(Json) // validate is globally set to true
def post(self):
I've had luck using
'subscribers': fields.List(fields.String(pattern='\S+#\S+\.\S+')) instead, but this doesn't give me the control to customize the error message, where'd I'd like it to return that the field is not of the email type.
I've also gone on and added a custom validate_payload function (found within http://aviaryan.in/blog/gsoc/restplus-validation-custom-fields.html) that I call again within my POST method (instead of api.expect). This requires me to duplicate some core functionality and call it every time in addition to api.expect to output the proper Swagger documentation and a little bit of finesse to get it to work within nested fields.
It's my understanding that this should work out of box? Am I wrong? What am I missing here?
I appreciate this is a little old but just had the same issue.
It looks like the "validate" actually sat over a python jsonschema impl, if you're still interested in digging, it's available here
That aside - you can configure restplus API to use a better formatchecker as follows: (I also validate date-time and date)
format_checker = FormatChecker(formats=["date-time", "email", "date"])
api_v1 = Api(
app, version='1.4',
description='[Anon] API for developers',

Pulling data from datastore and converting it in Json in python(Google Appengine)

I am creating an apllication using google appengine, in which i am fetching a data from the website and storing it in my Database (Data store).Now whenever user hits my application url as "application_url\name =xyz&city= abc",i am fetching the data from the DB and want to show it as json.Right now i am using a filter to fetch data based on the name and city but getting output as [].I dont know how to get data from this.My code looks like this:
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
commodityname = self.request.get('veg',"Not supplied")
market = self.request.get('market',"No market found with this name")
query = commoditydata.all()
query.filter('commodity = ', commodityname)
result = query.fetch(limit = 1)
and the db structure for "commoditydata" table is
class commoditydata(db.Model):
commodity= db.StringProperty()
market= db.StringProperty()
arrival= db.StringProperty()
variety= db.StringProperty()
minprice= db.StringProperty()
maxprice= db.StringProperty()
modalprice= db.StringProperty()
reporteddate= db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
Can anyone tell me how to get data from the db using name and market and covert it in Json.First getting data from db is the more priority.Any suggestions will be of great use.
If you are starting with a new app, I would suggest to use the NDB API rather than the old DB API. Your code would look almost the same though.
As far as I can tell from your code sample, the query should give you results as far as the HTTP query parameters from the request would match entity objects in the datastore.
I can think of some possible reasons for the empty result:
you only think the output is empty, because you use write() too early; app-engine doesn't support streaming of response, you must write everything in one go and you should do this after you queried the datastore
the properties you are filtering are not indexed (yet) in the datastore, at least not for the entities you were looking for
the filters are just not matching anything (check the log for the values you got from the request)
your query uses a namespace different from where the data was stored in (but this is unlikely if you haven't explicitly set namespaces anywhere)
In the Cloud Developer Console you can query your datastore and even apply filters, so you can see the results with-out writing actual code.
Go to https://console.developers.google.com
On the left side, select Storage > Cloud Datastore > Query
Select the namespace (default should be fine)
Select the kind "commoditydata"
Add filters with example values you expect from the request and see how many results you get
Also look into Monitoring > Log which together with your logging.info() calls is really helpful to better understand what is going on during a request.
The conversion to JSON is rather easy, once you got your data. In your request handler, create an empty list of dictionaries. For each object you get from the query result: set the properties you want to send, define a key in the dict and set the value to the value you got from the datastore. At the end dump the dictionary as JSON string.
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
commodityname = self.request.get('veg')
market = self.request.get('market')
if commodityname is None and market is None:
# the request will be complete after this:
self.response.out.write("Please supply filters!")
# everything ok, try query:
query = commoditydata.all()
query.filter('commodity = ', commodityname)
result = query.fetch(limit = 1)
# now build the JSON payload for the response
dicts = []
for match in result:
dicts.append({'market': match.market, 'reporteddate': match.reporteddate})
# set the appropriate header of the response:
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# convert everything into a JSON string
import json
jsonString = json.dumps(dicts)
self.response.out.write( jsonString )