Can't compile with gtk+ on codeblock ubuntu - c++

So i'm really new at C and C++ (like.....i started a week ago).
I have this c++ script that i'm working on, I made an interface in gtk+ that work fairly well. Till now i used window 10 but I had to do some multithreading (using pthread) and window is quite bad at handling those. So i decided to work on Ubuntu 16.
There begin the trouble, can't figure out how to make everything works....I'll try to be specific.
I'm using Ubuntu 16.0.4, mingw, openal and gtk+, to install everything i used :
sudo apt-get install gpp gcc g++ mingw-w64 codeblocks
sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-image1.2-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev libalut-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev build essential
and if i understand it right it install the latest package of everything.
If i create an gtk+ project and test it with a simple code it works just fine....But when i try to test MY code i get an "fatal error: config.h file not found" in resample_defs.h...
And if I paste my GTK+ script that work earlier in place of my code i get the same error. So apparently gtk+ work with *.c but not with *.cpp
how do i fix that ?
Any help would be welcome at this point...

Ok, got it. I feel stupid now.
Resample_defs.h WAS slignthly changed by de guy that created the script I work on.
There was an
#if !defined(WIN32) //which force the include of config.h
But since i'm now in Linux OS it doesn't work, so add an :
#ifdef __linux__
well, that's that. Thank you very much for your help ! I can code now !


gperftools not installing -lprofiler on Mac after installing it with brew

Recently I wanted to profile my cpp code and came across gperftool, but there aren't really clear instructions on how to use it with Mac. So far I have run brew install gperftools and wanted to compile my simple cpp file which just outputs "Hello world!". I run g++ main.cpp -lprofiler -o main but get error ld: library not found for -lprofiler. I really appreciate it if you could guide me or should me a tutorial where it's easy to follow. Thanks :)
Edit: Currently I am using MacOS with new M1 chip (not sure if that can cause any issue)
So brew didn't install the binaries and that's it.
Follow these steps if you are having a hard time making it work
run ./
run ./configure
make && sudo make install
you should see some path where the binaries where installed, if you wanna take a look at it to make sure (mine was /usr/local/lib)
I found you can also use the -L$(brew --prefix gperftools)/lib flag to tell g++ where to look for the libraries if you don't want to install with make.

Can't build with libusb. ‘_Atomic’ does not name a type

I am attempting to use libusb for a project and my C++ is rusty. I think I've resolved the dependencies for libtool and libdev on my ubuntu box, but now when I run, I get the following error.
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/include/stdatomic.h:40:9: error: ‘_Atomic’ does not name a type
I found How to include C11 headers when compiling C++ with GCC?, but not sure how this helps me.
The problem appears to be in gcc somehow, but not sure how to go about fixing it. I'm using C++ 20 in CLion.
I'm running on Ubuntu and I had tried
sudo apt install libusb
to no avail. On a hunch I tried
sudo apt install libusb-dev
And it worked, so now I don't need to build it.
I need to remember to search for the library name if it isn't obvious.

KDevelop include QtGui not found

I'm trying to learn how to use KDevelop on my Ubuntu 16.04 to write C++ code, and I installed it by doing this
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kdevelop
but after it is done installing and I'm trying to make a new project, and the lines at the top that says
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QLabel>
#include <QtGui/QMenu>
#include <QtGui/QMenuBar>
#include <QtGui/QAction>
are all returning errors saying that the included files are not found? And ask me to add a custom include path. I checked my KDevelop version on the terminal and it says I have Qt, or at least I think that's what it meant.
~$ kdevelop --version
Qt: 4.8.7
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.16
KDevelop: 4.7.3
But then when I run
~$dpkg --list libqt4-dev
~$dpkg --list libqt4-core
~$dpkg --list libqt4-gui
and it says none of them are installed. I'm so confused. Do I have the right Qt or not? How do I get KDevelop to find the correct Qt path? Should I maybe just install all the libqt4-whatever and try again?
Remember to distinguish between libraries that allow you to run a software and developer versions that allow to build new sotfware. Output of kdevelop --version states versions of the libraries which are used to run the application. In your system you are missing qttools5-dev with its dependencies.
By the way, maybe you will try qtCreator? It is an IDE developed by Qt team, and if you install it just by apt install qtcreator than you will have all necessary dev libs.

Unable to locate package GLFW on Linux Mint

I have been trying to install GLFW and GLFW3, using Terminal to install
sudo apt-get install GLFW
sudo apt-get install GLFW3
Whenever I do so, I get results such as
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package glfw3
I have been trying to install GLFW for two hours now, and I'm getting a bit impatient. Also I'm very new to Linux (Mint), so I apologize if I'm doing something stupid...
No matter what I try, my program encounters
/home/myusername/Desktop/basic_window.cpp:11:21: fatal error: GL/glfw.h: No such file or directory
#include <GL/glfw.h>
compilation terminated.
Having a frustrating time with this, not sure why this is much more complicated than the other libraries I've installed so far.
I have been trying to install GLFW and GLFW3, using Terminal to install...
On Mint 17, it looks like you need to install libglfw2. So perform a sudo apt-get install libglfw2.
If you plan on developing against it, then install libglfw-dev instead. Notice the lack of a version number.
If interested, perform apt-cache search glfw
In Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu and Mint, library packages typically have names that begin with "lib", and development headers (for compiling new programs that use the library) are in a separate package whose name ends with "-dev".
Ubuntu 14.04 has GLFW 2 packaged as libglfw2 and libglfw-dev. Mint doesn't seem to have those packages, but you can probably use the Ubuntu ones since Mint 17 is based on Ubuntu 14.04.
GLFW 3 isn't in Ubuntu 14.04, but it looks like it'll be in 14.10 (as libglfw3 and libglfw3-dev).
Unless you really need GLFW 3 specifically, you're probably better off sticking with the packaged GLFW 2. Packages get easy automatic upgrades; compiling stuff "by hand" is a good way to end up with lots of cruft in your system with no automatic upgrade or uninstall.
Download GLFW source packages from their website.
Extract the folder glfw-3.0.4 from the tarball
Open console
Navigate to the folder you just extracted and go inside of it using cd
Type cmake . (be sure you include the dot)
If cmake . fails, then type the following as root:
apt-get install cmake
If you don't think you're root then type the following:
sudo apt-get install cmake
If that doesn't work then type the following as root, or add sudo if you're not root:
apt-get install build-essential cmake
Once you have cmake installed, navigate back to the folder and try cmake . again.

How to port a Ubuntu C++ library to MinGW?

In Ubuntu, there is a package called uuid-dev. To install and use it, I just need to run apt-get install uuid-dev. However, in MinGW, I couldn't install this package using mingw-get install.
May I know what are the basic steps to port a C++ application/library from Ubuntu to MinGW?
It might already support compilation under MinGW. Generally you would download the source, unpack them and run ./configure and see what happens.
Give that a try and get back to me.