Console Program with classes and display integer only - console-application

I have a task where I need to use two classes where ValueInput{} class contains of two methods. Add and FetchValue where it will return the value.
Here are my codes:
public class ValueInput
public void Add(char c)
public string FetchValue()
char c = default(char);
return c.ToString();
public class NumberInput
// This should inherit the ValueInput and needs to ignore every characters and accept only integer.
public static implicit operator ValueInput(NumberInput v)
int numberOnly, intOnly = 0;
if(int.TryParse(v.ToString(), out numberOnly))
intOnly += Convert.ToInt16(v);
intOnly += 0;
return v;
Here's my ClientInput where the execution happens
public class ClientInput
public static void Main(string[] args)
ValueInput value = new NumberInput();
The expected result should be:
123 // which ignores the "j" or any other characters.
I'm having a problem and it says,
System.StackOverflowException // on the line of if(int.TryParse(v.ToString(), out numberOnly))
Thank you in advance

The problem lies here:
return v;
The implicit conversion should return a ValueInput. However, the value you are returning is a NumberInput. The compiler sees and say "Oh an implicit conversion exists!" and calls the implicit conversion again. In this call, v, a NumberInput is again returned and the compiler tries to use the implicit conversion again and v is returned again and so on...
Since this is infinite recursion, a StackOverflowException occurred.
I also noticed that you did not make use of the local variables numberOnly and intOnly.
Based on the output you wanted, I think this might be what you need:
public class ValueInput
protected List<char> list = new List<char>();
public virtual void Add(char c)
public string FetchValue()
return list.Aggregate("", (x, y) => x + y.ToString());
public class NumberInput: ValueInput
public override void Add(char c) {
if (Char.IsNumber(c)) {
And your Main method would look like:
ValueInput value = new NumberInput();


Use default value of Subclass method in an array of Base class

Is there any way that cout << a[0]->function(); can give a 5 instead?
At the moment, it takes the default value of the base class and runs the method of the subclass.
But I want it to run the method of the subclass and take the default value of the subclass.
class Basis
virtual int function(int i = 1) { return 2; }
class Sub : public Basis
int function(int i = 5) override { return i; }
int main()
Basis* a[2];
a[0] = new Sub();
cout << a[0]->function(); //gives 1
Your code is calling function() via a Basis* pointer, so it is going to use the default value defined by Basis, there is no way for Sub to override that. Calling function() via a Sub* pointer would use the default value defined by Sub instead.
So, given the code you have shown, the easiest way I can think of doing what you are asking for is to use function overloads, eg:
class Basis
virtual int function() { return function(1); }
virtual int function(int i) { return 2; }
class Sub : public Basis
int function() override { return function(5); }
int function(int i) override { return i; }
int main()
Basis* a[2];
a[0] = new Basis();
a[1] = new Sub();
cout << a[0]->function(); //gives 2
cout << a[1]->function(); //gives 5

how to return a list of objects without destroying them

How to fix the function 'func' so that it returns the objects without being destroyed?
function 'func' must add the objects to a list and return them but be destroyed
The Smoothy abstract class has a purely virtual description method (). DecoratorSmoothy
contains a smoothy, description () and getPret () methods return the description and price
aggregate smoothy.
SmoothyCuFream and SmoothyCuUmbreluta classes add the text “cu crema”
respectively “cu umbreluta” in the description of the smoothy contained. The price of a smoothy that has the cream increases by 2 euro, the one with the umbrella costs an extra 3 euro.
BasicSmoothy class is a smoothy without cream and without umbrella, method
description () returns the name of the smothy
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Smoothy {
int pret=0;
virtual string descriere() = 0;
int getPret(){
return pret;
void setPret(int a) {
pret += a;
class BasicSmooty : public Smoothy {
string nume;
BasicSmooty(string n) :
nume { n } {}
string descriere() {
return nume;
class DecoratorSmoothy : public Smoothy {
Smoothy* smooty;
DecoratorSmoothy() = default;
DecoratorSmoothy(Smoothy* n) :
smooty{ n } {}
string descriere() {
return smooty->descriere();
int getPret() {
return smooty->getPret();
class SmootyCuFrisca : public DecoratorSmoothy {
BasicSmooty bsc;
SmootyCuFrisca(string desc) :
bsc{ desc } {}
string descriere() {
return bsc.descriere() + " cu frisca ";
class SmootyCuUmbreluta : public DecoratorSmoothy{
BasicSmooty bsc;
SmootyCuUmbreluta(string desc) :
bsc{ desc } {}
string descriere() {
return bsc.descriere() + " cu umbreluta ";
~SmootyCuUmbreluta() {
cout << "rip";
vector<Smoothy*> func(void)
std::vector<Smoothy*> l;
SmootyCuFrisca a1{ "smooty de kivi" };
SmootyCuUmbreluta a2{ "smooty de kivi" };
SmootyCuFrisca a3{ "smooty de capsuni" };
BasicSmooty a4{ "smooty simplu de kivi" };
return l;
int main() {
vector<Smoothy*> list;
// Here when i call func() objects are distroyed
list = func();
return 0;
In func you are storing the address of function local variables in l. So when you return l from the function, all the Smoothy* are now pointing to invalid memory.
To fix this, you can allocate memory for each pointer you add to l, like this:
l.push_back(new Smoothy{a1}); // instead of l.push_back(&a1);
// etc. for a2, a3, ...
To really get away from this problem, consider not using pointers at all. If your design doesn't need it, you can get rid of the pointers, and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
Well, when a method returns, of course all local/automatic variables are destroyed. Under the late revision c++ changes, there is the return && modifier, which invokes move semantics, which means for not const local/automatic objects you return, it steals: clones the returned object, making a new object and copying all the primitives and object pointers, then sets the object pointers to null so they cannot be deleted/freed by the destructor. (Note that C free of a null pointer does nothing!) For const, of course, it must deep copy.

Why is my code getting a segmentation error

For the life of me I cannot understand at all why this program is getting a segmentation error. The issue is that it retrieves an object within the vector container uses a function within the menu class using the get_command() and for some reason after testing the main function line by line this one results in a segmentation fault:
I have tried changing the syntax to create a new command object that stores the returned object from get_command() and changed the index between 0 and -1 and still nothing fixes the error. I have spent at least a couple of hours trying to figure out why but I cannot seem to find a solution.
class Base {
/* Constructors */
Base() { };
/* Pure Virtual Functions */
virtual double evaluate() = 0;
virtual std::string stringify() = 0;
class op : public Base
op() { };
op(double op1) { operand = op1; }
double evaluate() { return operand; }
string stringify() {
string value = to_string(operand);
return value;
double operand;
class Command {
Base* root;
Command() { this->root = nullptr; }
double execute() { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() { return root; }
class Menu {
int history_index; // Indexes which command was last executed, accounting for undo and redo functions
std::vector<Command*> history; // Holds all the commands that have been executed until now
Menu() {
// Constructor which initializes the internal members
history_index = -1;
std::string execute() {
// Returns the string converted evaluation of the current command
return to_string(history[history_index - 1]->execute());
std::string stringify() {
// Returns the stringified version of the current command
return history[history_index]->stringify();
bool initialized() {
// Returns if the history has an InitialCommand, which is necessary to start the calculation
if (history[history_index] != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void add_command(Command* cmd) {
// Adds a command to the history (does not execute it), this may require removal of some other commands depending on where history_index is
Command* get_command() {
// Returns the command that the history_index is currently referring to
return history[history_index];
void undo() {
// Move back one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to undo
void redo() {
// Moves forward one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to redo
class InitialCommand : public Command {
Base* root;
InitialCommand(Base* b) { this->root = b; }
double execute() { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() { return root; }
void main()
Menu* menu = new Menu();
InitialCommand* temp = new InitialCommand(new op(7));
EXPECT_EQ(menu->get_command()->execute(), 7);
You're not doing inheritance right, as you are duplicating fields between Command and InitialCommand that lead to the error.
Both command classes have a Base *root member, and non-virtual execute methods. When you construct a new InitialCommand object, the InitialCommand::root object points at the op that was created for it, while Command::root remains NULL because of the default constructor for Command. Then, when you call menu->get_command(), it will call Command::execute because execute is non-virtual and menu is a Command *. Command::execute will then dereference a NULL root, causing your segmentation error.
Remove the Base *root member from InitialCommand, and pass the parameter to a constructor in Command. You probably want to make some methods like execute virtual.
The problem is that your Command and InitialCommand both have root variable.
InitialCommand* temp = new InitialCommand(new op(7)); will according to your constructor set InitialCommand::root. So Command::root remains uninitialized. Then Menu holds std::vector<Command*>, so InitialCommand* is implicitly converted to Command*.
At alst calling Command::execute will indeed call Command:execute because the method is not virtual. So, the uninitialized Command::root is used -> seg. fault.
Please don't use new. Use smart pointers - std::unique_ptr should be the default way to manage dynamic memory.
That said, your code seems too Java/C# like. This is C++, use value semantics if you can. There's no reason for Menu* menu = new Menu();. Menu menu; is simpler and works the same in your case. Here's a code I would've written
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;//Not a good practice and definitely a big no in header files.
class Base {
/* Constructors */
Base() { };
/* Pure Virtual Functions */
virtual double evaluate() = 0;
virtual std::string stringify() = 0;
class op : public Base
op() { };
op(double op1) { operand = op1; }
double evaluate() { return operand; }
string stringify() {
string value = to_string(operand);
return value;
double operand;
class Command {
std::unique_ptr<Base> root;
Command(std::unique_ptr<Base>&& root):root(std::move(root)) { }
//Be const-correct
double execute() const { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() const { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() const { return root.get(); }
class Menu {
int history_index; // Indexes which command was last executed, accounting for undo and redo functions
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Command>> history; // Holds all the commands that have been executed until now
Menu() {
// Constructor which initializes the internal members
history_index = -1;
std::string execute() const{
// Returns the string converted evaluation of the current command
return to_string(history[history_index - 1]->execute());
std::string stringify() const{
// Returns the stringified version of the current command
return history[history_index]->stringify();
bool initialized() const{
// Returns if the history has an InitialCommand, which is necessary to start the calculation
if (history[history_index] != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void add_command(std::unique_ptr<Command>&& cmd) {
// Adds a command to the history (does not execute it), this may require removal of some other commands depending on where history_index is
Command* get_command() const {
// Returns the command that the history_index is currently referring to
return history[history_index].get();
void undo() {
// Move back one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to undo
void redo() {
// Moves forward one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to redo
class InitialCommand : public Command {
InitialCommand(std::unique_ptr<Base>&& b): Command(std::move(b)){}
// There's no such thing as void main
int main()
Menu menu;
auto temp = std::make_unique<InitialCommand>(std::make_unique<op>(7));
//EXPECT_EQ(menu.get_command()->execute(), 7);
It uses move semantics which used to not be a beginners concept, but it's such integral part of modern C++ that every C++ programmer must learn it sooner rather than later.

Inheritance, defining a function for creating an object of a specified type?

Title does not help im sure.
Anyway, at the moment i'm working with the following
Everything's fine and inherited correctly, however, in order to create an object of say 'aircraftCarrier' i'd need to pass the 12 values + the two inherited values every-time i want to use a function such as
I could simply pass in a navalVessel instance into the function instead, such that
generateAirCraftCarrier(myNavalVessel, inherit var 1, inherit var 2);
BUT this would not be entirely a solution because what happens when the aircraft carrier has a different 'Speed' for example?
can i have option parameters, which if null use the myNavalVessel object? Looking for some guidance here, sorry about the gibberish.
Why do you need one function to define all 12 values on an AircraftCarrier? Why not build it up with a number of setters on AircraftCarrier and NavalVessel? e.g:
class NavalVessel {
float speed_;
void setSpeed(float speed) { speed_ = speed; }
class AircraftCarrier : public NavalVessel {
int noHeliPads_;
int noRunways_;
void setNoHeliPads(int noHeliPads) { noHeliPads_ = noHeliPads; }
void setNoRunways(int noRunways) { noRunways_ = noRunways; }
int main() {
AircraftCarrier aircraftCarrier;
Could named parameters idiom be useful for you?
class AircraftCarrierParameters;
class AircraftCarrier
AircraftCarrierParameters _params;
AircraftCarrier(const AircraftCarrierParameters& params)
: _params(params) {}
AircraftCarrierParameters params() const { return _params;}
class AircraftCarrierParameters
double _speed;
int _someOtherStuff;
: _speed(0) //default parameters
, _someOtherStuff(0)
double speed() const { return _speed; }
double someOtherStuff() const { return _someOtherStuff; }
AircraftCarrierParameters& setSpeed(double speed) { _speed = speed; return *this; }
AircraftCarrierParameters& setSomeOtherStuff(double stuff) { _someOtherStuff = stuff; return *this; }
AirCraftCarrier generateAirCraftCarrier(const AircraftCarrierParameters& params)
void main()
AircraftCarrier c1(AircraftCarrierParameters());
AircraftCarrier c2(c1.params().setSpeed(30));

Redeclaration of variable

When I run Setup() I expect to see a 't' in my console, followed by multiple 'x' characters. However it returns just multiple 't' chars. It's like my retrn never gets overwrited. Please see codesample below:
class Returner
char test()
class TReturner: public Returner
char test()
return 't';
class XReturner: public Returner
char test()
return 'x';
void setup()
TReturner t = TReturner();
Returner * retrn = &t;
Serial.print( retrn.test());
XReturner x = XReturner();
retrn = &x;
I can't 100% explain that behaviour - I'd expect you wouldn't get any characters printed as it'd be using Returner::test - but if you're overriding a function in C++ you need to declare it virtual in the base class:
class Returner
virtual char test()
Without test being virtual, the line
Serial.print( retrn.test() );
(don't you mean retrn->test()?) will just pick one implementation of test and use it always. As above I'd expect this to be the empty Returner::test(). You may also either need to make Returner::test abstract
virtual char test() = 0;
or return some value if you're leaving it with a function body.
setup() will be called once by the bootloader. (do not create an infinite loop inside of it)
You should define a loop() function, it too will be called by the bootloader an 'infinite' number of times.