Redeclaration of variable - c++

When I run Setup() I expect to see a 't' in my console, followed by multiple 'x' characters. However it returns just multiple 't' chars. It's like my retrn never gets overwrited. Please see codesample below:
class Returner
char test()
class TReturner: public Returner
char test()
return 't';
class XReturner: public Returner
char test()
return 'x';
void setup()
TReturner t = TReturner();
Returner * retrn = &t;
Serial.print( retrn.test());
XReturner x = XReturner();
retrn = &x;

I can't 100% explain that behaviour - I'd expect you wouldn't get any characters printed as it'd be using Returner::test - but if you're overriding a function in C++ you need to declare it virtual in the base class:
class Returner
virtual char test()
Without test being virtual, the line
Serial.print( retrn.test() );
(don't you mean retrn->test()?) will just pick one implementation of test and use it always. As above I'd expect this to be the empty Returner::test(). You may also either need to make Returner::test abstract
virtual char test() = 0;
or return some value if you're leaving it with a function body.

setup() will be called once by the bootloader. (do not create an infinite loop inside of it)
You should define a loop() function, it too will be called by the bootloader an 'infinite' number of times.


Why is my code getting a segmentation error

For the life of me I cannot understand at all why this program is getting a segmentation error. The issue is that it retrieves an object within the vector container uses a function within the menu class using the get_command() and for some reason after testing the main function line by line this one results in a segmentation fault:
I have tried changing the syntax to create a new command object that stores the returned object from get_command() and changed the index between 0 and -1 and still nothing fixes the error. I have spent at least a couple of hours trying to figure out why but I cannot seem to find a solution.
class Base {
/* Constructors */
Base() { };
/* Pure Virtual Functions */
virtual double evaluate() = 0;
virtual std::string stringify() = 0;
class op : public Base
op() { };
op(double op1) { operand = op1; }
double evaluate() { return operand; }
string stringify() {
string value = to_string(operand);
return value;
double operand;
class Command {
Base* root;
Command() { this->root = nullptr; }
double execute() { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() { return root; }
class Menu {
int history_index; // Indexes which command was last executed, accounting for undo and redo functions
std::vector<Command*> history; // Holds all the commands that have been executed until now
Menu() {
// Constructor which initializes the internal members
history_index = -1;
std::string execute() {
// Returns the string converted evaluation of the current command
return to_string(history[history_index - 1]->execute());
std::string stringify() {
// Returns the stringified version of the current command
return history[history_index]->stringify();
bool initialized() {
// Returns if the history has an InitialCommand, which is necessary to start the calculation
if (history[history_index] != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void add_command(Command* cmd) {
// Adds a command to the history (does not execute it), this may require removal of some other commands depending on where history_index is
Command* get_command() {
// Returns the command that the history_index is currently referring to
return history[history_index];
void undo() {
// Move back one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to undo
void redo() {
// Moves forward one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to redo
class InitialCommand : public Command {
Base* root;
InitialCommand(Base* b) { this->root = b; }
double execute() { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() { return root; }
void main()
Menu* menu = new Menu();
InitialCommand* temp = new InitialCommand(new op(7));
EXPECT_EQ(menu->get_command()->execute(), 7);
You're not doing inheritance right, as you are duplicating fields between Command and InitialCommand that lead to the error.
Both command classes have a Base *root member, and non-virtual execute methods. When you construct a new InitialCommand object, the InitialCommand::root object points at the op that was created for it, while Command::root remains NULL because of the default constructor for Command. Then, when you call menu->get_command(), it will call Command::execute because execute is non-virtual and menu is a Command *. Command::execute will then dereference a NULL root, causing your segmentation error.
Remove the Base *root member from InitialCommand, and pass the parameter to a constructor in Command. You probably want to make some methods like execute virtual.
The problem is that your Command and InitialCommand both have root variable.
InitialCommand* temp = new InitialCommand(new op(7)); will according to your constructor set InitialCommand::root. So Command::root remains uninitialized. Then Menu holds std::vector<Command*>, so InitialCommand* is implicitly converted to Command*.
At alst calling Command::execute will indeed call Command:execute because the method is not virtual. So, the uninitialized Command::root is used -> seg. fault.
Please don't use new. Use smart pointers - std::unique_ptr should be the default way to manage dynamic memory.
That said, your code seems too Java/C# like. This is C++, use value semantics if you can. There's no reason for Menu* menu = new Menu();. Menu menu; is simpler and works the same in your case. Here's a code I would've written
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;//Not a good practice and definitely a big no in header files.
class Base {
/* Constructors */
Base() { };
/* Pure Virtual Functions */
virtual double evaluate() = 0;
virtual std::string stringify() = 0;
class op : public Base
op() { };
op(double op1) { operand = op1; }
double evaluate() { return operand; }
string stringify() {
string value = to_string(operand);
return value;
double operand;
class Command {
std::unique_ptr<Base> root;
Command(std::unique_ptr<Base>&& root):root(std::move(root)) { }
//Be const-correct
double execute() const { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() const { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() const { return root.get(); }
class Menu {
int history_index; // Indexes which command was last executed, accounting for undo and redo functions
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Command>> history; // Holds all the commands that have been executed until now
Menu() {
// Constructor which initializes the internal members
history_index = -1;
std::string execute() const{
// Returns the string converted evaluation of the current command
return to_string(history[history_index - 1]->execute());
std::string stringify() const{
// Returns the stringified version of the current command
return history[history_index]->stringify();
bool initialized() const{
// Returns if the history has an InitialCommand, which is necessary to start the calculation
if (history[history_index] != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void add_command(std::unique_ptr<Command>&& cmd) {
// Adds a command to the history (does not execute it), this may require removal of some other commands depending on where history_index is
Command* get_command() const {
// Returns the command that the history_index is currently referring to
return history[history_index].get();
void undo() {
// Move back one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to undo
void redo() {
// Moves forward one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to redo
class InitialCommand : public Command {
InitialCommand(std::unique_ptr<Base>&& b): Command(std::move(b)){}
// There's no such thing as void main
int main()
Menu menu;
auto temp = std::make_unique<InitialCommand>(std::make_unique<op>(7));
//EXPECT_EQ(menu.get_command()->execute(), 7);
It uses move semantics which used to not be a beginners concept, but it's such integral part of modern C++ that every C++ programmer must learn it sooner rather than later.

C++ : How to ensure that a class member variable is modifiable only within a certain method

I am using C++ 14 with clang on MacOS Sierra. I want to enforce a rule by design. Following is the rule.
I have a member variable in my class say:
unsigned int m_important_num;
There are 4 methods in my class.
I want only fun2() to be able to change the value of m_important_num.
Is it possible to make it compiler error if any method other than fun2() changes the variable?
One possible way is to declare it const somehow empower fun2() to change const variables? Is this a good solution? Or are their any better solutions?
Secondary question:
Is it a wrong design to try do such a thing?
Sort of, with additional layer:
class S1 {
void fun2() { /*Modify m_important_num */ }
unsigned int getImportantNum() const { return m_important_num;}
unsigned int m_important_num;
class S2 : private S1
void fun1();
using S1::fun2; // or void fun2() {S1::fun2();}
void fun3();
void fun4();
As Yakk commented, if func2 need access to S2 members, CRTP can solve that:
template <typename Derived>
class S1 {
void fun2() { asDerived().foo3(); /*Modify m_important_num */ }
unsigned int getImportantNum() const { return m_important_num;}
Derived& asDerived() { return stataic_cast<Derived&>(*this); }
unsigned int m_important_num;
class S2 : private S1<S2>
// friend class S1<S2>; // If required.
void fun1();
using S1::fun2; // or void fun2() {S1::fun2();}
void fun3();
void fun4();
Encapsulate it down. Put m_important_num in its own class. Aggregate it in your existing class. Have a getter for it. Then put fun2() as a member function of your inner class.
I little variant (if I understand correctly) of the Jeffrey solution: put the variable in an inner class and make it private; create a public getter and make func2() friend to the inner class.
I mean
struct foo
int f1 () { return b0.getVal(); }; // you can read `val` everywhere
void f2 () { b0.val = 42; }; // you can write `val` in f2()
void f3 () { /* b0.val = 42; ERROR ! */ }; // but only in f2()
class bar
int val = 24;
int getVal () { return val; }
friend void foo::f2 ();
bar b0;
In other words: friend is your friend.
If you want to prevent a method from modifying any member in the class you can use the trailing const identifier:
class something{
unsigned int var;
void fun1() const;
void fun2();
void fun3() const;
void fun4() const;
Here, only fun2() will be able to modify the variable.
I know there are lots of good answers, but there is also an option that you sort of alluded to in your question:
One possible way is to declare it const somehow empower fun2() to change const variables?
#include <iostream>
using uint = unsigned int;
class Test
const uint num;
Test(uint _num)
uint get_num() const
return num;
void can_change_num(uint _new_num)
uint& n(const_cast<uint&>(num));
n = _new_num;
void cant_change_num(uint _new_num)
// num = _new_num; // Doesn't compile
int main()
Test t(1);
std::cout << "Num is " << t.get_num() << "\n";
std::cout << "Num is " << t.get_num() << "\n";
return 0;
Num is 1
Num is 10
You already got lots of good answers to your primary question. I'll try to address the secondary one.
Is it a wrong design to try do such a thing?
It's hard to say w/o knowing more about your design. In general anything like this detected during a code review would raise a big red flag. Such a protection makes sense in a case of a big class with convoluted logic/implementation. Otherwise why would you like to go an extra mile and make your code much more complicated? The fact you seek for this can indicate your class became unmanageable.
I'd recommend to consider splitting it to smaller parts with better defined logic where you won't worry such mistakes can happen easily.

Console Program with classes and display integer only

I have a task where I need to use two classes where ValueInput{} class contains of two methods. Add and FetchValue where it will return the value.
Here are my codes:
public class ValueInput
public void Add(char c)
public string FetchValue()
char c = default(char);
return c.ToString();
public class NumberInput
// This should inherit the ValueInput and needs to ignore every characters and accept only integer.
public static implicit operator ValueInput(NumberInput v)
int numberOnly, intOnly = 0;
if(int.TryParse(v.ToString(), out numberOnly))
intOnly += Convert.ToInt16(v);
intOnly += 0;
return v;
Here's my ClientInput where the execution happens
public class ClientInput
public static void Main(string[] args)
ValueInput value = new NumberInput();
The expected result should be:
123 // which ignores the "j" or any other characters.
I'm having a problem and it says,
System.StackOverflowException // on the line of if(int.TryParse(v.ToString(), out numberOnly))
Thank you in advance
The problem lies here:
return v;
The implicit conversion should return a ValueInput. However, the value you are returning is a NumberInput. The compiler sees and say "Oh an implicit conversion exists!" and calls the implicit conversion again. In this call, v, a NumberInput is again returned and the compiler tries to use the implicit conversion again and v is returned again and so on...
Since this is infinite recursion, a StackOverflowException occurred.
I also noticed that you did not make use of the local variables numberOnly and intOnly.
Based on the output you wanted, I think this might be what you need:
public class ValueInput
protected List<char> list = new List<char>();
public virtual void Add(char c)
public string FetchValue()
return list.Aggregate("", (x, y) => x + y.ToString());
public class NumberInput: ValueInput
public override void Add(char c) {
if (Char.IsNumber(c)) {
And your Main method would look like:
ValueInput value = new NumberInput();

Pointer to function-member

I have a FreeRTOS function xTaskCreate. Simplified declaration looks like
typedef void (*TaskFunction_t)( void* );
unsigned xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode, void*params );
And there are two classes:
class Super {
virtual void task(void*params) = 0;
class Derived1 : public Super {
virtual void task(void*params){ while(1){ blinkLed(1); delay_ms(333); } }
class Derived2 : public Super { ... ;}
In function init() I select one of derived classes and create its instance. Then want to create task
void init(){
Super *obj = condition ? new Derived1 : new Derived2;
xTaskCreate( obj->task ); // WRONG.
Upd. Add missed void*params in Simplified declaration of xTaskCreate.
TaskFunction_t is just a pointer to a function - so it can't take a pointer to a member function. Only a pointer to normal function. Or a static member function. Or a lambda with no capture. It's that last one that we'll take advantage of.
One of the arguments you removed from your simplified declaration is the context:
BaseType_t xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pvTaskCode,
const char * const pcName,
unsigned short usStackDepth,
void *pvParameters, // <== this one!
UBaseType_t uxPriority,
TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask
You provide the Super* in the parameters and provide a lambda that knows what to do with it. Altogether:
void init(){
Super *obj = condition ? new Derived1 : new Derived2;
xTaskCreate([](void* o){ static_cast<Super*>(o)->task(); },
..., // other args here
... // more args
Note that task() should take no arguments. The void*is the context that we're converting to a Super*.
After several experiements of my own with answers here I prefered this simpler method giving Object oriented function calls to RTOS tasks.
//These are not full declaration of class IModule which is fully abstarct so //object that are IModule* are always inherited.
virtual int InitModule() = 0;
virtual bool PreLoop() = 0;
virtual bool DoLoop() = 0;
virtual bool PostLoop() = 0;
virtual bool DoShutdown() = 0;
//Return if this module implementation requires an RTOS task looping.
virtual bool isFreeRTOSTaskRequired() = 0;
TaskHandle_t *moduleLoopTaskHandle;
bool CreateRTOSTask();
static void TaskStart(void* taskStartParameters);
void TaskLoop();
//END OF PARTIAL decleration
bool IModule::CreateRTOSTask()
xTaskCreate(IModule::TaskStart, "NAME", 2048, this, tskNO_AFFINITY, moduleLoopTaskHandle);
return true;
void IModule::TaskStart(void *taskStartParameters)
IModule *moduleObject = (IModule *)taskStartParameters;
void IModule::TaskLoop()
//TODO Buraya ölçüm koyalım ve bir değişkene yazalım
while (true)
ESP_LOGD("IModule::TaskLoop", "%s", "I am alive!");
if (!PreLoop())
if (!DoLoop())
if (!PostLoop())
UPDATED: See below.
As explained better than I can here, you might get away with this. Hard to tell from your question if it will cover all of your requirements.
typedef void (Super::*TaskFunction_t)( void* );
Further Reading
I fleshed out your example, and the results and code are below:
XXXXX:~/scratch/member_function_pointer$ bin/provemeright
Condition false
virtual void Derived2::task(void*)
XXXXX:~/scratch/member_function_pointer$ bin/provemeright foo
Condition true because of argument foo
virtual void Derived1::task(void*)
code (all one cpp file, bad form, but proves syntax):
#include <iostream>
class Super;
typedef void (Super::*TaskFunction_t)(void*);
unsigned xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode, void* params);
bool condition = false;
class Super {
public: virtual void task(void* params) = 0;
class Derived1 : public Super {
public: virtual void task(void* params) {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
if(params) // Necessary to prevent unused parameter warning
std::cout << "Not Null" << std::endl;
class Derived2 : public Super {
public: virtual void task(void* params) {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
if(params) // Necessary to prevent unused parameter warning
std::cout << "Not Null" << std::endl;
void init(){
Super *obj = condition ? (Super*)new Derived1 : (Super*)new Derived2;
xTaskCreate( &Super::task , obj);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc > 1)
std::cout << "Condition true because of argument " << argv[1] << std::endl;
condition = true;
} else {
std::cout << "Condition false" << std::endl;
return 0;
unsigned xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode, void* params)
Super *obj = (Super*) params;
return 0;
If you're concerned that the syntax is &Super::task instead of &obj->task, then you're misunderstanding how virtual functions work. (It turns out that the &obj->task syntax forbidden by ISO C++, but gcc says it's permissive, so you shouldn't but could force it to compile, and get exactly the same result)
The information about which virtual version of a function to call 'lives' in the object, not the type system. (Could probably phrase that better, open to suggestions, but I think it gets the general point across) It is impossible to call a member function without an object, so in order to make use of the function pointer, you'll have to have an object to 'call it on'. It is the type of that object which will determine which virtual function gets called. So the code above should achieve whatever you're going for, unless of course, this is a round-about way to determine the type of the object pointed to by obj, in which case, it's an awfully convoluted way of going about it.
Further Reading specifically in "Kerrek SB"s answer.

Is it possible to access a variable in a sketch from a class (Arduino)?

Say I want to get a value of a variable in a sketch from a class I wrote like
int device;
void setUp() {
device = 1;
And I have a class
void Device::checkTimedEvent() {
someDevice = device; //variable from sketch
I know it's possible to access members from another class where I can include the class and use the :: scope operator but not sure how the sketch relates to classes.
It appears that the usual C/C++ "extern" syntax works in Arduino as if the sketch file were a .cpp file:
int device = 123;
extern int device;
void SomeClass::checkTimedEvent() {
someDevice = device; // variable from sketch
// will display "123" (or current value of device)
// if serial output has been set up:
Serial.println("device: " + String(device));
You may need to worry about startup and initialization order, depending on the complexity of your project.
class Test
int N = 0;
Test t;
int someNumber = t.N;
The best way to do this is to pass the value into the function as a parameter. Here's a simple example:
class Test
void doSomething(int v);
int myValue;
void Test::doSomething(int v)
myValue = v;
Test t;
int someNumber;
void setup()
someNumber = 27;
The setup() function here passes global variable someNumber into the class's member function. Inside the member function, it stores its own copy of the number.
It's important to note that it has a completely independent copy of the number. If the global variable changes, you'd need to pass it in again.
As much as Bloomfiled's answer is correct using the the more accepted practice of employing Getter and Setter functions. Below demonstrates this along with making the attribute public and directly accessing it.
class Test
void SetMyValue(int v);
int GetPublicValue();
int GetPrivateValue();
int myPublicValue;
int myPrivateValue;
void Test::SetMyValue(int v)
myPublicValue = v;
myPrivateValue = v;
int Test::GetPublicValue()
return myPublicValue;
int Test::GetPrivateValue()
return myPrivateValue;
Test t;
int someNumber;
void setup()
someNumber = 27;
t.SetMyValue(someNumber); // set both private and public via Setter Function
t.myPublicValue = someNumber; // set public attribute directly.
someNumber = t.GetPublicValue(); // read via Getter
someNumber = t.GetPrivateValue();
someNumber = t.myPublicValue; // read attribute directly
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly: