Static Library Linking Issue "Undefined symbols" for symbols that are defined - c++

I am using Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1) to compile. It's about 1200 files, but I have used them before. I go and compile them all, no problems. Then I make my static library (ar rcs libblib.a *.o), no problems. So when I try to use my brand new library, I have my problem.
gcc main.c -L. -lblib
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_N_method", referenced from:
_main in main-7fc584.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
But, I know this is defined. I check to see that the file is included (ar -t libblib.a | grep N_METHOD.o) and it is in there. Check the source file, and there is the method, exactly named as it is in the header file. What is the problem I am having here? I am at a complete loss and I am hoping I am missing something simple.
I did nm -g N_METHOD.o and got back:
0000000000000000 T __Z8N_methodP6stacks

Transferring comments into an answer.
Based on the question content, I asked:
Have you checked that N_METHOD.o is a 64-bit object file (or a fat object file with both 32-bit and 64-bit code in it)? If it is a 32-bit object file, then it is no use for a 64-bit program. However, that's a little unlikely; you have to go out of your way to create a 32-bit object file on Mac.
Have you run nm -g N_METHOD.o to see whether _N_method is defined in the object file?
I did nm -g N_METHOD.o and got back:
0000000000000000 T __Z8N_methodP6stacks
Don't compile C code with a C++ compiler. Or don't try to compile C++ code with a C compiler. The mangled name (__Z8N_methodP6stacks) is for C++. Maybe you simply need to link with g++ instead of gcc? They are different languages — this is the property of 'type-safe linkage' that is characteristic of C++ and completely unknown to C.
First step — compile and link with:
g++ main.c -L. -lblib
Assuming that the source is in the C++ subset of C (or C subset of C++), then the chances are that should work. At least, if the code contains N_Method(&xyz) where xyz is a variable of type stacks, then there's a chance it will call __Z8N_methodP6stacks.
The following code:
typedef struct stacks stacks;
extern int N_method(stacks*);
extern int relay(stacks *r);
int relay(stacks *r) { return N_method(r); }
compiles with a C++ compiler to produce the nm -g output:
0000000000000000 T __Z5relayP6stacks
U __Z8N_methodP6stacks
It also compiles with a C compiler to produce the nm -g output:
0000000000000038 s EH_frame1
U _N_method
0000000000000000 T _relay


Why can cc compile a c++ program?

I have a makefile for macOS and Linux, which contains the following command:
cc -std=c++14 foo.cpp bar.cpp
And it compiles fine. foo.cpp and bar.cpp are, as the name suggests C++ files and it contains C++11 syntax. The compilation works fine.
Now if I include <fstream> I get hundred of linker errors. I am wondering, why that is?
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"std::__1::locale::has_facet(std::__1::locale::id&) const", referenced from:
bool std::__1::has_facet<std::__1::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t> >(std::__1::locale const&) in DiceInvaders-6f5dd4.o
"std::__1::locale::use_facet(std::__1::locale::id&) const", referenced from:
Afaik, cc links to the c compiler, and I would assume due to it's auto detection it compiles it with the C++ compiler. But why does it fail with an additional C++ include?
Is there any counterpart of cc for c++ on a system? If I use g++, I would assume that command is available, and what if the user actually wanted to compile it with his compiler of preference (as in cc)?
Edit: Is $(CXX) a good replacement for cc?
Most probably cc on your system is a symlink to gcc executable. Assuming that is true:
The difference between gcc and g++, quoting the man page, is:
g++ is a program that calls GCC and automatically specifies linking against the C++ library.
So when you invoke gcc it does not link against c++ library. You can link standard c++ library manually:
gcc -lstdc++ 1.cpp
Is there any counterpart of cc for c++ on a system?
The cc command is just a convention that most system follow. It's not standardized, at least I haven't heard where, the utility c99 is standarized by posix. On my linux system with archlinux distribution with the gcc package there is also installed symlink /usr/bin/c++ to g++.

Violating the one definition rule by simply linking dynamically

Question: Are dynamically linked C++ programs on ELF platforms always on the brink of producing undefined behavior by violating the one definition rule?
More specific: By simply writing a shared library exposing one function
#include <string>
int __attribute__((visibility("default"))) combined_length(const char *s,
const char *t)
const std::string t1(t);
const std::string u(s + t1);
return u.length();
and compiling it with GCC 7.3.0 via
$ g++ -Wall -g -fPIC -shared \
-fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden \
-o library.cpp
I create a binary which defines a weak symbol for the operator+() of a pointer to a character array and a string:
$ readelf -sW | grep "_ZStpl"
24: 0000000000000ee2 202 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT 12 _ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EEPKS5_RKS8_
But looking at the standard library binary I got
$ readelf -sW /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep "_ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EEPKS5_RKS8_"
2829: 000000000012b1c0 169 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT 13 _ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EEPKS5_RKS8_##GLIBCXX_3.4.21
That's the point where I say: Oh my gosh, the symbol inside my library ought to have a version attached to it too!
In the current state I'm fine because I can assume that the standard library binary is built with the same headers as my library. But what happens if the implementers of libstdc++-v3 decide to define a new version of this function and tag it with GLIBCXX_3.4.22? Since the symbol is weak, the runtime linker is free to decide whether it takes the unversioned symbol of my library or the versioned symbol of the libstdc++-v3. If I ship my library to such a system I provoke undefined behavior there. Something symbol versions should have solved for me.

Undefined reference when combining C++ and Fortran [duplicate]

I am trying to link a .o file generated using g++ and another .o file generated using gfortran.
g++ -c mycppcode.cpp
produces the file mycppcode.o and the command
gfortran -c myfortrancode.f
produces the file myfortrancode.o
When I link these two files to get an output file
g++ -O mycppcode.o myfortrancode.o
I get the following error
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"__gfortran_pow_c8_i4", referenced from:
Could some one help me with this? Should I use another compiler? Also, I would like to know what functions or subroutines call "__gfortran_pow_c8_i4", so that I can try to avoid these functions or subroutines in fortran in future.
The following assumes you are using the GNU compiler tools. Things may be slightly different if you are using other compilers.
You can use either compiler to link the two together, but you need to provide the appropriate libraries.
Typically, you can use either
gfortran fortobj.o cppobj.o -lstdc++
g++ fortobj.o cppobj.o -lgfortran
This assumes that you are using a setup where both compilers know about each other's libraries (like if you installed through a linux repository).
In the case of the OP the C compilers came from XCode and gfortran is from homebrew. In that case, gfortran knows about the g++ libraries (since they were used to compile the compiler), but g++ doesn't know about the gfortran libraries. This is why using gfortran to link worked as advertised above. However, to link with g++ you need to add the path to libgfortran.* when you call the linker using the -L flag, like
g++ fortobj.o cppobj.o -L/path/to/fortran/libs -lgfortran
If for some reason your gfortran compiler is unaware of your g++ libs, you would do
gfortran fortobj.o cppobj.o -L/path/to/c++/libs -lstdc++
Note that there shouldn't be any difference in the final executable. I'm no compiler expert, but my understanding is that using the compiler to link your objects together is a convenience for calling the linker (ld on UNIX-like OS's) with the appropriate libraries associated with the language you are using. Therefore, using one compiler or the other to link shouldn't matter, as long as the right libraries are included.

In C++, why don't I have to include anything to use the sqrt() function?

I am just learning C++. Compiling with g++ version 3.2.3, "g++ hworld.cpp":
double sqrt(double);
int main(){
double x = sqrt(1515.15);
return 0;
That compiles fine, but if we were to replace sqrt with "sqrtfoo" the compiler would say sqrtfoo cannot be used as a function. I thought I would have to include cmath, but I guess not? Can someone please explain what my program has access to before any includes? For comparison, gcc does not allow me to do this, saying "undefined reference to 'sqrt'." Thank you.
You don't need to include cmath because your code has a prototype for sqrt in it already, the very first line.
As the existing answers explain, the double sort(double) provides a prototype to let the compiler know that the function exists.
But you also mentioned that this doesn't work under GCC. When you build a C or C++ program, the source code is compiled into object format. The object files are then linked together to form an executable.
To see this in action, try
gcc -c hello.c
This tells GCC to compile (-c) the source file hello.c. Assuming that hello.c exists and has no errors, you'll find hello.o in the current directory. Now try
gcc -o hello hello.o
This tells GCC to link hello.o with the appropriate system libraries, and to generate an output file called "hello". If hello.c uses math functions, you'll also need to link in the math library:
gcc -o hello hello.o -lm
"-l" is used to tell gcc to include extra libraries (beyond the default "libc" C library). "m" refers to "libm", which is the math library containing sqrt. If your program uses only one source file it's common to ask implicitly GCC to compile and link in a single command:
gcc -o hello hello.c -lm
Now to your question. GCC won't compile the above code because you haven't asked it to link in the math library. But g++ is okay with it. There's a very similar question already on Stack Overflow. According to its accepted answer,
the C++ runtime libstdc++ requres libm, so if you compile a C++
program with GCC (g++), you will automatically get libm linked in.
Since "libstdc++" is the C++ language runtime library, it's included by g++ by default. And as it depends on libm, the linker automatically loads libm while producing the final binary program.
Header files hold only declarations (signatures), and you've included one in the first line (prototype: double sqrt(double)).
The compiler compiles it just fine, because you've stated that somewhere this function is defined. The step that occurs after compiling is responsible for actually looking for that function definition. It's called linking, and during that phase linker lookups those definitions. In case of sqrtfoo it cannot find anything, whereas in case of sqrt it finds it in some standard library (I do not know the details here).

Undefined Reference Error When Linking to Static Library

I am trying to compile a project that depends on the Xerces XML Parser. The project compiles for Windows without any difficulty, but I'm having some trouble compiling it with g++ in Cygwin.
In order to use Xerces, I am trying to compile my code against the static library libxerces-c.a. But when I do so, I get errors that look like this:
/tmp/cc2QGvMh.o:test.cpp:(.text+0x3a): undefined reference to `xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(unsigned short const*)'
I've inspected the static library using ar, and confirmed that it contains the DOMImplementationRegistry.o file that defines the function that I am calling.
ar -t libxerces-c.a
I've also extracted the object files from the library, and used 'nm' to make sure that the function I am calling actually exists:
ar -x libxerces-c.a
nm --demangle DOMImplementationRegistry.o
00000080 T xercesc_2_8::getDOMImplSrcVectorMutex()
00000300 T xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(unsigned short const*)
000002a0 T xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationRegistry::addSource(xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationSource*)
Since I can compile everything for Windows but not with g++, I thought that the error could be in the linker order (similar to the problem described in this question). However, even after changing the linker order, I am still getting the same compiler error. I have tried both
g++ -o test.exe test.cpp -Llib -lxerces-c
g++ -o test.exe test.cpp lib/libxerces-c.a
Any ideas?
Your project uses method from xercesc_2_6 namespace as pointed by compiler error message but your library offers xercesc_2_8 version. Problem is probably caused by mismatch between headers you use and library object file.
You didn't say the source of the archive. If it isn't compiled with cygwin, it could be a name mangling problem. Compiling the library from source might well fix this.
It could also be that the archive is built incorrectly so that it has internal resolution problems. Try giving the library name twice.
g++ -o test.exe test.cpp lib/libxerces-c.a lib/libxerces-c.a
If this works, the archive is broken and you should look for or build a new one.
Try the linker option --enable-stdcall-fixup (see 'man ld'). It will care for name mangling and calling conventions:
g++ -o test.exe test.o -Wl,--enable-stdcall-fixup -Llib -lxerces-c