Amazon States Language: Java Library - amazon-web-services
Is there an API/library which I can use to process states as per this standard. I understand AWS resources are available; is there anything independent of AWS and in the java library that can be used?

There is complete lightweight microservice platform (probably fastest on the market) called light4j eventuate. One of subproject is which implements Amazon States Language completely.

As of now, there is no Java implementation/bindings outside AWS.
Netflix Conductor blog states:
Recently announced AWS Step Functions added some of the features we were looking for in an orchestration engine. There is a potential for Conductor to adopt the states language to define workflows.
So - since their decider component is a Java service - maybe that could become a Java implementation someday. is based on nodejs and focused on openwhisk compatibility.


AWS step functions vs Camunda for workflow

I am not sure if I am comparing Apples to Oranges, but both Camunda and Step Functions of AWS seem to address the same thing: Workflows. Help me with the comparison of both, which to use when. Are they replaceable?
You are not comparing apples to oranges. Both tools are workflow engines.
As a background read, the comparison is also discussed for example here:
Differences in essence:
Process modeling language (Proprietary Amazon State Language vs. standardized BPMN supporting more language constructs from
Visualization of process models for different stakeholders (simple auto-generated for Step Functions, BPMN for Camunda)
Architecture possibilities (Step functions are cloud-only and even AWS-only, but then of course integrated in the AWS world; Camunda is independent and can run in any environment, but also needs additional work to integrate with AWS).
As a rule of thumb:
Use Step Functions if you have quite technical workflows that need to work only in the AWS world
Use Camunda in all other cases, including more hybrid environments and "bigger" processes
I also described this more in

Can we deploy QlikSense on serverless architecture?

Can we deploy QlikSense/QlikView on serverless architecture?
Currently using Monolithic architecture, any other way to move on to serverless?
While I am not familiar with Qlik's products, it is unlikely they would be suitable for serverless architecture.
Companies generally offer the products either as:
Downloadable products that you run on your own server (which could be a virtual server in the cloud), or
Software-as-a-Service, where you access their website directly and no server is required (eg Salesforce)
"Serverless architecture" is a design decision that can be made when designing a software product. It means the the application is broken-down into small components ('microservices') that can be run on services like AWS Lambda, with no actual server.
However, such architecture would normally only be used for your own applications that you create. If another company has designed their system to be 'serverless', then they would normally run it on a cloud system (eg AWS) and offer it to users as Software-as-a-Service. It would be highly unusual to have a 'download' product that runs on a serverless architecture.
I notice that Qlik has product offerings that run on AWS (AWS Marketplace: Qlik), which runs on an Amazon EC2 instance, rather than serverless.
If you look into the Qlik Core product then yes Qlik can be deployed on an elastic containerised enviroment. But then as I understand it you don't get the standard objects and visualisations, user management etc. So you have to code your own stuff that ties into the Qlik Data Analytics Engine via apis.
So, how do you get it? Licensing info here but let’s talk components
Linux-based Associative Engine – provided as a Docker image with built-in support for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform
Supporting APIs – these ingest your data into the Qlik Associative Engine through connectors
Supporting Open Source Libraries – these various libraries by Qlik expose the engine to help you build solutions faster
It’s all language agnostic but JavaScript lovers will find it easier to work with given the number of our open source tools available in JavaScript. Other top languages and tools used include R, Go, Shell, C#, Python, Java and D3. Qlik Core can also be managed with the orchestration tool of your choice for implementing, scaling and managing containerized applications.
It really depends on what exactly are you building. As The Budac mentioned you can use Qlik Core
If you just want invoke Qlik API (for example some automation jobs) then serverless functions are making sense.
Qlik Sense (both Enterprise and Kubernetes versions) expose a lot more different API which can be called from technically everywhere.
QlikView on the other hand is more ... conservative. QV is an older software and the API/integrations are more limited. For example: to call the Management API you have to be on the same domain as QV. Personally I've only connected to QV Management API only with C# and pretty sure you cant use JS/Node

how to integrate AWS services for language without sdk

AWS provides SDK only for some languages. How could I integrate AWS services in an application for which an official SDK is not provided. Eg C of Scala or Rust? I know that for Scala, some aws sdk projects are available but as they are individual contributions (and not aws releases), I am reluctant to use them.
All the SDKs do is wrap some minimal interface around the API calls made to the AWS servers. For any service you wish to integrate into your application, just head over to their API documentation, and write your own codes/wrappers.
For eg. this link takes you to the API reference for EC2 service.
In the early days of AWS, we needed an SDK for C++. At that time an SDK for C++ did not exist, so I wrote one based upon the REST API. This is no easy task as the Amazon API is huge and by the time you complete coding for one service, you have to go back and update with all of the AWS feature improvements and changes. This seems like a never ending loop.
Several of the AWS SDKs were started by third party developers and then contributed to Amazon as open source projects. If you have a popular language that you feel that others could benefit from, start an open source project and get everyone involved. It could become an official project if there is enough demand. Ping me if you do as I might be interested in contributing.

AWS Serverless application load time with the Spring framework

I am building a web application in AWS using the serverless architecture.
The purpose of the application is to expose a public API to upload files from around the world.
I use AWS API-Gateway and Lambda to execute my code and S3 as storage.
I know that it is very much possible and well supported (even by 3rd parties like the Serverless framework) to use Java Spring framework to write the code that I deploy in my Lambda function.
However, is it really recommended? Spring applications usually take 30 seconds or more to load completely and Lambda should run Immediately.
How come this option is even supported by AWS (since it sounds like a very bad idea)?
Java is one of the supported programming languages of AWS Lambda. It is possible to run an application using Java, you just have to take the warmup time into consideration, if that fits your use-case - then use it. You could also use SNS and a hook to your lambda to keep it warm if you do not receive requests
Using Java with AWS lambdas is perfectly fine but Lambdas are functions not applications!
So you should avoid to use a framework like Spring because you don't need that.
The question is what do you want to achieve in your function and why do you need a framework to execute such small amount of code?
What's your use case?
Personally, I would AVOID using java runtime for AWS lambda as much as possible. I understand that it's very tempting to use java assuming that you are looking into migrating an existing implementation into microservices. But you are always going to pay the penalty of slow warm-up time compared to other runtimes. You may also miss out on Java compiler optimisations as the lambda may not be invoked enough number of times to trigger C1 and C2 compilations.
My preference would be only to use java for lambda if you are planning to write a lean implementation, means no spring, hibernate etc. etc.

Corba request timeout

I am working on a Corba client for some time. One problem that I run in is that I am not really able to define a timeout configuration.
I am using a Mico C++ orb but it seems to be a global problem because I found noone who could describe if there is a Corba defined method to configure a request timeout.
Does anyone know of such an interface or orb initialization?
The Messaging section of the CORBA spec defines RelativeRequestTimeoutPolicy and RelativeRoundtripTimeoutPolicy for that. You may look at the section named "Programming client timeouts" in for more information.
I don't have experience with MICO, but it seems that it is supported since version 2.3.13
Policies are not real-time specific; policies permeate the core spec as well as optional features such as Real Time. The POA uses policies, as does the ORB itself, to configure different behaviors.
As Eric Malenfant already pointed out, there are two timeout policies that are part of the Messaging aspect of CORBA that will have an effect. However, there are also additional policies known as Sync Scope policies that affect the timeout policies as well. I'm not sure how much MICO implements any of those.