How to split the data in the data frame in python? - python-2.7

I used the below code:
import pandas as pd
pandas_bigram = pd.DataFrame(bigram_data)
print pandas_bigram
I got output as below
0 ashoka -**0
1 - wikipedia,**1
2 wikipedia, the**2
3 the free**2
4 free encyclopedia**2
5 encyclopedia ashoka**1
6 ashoka from**2
7 from wikipedia,**1
8 wikipedia, the**2
9 the free**2
10 free encyclopedia**2
My question is How to split this data frame. So, that i will get data in two rows. the data here is separated by "**".

import pandas as pd
df= [" ashoka -**0","- wikipedia,**1","wikipedia, the**2"]
0 ashoka -**0
1 - wikipedia,**1
2 wikipedia, the**2
Use split function: The method split() returns a list of all the words in the string, using str as the separator (splits on all whitespace if left unspecified), optionally limiting the number of splits to num.
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df[0].str.split('*',1).tolist(),
columns = ['0','1'])
0 1
0 ashoka - *0
1 - wikipedia, *1
2 wikipedia, the *2


Drop rows based on one column values

I've a dataframe which looks like this:
wave mean median mad
0 4050.32 -0.016182 -0.011940 0.008885
1 4208.98 0.023707 0.007189 0.032585
2 4508.28 3.662293 0.001414 7.193139
3 4531.62 -15.459313 -0.001523 30.408377
4 4551.65 0.009028 0.007581 0.005247
5 4554.46 0.001861 0.010692 0.027969
6 6828.60 -10.604568 -0.000590 21.084799
7 6839.84 -0.003466 -0.001870 0.010169
8 6842.04 -32.751551 -0.002514 65.118329
9 6842.69 18.293519 -0.002158 36.385884
10 6843.66 0.006386 -0.002468 0.034995
11 6855.72 0.020803 0.000886 0.040529
As it's clearly evident in the above table that some of the values in the column mad and median are very big(outliers). So i want to remove the rows which have these very big values.
For example in row3 the value of mad is 30.408377 which very big so i want to drop this row. I know that i can use one line
to remove these values from the columns but it doesn't removes the complete row
df[np.abs(df.mad-df.mad.mean()) <= (3*df.mad.std())]
But i want to remove the complete row.
How can i do that?
Predicates like what you've given will remove entire rows. But none of your data is outside of 3 standard deviations. If you tone it down to just one standard deviation, rows are removed with your example data.
Here's an example using your data:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
columns = ["wave", "mean", "median", "mad"]
data = [
[4050.32, -0.016182, -0.011940, 0.008885],
[4208.98, 0.023707, 0.007189, 0.032585],
[4508.28, 3.662293, 0.001414, 7.193139],
[4531.62, -15.459313, -0.001523, 30.408377],
[4551.65, 0.009028, 0.007581, 0.005247],
[4554.46, 0.001861, 0.010692, 0.027969],
[6828.60, -10.604568, -0.000590, 21.084799],
[6839.84, -0.003466, -0.001870, 0.010169],
[6842.04, -32.751551, -0.002514, 65.118329],
[6842.69, 18.293519, -0.002158, 36.385884],
[6843.66, 0.006386, -0.002468, 0.034995],
[6855.72, 0.020803, 0.000886, 0.040529],
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(data), columns=columns)
print("ORIGINAL: ")
res = df[np.abs(df['mad']-df['mad'].mean()) <= (df['mad'].std())]
print("REMOVED: ")
this outputs:
wave mean median mad
0 4050.32 -0.016182 -0.011940 0.008885
1 4208.98 0.023707 0.007189 0.032585
2 4508.28 3.662293 0.001414 7.193139
3 4531.62 -15.459313 -0.001523 30.408377
4 4551.65 0.009028 0.007581 0.005247
5 4554.46 0.001861 0.010692 0.027969
6 6828.60 -10.604568 -0.000590 21.084799
7 6839.84 -0.003466 -0.001870 0.010169
8 6842.04 -32.751551 -0.002514 65.118329
9 6842.69 18.293519 -0.002158 36.385884
10 6843.66 0.006386 -0.002468 0.034995
11 6855.72 0.020803 0.000886 0.040529
wave mean median mad
0 4050.32 -0.016182 -0.011940 0.008885
1 4208.98 0.023707 0.007189 0.032585
2 4508.28 3.662293 0.001414 7.193139
3 4531.62 -15.459313 -0.001523 30.408377
4 4551.65 0.009028 0.007581 0.005247
5 4554.46 0.001861 0.010692 0.027969
6 6828.60 -10.604568 -0.000590 21.084799
7 6839.84 -0.003466 -0.001870 0.010169
10 6843.66 0.006386 -0.002468 0.034995
11 6855.72 0.020803 0.000886 0.040529
Observe that rows indexed 8 and 9 are now gone.
Be sure you're reassigning the output of df[np.abs(df['mad']-df['mad'].mean()) <= (df['mad'].std())] as shown above. The operation is not done in place.
Doing df[np.abs(df.mad-df.mad.mean()) <= (3*df.mad.std())] will not change the dataframe.
But assign it back to df, so that:
df = df[np.abs(df.mad-df.mad.mean()) <= (3*df.mad.std())]

Finding occurrences of substrings within pandas dataframe -- Python

I have a list of 'words' I want to count below
word_list = ['one','two','three']
And I have a column within pandas dataframe with text below.
"Perhaps she'll be the one for me."
"Is it two or one?"
"Mayhaps it be three afterall..."
"Three times and it's a charm."
"One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish."
"There's only one cat in the hat."
"One does not simply code into pandas."
"Two nights later..."
"Quoth the Raven... nevermore."
The desired output that I would like is the following below, where I want to count the number of times the substrings defined in word_list appear in the strings of each row in the dataframe.
Word | Count
one 5
two 3
three 2
Is there a way to do this in Python 2.7?
I would do this with vanilla python, first join the string:
In [11]: long_string = "".join(df[0]).lower()
In [12]: long_string[:50] # all the words glued up
Out[12]: "perhaps she'll be the one for it two or one?"
In [13]: for w in word_list:
...: print(w, long_string.count(w))
one 5
two 3
three 2
If you want to return a Series, you could use a dict comprehension:
In [14]: pd.Series({w: long_string.count(w) for w in word_list})
one 5
three 2
two 3
dtype: int64
Use str.extractall + value_counts:
0 "Perhaps she'll be the one for me."
1 "Is it two or one?"
2 "Mayhaps it be three afterall..."
3 "Three times and it's a charm."
4 "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish."
5 "There's only one cat in the hat."
6 "One does not simply code into pandas."
7 "Two nights later..."
8 "Quoth the Raven... nevermore."
rgx = '({})'.format('|'.join(word_list))
df['text'].str.lower().str.extractall(rgx).iloc[:, 0].value_counts()
one 5
two 3
three 2
Name: 0, dtype: int64
df.text.str.lower().str.extractall(rgx).iloc[:, 0]
0 0 one
1 0 two
1 one
2 0 three
3 0 three
4 0 one
1 two
5 0 one
6 0 one
7 0 two
Name: 0, dtype: object
# Zero's code
pd.Series({w: df.text.str.count(w, flags=re.IGNORECASE).sum() for w in word_list}).sort_values(ascending=False)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.55 ms per loop
# Andy's code
long_string = "".join(df.iloc[:, 0]).lower()
for w in word_list:
10000 loops, best of 3: 132 µs per loop
df['text'].str.lower().str.extractall(rgx).iloc[:, 0].value_counts()
100 loops, best of 3: 2.53 ms per loop
df = pd.concat([df] * 100000)
pd.Series({w: df.text.str.count(w, flags=re.IGNORECASE).sum() for w in word_list}).sort_values(ascending=False)
1 loop, best of 3: 4.34 s per loop
long_string = "".join(df.iloc[:, 0]).lower()
for w in word_list:
10 loops, best of 3: 151 ms per loop
df['text'].str.lower().str.extractall(rgx).iloc[:, 0].value_counts()
1 loop, best of 3: 4.12 s per loop
In [52]: pd.Series({w: df.TEXT.str.contains(w, case=False).sum() for w in word_list})
one 5
three 2
two 3
dtype: int64
Or, to count multiple instances in each row
In [53]: pd.Series({w: df.TEXT.str.count(w, flags=re.IGNORECASE).sum() for w in word_list})
one 5
three 2
two 3
dtype: int64
Use sort_values
In [55]: s = pd.Series({w: df.TEXT.str.count(w, flags=re.IGNORECASE).sum() for w in word_list})
In [56]: s.sort_values(ascending=False)
one 5
two 3
three 2
dtype: int64

load multiple csv files into Dataframe: columns names issue

I have multiple csv files with the same format (14 rows 4 columns).
I tried to load all of them into a single dataFrame, and use file's name to rename the values of the first column (1-14)
1 500 0 0
2 350 0 1
3 500 1 0
13 600 0 0
14 800 0 0
I tried the following code but I am not getting what I am expecting:
filenames = os.listdir('Threshold/')
Y = pd.DataFrame () #empty df
# file name are in the following foramt "subx_ICA_thre.csv"
# need to get x (subject number to be used later for renaming columns values)
for filename in filenames:
s= int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, filename)))
S_Sub_list= sorted(Sub_list)
for x in S_Sub_list: # get the file according to the subject number
temp = pd.read_csv('sub' +str(x)+'_ICA_thre.csv' )
df = pd.concat([Y, temp]) # concat the obtained frame with the empty frame
df.columns = ['id', 'data', 'isEB', 'isEM']
# replace the column values using subject id
for sub in range(1,15):
df['id'].replace(sub, 'sub' +str(x)+'_ICA_'+str(sub) ,inplace=True)
print (df)
id data isEB isEM
0 sub1_ICA_2 200 0 0
1 sub1_ICA_3 275 0 0
2 sub1_ICA_4 500 1 0
11 sub1_ICA_13 275 0 0
12 sub1_ICA_14 300 0 0
id data isEB isEM
0 sub2_ICA_2 275 0 0
1 sub2_ICA_3 500 0 0
2 sub2_ICA_4 400 0 0
11 sub2_ICA_13 300 0 0
12 sub2_ICA_14 450 0 0
First, it seems that the code makes different dataFrame not a single one.Second, the first row is removed (sub1_ICA_1 is missing, may be replaced with column names).
I couldn't find the problem in the loop that I am using
I think you need create list of DataFrames first, then concat with parameter keys for new values by range in MultiIndex, then modify column id and last remove MultiIndex by reset_index:
Also was added parameter names to read_csv for custom columns names.
Y = []
for x in S_Sub_list:
n = ['id', 'data', 'isEB', 'isEM']
temp = pd.read_csv('sub' + str(x) +'_ICA_thre.csv', names = n)
#list comprehension alternative
#n = ['id', 'data', 'isEB', 'isEM']
#Y = [pd.read_csv('sub' + str(x) +'_ICA_thre.csv', names = n) for x in S_Sub_list]
df = pd.concat(Y, keys=range(1,len(S_Sub_list) + 1))
df['id'] = 'sub' + df.index.get_level_values(0).astype(str) +'_ICA_'+ df['id'].astype(str)
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

Pandas Strip numbers from a string column in python

I have a column in pandas which has string and numbers mixed
I want to strip numbers from the string.
Want an output as
In [52]: df
0 11286011
1 11268163
2 C7DDA72897
3 C8ABC557
4 C80DAS577
5 C80DSS665
In [53]: df = pd.to_numeric(df.A, errors='coerce').dropna()
In [54]: df
0 11286011.0
1 11268163.0
Name: A, dtype: float64
or using RegEx:
In [59]: df.loc[~df.A.str.contains(r'\D+')]
0 11286011
1 11268163
You can use .str.isnumeric to use in boolean slicing.
0 11286011
1 11268163
As pointed out by #MaxU, assuming every element is already a string, you can limit this to
0 11286011
1 11268163

scikit-learn: One hot encoding of column with list values [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to one hot encode variant length features?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying to encode a dataframe like below:
2 'Hello' ['we', are', 'good']
1 'All' ['hello', 'world']
Now as you can see I can labelencod string values of second column, but I am not able to figure out how to go about encode the third column which is having list of string values and length of the lists are different. Even if i onehotencode this i will get an array which i dont know how to merge with array elements of other columns after encoding. Please suggest some good technique
Assuming we have the following DF:
In [31]: df
0 2 Hello [we, are, good]
1 1 All [hello, world]
Let's use sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer
In [32]: from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
In [33]: vect = CountVectorizer()
In [34]: X = vect.fit_transform(df.C.str.join(' '))
In [35]: df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vect.get_feature_names()))
In [36]: df
A B C are good hello we world
0 2 Hello [we, are, good] 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 All [hello, world] 0 0 1 0 1
alternatively you can use sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer as #VivekKumar suggested in this comment
In [56]: from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
In [57]: mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer()
In [58]: X = mlb.fit_transform(df.C)
In [59]: df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(X, columns=mlb.classes_))
In [60]: df
A B C are good hello we world
0 2 Hello [we, are, good] 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 All [hello, world] 0 0 1 0 1