Get processID using part of WINDOW heading - c++

i use the following program in c++ ,in Visual C++ 6.0, to inform me with message box when the MS Paint program is opened. It uses the exact name of the WINDOW of MS Paint,which is "Untitled - Paint" . However now i need to make the program inform me with message box when i know only a part of the name of the actual WINDOW , for example , if the window is "Abcdefgh - Paint" and i set the string name in this way - std::wstring windowName(L"Paint"); - the program to work again. Using the following 3 rows of code the program works fine when the actual WINDOW name is the exact name of the MS Paint window:
HWND windowHandle = FindWindowW(NULL, windowName.c_str());
DWORD* processID = new DWORD;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, processID);
But it will not work if the string windowName is just part of the name, i mean if it is "Paint".
Can someone show me how to do this? I thought to take a list of the names of all opened WINDOWS and to compare them with my part of the real name, i mean to search match of the substring "Paint" in their names, but i don't know how to get all opened windows.
Also, this is very important, my computer is old and i am using Visual C++ 6.0, so i can not use all the evolution features of C++ and the program environments nowadays, i mean , i can not use code which is compiled correctly in .NET but does not compiles in Visual C++ 6.0.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include < iostream>
#include < string>
#include < windows.h>
#include < sstream>
#include < ctime>
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
// TODO: Place code here.
std::wstring windowName(L"Untitled - Paint");
time_t t = time(0); // get time now
struct tm * now = localtime( & t );
int tday = now->tm_mday;
int tmin = now->tm_min;
int thour = now->tm_hour;
HWND windowHandle = FindWindowW(NULL, windowName.c_str());
DWORD* processID = new DWORD;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, processID);
char probaintstr[20];
if(strlen(probaintstr) <=5 )
MessageBox(NULL,"niama go Notepad ili Wordpad","zaglavie",MB_OK);
else {
return 0;

You can use EnumWindows, for example
BOOL CALLBACK enumWindow(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lp)
std::string str(512, 0);
int len = GetWindowText(hwnd, &str[0], str.size());
if (str.find("Paint") != std::string::npos)
MessageBox(0, str.c_str(), 0, 0);
return true;
EnumWindows(enumWindow, 0);
return 0;
Or you can use FindWindowEx and look for classname. The classname for MS Paint is "MSPaintApp". You can find this information from "Spy" utility for windows.
for (HWND hwnd = NULL;;)
hwnd = FindWindowExA(NULL, hwnd, "MSPaintApp", 0);
if (!hwnd)
std::string str(512, 0);
int len = GetWindowText(hwnd, &str[0], 512);
if (str.find("Paint") != std::string::npos)
MessageBox(0, str.c_str(), 0, 0);
return 0;
For process id you don't need to allocate memory. Just use a reference:
DWORD processID;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, &processID);


Print text and images in C++ (WinAPI or QT)

In a basic program, I need to know how to make a text display widget and image display that can both be changed to different strings and images on command. These will display on a basic GUI.
Any specific help would be tremendously appreciated as I have been stuck on this for more than 10 weeks! Asking online here is my last resort.
I am making a basic program that asks questions (which is my text I want to print) and images for the questions come up underneath it. I have successfully made this program in a console command window (the code I will share below) but this of course meant no images could be displayed, so I am having to remake it in a GUI that supports images.
This is my first project ever done in C++, and only know the basics (the full extent of my limited knowledge got me through making that console command window program without help).
I first used WinAPI as it came with my computer in microsoft visual studio, and tried many different suggestions by other's similar questions already answered, but always either had one of two problems; 1. The code they supplied had many errors of which most read "_ is undefined" or wasn't imported properly, or 2. created basic text successfully but didn't specify how to change it after it had been created (I have had no successful image prints so far). I have tried 3 question/answers from and 3 from stack overflow (links will be below), and all of them have had these 2 problems that are created from my lack of C++ bug fixing skills.
Suggestions using WinAPI would be prefferred over QT as I have no idea what I am doing in Qt and get double digit numbers worth of errors when I import code (even though I import the correct directories), whereas WinAPI doesn't get importing errors.
Code for command console program:
//#author: James Monk
//#completed: 7/6/16
//#version 1.0
//These are the libraries (external files) to include at the start.
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Defining the [global] variables that will be used throughout the program
int running = 1;
int menuSelection;
int questionsLeft = 5;
int questionTextPicked;
int questionImagePicked;
int questionRandomised;
int score = 0;
int userInput;
int userInputDummy;
string stringPointer;
int intPointer;
string questionText[10] = {
"Would this most likely be, (1) an enemy (2) a player?\n",
"Is this (1) how many hearts the player has inside their body, or (2) a number of lives the player has?\n",
"Is this (1) a health bar, or (2) a set of red lights?\n",
"Is this (1) a money counter, or (2) a yellow ball counter?\n",
"Would this be a good object to touch with your character? (1) no or (2) yes?\n",
"What would this object likely have in it? (1) rewards, or (2) punishments\n",
"What does 'Game Over' mean? (1) your session has ended, or (2) the game is no longer playable\n",
"What would an icon like this likely be for? (1) show wheels, or (2) options\n",
"In a racing game, what would this be for? (1) health bar, or (2) fuel tank meter\n",
"What would this button likely do? (1) exit or cancel, or (2) mark a spot with an x\n" };
//Defining what happens with the different functions
void introduction() {
printf("\nG-Learning is a program built to teach people who know little about games the basic features of them. \n\n\
Questions will be asked, and you will need to answer them by choosing the correct answer.\n\
You will need to press 1, 2, or 3 followed by enter to choose.\n\n\
Press any number key followed by enter to return to the main menu.\n\n");
cin >> userInputDummy;
menuSelection = 0;
void start() {
printf("\nThe questions will now start, good luck!\n\n");
while (questionsLeft > 0) {
questionTextPicked = (rand() % 10);
if (questionTextPicked == 0) {
questionRandomised = (rand() % 4);
questionImagePicked = (7 + questionRandomised);
else if (questionTextPicked == 4) {
questionRandomised = (rand() % 3);
questionImagePicked = (11 + questionRandomised);
else {
questionImagePicked = questionTextPicked;
printf("after calculations, questionTextPicked is %d, questionRandomised is %d, and questionImagePicked is %d\n\n", questionTextPicked, questionRandomised, questionImagePicked);
//answering questions should be here
stringPointer = questionText[questionTextPicked];
intPointer = questionAnswer[questionImagePicked];
printf("answer is %d\n\n", intPointer);
printf("%s\n", stringPointer, intPointer);
printf("answer is %d\n\n", intPointer);
cin >> userInput;
if (userInput == questionAnswer[questionImagePicked]) {
else {
printf("\nIncorrect answer.\n\n");
if (questionsLeft > 0) {
printf("%d questions to go!\n\n", questionsLeft);
if (questionsLeft == 0) {
printf("All questions have been answered, you scored %d/5.\n\nReturning you to the main menu\n\n", score);
score = 0;
} //end of start's while loop
menuSelection = 0;
} //end of start's function
void exit() {
menuSelection = 0;
running = 0;
//Main function, where everything starts
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
while (running == 1) {
//Welcoming the user to the program, and asking them what they want to do (starts functions)
printf("welcome to G-Learning! Press a key to get started.\n1: Instructions\n2: Start\n3: Exit\n\n");
questionsLeft = 5; //Resetting this so that the start function can begin again
cin >> menuSelection;
if (menuSelection == 1) {
else if (menuSelection == 2) {
else if (menuSelection == 3) {
else {
printf("Invalid input, please use the 1, 2, or 3 key.");
return 0;
} //end of main function
Code for my best working WinAPI iteration (can print text, but not again on command; also without image functionality. Would like to know how to improve this one!):
//These are the libraries (external files) to include at the start.
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int textHorizontal = 10;
int textVertical = 10;
//Variables used in making the program window
int numberInput;
char charictorInput;
string stringInput;
const char g_szClassName[] = "myWindowClass";
HINSTANCE hInstance;
// Function to get the size of the text
int GetTextSize(LPSTR a0)
for (int iLoopCounter = 0; ; iLoopCounter++)
if (a0[iLoopCounter] == '\0')
return iLoopCounter;
LPSTR TextArray[] = {
"Hello World"
switch (msg)
case WM_CLOSE:
case WM_PAINT:
HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
// Location of the text
// Text to print
// Size of the text, my function gets this for us
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstanace, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
WindowClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
WindowClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
WindowClass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
WindowClass.lpszClassName = "1";
WindowClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
WindowClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
WindowClass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
WindowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); = 0;
WindowClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,
"G-Learning by James Monk",
315, 115,
1080, 720,
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
MSG msg;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0)
if (VK_ESCAPE == msg.wParam)
return 0;
I am limited to only 2 links, so to view the 3 pages I tried and the 3 stack overflow pages I tried, the links to them are on a google document here:
How I installed QT into Microsoft Visual Studio:
Thank you for reading through my issue and even more in advance for helping!
HINSTANCE hInstance;
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstanace...
CreateWindowEx(... hInstance ...)
You have spelling errors here. hInstanace and hInstance are not the same. Visual Studio should give you warnings. Set the warning level to 4. Address all the warnings and fix them. Only in rare cases is it okay to ignore warnings.
Moreover, in declaration of WNDCLASSEX WindowClass; you missed initializing hInstance, so the code will go nowhere. In C++ 14 you can do this
WNDCLASSEX WindowClass = {0}
This will initialize all members to zero. Try to always do this when declaring data on stack. Also avoid putting random code in to message loop.
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
Above header files are for C input/output, C++ input/output, and WinAPI. Usually you don't need them all. Pick one.
LPSTR TextArray[] = {
"Hello World"
Above is a character array, or just "text". If you access TextArray[0] it gives you the character 'H'
int GetTextSize(LPSTR a0)
for (int iLoopCounter = 0; ; iLoopCounter++)
if (a0[iLoopCounter] == '\0')
return iLoopCounter;
Above code is the equivalent of strlen. Your code is all over the place. You have C++14 classes like std::string, C header files, useless functions like GetTextSize which is mostly for learning C/C++, more advanced WinAPI, and some mention of Qt cross development. I recommend you spend more time with a C++ book. Here is example of what you are trying to do:
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
static HWND combobox;
static std::vector<std::string> vec = {
"Would this most likely be, (1) an enemy (2) a player?\n",
"Is this (1) how many hearts the player has inside their body, or (2) a number of lives the player has?\n",
"Is this (1) a health bar, or (2) a set of red lights?\n",
"Is this (1) a money counter, or (2) a yellow ball counter?\n",
"Would this be a good object to touch with your character? (1) no or (2) yes?\n",
"What would this object likely have in it? (1) rewards, or (2) punishments\n",
"What does 'Game Over' mean? (1) your session has ended, or (2) the game is no longer playable\n",
"What would an icon like this likely be for? (1) show wheels, or (2) options\n",
"In a racing game, what would this be for? (1) health bar, or (2) fuel tank meter\n",
"What would this button likely do? (1) exit or cancel, or (2) mark a spot with an x\n"
switch (msg)
combobox = CreateWindow("ComboBox", 0, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_HASSTRINGS | WS_CHILD | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 100, 700, 30, hwnd, HMENU(100), 0, 0);
for (auto line : vec) SendMessage(combobox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, LPARAM(line.c_str()));
if (wParam == VK_ESCAPE)
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
case WM_CLOSE:
case WM_PAINT:
HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
int sel = SendMessage(combobox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (sel < 0) sel = 0;
TextOut(hdc, 0, 0, vec[sel].c_str(), vec[sel].size());
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
WNDCLASSEX wcx = { 0 };
wcx.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
wcx.lpszClassName = "ClassName";
wcx.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
wcx.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
wcx.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
wcx.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wcx.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, wcx.lpszClassName, "G-Learning by James Monk", WS_VISIBLE|WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0,0,800,600, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
MSG msg;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0)
return 0;

Windows function ChoosePixelFormat returns ERR_OLD_WIN_VERSION on windows 7

I'm trying to teach myself the win32 API by making a window and attaching an OpenGL context to it. In order to fetch the appropriate pixel format a call to ChoosePixelFormat must be made which should return a pixel format that the system supports and best meets my needs. When I check for errors everything goes smoothly until this function is called which stops execution and logs error 1150-ERR_OLD_WIN_VERSION which is supposed to mean that my version of windows does not support this function. This is obviously not the case and msdn confirms that this function runs on all versions of windows since windows 2000. Right now I'm running windows 7 x64 on my desktop and I made sure my video driver and os were fully updated. Lots of people seem to have had trouble with the pixel format functions but I have not found any with my problem so I decided to post here for help. Here is my full code; I have not tested it on any machines other than my own.
WinMain.cpp (the only non-default msvc lib this is linked with is opengl32.lib)
MSG message;
DWORD error;
int status;
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWindow, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
{ switch(message)
{case WM_CREATE:
return 0;
return 0;
{case VK_ESCAPE:
return 0;}}
return DefWindowProc(hWindow, message, wParam, lParam);}
int MainLoop(Display d)
while((status = PeekMessage(&message, d.hWindow, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) != 0)
if (status == -1)
return -1;
return 0;
int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
std::ofstream file("log.txt", std::ios::trunc);
Display window("TEST", hInstance, WndProc, 50, 50, 50, 50, NULL, NULL);
if(window.status == -1)
{ error = GetLastError();
file << error;
return 1;}
ShowWindow(window.hWindow, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
EnableWindow(window.hWindow, true);
return 0;
Display.h (problem occurs in the class constructor)
#include <Windows.h>
class Display
Display(const char*, HINSTANCE, WNDPROC, int, int, int, int, DWORD, DWORD);
HWND hWindow;
int status;
HDC hDeviceContext;
HGLRC hGLContext;
int x, y, width, height;};
Display::Display(const char* title, HINSTANCE InstanceHandle, WNDPROC WindowProcedure, int ScreenPositionX, int ScreenPositionY, int WindowWidth, int WindowHeight, DWORD StyleFlags, DWORD ExtendedStyleFlags)
{ data.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_OWNDC;
data.lpfnWndProc = WindowProcedure;
data.cbClsExtra = 0;
data.cbWndExtra = 0;
data.hInstance = InstanceHandle;
data.hIcon = NULL;
data.hCursor = NULL;
data.hbrBackground = NULL;
data.lpszMenuName = NULL;
data.lpszClassName = "WIN1";
data.hIconSm = NULL;
hWindow = CreateWindowEx(ExtendedStyleFlags, data.lpszClassName, title, StyleFlags | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, x = ScreenPositionX, y = ScreenPositionY, width = WindowWidth, height = WindowHeight, NULL, NULL, InstanceHandle, NULL);
PFD.nVersion = 1;
PFD.dwVisibleMask = 0;
PFD.dwLayerMask = 0;
PFD.dwDamageMask = 0;
PFD.cAuxBuffers = 0;
PFD.bReserved = 0;
PFD.cColorBits = 24;
PFD.cAccumBits = 0;
PFD.cDepthBits = 32;
PFD.cStencilBits = 0;
PFD.cAlphaBits = 0;
PFD.cAccumAlphaBits = 0;
PFD.cAlphaShift = 0;
PFD.cBlueBits = 0;
PFD.cAccumBlueBits = 0;
PFD.cBlueShift = 0;
PFD.cGreenBits = 0;
PFD.cAccumGreenBits = 0;
PFD.cGreenShift = 0;
PFD.cRedBits = 0;
PFD.cAccumRedBits = 0;
PFD.cRedShift = 0;
hDeviceContext = GetDC(hWindow);
int pf = ChoosePixelFormat(hDeviceContext, &PFD); //throws error 1150, next three throw error 2000 because of this failing
SetPixelFormat(hDeviceContext, pf, &PFD);
hGLContext = wglCreateContext(hDeviceContext);
wglMakeCurrent(hDeviceContext, hGLContext);
if(GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
{status = -1;}
{status = 0;}
{ wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
UnregisterClass(data.lpszClassName, data.hInstance);}
After I have tried all mentioned solutions I still had the same problem with ERR_OLD_WIN_VERSION after ChoosePixelFormat. In my case the problem was about the graphics card driver:
The system I'm working on uses an EVGA card with a GTX 770 GPU and yesterday I installed driver version 331.65. After that I got the same problems as the questioner. Installing the current Version 337.88 fixed the issue in my case. However ERR_OLD_WIN_VERSION seams to lead us in the wrong direction.
In your Display constructor, it looks like you don't initialize the hWindow member before you use it. That would be the value returned by CreateWindowEx.
Instead of testing the address of the GetLastError function, you should be calling it and testing its return value against ERROR_SUCCESS. I think this may be an oversight when you pasted the code, as you seem to be getting meaningful results from GetLastError (...).
You might want to try something like:
#ifndef WINVER
# define WINVER 0x0500
Before #include <Windows.h>
That tells it to include all of the fields in the data structures that are new in Windows NT 5.0 (Windows 2000). Many of these structures determine the version of Windows they are targeting by the sizeof your structure, which will vary depending on how you have WINVER defined.
I was not able to boot up my older machine, but I did discover something when looking through the source code of SDL. It seems that they defined their own version of ChoosePixelFormat that loops through all available pixel formats using DescribePixelFormat and then compares them to the desired pixel format before choosing the best one. Since this is the exact same definition of windows's ChoosePixelFormat I suspect they had a good reason to make their own. Perhaps they knew it gave trouble in certain situations. Unfortunately since Microsoft Developer support is a myth, and barely anyone seems to care, this is as good an answer as I'll get for now. And since I've stopped caring too, this is probably the closest this question will ever get to an answer. Thnaks to those of you who tried to help.

WinMain arguments

My issue is that the arguments are only retrieving the first letter in each of the parameters, for this i do not know why..
Could someone elaborate?
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hpInstance, LPSTR nCmdLine, int iCmdShow){
LPWSTR *szArglist;
int nArgs = 0;
szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs);
std::string a;
for(int i=0; i<nArgs; i++){
a += (LPCSTR)szArglist[i];
MessageBox(NULL, (LPCSTR)a.c_str(), (LPCSTR)a.c_str(), MB_OK);
return 0;
I believe the issue lies within CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs);
LPWSTR is typedefed to wchar_t *, szArglist is an array of wchar_t *s. A wide character is 2 bytes instead of of 1, so a letter might be represented as:
0x0038 0x0000
However, if you take those bytes and say 'hey, pretend I'm a char *, this looks like a C-string with one letter (0x0038), because the 2nd char (0x0000) is null, which in C style strings represents the end of the string.
The problem you have is that you are trying to fit wide characters (wchar_t) into a non-wide (char) string, which is a much more complicated opperation.
The solution: either use wstring/wchar_t everywhere (corresponding to LPWSTR/LPCWSTR), or use string/char everywhere (corresponding to LPSTR and LPCSTR I believe). Note that your project setting for 'use unicode' should match your decision. Try not to mix these!
Shouldn't this just be
WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hpInstance, LPSTR nCmdLine, int iCmdShow)
MessageBoxA(NULL, nCmdLine, nCmdLine, MB_OK);
return 0;
WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hpInstance, LPSTR nCmdLine, int iCmdShow)
MessageBoxW(NULL, GetCommandLineW(), GetCommandLineW(), MB_OK);
return 0;

c++ WinApi : GetClientRect fails

I am coding a screensaver program running on Windows.
In preview mode, Windows calls the program this way :
Screensaver.exe /p ParentWindowHandle
However, when I make this call in my program :
BOOL res = GetClientRect(parentWindowHandle, rect)
res is FALSE, rect is NULL and I get ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE with GetLastError()
GetWindowRect gives me the same results.
But, if I make a call to BOOL res = IsWindow(parentWindowHandle) instead, I get res == TRUE. Does this not mean I have a valid window handle ?
The code looks like this :
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
unsigned int handle = GetHandleFromCommandLine(pCmdLine); // Custom function (tested and approved :) )
HWND parentWindowHandle = (HWND) handle;
BOOL res = GetClientRect(parentWindowHandle, rect);
// here, rect == NULL, res == FALSE and GetLastError() returns ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE
// ...
// ...
On 64-bit Windows, a window handle is 64 bits and cannot fit in an unsigned int, so your cast is producing a value that is an invalid window handle. You should modify your GetHandleFromCommandLine function so that it returns a proper HWND, not an unsigned int, and no type cast is necessary.
Also, GetClientRect returns the rectangle by storing it into the value pointed at by the second parameter. If you pass it NULL, it has nowhere to store that, so it will either crash or fail with an invalid parameter error. To avoid that, pass in the address of a local variable:
RECT rect;
GetClientRect(..., &rect);

Prompting a user with an input box? [C++]

My goal is to simply use a pop-up box to ask the user for an input. I've searched around quite a bit and pretty much all the results say that creating a messageBox is really easy:
MessageBox (NULL, "Hello World" , "Hello", MB_OKCANCEL);
But that creating a pop-up that takes input is more involved and there isn't a straight forward way to do it. All of the results I could find on Google were dated somewhere from 2001 to 2005. I guess I'm here asking if some more straight forward solution has come about in recent years.
Hopefully something nice and straight forward like in Java:
int number = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter an integer");
If that isn't the case, could I get a brief explanation of how to do it?
Edit: I couldn't get anything to work. :( I ended up writing the code to do the work in Java, and then wrote one line of C++ code to call the .jar file. :-/ Since the issue was time sensitive, it was better than nothing.
If you are using Visual C++ Express there are a number of free resource editors that can be used to create dialogs. ResEdit is one of the better ones I've found.
You need to create a dialog resource in a .RC file that you add to your project.
Then, It is a very simple case of calling DialogBox - which will load the dialog box from your resource file and place it on the screen. The passed in DialogProc will be called with a number of notifications. Typically you would want to return FALSE for everything, but handle WM_INITDIALOG as a place to initialize the edit control with text, and WM_COMMAND will be sent when a button is clicked.
There is nothing like that for pure C++. Basically what you're trying to do can only be achieved by using an API call to the OS or by using some GUI library like Qt (which I recommend cause it's waaaaay easier then calling native APIs and it's also multi-platform)
Using Qt you can show an input dialog pretty much the same way you do it on java:
bool ok;
QString text = QInputDialog::getText(
"MyApp 3000", "Enter your name:", QLineEdit::Normal,
QString::null, &ok, this );
if ( ok && !text.isEmpty() ) {
// user entered something and pressed OK
} else {
// user entered nothing or pressed Cancel
You can download the Qt library here:
Microsoft doesn't consider your use case to be common enough to optimize for, as with MessageBox. They expect you to lay out a dialog with many controls on it, perhaps with some complex interaction with the controls, and only respond once the dialog is fully filled in. What you're asking for is just the simplified version of that.
The resource editor is the easiest way to create a dialog, but that's not included in the free Express version of Visual Studio. You would design the dialog with a text control for the prompt and an edit control for the user to fill in. You present the dialog with the DialogBox Windows function, and it returns when the user hits the OK button or the X in the corner of the dialog. Microsoft has some documentation for it here.
There are a few platforms available that try to make the process easier, such as MFC, WTL, Qt, and wx, but this is how you'd do it with the pure Windows API.
My answer is based on Stephen Quan's answer to How to load & call a VBScript function from within C++? Added full UTF-8 support, as you can gather from the code comments in the CPP file. Unlike using Microsoft Script Control to create the InputBox, this can be used in x86 and x64 executables, libraries, and controls.
extern "C" char *InputBox(char *Prompt, char *Title = (char *)"", char *Default = (char *)"");
extern "C" char *PasswordBox(char *Prompt, char *Title = (char *)"", char *Default = (char *)"");
#include "inputbox.h"
// Windows API
#include <windows.h>
// VBScript InputBox
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <activscp.h>
#include <comdef.h>
// UTF-8 Support
#include <wchar.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using std::string;
using std::wstring;
using std::vector;
static wstring StringWiden(string Str) {
const size_t wchar_tCount = Str.size() + 1;
vector<wchar_t> Buffer(wchar_tCount);
return wstring {, (size_t)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, Str.c_str(), -1,, wchar_tCount) };
static string StringShorten(wstring Str) {
int nBytes = (size_t)WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, Str.c_str(), (int)Str.length(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
vector<char> Buffer((size_t)nBytes);
return string {, (size_t)WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, Str.c_str(), (int)Str.length(),, nBytes, NULL, NULL) };
static string StringReplaceAll(string Str, string SubStr, string NewStr) {
size_t Position = 0;
const size_t SubLen = SubStr.length(), NewLen = NewStr.length();
while ((Position = Str.find(SubStr, Position)) != string::npos) {
Str.replace(Position, SubLen, NewStr);
Position += NewLen;
return Str;
static string CPPNewLineToVBSNewLine(string NewLine) {
size_t Position = 0;
while (Position < NewLine.length()) {
if (NewLine[Position] == '\r' || NewLine[Position] == '\n')
NewLine.replace(Position, 2, "\" + vbNewLine + \"");
Position += 1;
return NewLine;
class CSimpleScriptSite :
public IActiveScriptSite,
public IActiveScriptSiteWindow {
CSimpleScriptSite() : m_cRefCount(1), m_hWnd(NULL) { }
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject);
// IActiveScriptSite
STDMETHOD(GetLCID)(LCID* plcid) { *plcid = 0; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(GetItemInfo)(LPCOLESTR pstrName, DWORD dwReturnMask, IUnknown** ppiunkItem, ITypeInfo** ppti) { return TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND; }
STDMETHOD(GetDocVersionString)(BSTR* pbstrVersion) { *pbstrVersion = SysAllocString(L"1.0"); return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(OnScriptTerminate)(const VARIANT* pvarResult, const EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(OnStateChange)(SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(OnScriptError)(IActiveScriptError* pIActiveScriptError) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(OnEnterScript)(void) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(OnLeaveScript)(void) { return S_OK; }
// IActiveScriptSiteWindow
STDMETHOD(GetWindow)(HWND* phWnd) { *phWnd = m_hWnd; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(EnableModeless)(BOOL fEnable) { return S_OK; }
// Miscellaneous
STDMETHOD(SetWindow)(HWND hWnd) { m_hWnd = hWnd; return S_OK; }
LONG m_cRefCount;
HWND m_hWnd;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSimpleScriptSite::AddRef() {
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRefCount);
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSimpleScriptSite::Release() {
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRefCount)) {
delete this;
return 0;
return m_cRefCount;
STDMETHODIMP CSimpleScriptSite::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject)
if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IActiveScriptSiteWindow) {
*ppvObject = (IActiveScriptSiteWindow*)this;
return NOERROR;
if (riid == IID_IActiveScriptSite) {
*ppvObject = (IActiveScriptSite*)this;
return NOERROR;
static HHOOK hHook = 0;
static bool HideInput = false;
static LRESULT CALLBACK InputBoxProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
if (nCode < HC_ACTION)
return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
if (nCode = HCBT_ACTIVATE) {
if (HideInput == true) {
HWND TextBox = FindWindowExA((HWND)wParam, NULL, "Edit", NULL);
SendDlgItemMessageW((HWND)wParam, GetDlgCtrlID(TextBox), EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, L'\x25cf', 0);
if (nCode = HCBT_CREATEWND) {
if (!(GetWindowLongPtr((HWND)wParam, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD))
SetWindowLongPtr((HWND)wParam, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr((HWND)wParam, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME);
return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
static char *InputBoxHelper(char *Prompt, char *Title, char *Default) {
// Initialize
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
CSimpleScriptSite* pScriptSite = new CSimpleScriptSite();
CComPtr<IActiveScript> spVBScript;
CComPtr<IActiveScriptParse> spVBScriptParse;
hr = spVBScript.CoCreateInstance(OLESTR("VBScript"));
hr = spVBScript->SetScriptSite(pScriptSite);
hr = spVBScript->QueryInterface(&spVBScriptParse);
hr = spVBScriptParse->InitNew();
// Replace quotes with double quotes
string strPrompt = StringReplaceAll(Prompt, "\"", "\"\"");
string strTitle = StringReplaceAll(Title, "\"", "\"\"");
string strDefault = StringReplaceAll(Default, "\"", "\"\"");
// Create evaluation string
string Evaluation = "InputBox(\"" + strPrompt + "\", \"" + strTitle + "\", \"" + strDefault + "\")";
Evaluation = CPPNewLineToVBSNewLine(Evaluation);
wstring WideEval = StringWiden(Evaluation);
// Run InpuBox
CComVariant result;
EXCEPINFO ei = {};
DWORD ThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
HINSTANCE ModHwnd = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
hr = pScriptSite->SetWindow(GetAncestor(GetActiveWindow(), GA_ROOTOWNER));
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, &InputBoxProc, ModHwnd, ThreadID);
hr = spVBScriptParse->ParseScriptText(WideEval.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, SCRIPTTEXT_ISEXPRESSION, &result, &ei);
// Cleanup
spVBScriptParse = NULL;
spVBScript = NULL;
pScriptSite = NULL;
// Result
static string strResult;
_bstr_t bstrResult = (_bstr_t)result;
strResult = StringShorten((wchar_t*)bstrResult);
return (char*)strResult.c_str();
char *InputBox(char *Prompt, char *Title, char *Default) {
HideInput = false;
return InputBoxHelper(Prompt, Title, Default);
char *PasswordBox(char *Prompt, char *Title, char *Default) {
HideInput = true;
return InputBoxHelper(Prompt, Title, Default);
Create the two above files and then add them to your Visual Studio project.
In any file you want the input or password box functions, (found in the header), simply include the header:
#include "inputbox.h"
// use functions here
I also got rid of the default Windows application icon in the title bar of the VBScript InputBox, because a lot of people I've seen complain about how ugly it is to see that there.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I have to admit that I haven't really done much in the way of input boxes in ages, but you basically have to go outside C++ in order to get any kind of graphical input box. There's simply no mechanism built into the language for that kind of stuff for portability reasons. I don't remember if it applied to C++ as well, but C doesn't even assume you have a console. Anyway, your best bet would be something along the lines you were already trying: Win32 API, Qt, etc. If you can use the console, however, feel free to just use the iostream library to get the job done.
Using a console window is better suited to the mode of communication where a program prompts the user, continues, prompts the user again, and so on.
And for that you can use the standard library's facilities like cin and cout.
Unlike Visual Basic and other languages, there is no "built in" Input Box like command in c++. Unlike MessageBox that can be just invoked, InputBox() needs to be written. In fact, I have done so. The following article describes how to implement such InputBox as part of a small Static Library that can be used, with no Resources, from any Win32 c++ program. Source code at Github. It can be used as follow:
LPWSTR GetString(LPCTSTR szCaption, LPCTSTR szPrompt, LPCTSTR szDefaultText = L"");
For example:
LPWSTR result = SG_InputBox::GetString(
L"Code Project Demo",
L"What is your name");
try this:
InputBox in c++ vs2010
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <>
#using <Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll>
using namespace System;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Microsoft::VisualBasic::Interaction::InputBox(L"Hello", L"Title", L"DefResp", 500, 500);
return 0;