Is MSVCP140.dll OS/version-dependant? - c++

So I tried to run my program in another computer, as you'd expect from the title, the computer was missing msvcp140.dll - I downloaded it from the internet (didn't have other options at the time) and it didn't work.
Aside from 32-64 bit versions of said .dll, are there different versions for each version of visual studio and/or for each Windows' version (7, 8, 10)?
I would rather not have make users install Visual Studio on their computer just for my program.

msvcp140.dll is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that is a part of Microsoft Visual C++ component. Your machine might not have the Microsoft redistributable for Visual C++.(I assuming you are using VC++ compiler). Since the other machine does not have MSVS installed, there is no guarantee it has the redist installed. Just install the appropriate redist package from your Visual Studio version to avoid error. msvcp140.dll is Microsoft Visual C++ version dependent.

If you don't want to redistribute MSVC DLLs with your application, you can make a static build of your application.
In Project Settings -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library -> Select /MT or /MTd (debug)
A statically linked module will not require any MSVC DLLs (other than omp140, if you use OpenMP)
(The downside is that your EXE will become larger)


How to compile C++ app for Windows XP in MSVS?

As I read this article, it is enough to download most recent MSVS 2022 and then install toolset C++ Windows XP Support for VS 2017 (v141) tools [Deprecated].
After that in Visual Studio inside project properties I set this toolset. According to linked article it is enough to compile C++ app with XP support.
But after my .exe file is created if I run it on XP 64-bit SP2 then it shows error that CompareStringEx function is not found in KERNEL32.DLL.
Hence it appears that it is not enough to use this toolset. Something else is needed.
In some other places I see that one needs also to add define /D_USING_V110_SDK71_ when compiling and option /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,5.01 when linking. In my project properties I also tried to add this two options, but still CompareStringEx is inside import table of final application.
As suggested by #BenVoigt, I did defines /DWINVER=0x0502 /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0502. Also set C++ standard to /std:c++14 (I would set C++11 but this MSVS version allows to set only C++14 at minimum). Still some non-XP symbols remain in final EXE like InitializeSRWLock that is possibly used by C++11's std::mutex in my code.
Does anyone know everything what is needed in order to compile fully XP-compatible application?
Update. I managed to build working XP application by doing things above plus setting C++ CRT runtime to Multi Threaded DLL, i.e. using dynamic DLL linkage of CRT. Also as suggested by #ChuckWalbourn (down x86 or x64 redists), I downloaded older version of msvcp140.dll.
But it is very important for my project to have statically linked runtime (C++ CRT), i.e. use Multi Threaded value for Runtime field in project properties. Only if it is REALLY not possible only then I will use DLL CRT. Until then solution about how to link CRT statically are welcome, of course to produce XP-compatible EXE.
TL;DR For Window XP VC++ REDIST support, install on your Windows XP system
if you are doing "side-by-side application local deployment", then use the DLLs from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\<edition>\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.16.27012\x86\Microsoft.VC141.CRT.
If you want the latest bug fixes to the CRT, you can also download the REDIST for VS 2019 (16.7) per the link on Microsoft Docs.
For Windows XP targeting, you use the v141_xp Platform Toolset installed by Visual Studio (VS 2017, VS 2019, or VS 2022) which is the latest VS 2017 (v141) C++ compiler using an included Windows 7.1A SDK.
Make sure you have installed (for VS 2022) the following individual components since you are using MFC:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.WinXP: C++ Windows XP Support for VS 2017 (v141) tools [Deprecated]
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.v141.x86.x64: MSVC v141 - VS 2017 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.16)
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.v141.MFC: C++ MFC for v141 build tools (x86 & x64)
If you are doing DirectX development, be sure to read this blog post as well for various implications of using the Windows 7.1A SDK.
For deployment to Windows XP, you can install the latest VS 2017 Visual C++ REDIST or use VS 2019 Visual C++ up to VS 2019 (16.7). After that the REDIST DLLs themselves are not compatible with Windows XP.
On your development system with VS 2022 installed, you are going to have a newer set of Visual C++ REDIST files which are binary compatible with your v141_xp Platform Toolset built EXE, but those VC++ REDIST DLLs are not compatible with Windows XP.
IOW: If you look at a dumpbin /imports of the 14.30 (v143 version), 14.29 (v142 latest version), and/or 14.16 (v141 latest version ) copies of msvcp140.dll you will see different imports. The msvcp140.dll sitting in your C:\windows\SysWOW64 folder is going to be the 14.30 version.

Link to a specific .dll file in Visual Studio?

I have written a C++ program using OpenGl in Visual Studio 2015 for Windows 7. I compiled my code using "release" instead of "debug". The program works fine on my computer, but when I move to another computer the program fails. I get the error message:
The program can't start because MSVCP140D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I would like for my program to work on other computers so that I don't have to install the newest drivers or libraries in order for it to work. I have MSVCP140D.dll on my first computer, but I only have MSVCP120.dll on my other computer. How do I compile my code so that it does not require MSVCP140D.dll, but instead works with MSVCP120.dll?
First make sure your build settings are correct for release build : MSVCP140D.dll is the debug DLL of the Visual Studio 2015 runtime; the release version of this libray is MSVCP140.dll.
When you've fixed this, then you can install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 on the target computer where you want to run your program : this will install the missing library. Notice that the VC++ redistributable does not install the debug libraries (MSVCP140D.dll) but the release ones (MSVCP140.dll).
Another option is to rebuild your program with static linking to the Visual C++ runtime. Open the Project Properties dialog and, in "Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation", field "Runtime Library", choose "Multi-threaded (/MT)". This way, there is no need to install the VC++ redistributable on the target computer.
You need to install Visual Studio 2013 in order to be able to link with MSVCP120.dll (you can continue using MSVC 2015, but select 2013 as the toolchain). Once MSVC 2013 is installed, you will be able to select it in project settings -> Platform Toolset.
Or link your application statically (change /MD to /MT in Code Generation settings). Then your app won't need any MSVC DLL to run (but it will become bigger).
Or install the VC 2015 Redistributable package on your other computer.

How to leave Visual Studio 2013 dlls dependencies behind?

My application when opened in others computer will give an error missing msvcr"something".dll, I found out that to fix this they need to install the following:
Which is Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.
I would like to compile the program with the dlls in the executable already, is such thing possible?
If not possible, where can I get all the dlls to put in the compiled project folder?
Try to set /MT for Release and /MTd for Debug in Project Settings->C/C++->Code Generation. This will make your program not dependent on Visual Studio libraries. But beware that all the libraries/ projects you will link with should also have the same option there, otherwise you'll get nasty linker errors.
You may also wish to select v120_xp in General->Platform Toolset for your program to be able to run on Windows XP
Because a lot of Programms use the functionality of these dll's they are dynamically linked.
So your filesize stays small and in case of fixes within the dll you dont have to recompile your program.
If you dont want this behaviour you can set in the projectsettings the dll's to "static linked" (/MT).
That way they will be compiled into your executable
Here is a relevant MSDN-article
Which is Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.
For Visual Studio 2013, you need:
If you were building with Visual Studio 2012, then you would need:
If you were building with Visual Studio 2012, then you would need: (x86) (x64)
The point is, you are probably going to need a runtime if you are writing portable C/C++ code by using functions like new, malloc, delete, free, etc.
You might be able to avoid the code if you use the Win32 API. For example, HeapAlloc and HeapFree, etc. Installers often use the Win32 API, and that's one of the reasons they usually don't need a runtime installed prior to running them.
I would like to compile the program with the DLLs in the executable already, is such thing possible?
Yes, its possible. Its called Static Linking (as opposed to Dynamic Linking).
But you will probably still need a runtime.
If not possible, where can I get all the DLLs to put in the compiled project folder?
Retired Ninja gave you this answer: Microsoft Visual Studio ~ C/C++ Runtime Library ~ Static/dynamic linking.
My application when opened in others computer will give an error missing msvcr "something".dll" ...
Another possible solution is to build your project with Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008. The runtime used by VS2005 and VS2005 are usually available on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. So the computer may already have them.
But usually you just build your installer to carry around what you need. I use Inno Setup because it allows you to include both x86 and x64 components side-by-side. At install time, you just install the right components based on architecture (x86 vs x64), including the correct runtime. (At the time I choose Inno, Wix did not allow mixing architectures and I wanted a unified installer).

MSVCP100.dll not found error even when it is installed

i get the following error when i try to run an exe on a x64 machine that was build for x86 CPU using the MC++ compiler (vs2010) on a x86 machine:
i already have visual studio 2012 (along with Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 redistributable- both x86 and x64) installed on this second (x64) machine.
A quick search tells me the "MSVCR100.dll" is already present in "C:\Windows\System32".
i tried to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable but it exited with an error telling me that a superior version is already installed.
Please guide me what i am doing wrong. :)
Firstly, in 64-bit versions of Windows, 32-bit system executables and application extension files (aka DLLs) are placed in %systemroot%\SysWOW64 instead of %systemroot%\System32 (which, somewhat counterintuitively, contains 64-bit versions in a 64-bit Windows). So the SysWOW64 folder has to be checked for the x86/32-bit MSVC(++) DLLs.
Secondly, though installation of the corresponding visual studio version on the target machine or having accompanied the distributed program with the required C(++) DLLs should, theoretically, solve the problem, it's not necessary. It's sufficient to have the corresponding MSVC++ redistributable package installed (i.e. e.g. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 redistributable package in this particular case).
The aforementioned info are theoretically correct but damaged Windows installations or ... may not conform.
Including the C++ DLLs with the distributed program is acceptable (and possibly a conservative but correct decision) but installing a Visual Studio version solely to be able to use the DLLs in question definitely isn't.
As a side note, C++ redistributable packages don't install the debug versions of the DLLs so installation of or access to a corresponding Visual Studio version is necessary for running debug-compiled applications.
Your application needs the dll for VS2010. you should place MSVCR100.dll and MSVCP100.dll from your x86 machine beside your exe. You can also install VS2010 alongside your current VS2012. then you should also install the Service Pack1 for VS2010 to work properly. After installing VS2010 you have access to both mentioned dlls and also you probably don't need to copy them to your exe directory.

Visual studio Redistributable package x64 is needed to execute 64 bit application?

Consider a machine(64bit) is not having visual studio 2008 and redistributable package x64,
1. To run 64bit application(built by visual studio 2008 sp1) on that machine, do we need Redistributable package on that ?
Consider a machine(64bit) is having visual studio 2008 but it is not having redistributable package x64,
2. To run 64bit application(built by visual studio 2008 sp1) on that machine, do we need Redistributable package on that ?
what is the relation between redistibutable package x64 and 64 bit applications ?
First off, this requirement exists for both 32-bit and 64-bit code. You're just a bit more likely to be lucky with 32-bit code and somebody else having it installed before you. As it was on your dev machine by the VS installer.
It is induced by a compiler setting. Project + Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library setting. All the project templates in VS have this setting at /MD. You can change it to /MT and no longer have a dependency on the runtime DLLs, like msvcr90.dll. The runtime library code will be linked into your program instead of relying on the DLLs to be present on the target machine.
You have to be careful however, the /MD setting is the safe setting. It ensures that you won't get into trouble when you create your own DLLs and write code that returns C++ objects (like std::string) or pointers that must be released by the caller. This won't work well if the DLL and the EXE each have their own copy of the CRT linked into them. They will use different heaps, releasing a pointer across heaps cannot work properly. A silent leak on XP, a crash on Vista and up.
The redistributable .exe is actually meant as a downloadable installer that your customer can use when you forget to write an installer for your program. The much better solution is for you to write an installer that gets everything copied and installed properly. It takes less than a minute to make one. Add a Setup and Deployment + Setup project to your solution. Right-click it, Add, Project Output. Project + Properties, Prerequisites and tick the "Visual C++ Runtime Libraries (x64)" checkbox. If you prefer to create your own installer then you can use the merge modules in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules
Oh, and deploy the Release build, not the Debug build. The debug version of the CRT is not distributable.
In many cases, you can link your programm statically against the C runtime library. In this case the redistributable package is not needed because all necessary functions are copied into your application's executable. If you however link against it dynamically, you should deliver the redistributable package with your application. While many other applications do this as well, there is no guarantee that the necessary runtime is available on the target system.
You can change how you link against the runtime in your project's settings dialog under "C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library".
The following MSDN article explains how you redistribute the necessary VC++ files: