iMessage extension App Icon not showing on iPad - swift3

I created an iMessage extension from the XCode 8 beta wizard and added every single icon size to the Assets.xcassets.
Everything looks perfect on XCode and when I run the iMessage extension on any iPhone device (simulator or real device) all my icons are perfect. However, when I run it on any iPad device (simulator or real device) the default placeholder stays there.
I have tried adding the icons from the sample application but the result is the same for iPad

After breaking my head with every single possible solution with the images, filenames, build phases... I ended up looking at the Info.plist of the extension and discovering that there was a key that was conflicting with the Assets.
I am not sure if that key got there from the initial creation of the project with the XCode 8 beta 1 and if it has been resolved afterwards.
In order to fix the issue just remove this key
from the Info.plist and your icons will show in your iPad.


Does QString has a limit size on UWP Kit

I fill a bugreport about QString holding data over 11KB. It just crashed my application and it only happen on UWP kit aka WinRT. Any idea on how to get around of it until the Qt Team resolved it ?
To reproduce the crash, create an application based on Qt Quick 2 template, copy paste a string of 11KB on the textfield then clic the button.

How to debug UI in iMessage Extension?

I am developing iMessage Extension, but i am facing some UI issues. But I am not able to debug UI as like iOS Application.
As extension run on App Container).
So, is there any way to debug UI of iMessage Extension ?
There is no option to Debug UI hierarchy in iMessage till
Xcode-8.1 . It shows the black spaces in the UI while tap to DEBUG iMessage UI .
Unfortunately as of now Xcode 8.3.2 Doesn't support View Hierarchy Debugging for extensions in general (At least from my experience)
However there is this Software called Reveal by Itty Bitty Apps
This is probably even better than Xcode's native View Hierarchy debugger since it also displays additional detailed stuff like broken constraint, ambiguous width and height and it can also point out at which view it has these issues, and you can also change view properties while in runtime.
Give it a try.

WinForm app changes form appearance after COM call to MS Word when running under Windows 8.1

I have a mixed mode win form app that does numerical analysis and then creates a report using COM automation on MS Word.
The app has a status window that shows the progress of the analysis. After the COM automation finishes creating the word DOCX report the app's appearance changes when running on Windows 8.1. There is no change on Windows 7.
The situation occurs if the winform app is x86 or x64.
The version of MS Word is 2007 x86 version.
Here's the original look of the form:
After running the app and the report is created it looks like this:
The window shrinks and some fonts shrink too.
Can anyone give me a clue as to what is happening? And why it happens on Win81 and not on Win7?
Right-click on Word shortcut on the desktop (or on programmes), Select "Properties" and display "Compatibility" tab.
There is a checkBox "execute with a 640x480 resolution".
If it is checked, uncheck it.
If other options are checked, uncheck all.
Using the hint from Graffito's answer I was able to resolve the issue. I checked the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings".

ipad simulator is showing iphone version app on cocos2d

i have used cocos2d template to create the application. I have created the code to handle iphone and ipad code using if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad condition but whatever option I am selection in simulator iphone or ipad above condition is always failing and always iphone version of code is getting executed. please let me know what setting I am missing. I am using xcode 4.2
check if you app is set as universal. Goto MYGAME at the top of the xcode left colum list, then goto your target, and under IOS Application Target you should find Devices next to it select universal

Carbide / Symbian C++ - Change Application Icon

I am using Carbide (just upgraded to 2.0) to develop an S60 3rd Edition application.
I would like to know the easiest way to change the icon (both the application icon on the device menu and the icon at the top left of the main view) because I have the need to skin my application in many different ways as easily as possible.
All my efforts with messing around with .mif files have so far failed. I have a 44x44 .svg icon I made with Illustrator, could someone please help me in the right direction?
To change the app icon when you run your app use (in the status bar):
CEikStatusPane* sp=iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
CAknContextPane* cp=(CAknContextPane *)sp->ControlL(TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidContext));
_LIT(KContextBitMapFile, "my_bitmap_file.mbm");
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL(KContextBitMapFile, EMbmBitmap);
CFbsBitmap* bitmapmask = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL(KContextBitMapFile, EMbmBitmapMask);
cp->SetPicture(bitmap, bitmapmask);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // bitmapmask
CleanupStack::Pop(); // bitmap
I'm not aware of any possibility of changing the app icon in the menu list programmatically, other than reinstalling the app with different mif file.
If you want to change the icon in your SIS file and then overinstall it on device then you may have to reboot your device after installation - the application icon is in the Symbian cache and is not updated.
With latest QMake and Qt SDK (4.6.2) you don't need to create any .mif file yourself. An SVG file will do.
For more detailed instructions see: How to Set Qt Application Icon and Title in Symbian S60.
Although the article uses Qt Creator, as long as you use QMake then it's the same thing.