VB.Net regex random string - regex

I have regex code that gets string between 2 strings from TextBox1.
TextBox1 looks something like this:
So, it will get value from href="www.example.com/account/4321/ to "> (usernames)
The problem is, how to do it? My regex code:
I know i could replace RANDOM_STRING with \w{4}, but some IDs are 5-digit.

You need a negated character class [^/] that matches any char but a /. So, replace RANDOM_STRING with [^/]*.
Also, in a regex pattern, to match ., you need to escape the dot - \..
Thus, your regex pattern can be fixed as
However, you may user a simpler regex with a capturing group:
The value you need is in Match.Groups(1).Value.

Or another option would be to do this
Dim strOne As String = "www.example.com/account/43210/king42"
Dim strMain As String = Split(strOne, "/account/")(1)
Dim strSubOne As String = Split(strMain, "/")(0)
Dim strSubTwo As String = Split(strMain, "/")(1)


Getting words Starting with symbol in dart

I'm trying to parse in Dart long strings containing hashtags, so far I tried various combinations with regexp but I cannot find the right use.
My code is
String mytestString = "#one #two, #three#FOur,#five";
RegExp regExp = new RegExp(r"/(^|\s)#\w+/g");
The desidered output would be a list of hahstags
#one #two #three #FOur #five
Thankyou in advance
You should not use a regex literal inside a string literal, or backslashes and flags will become part of the regex pattern. Also, omit the left-hand boundary pattern (that matches start of string or whitespace) if you need to match # followed with 1+ word chars in any context.
String mytestString = "#one #two, #three#FOur,#five";
final regExp = new RegExp(r"#\w+");
Iterable<String> matches = regExp.allMatches(mytestString).map((m) => m[0]);
Output: (#one, #two, #three, #FOur, #five)
String mytestString = "#one #two, #three#FOur,#five";
RegExp regExp = new RegExp(r"/(#\w+)/g");
This should match all of the hashtags, placing them into capture groups for you to later use.

Split string by multiple delimiters and keep the delimiter in result [duplicate]

How to split string with Regex.Split and keep all separators?
I have a string:"substring1 delimeter1 substring2" , where delimeter+substring2 is a part of address.
Also i have 2 and more delimeters: delim1,delim2 wich are equivalent in meaning;
And i want to get string array like this:
arr[1]="delim1 subsctring2";
arr[1]="delim2 subsctring2;
I have a pattern:
addrArr= Regex.Split(inputText, String.Concat("(?<=",delimeter1, "|",delimeter2, ")"), RegexOptions.None);
But it not works well.
Can you help me to create a valid pattern to to that?
You need a pattern with a lookahead only:
The \s+ will match 1 or more whitespaces (since your string contains whitespaces). In case there can be no whitespaces, use \s* (but then you will need to remove empty entries from the result). See the regex demo. If these delimiters must be whole words, use \b word boundaries: \s+(?=\b(?:delim1|delim2)\b).
In C#:
addrArr = Regex.Split(inputText, string.Format(#"\s+(?={0})", string.Join("|", delimeters)));
If the delimiters can contain special regex metacharacters, you will need to run Regex.Escape on your delimiters list.
A C# demo:
var inputText = "substring1 delim1 substring2 delim2 substr3";
var delimeters = new List<string> { "delim1", "delim2" };
var addrArr = Regex.Split(inputText,
string.Format(#"\s+(?={0})", string.Join("|", delimeters.Select(Regex.Escape))));
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", addrArr));
I think you need to use a lookahead, not a lookbehind, for this to work (haven't tried it though).
Also, you have to be careful with the separators; they must be escaped to work correctly as patterns in the regex.
Try this:
addrArr= Regex.Split(inputText, string.Format("(?={0}|{1})", Regex.Escape(delimeter1), Regex.Escape(delimeter2)), RegexOptions.None);

Regex pattern to match period and pattern

I have a string which I am trying to write an regex for
CODAA0870E - This an error string is not valid.
I wrote a regex COD[a-zA-Z0-9]*.....................................
but the length of the string can vary i.e. after COD till the period.
The regex needs to check COD at the start and should end at the period.`
The code I have written so far does not work
Dim value As String = "daafasfasfCODAA0870E - This an error string is not valid.dfsfsfsfcCODAAvcv0870E - This an second error string is not valid.sdfsdf "
Dim pattern As String = "COD[^.]+\."
Dim array() As String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(value, pattern)
You need this regex:
Dim pattern As String = "COD[^.]+\."
And to get all matches use:
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(value, pattern)
See more code samples here
Think you want something like this,

Simple Regular Expression matching

Im new to regular expressions and Im trying to use RegExp on gwt Client side. I want to do a simple * matching. (say if user enters 006* , I want to match 006...). Im having trouble writing this. What I have is :
input = (006*)
input = input.replaceAll("\\*", "(" + "\\" + "\\" + "S\\*" + ")");
RegExp regExp = RegExp.compile(input).
It returns true with strings like BKLFD006* too. What am I doing wrong ?
Put a ^ at the start of the regex you're generating.
The ^ character means to match at the start of the source string only.
I think you are mixing two things here, namely replacement and matching.
Matching is used when you want to extract part of the input string that matches a specific pattern. In your case it seems that is what you want, and in order to get one or more digits that are followed by a star and not preceded by anything then you can use the following regex:
and here is a Java snippet:
String subjectString = "006*";
String ResultString = null;
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("^[0-9]+(?=\\*)");
Matcher regexMatcher = regex.matcher(subjectString);
if (regexMatcher.find()) {
ResultString = regexMatcher.group();
On the other hand, replacement is used when you want to replace a re-occurring pattern from the input string with something else.
For example, if you want to replace all digits followed by a star with the same digits surrounded by parentheses then you can do it like this:
String input = "006*";
String result = input.replaceAll("^([0-9]+)\\*", "($1)");
Notice the use of $1 to reference the digits that where captured using the capture group ([0-9]+) in the regex pattern.

Regex to find substring between two strings

I'd like to capture the value of the Initial Catalog in this string:
"blah blah Initial Catalog = MyCat'"
I'd like the result to be: MyCat
There could or could not be spaces before and after the equal sign and there could or could not be spaces before the single quote.
Tried this and various others but no go:
/Initial Catalog\s?=\s?.*\s?\'/
Using .Net.
You need to put parentheses around the part of the string that you would like to match:
/Initial Catalog\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*'/
Also you would like to exclude as many spaces as possible before the ', so you need \s* rather than \s?. The .*? means that the extracted part of the string doesn't take those spaces, since it is now lazy.
This is a nice regex
= *(.*?) *'
Use the idea and add \s and more literal text as needed.
In C# group 1 will contain the match
string resultString = null;
try {
Regex regexObj = new Regex("= *(.*?) *'");
resultString = regexObj.Match(subjectString).Groups[1].Value;
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
// Syntax error in the regular expression
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"=\s*([A-z]+)\s*'");
String result = rgx.Match(text).Groups[1].Value;