Using Lapack Fortran in eclipse C++ project? - c++

I've recently inherited a code that makes quite a lot of calls to Lapack functions, with this syntax :
With the following includes :
#include <blas.h>
#include <lapacke.h>
On windows, and with eclipse CDT, the compilation works fine. I've installed Lapacke with an executable and I have had absolutely no problems with this library.
On Linux (and still with eclipse CDT), however, it's been difficult to say the least. I managed to make the include works, but I can't seem to do it for . I've managed to include but the syntax is then wrong and that would be quite long to change it all.
Do you have an idea how I could resolve this ? I've tried various thing, like linking an absolute path, but I can't find blas.h anywhere on my system despite all the libraries I installed through synaptic. Maybe I didn't install the right ones ?
Additionally, I've had some issues with github with this project. To make things short, I started developping on Windows, created the git project from there and went on. When I switched to Linux for testing purpose, I for some reason kept the windows configuration (So C:/Program Files includes, building a .exe ...), I guess I didn't set up the git properly (wouldn't be the first time) but I have no idea how to fix this ... I currently have two different git : one with the Windows configuration and the other with the Linux one .. Not ideal since we're two working on the project.
Thanks for your help !


How build harfbuzz without dependencies

I want build latest harfbuzz-ng library on Windows 7. But in build system by default I must go through long quest to gain: ragel, pkg-config, gtkdocize and other stuff. Even in the end if I get all what need for build system I get errors (sorry cannot say which concrete errors), last time I tried to build this library 2 month ago). Maybe on Linux system it is easy to get and build all this stuff but on Windows always something doesn't want to be compiled. Or the problem is that I don't find instructions which guide me on Windows, only Linux.
What I want to get is simple instructions how build only harfbuzz-ng with freetype dependency (and maybe add ICU) by MinGW compiler on Windows.
Thanks you very much.
For anyone reading this, have a look at in the project which makes you able to use harfbuzz without any build system, just include it in one of your sources, no build system is required, define HB_NO_MT or even HB_TINY (which brings a minimal harfbuzz) if you don't use harfbuzz in multithread mode.
I don't know i this is the answer you are looking for. I am trying to work with Harfbuzz as well and did this through several attempts which did not work out for various reasons.
One (old) example you could use as a starter is: HarfBuzz static lib. The .lib-file generated works with UCDN and just needs this file plus a source for the Freetype-functions to provide the necessary FT_Face-parameter (i did this by compiling another .lib via the freetype-sourcecode (
But I am unsure if this will work out for the MinGW-compiler (you don't use VC++ as IDE do you??).
You may find of interest the MSYS2 build system. It is essentially a linux-style packaging system built on top of Windows(TM). You can download and install binary packages with simple commands (including automatic dependency solving). If you want to download a source package you can do that as well.

Setting up OpenGL library on windows

I'm totally new to OpenGL, so I'm trying to compile my application at home. At my university I have everything settle by my professor in the lab and there I use Linux. At home I'm using windows 8 with visual studio 2013.
I'm trying to build a sphere in my app which contain the includes below:
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
So, since it contains Glut.h I went to to download the library and make it rock, but I had some problems.
I thought the windows version would come compiled and it didn't. The dlls are not inside the package as I expected to link them in my project properties so I tryed to use CMake to compile the glut but it didn't work. CMake returns to me the following log:
CMake Error: Cannot open file for write: C:/Program Files/Glut 3.7 Build/CMakeCache.txt.tmp
CMake Error: The source directory "C:/Program Files/Glut 3.7/glut-3.7" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
CMake Error: : System Error: No such file or directory
CMake Error: Unable to open cache file for save. C:/Program Files/Glut 3.7 Build/CMakeCache.txt
CMake Error: : System Error: No such file or directory
It says that the folder doesn't contain the CMake file.
My download link to glut (supposed to be windows, not sure cos of the error) is this
Normally I programm java, which I dont have so many headaches to setup the take it easy please and now I ask:
What am I missing to make my OpenGL code run?
Your teacher should help you at the first place.
I would like to inform you that GLUT library was abandoned since 1998. Last version is [3.7].But you are lucky!
"freeglut" is alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library.
Everything you need is here, I recommend reading it all.
And to help you out, here you can find Windows binaries, look for link called: "Download freeglut 2.8.1-1 for MSVC".
After download, you must link the library folder, include folder and copy freeglut.dll to you project folder (inside Debug or Release folder). You can find dll files inside a bin folder.
And after that, you can call #include "GL/glut.h" with no problems.
Good luck!
It doesn't compile with CMake. Open a Visual Studio command prompt and type nmake in the top level directory of the glut source code.
At my university I have everything settle by my professor in the lab and there I use Linux. At home I'm using windows 8 with visual studio 2013.
Then the very first thing you absolutely must do is heading to your GPU maker's website, download the newest drivers from there and install them. That is, because the drivers installed by default with Windows 8 lack proper OpenGL functionality.
So, since it contains Glut.h
You mean glut.h – file names are case sensitive on most operating systems (Windows not among them). So for portability reasons you should care to write them with the proper spelling.
I went to to download the library
The old GLUT library isn't maintained for over a decade. Use an alternative implementation like FreeGLUT and use that.
so I tryed to use CMake to compile the glut but it didn't work.
Okay, here you got no technical problem, but a lack of understanding. Essentially your brain got what I call "IDE rot": All those sugar coating and clicky-pointy action of IDEs obscure what actually is going on when a program is built. You'll have to bit the bullet there and understand how the interaction between the build control generators the build system the compiler and the linker works.
CMake is a build control generator: In CMake you describe the build dependencies of your program sources. From that CMake generates the actual build information for the build system used (GNU make and GCC on Linux; NMake and MSVC++ compiler on Windows for example).
Of course for CMake to work there must be an appropriate CMake configuration present. And in the case of GLUT that's definitely not there (the last official release of GLUT predates the first release of CMake.
Now you should really wonder: Why did you call "cmake" in the first place? I bet, because you always did it so far, or you read it somewhere, without even trying to understand what's going on.
What you did was folloing a Cargo Cult – it somehow resembles the actual process, it looks like it from the outside, but it doesn't yield results. Feynman's speech later coined the term Cargo Cult Programming; interesting enough I was using that term (consistently with its definition, just due to being familiar with Feynman's speech) without knowing that other people already had coined it in exactly the same way. Such a often it happens, that people will come up independently with the same term for it.
Normally I programm Java, which I don't have so many headaches to setup the IDE
Well, that's your problem right there. You only know how to click around in an IDE. Even when programming Java, with an IDE, you should get intimately familiar with the actual build process: Java compiler, JAR file creating, and so on.
What am I missing to make my OpenGL code run?
I bet not very much. It's a lack of understanding how the build process for software works and is controlled. You'll have to bite the bullet and learn that first. And for that I suggest you install Linux or FreeBSD, or at least Cygwin on your computer.
Windows is not a very good system to learn those things, because its been built around clicky GUIs. That is not to say that Windows was a bad operating system. It's juat that you want to have something you can experiment with and quickly go through various iterations of build tool option switches. A GUI can't give you that.

How to convert a cmake project into a Visual Studio equivalent?

The situation is the following: I have the source code of one programm (lets call it programA) (written in C and C++), as well as the CMakeLists.txt and CTestConfig.cmake files. I already installed programA using CMake's graphical user interface and, as it is obvious, it worked. It created the .exe file (I'm working on Windows 7 OS).
The problem is that, right now, I've been asked to edit the program (and so, I must be able to edit the code and degugging it as changes are made). I also need to compile it but not in .exe anymore but in .dll so I can add it to a website we have.
I've read in forums that CMake can compile programA into a .dll if I need to, but as I would need to make some changes I consider that CMake debugging is not as useful and easy as using entirely VS. From the little I know from CMake language, the CMakeLists.txt is mainly used to check the OS of the user as well as adding some libraries in case they are not found.
I have to admit I have no idea in programming CMake directives, as I have been working with ASP.NET, C, C++ and C# mostly. Then, my idea is to try to work only in visual studio 2010 instead of using cmake as well, so once I have the program 'adapted' to VS and can be compiled just using VS, I'm ready to start my job. So the question I have is how can I perform the same task CMake did just using Visual Studio (Is there any way of implementing CMake directives in VS?), can VS compile by receiving as an argument something similar to that CMake.txt file (though it needs to be translated into another language)?
To skip the use of CMake I tried to copy the source code into a new project in VS. However as it does not use the CMake directives when compiling, it gives several errors, most of them related to the fact that some headers.h can't be found (cause they might be in a subfolder). And there are so many subfolders to add the paths to the predefined directories of search that it would take ages.
I'm sorry I can't be more precise in my explanation. I'm good at programming little projects on my own, but it's the first time I have to work on other's programm. Please don't hesitate to ask if anything was not properly understood
I would appreciate a lot any suggestion / advice /guidance you can give.
To make a dll, use add_library command and the SHARED keyword
add_library(mylib SHARED ${files})
this is easy with CMake, don't go back in visual that will be harder at the end
The Good News
Fortunately, cmake can generate VS Projects automaticaly for you (this tutorial s specific for OpenTissue, but Steps 1 to 3 should be the same for you).
The [not so] Bad News
Depending on the complexity of the project, VS Projects automaticaly generated by cmake can get pretty nasty, to the point of illegibility. It will, for example, hard link any library dependencies using the specific paths of your machine, so the project will most certainly not be portable across setups. In any case, that's the intended bahavior, because the primary idea of supporting this generator is simply making it work, thus allowing users to easily compile projects using MSVC, so there's not much you can do here. Nonetheless, it should work in your machine and will certainly be a great starting point for you, just create a project yourself from scratch copying the relevant parts out of the automatic generated version.

How to run C++ program that use PDCurses on other computers?

I've recently started using PDCurses in a C++ game I'm working on. When I compile the program on my own machine (windows) and run the .exe, everything works as it should.
When I take that .exe onto a different computer that doesn't have PDCurses and I try to run it, I get an error about a missing pdcurses.dll file.
After doing a bit of research online, I found out that including the .dll file along with the .exe should make it run but it didn't work for me.
This is how I compiled the program using MinGW: g++ game.cpp -o game -lpdcurses
So my question is, how do I make this program run on computers that don't have PDCurses setup, and also, is there a way to do this by combining the .exe with whatever additional file(s) the system needs to run the program? I've also read that you can do some sort of static linking but so far I've been unable to find a way to do this.
Thanks in advance for the help.
NOTE: In case it matters, I setup PDCurses following this tutorial:
Not sure if that was the best way to do it but I'm able to compile and run C++ code that uses pdcurses on my computer fine.
Sorry for not posting the exact messages. Here they are:
The first one I got when I didn't include the pdcurses.dll file along with the executable said :
The program can't start because pdcurses.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
The second one I got after I included the pdcurses.dll:
*The program can't start because libcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.*
You need to include all the dynamic libraries you linked with. Be careful of licensing, although IIRC there's not much that will bite you with MinGW.
There should be a 'ldd' command if you have the MinGW shell. Try running it on game.exe and it will tell you what libraries you need to run your program. You need to include them all with the exe.
If you want to try and remove the dependency nightmare you can use the static linking (-static) option to your gcc link command. You may not be able to actually do that if you don't have the static versions of your libraries installed. This has other implications - your exe will be bigger and the OS's shared shared page code will not work because it can't tell what parts (DLL code) you are sharing with other apps. In effect, your application will use more memory as a result, although it may be insignificant.
Another option is to get the sources to PDCurses and compile it as a static library. That way you don't have to get involved in the DLL Hell.
Compile it as a C library instead of a C++ library and you should be good to go.

eclipse and boost unit_test_framework failing syntax check using c++

i have the following Problem.
I started to use the boost library version 1.40, for unit testing.
Since some other people working on the project and not all of them are using eclipse, the program has to be compilable with a makefile. So we used cmake to generate one.
The good thing is, the test is building and working perfectly fine.
But the problem is, when using eclipse (created a c++ makefile project), it complains about several syntax errors (in the sourcecode view).
Something like:
{ some code }
will be detected as a syntax error by eclipse. It is really annoying having all these error messages in the IDE. Since after the first line nearly every line in the some code block is marked as having syntax errors as well.
So here is what i tried already:
I added `/usr/include/boost/` to the GNU C++ path options. (properties->C/C++ General->Path and Symbols->Path). This works normally for other external libs that are included by FindPkgConfig in the cmake file. So that the auto completion in eclipse can find the correct classes and function names.
Same way included `/usr/include/boost/test/` directly.
Adding `/usr/lib/` to the Libraries list.
Adding `/usr/lib` to the Library Paths.
So anyone has a hint how to teach eclipse that the syntax of the boost Macros is correct??
I forgot:
System is Linux and Eclipse Version is 3.6.1, CDT Version is:
Build id: 201009141542
I don't have a solution but maybe a hint.
I had a similar setup and it worked perfectly until...
the only relevant change I remember is that I changed the name of a test suite.
So (probably) after that, the syntax highlighting went crazy.
I tried indexing and refreshing but it didn't help.
I can't even see the macro expansion because the syntax error prevents it from popping up.
My guess is — still — some indexing issue, because it worked before and I didn't change any include paths. It compiles without problems, but it's urinating these yellow syntax error markers all over the document, which is really, really annoying.
However, it's probably not a path issue because it worked for me before.
I just did this myself using Eclipse Helios, and it does indeed work for me...
Shouldnt you add /usr/include and not /usr/include/boost, since boost is part of the include path used in your program?
For example <boost/unit_test.hpp> is simply <unit_test.hpp> if you include the boost folder aswell..
This is what I have added under GNU c++ include directories:
/usr/local/include //this is where I store the boost folder
/usr/include/c++/4.5.2 //This was needed since not even <map>, <vector> etc would resolve in eclipse.
Intellisense and autocompletion for C++ are pretty much impossible to get right in all cases. If the many macros used in Boost.Test confuse Eclipse, then perhaps you should find a cleaner unit test library. I can recommend Catch, which has a cleaner and friendlier syntax, is header-only so it's much easier to set up, and doesn't rely on macros. It is under active development by another SO user.
I had this problem as well (but on a Mac system). Once I added the boost path to GNU C++ path options, I restarted my operating system and Eclipse doesn't tag BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE as an error any more.