Can't run application on PC without visual studio - c++

I developed a game using visual studio 2015, done using c++ and opneGL with these libraries: GLEW, GLFW, ASSIMP, IRRKLANG.
It works fine on my PC and on Pcs of friends that have visual studio on their PCs but it cannot be start on other PCs.
I downloaded redistributables and I always get the same error which is msvcp140d.dll not found or something like that.
I tried to manual download it anf then the error changes until I can't download anything else.
I read that I had to change a setting in visual studio: change Runtime libraries from MD to MT but I still got the same problem.
Anyone knows what I can do?
Thanks a lot


How to fix error with SFML ln VS 2017?

Hi i followed this video to set-up VS2017 for sfml using.
Youtube Video
I did what he says but when i debug project i get this error:
Error MSB6006 "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515.
I find out on google that this is some sort of compiler error but not how to fix this. Can someone help me or point me to answer?
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and i downloaded SFML: Visual C++ 14 (2015) - 32-bit
Indeed, you compiler crashed. The status code -1073741515 translates to 0xC0000135 which in turn translates to STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND. That is bad. That is not about the SFML dlls, but a library Visual Studio itself uses. Something is very wrong with your Visual Studio installation.
Chances are you will get the same error without using SFML.
I don't know what the tutorial did and I'm not going to watch a video to find out. Your best chance is to do a clean reinstall of your Visual Studio installation and then follow the official guide from the SFML homepage. That works.

VS2015 : The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)

I wrote a code on Visual studio 2015 for a windows 10 PC. The application is mainly focused on UDP communication and I use the boost libraries.
It works perfectly but when I move the folder of the code to Windows 7 I receive the error "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)". I tried also in Windows 8.1 and after rebuilding the libraries it works.
What I noticed is that when I receive the error it does not load the .dll that in the other versions it loads.
May it be a problem with the boost?
Have you ever experienced it?
0xc000007b is error when you try to use x64 dlls in x32 application or other way around, so you probably copied wrong dlls. Rebuild fixed this, as it prepared new dlls.
win7_64 visual studio 2015, 0xc000007b
When I was programming C++ code in the visual studio 2015, it threw the error:0x000007b, and I have tried three kinds of solutions;
1.Installing Direct X
2.Installing VC C++ 2015 libraries
3.Making sure the DLL is consistent with the OS(and I think this is relevant to my problem)
ANd my solution will show below:
enter image description here
and I changed the [[[Debug]]] into [[[X64]]], then, it works, I believe that because some dlls are not consistent with the platform, so if I changed the Debug platform, We will get the correct result.The prerequisite:must having installed all dlls under the X64 system.

Visual Studio freeglut/glew error ("missing from computer")

Long story short:
I'm at home trying to run a project I've been tinkering with in school (OpenGL).
When trying to run the unchanged program, I get errors saying freeglut.dll is missing.
The thing is:
I have freeglut and glew on my computer
I am running the same version of Visual Studio (2013)
The path to the libraries and such is exactly the same due to the glew and freeglut-files being located in a Dropbox-folder on both PCs.
The .dlls are also located in the same folders as the .exe
I have tried rebuilding, cleaning, starting a new project with the same files, moving the freeglut and glew-files to different folders, but for some reason it doesn't seem to work.
Have you tried rebooting your system?
SOLVED: Turns out I had Visual Studio Ultimate on the non-working PC and not Visual Studio Professional. Installing Professional did the trick.

Installing Visual Studio 2010 AFTER Visual Studio 2012

I had Visual Studio 2012 installed on my new development computer and it worked fine. Without thinking I then installed VS2010 onto the computer which already had the 2012 install. 2012 continues to work correctly but 2010 cannot compile any of my previous working source code and it seems unable to locate any of the correct libraries.
For instance in a simple C++ hello world program I get the following error
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'iostream': No such file or directory
I have tried un-installing both, installing 2010 first then 2012 but the same problems still occur. I have also made sure it is using platform toolkit v100 but it seems to make no difference.
I have also tried repairing VS2010 to no avail.
Has anyone else experienced the same issues and if so how did they manage to fix it?
I'd guess it has something to do with VS2012's new v110_xp platform toolset which uses an SDK similar to 7.1. For my older projects that need 2003 Server and XP support I use that toolset now with VS2012 instead of the default toolset with VS2008 or VS2010 so I no longer need the older Visual Studios. It might solve your problem as well.

Problem deploying a project that uses Intel Parallel studio

So I have this small application of mine I'm trying to deploy using visual studio. I have Intel parallel studio 2011 added to visual studio, and I'm compiling this program using Intel within VS because I'm using OpenMP task construct which is not supported in VS2010. I added a deployment project to my solution and built a setup. Dependencies are detected as follows:
glu32.dll opengl32.dll and libiomp5md.dll
Now I'm trying to test this setup file to see if it works. I have Windows XP Mode installed and I access the setup file, I setup my application, decencies are copied just fine but:
When I try to run the application first time I got an error saying:
The entry point _ftol2 could not be loacted in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll
I found solution to this problem by removing glu32.dll and opengl32.dll and adding glut32.dll to my windows/system folder.
But then it comes up with this second error saying:
The application or dll ".....\libiomp5md.dll" is not a valid windows image. please check this against your installation diskette
again I googled and I got this and it didn't work.
Reminder: I'm using Win7 x64 and Visual Studio 2010 with Intel Parallel Studio 2011.
I guess you need to install the redistributable libraries on the target machine.