How can I resize QMessageBox? - c++

I have a QMessageBox which I'd like it to be bigger. It's a simple QMessageBox with two standard buttons, Ok and Cancel. The problem is that it is very small for my application's purposes. Code shows like this:
QMessageBox msg;
msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
int ret = msg.exec();
switch (ret) {
case QMessageBox::Ok:
case QMessageBox::Cancel:
I tried several ways to increase the size:
I even cleared and rebuilt, and it compiles everything but nothing take effect...
Do you have any idea on how to set QMessageBox size "by hand"? Thanks.

You can edit the css of the label:
msg.setStyleSheet("QLabel{min-width: 700px;}");
You can similarly edit the css of the buttons to add a margin or make them bigger.
For example:
msg.setStyleSheet("QLabel{min-width:500 px; font-size: 24px;} QPushButton{ width:250px; font-size: 18px; }");
There is also a trick mentioned:
QSpacerItem* horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem(800, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
QGridLayout* layout = (QGridLayout*)msg.layout();
layout->addItem(horizontalSpacer, layout->rowCount(), 0, 1, layout->columnCount());
But this doesn't seem to work for everyone.

coyotte508's answer caused my layout to be horribly off center and at different widths it was cut off. In searching around further I found this thread which explains a better solution.
In essence the layout of a messagebox is a grid, so you can add a SpacerItem to it to control the width. Here's the c++ code sample from that link:
QMessageBox msgBox;
QSpacerItem* horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem(500, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
msgBox.setText( "SomText" );
QGridLayout* layout = (QGridLayout*)msgBox.layout();
layout->addItem(horizontalSpacer, layout->rowCount(), 0, 1, layout->columnCount());

You can subclass QMessageBox and reimplement resize event handler as following:
void MyMessageBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *Event)

I wanted my QMessageBox width to adapt in proportion to the length of the text content with a certain amount of buffer to avoid line wrap. After surveying numerous forums and threads including this one, I came up with:
int x_offset = (2.0 * MainWindow::geometry().x());
int y_offset = (0.5 * MainWindow::geometry().y());
QSpacerItem* horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem
(8 * vers_msg.size(), 0,
QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
QGridLayout* layout = (QGridLayout*)msgBox.layout();
layout->addItem(horizontalSpacer, layout->rowCount(),
0, 1, layout->columnCount());
MainWindow::geometry().x() + x_offset,
MainWindow::geometry().y() + y_offset,
Adjust the hard numbers in x_offset, y_offset and horizontalSpacer to suit your situation. I was hoping it would be easier than this but at least this works.

Inspired by the "inspect the Qt source code and adapt" approach, this worked for me with Qt 5.12:
if (auto grid = dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(msgBox.layout())) {
if (auto text = grid->itemAtPosition(0, grid->columnCount() - 1); text && text->widget()) {
Keep in mind, of course, that this will break if ever they change the way they do layouts of QMessageBox.


Align to the right text from QLabel and QLineEdit

I have a QLabel just below a QLineEdit with the same size and alignment properties:
QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit("999");
QLabel *label = new QLabel("999");
QLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
Here is how this is rendered:
How can I have the text of the bottom label exactly right-aligned to the text of the lineEdit?
Full award if you find a solution that works on all platforms, and that also works when the font sizes are different in the lineEdit and label.
Unfortunately it may not be possible, at least not out of the box, the right margin will not work, as it is always 0 even when the text is obviously offset to the left. The reason for this is this offset is not determined by the margins, but depends on the combination of platform GUI style and particular font's metrics that's being used, and its value is "conveniently" not available in the class public interface, there is no way to get to it.
You can get the font metrics easily, but you can't get the QStyleOptionFrame as the method required is protected, accessing it will require to subclass QLineEdit. However, if you are lucky, that value is very likely to be zero, so you could go with something as simple as this:
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit("999");
QLabel *label = new QLabel("999");
int offsetValue = lineEdit->fontMetrics().averageCharWidth();
If that doesn't work correctly for you, you will have no other choice but to subclass QLineEdit, carefully examine its paint event, determine where the offset is being calculated, and store that value in a public member so it can be accessed from the outside to be used to offset the label.
I personally got lucky with that code:
Would you be able to instead of using a QLineEdit and a QLabel to use two QLineEdits?
Consider the following:
QWidget* widget = new QWidget();
// Original line edit
QLineEdit *lineEdit1 = new QLineEdit("999");
lineEdit1->setStyleSheet("border-width: 2px;");
// A suggestion if you want a label
QLabel *label = new QLabel("999");
label->setStyleSheet("border: 2px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0%)");
// Alternatively if you can use another QLineEdit
QLineEdit *lineEdit2 = new QLineEdit("999");
lineEdit2->setStyleSheet("background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0%); "
"border-width: 2px; "
"border-style: solid; "
"border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0%);");
// Bring it all together
QLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(widget);
It forces all borders to be 2px, so on different platforms it should be the same. The second QLineEdit should not look different than the QLabel (The text color looks slightly darker than that of the label though, which might be a good thing since it matches the original edit)
The added benefit of using a QLineEdit instead of the QLabel is that the value is now selectable...
Disclaimer: I have only tested on Linux and I have not done a pixel level comparison.
Edit: I see the alignment fails with different font sizes.
simply, you can use the indent property of the QLabel.
The indent property can take +/- values. maybe the margin feature can do its job.

QScrollBar + QScrollAera in QTabWidget

My question is simple : how can I set a QScrollBar in my QScrollArea. I have tested a lot of things but nothing work ... Maybe it's a problem to set a QScrollArea in a QTabWidget ? Here is the code :
void GamesWindow::createTabSucces()
std::string nameImg;
_succesPage = new QWidget(_tab);
_tab->addTab(_succesPage, " Succes ");
scrollArea = new QScrollArea(_succesPage);
/* Integration of QScrollBar */
for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++)
nameImg = "img/allAchiv/";
nameImg += intToString(i + 1);
nameImg += ".jpg";
_imgSucc[i] = new QLabel(scrollArea);
_imgSucc[i]->setGeometry((14 + (85 * (i % 5))), 46 + ((i / 5) * 85), 60, 60);
In fact, I add pictures in a tab where is created a QScrollArea (like 8-9 lines of pictures) but only 5 are visible, the others are hide, because they are at the bottom, out of the defined zone.
Any idea ? Thank's.
You must:
add a layout to your page (QVBoxLayout)
add the scroll area to that page layout
add a layout to the viewport() widget in the scroll area (QVBoxLayout)
add your QLabels to that viewport layout
This way you won't need to call setGeometry on each label
You need to set a widget to your scroll area and add your pictures to the widget's layout. Check QScrollArea::setWidget(QWidget *widget)
I'm almost sure that you can't add scroll to a tab widget but my idea is just to try make more tabs that can be shown and see if the slider comes up by default.

Qt Scroll Area does not add in scroll bars

Hi guys I have to dynamically create push buttons depending on user inputs, therefore if user gives a large input number the widget containing the push buttons has to have the ability to scroll up and down. For this reason I am using QScrollArea. I generate the template in Qt designer and the UIC generates the code for me after which I add in my part which should handle dynamic creation of push buttons. However, I can not seem to get the vertical scroll bars to appear. Here is the relevant part of the code.
verticalWidget = new QWidget(FWHMWorkflowDialog);
verticalWidget->setMinimumSize(QSize(150, 0));
verticalWidget->setMaximumSize(QSize(150, 16777215));
verticalLayout_5 = new QVBoxLayout(verticalWidget);
scrollArea = new QScrollArea(verticalWidget);
scrollArea->setMaximumSize(QSize(150, 16777215));
scrollAreaWidgetContents = new QWidget();
scrollAreaWidgetContents->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 130, 432));
numberOfSlices = numberSlices;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSlices; i++)
QWidget *horizontalWidget = new QWidget(scrollAreaWidgetContents);
horizontalWidget->setGeometry(QRect(0, i*40, 150, 40));
QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(horizontalWidget);
hLayout->setContentsMargins(-1, 1, -1, 1);
QPushButton *pushButton = new QPushButton(horizontalWidget);
QString temp = QString("m_sliceButton").arg(i);
pushButtonList[i]->setGeometry(QRect(10, 20+i*40, 98, 27));
QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox(horizontalWidget);
temp = QString("m_checkBox").arg(i);
checkBoxList[i]->setGeometry(QRect(110, 20+i*40, 21, 22));
The output window always looks like the following.
In this example the input by the user is 25 however you can see that the 21st button is cut off and 4 other buttons are not visible.
The size window problem occurring after scroll functionality started working.
You need to add your horizontalWidget to a vertical widget like so:
QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSlices; i++)
QWidget *horizontalWidget = new QWidget();
You second problem looks like it comes from this line:
scrollArea = new QScrollArea(verticalWidget);
You're adding scrollArea directly to verticalWidget, but to get it to lay out the way you want you need to put it in a layout. Try the following instead:
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout();
l->addWidget(sliceLabel); // or whatever you call it
l->addWidget(clearButton); // again, your name here
Try playing around with the QScrollBarPolicy.
I'm guessing that the default behavior isn't working because there is something strange going on with layouts.

Qt Widget Painting from slideshow demo

I am trying to run slightly modified code from the Qt fluidLauncher demo that shows a slideshow. The code is pasted in below. When the paintEvent is handled a black rectangle is shown on the screen because the imported image size is 0.
Single stepping through the code in Qt creator, the currentImagePath is '"/home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG"' in the watch window. The path is correct including the case and / dividers. The 'slide' variable always shows <not accessible>.
At the point in the code where slideSize = slide.size() the slide size changes from (8481696,0) to (0,0). It appears that although no error is thrown, the QPixmap slide (currentImagePath); is not retrieving the image.
void SlideShow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QPainter painter(this);
QString currentImagePath;
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
if (d->imagePaths.size() > 0) {
currentImagePath = d->imagePaths[d->currentSlide];
QPixmap slide( currentImagePath );
QSize slideSize = slide.size();
QSize scaledSize = QSize(qMin(slideSize.width(), size().width()),
qMin(slideSize.height(), size().height()));
if (slideSize != scaledSize)
slide = slide.scaled(scaledSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
QRect pixmapRect(qMax( (size().width() - slide.width())/2, 0),
qMax( (size().height() - slide.height())/2, 0),
if ( > 0) {
// Fill in top & bottom rectangles:
painter.fillRect(0, 0, size().width(),, Qt::black);
painter.fillRect(0, pixmapRect.bottom(), size().width(), size().height(), Qt::black);
if (pixmapRect.left() > 0) {
// Fill in left & right rectangles:
painter.fillRect(0, 0, pixmapRect.left(), size().height(), Qt::black);
painter.fillRect(pixmapRect.right(), 0, size().width(), size().height(), Qt::black);
painter.drawPixmap(pixmapRect, slide);
} else
painter.fillRect(event->rect(), Qt::black);
I've struggled with the problem for most of the evening. Can anyone suggest additional code that I could add for debugging or let me know what may be wrong with this code?
I've some idea for solving your problem:
You should add resource file (.qrc) and paste your image to it. Use syntax loads pixmap from resource file.
Try paste dividers how home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG or /home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG or home\\tim\\Pictures\\HPIM0406.JPG. Some remark: you wrote '"/home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG"', '' - use not single quotes into QPixmap constructor. I don't understand, you wrote just in here or into your code.
I hope it helps you :)

QGridLayout issue with inserting widgets

(Using Qt 4.6.3, x64, linux)
I'm testing how to properly insert widgets into a existing a QGridLayout filled with various widgets. A broken down contrived case is the following:
QApplication app(argc,argv);
QWidget w;
QGridLayout* gl = new QGridLayout(&w);
QLabel* label = new QLabel("Image Size:");
QLineEdit* wedit = new QLineEdit("100");
QLabel* xlabel = new QLabel("x");
gl->addWidget(xlabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
gl->addWidget(wedit, 0, gl->columnCount());
Which creates the following widget:
Assuming that have an existing QGridLayout as above, but without the "x" label, and I wished to insert this into the layout, switching the latter two addWidget lines might seem valid, i.e.:
\\ same as above
gl->addWidget(wedit, 0, gl->columnCount());
gl->addWidget(xlabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
This however, creates the following:
The gl->columnCount() after this is still 2, as both the x-label and the QLineEdit are filling the same cell. Based on this knowledge, the following code produces the initial desired result:
gl->addWidget(wedit, 0, 2); // note: specified column 2, columnCount() is now 3
gl->addWidget(xlabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
Though this is not particularly useful, as the original layout in question isn't built with later layouts in mind.
Since addWidget allows for specifying cell position, as well as row/column span, it seems odd that Qt wouldn't automatically replace the existing widgets in the layout. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might overcome this? I assume it would be possible to recreate a QGridLayout and copy into it the children of the original, taking care to insert the additional widget in the right location. This however is ugly, and susceptible to Qt version issues (as I want to modify a built in widget).
I realize that I'm making the assumption of thinking in a QHBoxLayout way, where inserting a widget is uniquely understood, whereas in a QGridLayout this isn't the case (?).
I can clarify that I ultimately would like to modify QFileDialog::getSaveFileName, by inserting a widget (similar to the widget shown above) right above the two lower rows (i.e. above "File &Name:").
Switching the latter two addWidget lines is not valid. For the following code:
gl->addWidget(wedit, 0, gl->columnCount());
gl->addWidget(xlabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
The arguments for the addWidget() calls are evaluated prior to adding the widget. Therefore, gl->columnCount() evaluates to one instead of two for the second call, since the column still has to be created. You are effectively adding two widgets to column one.
A possible solution is to re-add the widgets that should be relocated. I.e.
QLayoutItem* x01 = gl->itemAtPosition(0,1);
gl->addWidget(x01->widget(), 0, 2);
gl->addWidget(xlabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
Now, this isn't particularly pretty, or easy to maintain, as a new version of Qt might change the original widget, and blindly handpicking and relocating children isn't that clever. The following real example (the one I actually wanted to solve) was to alter the Qt's "Save As" dialog window, that shows up using QFileDialog::getSaveFileName.
class ImageFileDialog : public QFileDialog {
ImageFileDialog(QWidget* parent);
QString getFileName() const;
QSize getImageSize() const;
QDialog::DialogCode exec(); // Overriden
void showEvent(QShowEvent* event); // Overriden
QString fileName_;
QSize imageSize_;
QLineEdit* widthLineEdit_;
QLineEdit* heightLineEdit_;
And in the source (showing just constructor, focus handling and exec):
ImageFileDialog::ImageFileDialog(QWidget* parent)
: fileName_(""),
QGridLayout* mainLayout = dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout());
assert(mainLayout->columnCount() == 3);
assert(mainLayout->rowCount() == 4);
QWidget* container = new QWidget();
QGridLayout* glayout = new QGridLayout();
QLabel* imageSizeLabel = new QLabel("Image Size:");
widthLineEdit_ = new QLineEdit("400");
heightLineEdit_ = new QLineEdit("300");
glayout->addWidget(new QLabel("x"), 0, 1);
glayout->addWidget(heightLineEdit_, 0, 2);
glayout->addWidget(new QLabel("[pixels]"), 0, 3);
glayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(250, 0), 0, 4);
glayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); // Removes unwanted spacing
// Shifting relevant child widgets one row down.
int rowCount = mainLayout->rowCount();
QLayoutItem* x00 = mainLayout->itemAtPosition(mainLayout->rowCount()-2,0);
QLayoutItem* x10 = mainLayout->itemAtPosition(mainLayout->rowCount()-1,0);
QLayoutItem* x01 = mainLayout->itemAtPosition(mainLayout->rowCount()-2,1);
QLayoutItem* x11 = mainLayout->itemAtPosition(mainLayout->rowCount()-1,1);
QLayoutItem* x02 = mainLayout->itemAtPosition(mainLayout->rowCount()-1,2);
assert(x00); assert(x01); assert(x10); assert(x11); assert(x02);
mainLayout->addWidget(x00->widget(), rowCount-1, 0, 1, 1);
mainLayout->addWidget(x10->widget(), rowCount, 0, 1, 1);
mainLayout->addWidget(x01->widget(), rowCount-1, 1, 1, 1);
mainLayout->addWidget(x11->widget(), rowCount, 1, 1, 1);
mainLayout->addWidget(x02->widget(), rowCount-1, 2, 2, 1);
// Adding the widgets in the now empty row.
rowCount = mainLayout->rowCount();
mainLayout->addWidget(imageSizeLabel, rowCount-3, 0, 1, 1 );
mainLayout->addWidget(container, rowCount-3, 1, 1, 1);
// Setting the proper tab-order
QLayoutItem* tmp = mainLayout->itemAtPosition(mainLayout->rowCount()-2,1);
QLayoutItem* tmp2 = mainLayout->itemAtPosition(mainLayout->rowCount()-1,1);
assert(tmp); assert(tmp2);
QWidget::setTabOrder(heightLineEdit_ , tmp->widget());
QWidget::setTabOrder(tmp->widget(), tmp2->widget());
// Makes sure the right widget is in focus
void ImageFileDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
// Called to create the widget
QDialog::DialogCode ImageFileDialog::exec()
if (QFileDialog::exec() == QDialog::Rejected)
return QDialog::Rejected;
// The code that processes the widget form and stores results for later calls to
// getImageSize()
return QDialog:Accepted;
Which, using for instance
ImageFileDialog* dialog = new ImageFileDialog(&w);
Creates the following widget:
Comments and ways to do this better, or why this is just plain wrong are most welcome :)