I know spring lemon is available at application-url/api/core. So, on my development environment for instance, it should be available at http:/ /localhost:8081/api/core/. And on subscription, users should get the following link : http:/ /localhost:8081/api/core/users/{VerificationCode}/verify.
Unfortunately, my links are failing in several ways :
1- My application was failing, listening on default 9000 port, until I specify lemon.application-url=http:/ /localhost:8081 in application-dev.properties. It looks like Spring Lemon doesn't learn application-url from where it's run.
Is this behaviour the normal one ?
2- The verification link sent by Spring Lemon is http:/ /localhost:8081/users/{VerificationCode}/verify. Shouldn't it be http:/localhost:8081/api/core/users/{VerificationCode}/verify instead ?
How do I correct it ?
3- Furthermore, the RequestMapping on the verifyUser method in LemonController.java shows that it needs a POST request. Can a verification link be a POST one ? Even when I manually correct the link to be correct, I got :
Request methog 'GET' not supported.
Any help to fix this ?
http://localhost:8081/api/core/users/{VerificationCode}/verify would be the API end-point, not for the user to visit (and so it's a POST). The front-end page for the user should be located at http://localhost:8081/users/{VerificationCode}/verify, from where you would call the API using AJAX.
lemon.application-url is used for specifying the front-end location, using which things like the verification link could be built. If you don't provide it, I think http://localhost:9000 is assumed.
Spring Lemon can be used for developing only the API, but not the front-end.
I try to create a product (item) using OData V4 URL available in Web Services section in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financials as shown below.
I use Postman to execute the POST request. Each request is proceed with an authenticated and valid account.
The POST OData V4 URL is taken from the Web Services sections example: https://xyz.financials.dynamics.com:7048/MS/ODataV4/Company('my-company')/Items
I also tried the entity "Item_Card", same result.
Here is the config set in Postman:
When I execute the request, I get the following error:
What is the missing "Data object"? Is this a standard of OData V4 protocol? Do I must supply a "Data object" into the body?
Is there anyone encountered that error and could explain what is missing/not working?
Update 2017-05-10
It seems that the REST endpoint is not available for Microsoft Dynamics Financials build < 16552. I currenly use build 16259.
Update 2017-05-23
I am now running on build 16552. I still get the same error. The update seems to have no effect on the POST request.
I had a similar issue today.
I am using SoapUI for testing a simple webservice on a custom table in an on premise version nav2017.
In the end I found out that I was writing a Date on a Date field in NAV. After changing that to DateTime and sending a correct date time string it was working.
It probably does not answer your question as I see no date in your body, but maybe for others who are searching for the error "Data Object not provide" it might help to check if the datatypes used in the body matches the datatypes in NAV.
Regards, Henry Verheij
I receive this error as well. In my case I was adding a vendor and I missed the NO. (this field is not on the interface'vendor card', but it appears in the listing and is mandatory in the service, however no documentation about it). So my guess you probable is missing a mandatory field.
PS:I used OData v4 Client Code Generator to generate my proxy from the metadata.
I am trying to implement a partner link with a dynamically determined endpoint address in a WSO2 BPS BPEL process. The idea is that the request sent to the process contains an endpoint URL and that this URL is used as the address for a certain partner link. I have successfully used endpoint references stored in the registry before, but I can't use that approach here as the address can be different every time the process is called.
I have tried a number of different approaches (using WSO2 BPS 3.5.1 and WS02 Developer Studio 3.8.0):
The approach used in the DynPartner example referenced in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11092515/dynamic-partner-links-and-dynamic-addressing-with-ode-bpel. This gives me the following validation error in Developer Studio: The from-spec of "<xs:simpleType "string">" is not compatible with to-spec of "<wsdl:portType
"DynResponderPortType">". Also, when I deploy and invoke the process, I get an error stating that the endpoint cannot be created (Couldnt create any endpoint for element ...)
Assigning a fixed value to the partner link, e.g. like this:
<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:wsdl11="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3schools.com uep_schema.xsd">
This works and does not give a validation error, but I haven't found a way to dynamically change the address that is used here based on the input my process is called with.
Create a variable that holds the endpoint reference, using a type that defines the content of an endpoint reference. I've tried several XSDs (http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/OS/serviceref/ws-bpel_serviceref.xsd, http://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/branches/turing/components/unified-endpoint/org.wso2.carbon.unifiedendpoint.core/4.2.0/src/main/resources/schema/uep_schema.xsd (which doesn't get validated without errors), the ws-addr.xsd from w3c, my own very simple XSD). I've had varying success with regarding how well Developer Studio could handle them and for instance generate initializations, but they all share the problem that I get a validation error stating something like The from-spec of "<element "EndpointReference">" is not compatible with to-spec of "<wsdl:portType
"ThisIsThePartnerLinkPortType">" -.
At this point, I am using the last approach with my own simple XSD. The process is actually working the way I intend it to, but I am still getting validation errors in Developer Studio which I would like to get rid of. Is there another and better way to approach this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
For anyone who is having the same issue: The approach is use now is that the BPS calls a specific proxy in the ESB (at a fixed location) and provides the endpoint URL to that proxy. The proxy then performs the actual call to the endpoint.
This has a number of advantages for me:
I get rid of the validation errors in the BPEL designer
Passing through the ESB allows me to perform validation on the message that I receive from the service located at the dynamic URL. Note that this is not possible in the BPS at the moment, as validation is not yet properly implemented. See also https://docs.wso2.com/display/BPS351/WS-BPEL+2.0+Specification+Compliance
How do I get a registration code or otherwise solve this problem?
While writing this question, I realized the crux of this problem is the bottom-most part of this question: I'm not getting the popup I'm supposed to get and when I enter the URL in a browser it says invalid registration code.
I'm attempting to develop an Alexa Voice Service application. Website/companion service only. I have gone through the Reference Implementation Guide twice and have double checked that all of the setup has been done correctly.
This is the server error I get: invalid registration code. I never did anything with a registration code and can't seem to find anything about a registration code (relevant to Alexa) anywhere after googling quite a bit.
Listening on port 3000
error: { [InvalidRegistrationCode: The provided registration code was invalid.]
name: 'InvalidRegistrationCode',
message: 'The provided registration code was invalid.',
status: 401 }
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
Here's the client output:
vlcj: (DefaultMediaPlayer.java:183)
There was a problem connecting to the Companion Service. Trying again in 2 seconds. Please make sure it is up and running.
[DEBUG] joining on thread Thread[Timer-0,5,com.amazon.alexa.avs.AVSApp]
There was a problem connecting to the Companion Service.
Trying again in 2 seconds. Please make sure it is up and running.
The AVS launcher opens too, and when I record something and send it I get:
com.amazon.alexa.avs.AVSException: 403 Invalid Access Token
The instructions mention (at the very bottom of the reference guide) that I need to:
Please register your device by visiting the following website on any system and following the instructions: https://localhost:3000/provision/************** That URL is supposed to pop something up once the companion service but that hasn't happened.
Any thoughts on how can I fix this?
I was following a good document Project: Raspberry Pi + Alexa Voice Service at https://github.com/amzn/alexa-avs-raspberry-pi . It describes all steps very well.
Please take a look at the following steps:
3 - Getting started with Alexa Voice Service
3.1 Register for a free Amazon Developer Account
3.4 Register your product and create a security profile.
6 - Enable Security Profile
This thread on the Amazon developer forums seems related: http://forums.developer.amazon.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=11327&tstart=0
Quoted response:
There are a number of potential issues causing that error.
You might be sending an invalid scope. Are you sending "alexa:all" as
the scope? Or, your security profile might not be correctly linked. Is
it selected in the dropdown on the developer portal?
Are you getting an access token from the companion service, or is the
text box blank? If you're not getting an access token, check that your
device serial number matches between the companion service and the
java client. If you're getting an access token, the problem is more
likely with your security profile.
You should also look at these threads to see if they're helpful...
(links removed due to reputation requirement)
If that doesn't help, you'll probably have more luck asking the AVS team directly on their forum site.
I am trying to setup a simple API test against a local endpoint. I have create the sample API (phone number lookup) and that works fine. is my endpoint and the WSO2 service also runs on ... but when I test it in 'publisher', it always fails. This is a simple GET with no parameters.
I can run it from a browser or CURL (outside of WSO2) and it works fine.
I assume you talk about clicking the Test button when providing Backend Endpoint in API publisher.
The way that Test button works at the moment (as far as I understand) is that it invokes HTTP HEAD method on the endpoint provided (because according to RFC 2616, "This method is often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility, and recent modification.")
Then it checks response. If response is valid or 405 (method not allowed), then the URL is marked as Valid.
Thus sometimes, if backend is not properly following RFC, you might get otherwise working URLs declared as Invalid during the test because of that improper HEAD response evaluation. Obviously, this is just a check for your convenience and you can ignore the check if you know the endpoint works for the methods and resources you need it to work.
P.S. Checked it on API Cloud but behavior is identical to downloadable API Manager.
Using the facebook graph you can get photo information as follows:
However the link they provide to actually grab the photos are not secure and use http:
Replacing http with https doesn't do the trick because you get a security warning:
Facebook is insisting that all apps use secure browsing and use https. However my app uses facebook photos, which cannot be accessed because they begin with http.
Does anyone know how to get around this problem?
I found the answer to my own question. You can add a parameter to get a the ssl parameter:
I've never come across a way to ask the API for valid https versions of the images other than for profile pictures. That is done by https://graph.facebook.com/{userId/Name}/picture
Here's Zuck: https://graph.facebook.com/4/picture and https://graph.facebook.com/zuck/picture
If you're using the PHP SDK, this was a F***ing life-saver (where $album['cover_photo'] is the id of a photo):
Whenever i would simply add &return_ssl_resources=1 to the end of the query itself my server would throw a 500 error. I found another thread that showed that you can pass this argument in an array.