delete first apperance of slash inside link - regex

There are set of HTML files I have inside directory. I made a mistake by starting all of the links (href attribute) with "/" (e.g. /news.html, /images/img1.jpg, etc.). How can I change this inside all of the files using RegEx and UNIX command line. I run latest version of Mac OS.
Thank you

sed -i '.sav' 's/href="\//href="/g' *.html
It will replace in-place each href=/ with href= in all files with .html extension, saving the original file with .sav extension.


Grep with regex from file in bash script without inclusion of more folders

I have a file containing various paths such as:
And I receive a input from user that contains the directory, such as:
And I usually save this expression into regex to find all the files in the directory by grep. However, if the folder has more folders, it includes them as well, but I want to only include the files in the directory that was entered by the user. My desired output is should be this:
But it keeps including
which I don't want and I need to do it inside a bash script.
You can use this grep command to get just the files directly under given path skipping sub-directories:
grep -E "$s[^/]+/?$" file

Change the name of many files

How can I rename many files. Remove the digits at the beginning.
I have a Mac. All the files are in the same folder.
The pattern is:
1, 2 or 3 digits - any name.php
With Regular Expression, I think it would be:
For example:
I want to remove the numbers and the dash at the beginning.
In the example it would be:
What I have explored two ways:
Select the files > ctrl click > rename items. This is a fantastic method to change the name of files. But I think it cannot be used in this case. If I understand, it does not support Regex. Am I right?
Terminal. I am not very familiar with terminal. I tried mv 1-marketing.php marketing.php It works for 1 file, but how can I do the same for many? I am new with the terminal. If it can be done, please explain the basic.
Open the terminal app in Mac OS X and navigate to the folder containing the .php files
cd /my/path/to-php-files/
and run the below command on the command-line.
for file in *.php; do mv -v "$file" "${file#*-}"; done
The bash parameter expansion syntax ${file#*-} removes the characters before - from the beginning, so ideally 3-number-without.php becomes number-without.php
(or) use the perl rename utility not available by default in Mac OS, you can download and install it with homebrew 🍺:
brew install rename
and do
rename -n 's/^(\d+)-(.*)/$2/' *.php
The -n is just for a dry-run to see how the files are to be renamed, remove it as
rename 's/^(\d+)-(.*)/$2/' *.php
for the actual renaming.

Regex to add an extension to a directory full of files

I am new to regular expressions.
I have many irregularly numbered ascii files with no extension: g000554, g000556, g000558, g000561, g000563 ... g001979 etc
I would like to type a regex at the terminal (or in a short script) to add a .dat to all of these files.
So I would like to change them to become: g000554.dat, g000556.dat, g000558.dat, g000561.dat, g000563.dat ... g001979.dat etc
p.s. Sorry I should have provided more info: by terminal I meant a mac terminal and I cannot use the 'rename' command.
I think you're using a linux system. So i provide a bash solution. It works only if your files starts with g and there is no other files in that directory except the files you want to rename.
for i in g*; do mv "$i" "$i.dat"; done
The below would add .dat extension to all the files present in the current directory,
for i in *; do mv "$i" "$i.dat"; done

Regular expression search and replace in multiple files (bulk) - without opening files

I normally use Notepad++ to search and replace what I need (regex), however, I have to open all the files that I need, in order to replace what is needed to be replaced.. My question is how can I do that in bulk (multiple) files, in a folder, without opening any of the files? Is there a good freeware to do that with? or something like creating .bat or .pl file, and run it in the folder to execute the replace? If so, how can it be done?
Simple example:
<b>(\d+\. )</b>
This regex removes the bold tag in numbers.
How can it be done for bulk files without using NP++ under Windows?
Use Notepad++'s own Find in files function, that you can find in the Find menu.
This can be done with this perl oneliner:
perl -pi.back -e 's#<b>(\d+\.\d+)</b>#$1#g;' file*
This will process all files that have their name beginning with file and save them before into fileX.back.

Search and replace in *.aspx,*.ascx files when publishing a Webapplication

I'm attempting to replace a pattern in all my .aspx and .ascx file when I Publish my Webapplication.
When I am running the application locally, I don't care about the replace. But as soon as I need to Publish the solution I need a sequence of characters, let's say "ABC", replaced with "DEF" in all my .aspx and .ascx files.
How would I go about performing this?
You should create a separate script, that goes through your folder searching and loading all your .aspx and .ascx files, open them and replace all the needed stuff. I don't know how to do it in asp, but in actionscript it would look like fileText = fileText.replace(/ABC/g,"DEF");
perl -p -i -e 's/ABC/EDF/g' *.aspx
perl -p -i -e 's/ABC/EDF/g' *.ascx