Suppose I have 2 iMacros scripts script1.iim and script2.iim, is there anyway to use script2.iim to script1.iim?
Here is a solution for macros played in 'iMacros' for Firefox:
URL GOTO=imacros://run/?m=script2.iim
(FYI, the iimPlay() function relates to the Scripting Interfaces but not 'iim'-codes.)
is it possible to protect my .iim iMacros script because want to share to somebody?
in block of my script contained:
Read .csv file
and using some of !VAR
Please give me guidance or refference. Thank you
A way to protect your iMacros would be to convert them into Javascript, obfuscate them and share the obfuscated Javascript/iMacros.
The user wont be able to edit and read the source of the script however the sidebar is showing the source code while playing the script. It might sounds difficult but it's very easy because there are programms/tools out there who do the conversion and obfuscation. This is the best protection you can have for an iMacros.
For a full tutorial on how to do it I would suggest you read this post.
I am attempting to create Word documents with ColdFusion, but it does not seem there is any way to do it with only ColdFusion. The best solution seems to be docx4j. However, I can't seem to find any in-depth docx4j and ColdFusion examples (Aside from this question). Where can I get some doc4jx and ColdFusion examples?
pulling the data from a database. shows one approach to doing this. There are other ways, as to which see
The document needs page numbers and to
Typically you'd add these via a header or footer. You might find it easier to start with an almost empty docx structured appropriately, rather than creating the necessary structures via ColdFusion calling docx4j. You could still do it this way in conjunction with the final paragraph of this answer below.
create a table of contents.
Search the docx4j forums for how to do this.
In general, it looks like the easiest approach would be to create a Java class file which does everything you want (by invoking docx4j), and for your ColdFusion to just invoke that Java class. In other words, do a bit of Java programming first, get that working, then hook it up to your ColdFusion stuff.
I am not sure what exactly you mean with creating word document, which in my opinion is pretty simple. Manipulating yes, a bit tricky with docx4j or so.
<cfsavecontent variable="variables.mydoc">
Your content here
<cffile action="write" file="#yourFile.doc#" output="#variables.mydoc#">
Also see this post
Creating a Word document in Coldfusion - how to have pagenumbering?
I'm looking for a way if you know the location where to read the text for example say, under a particular category, how would you connect to a website and search & read the text from it?
what steps do i need to follow to learn about that?
you could use libcurl/cURL for your HTML retrival
You're probably looking for a web crawler.
Here's an example of a simple crawler written in C++.
Moreover, you might want to have a look to wget, a software to retrieve files via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.
if you are looking at a specific web-page, you could try retrieving the page and parsing it to get to the exact location you want. e.g. specific div, etc.
since you are using c++, you could try reading up on using libcurl to retrieve the information you need from the URL.
You can download an html file with WinHTTP(working example) and then search the file. There's some find algos in the std::string class for searching if your needs are relatively basic.
I'm new in both javascript and V8. According to Google's Embedder's Guide, I saw something in the context section talking about built-in utility javascript functions. And I also found some .js files(e.g. math.js) in the downloaded source code, so I tried to write a simple program to call functions in these files, but I failed.
Does a context created by Persistent<Context> context = Context::New() have any built-in js functions? How can I access them?
Is there a way to first import existing js files as a library(something like src="xxx" type="text/javascript" in HTML page) and then run my own execute script?
Can I call google maps api through the embedded V8 library in app? How?
3. Google Maps needs a full browser DOM (or at least XMLHttpRequest I guess), you can't use it from just a Javascript library.
I think v8 gives you the Math.* functions for free.
You need to implement everything else yourself though, like loading other javascript files. has some of the functions you might be looking for.
As for the maps API, I believe you would need a full blown rendering engine/javascript engine combo for that. You might be better off taking a look at Webkit or something that you can use to embed Webkit for what you're looking to do, I can't really say.
You can use for example the --allow_natives_syntax or --expose_natives_as option.
Here are examples with MathLog picked at random in src/math.js:
First compile a shell with
$ scons d8 -j8
Then use --expose_natives_as:
$ ./d8 --expose_natives_as nat
V8 version 3.12.7 (candidate) [console: dumb]
d8> nat.MathLog(100)
or use --allow_natives_syntax with the '%' prefix:
$ ./d8 --allow_natives_syntax
V8 version 3.12.7 (candidate) [console: dumb]
d8> %MathLog(100)
I want a simple command line tool running on Windows Xp(or even cross platform) similar in functionality to Mp3tag to edit mp3 ID3 tags. I mostly want to organize my music according to artist , genre etc so a lightweight tool which can ask the user which tag to edit and then change all the mp3 files' tags in a directory will be good. Can I use perl to do this?
use . it's in python. python works on windows.
yes indeed, you can use Perl to do it. (as well as other languages with such modules support). Search CPAN for ID3 tag modules.
Sure you can; see Is there a Perl or Python library for ID3 metadata?.
I use mpgtx in my Debian, but I see they have a Windows version at
The commands I use are as follows:
# Read Tag information from mp3
mpginfo 05\ Fatty\ Boom\ Boom.mp3
# Writes album information in mp3
tagmp3 set "%a:Tension" 05\ Fatty\ Boom\ Boom.mp3
I just found the most powerful combination for doing this kind of work from a console: PowerShell and TagLib#.
Found it at
It works like a charm!
I use BulkID3 for this.
I don't think it works on Windows, but it's open source.