How to get the directory of launched wxwidgets application in mac? - c++

I have C++ application built with the help of wxwidgets, I would like to know how can we find the application directory of the launched application, I figured that using wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() I get application path in mac which is something like /library/application/
All I need is to extract till /library/application, is there a way to do it in wxwidgets?


No output from heob in a Qt application using Qt Creator

I would like to use heob to check my app for memory leaks. This is what i tried: I opened the project "analogclock" from the examples collection in qtcreator. After that i have chosen "Analyze" and "Heob" from the drop down menu. After choosing the heob path and a click on the ok button, the application starts and a console window "heob32" is displayed. But now nothing happens. Just the word "kill" is displayed in the console window. I canĀ“t see any output and if i close the analogclock app i get the message: "heob: cannot create target process". Can anyone help me further to get useful output from heob?
What OS are you using and what heob did you install?
You need to download and install heob separately from Creator. Creator just installs a link without heob itself. Have you done this? Are you really running on a 32-bit system (there is a heob64 in case you are using a modern OS).
Did you configure your heob installation in Qt Creator correctly?
Can you run heob from the commandline with reasonable behaviour?

What must be installed on client machine to run a QT Quick Application?

I am developing a desktop application using QT Quick. I have been searching and reading the QT documentation ( for creating an installer and how to use windeployqt.exe and binarycreator.exe to deploy on a windows machine. So far so good , but since I want to target this application for windows XP as well.
I want to know exactly what is required to be installed on the target machine to be able to run my application when using MinGW orMSVC2015 during building, so that I may include them in my installer or make the end user download them. Just like we download .Net Framework , Visual C++ Redistributable or DirectX when installing an application.
We use windeployqt to gather all the Qt official dependencis. Two parameters of windeployqt are quite useful:
--debug or --release: determine whether your app is in debug state or release state. windeployqt will put corresponding version of DLLs to your exe's directory;
--qml and put the directory of your QML files after it. windeployqt will search your given directory and put all the QML modules to your exe's directory.
2018-11-05 10:52:34:
It seems the second parameter --qml has been changed to --qmldir.

How to make a standalone mac app using qtcreator

I have build an app using C++ and Qt on QtCreator. The result is a .app file.
Now, when I am running it from the Qt Creator it is running fine.
But when I am running it on a different machine (with no Qt installed) it is not running.
I have figured out the reason is because my .app file is not deployed properly (as there is no framework folder added in the .app)
But I am now having trouble solving it. I am following this link but not getting anywhere as it for console purely.
Is there a way I can fix it using Qt Creator?
A Qt application relies upon Qt's libraries, which must be shipped with the application, inside the built application bundle. The steps for deploying a Qt application for OS X are detailed in the documentation.
If you're not using any other libraries, besides those of Qt, you just need to run the tool macdeployqt, which is part of the Qt installation, in the bin directory. You can set this up to run as a build step in Qt Creator, but I suggest only doing it before you actually deploy the final bundle to another machine.
Calling macdeployqt will copy the necessary Qt frameworks into the bundle and setup the paths to the frameworks so that the binary in the bundle knows where to find them.
If you use any other frameworks or libraries, you need to copy those yourself and set the references to them using install_name_tool

Load Application on Windows StartUp

I'm developing an Windows DLL and I want to know more about windows c++ programming.
The first problem I'm facing is know how to load my application when Windows is loading?
There is any guide on Windows Documentation describing that?
There are 2 ways that I know how to do this:
1) You can create a shortcut to the .exe in the autostart folder
2) You can add the .exe in the registry at Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
You can load your application when windows startup by copying your application to startup folder please refer
Also refer

Run Mac application of C++ and Qt on another Mac

I am trying run a simple C++ with QT application on another mac. I am trying to avoid having to install Qt on the other mac. This application was created in Xcode with cmake.
Two notes: my application (for some reason) does not create an .app file. It just creates a file with the name of my project (and no extension). I can run this file by double clicking, but still, it is not an .app. Does this matter?
Another thing, I am linking my application to static libraries of Qt. From what I understand, this should allow to run the application even if Qt is not installed, right? The result of running my application on the other mac is simply a terminal window that says: Instruction unknown.