OpenGL Texture Mipmaps: Load and Unload - opengl

In the perfect case, if the screen resolution is 1024x768, only
786432 texels are needed at a given moment, and 2 megabytes memory
is enough. But in real world there is managing cost, so textures
take much more memory.
Texture streaming could reduce the memory cost of texture, that
is, not all the mipmaps of textures are needed at a given moment.
A texture needs level 0 mipmap because it's near the camera, if
it's far from the current camera, level 5 to 11 mipmaps may be
enough. Camera moves in the scene a while, some mipmaps can be
loaded and some mipmaps can be unloaded.
My question is how to do it effectively.
Say I have a 512x512 OpenGL texture in the scene, so it will has
10 mipmaps. From level 0 to level 9, there are: 512x512, 256x256,
128x128... and 1x1 mipmap. Simplely upload the data like this:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, 512, 512, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p1);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_RGBA8, 256, 256, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p2);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, GL_RGBA8, 128, 128, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p3);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
After a while, camera goes far from this texture in the scene,
64x64 mipmap is enough, so the top 3 mipmaps are going to be
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, 64, 64, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p4);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_RGBA8, 32, 32, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p5);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, GL_RGBA8, 16, 16, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p6);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
And then, camera moves towards this texture, 256x256 mipmap is
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, 256, 256, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p4);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_RGBA8, 128, 128, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p5);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, GL_RGBA8, 64, 64, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p6);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
This is just inefficient. Basically it recreates the texture
everytime although the texture id is not changed. PBOs could makes
it faster but the data copying is still cost.
For a 1024x1024 OpenGL texture, can I make it uses only the lower
mipmaps, say level 1 to 9, and leave the level 0 mipmap empty (do
not allocate in video memory) ? In other words: Always keep a
subset of mipmaps from low level to high level. Load or unload
higher level mipmaps without changing the lower mipmaps of a
texture. I think in hardware's perspective this might be possible.
This is what I tried: If I don't call glTexImage2D for level 0
mipmap, this texture may be in an incomplete state. But if I call
glTexImage2D with a null data pointer, it will be allocated in
video memory with zero data (profiling via gDEBugger).

If your goal with all of this is limiting the amount of active texture memory you have available, nothing in OpenGL 4.5 is going to help you with that. Reallocation of the texture as a smaller one is a terrible idea (and no, the Unreal engine does not do that).
There are two cases where what you are talking about may matter. Case 1 would be what the Unreal engine uses it for: loading performance. It allocates the whole texture, all of its mipmaps, but it only loads the lower mipmaps first. This saves time on loading in the level. This can also be used to speed up streaming performance by doing the same thing.
This is done easily in OpenGL 4.5. That's what the mipmap range setting is for; you only load in the lower mipmaps and set the GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL and GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL to that range. OpenGL guarantees it will not try to access memory outside of that range.
But dynamically evicting mipmaps from memory is not something that OpenGL 4.5 has a mechanism for.
ARB_sparse_texture however does. It allows you to declare that certain mipmaps are "sparse". You allocate storage for them as normal, but you can declare that the higher levels may be evicted from memory. You decide when levels are available by giving them virtual pages. And you can remove these pages, which allows the GPU to use that memory for someone else.
The goal in doing this is, in theory, to be able to use more textures without running out of GPU memory (and thus thrashing). However, you don't really have the tools to be able to do this effectively.
This is because OpenGL doesn't tell you how much memory you have available. Nor does it say how much memory is allocated for buffers/textures. Nor does it say how many of those allocated buffers/textures is currently active and resident on the GPU. So you don't really know when you're close to being about to thrash.
This means that, if you're "close to" a number of large textures, you can still blow memory limits. And OpenGL will not tell you when you've done so.
Even so, this can still be helpful, if you plan your level layouts around it. Oh, and sparse textures are useful for the Unreal engine's case too.
I am thinking about that every mipmap of an OpenGL texture is stored independently, we can attach a lower level mipmap to a texture at runtime, why cannot attach a higher one.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that hardware follows what the API says.
Can you only issue glTexImage*D calls to mipmaps other than layer 0? Yes; just use the base/max levels to prevent access outside of the allocated range (that will keep the texture complete).
Will that guarantee that the implementation only allocates memory for those particular mipmap levels? No; implementations may allocate mipmap levels outside that range.
Indeed, there's evidence that it doesn't work that way. Consider ARB_texture_storage. This extension, core in OpenGL 4.3+, provides a single function that allocates all of the mipmap levels of the texture at once. So instead of calling glTexImage2D for each level, you call glTexStorage2D once, and it will allocate all specified mipmap levels for the size you specified. You can leave some off the small range, but not off the top.
This also makes the texture immutable, so you cannot change that texture's storage ever again. You can upload to it, but you cannot call glTexStorage*D or glTexImage*D on it. So no reallocation.
Why would the ARB create an extension who's whole purpose is to prevent you from allocating individual mipmaps, if individual allocations were something that hardware actually supported? And if you think that's a fluke, consider this too.
When ARB_direct_state_access was created, they obviously added DSA-style functions for texture allocation. But notice that they didn't add DSA-style functions to make non-immutable textures; they didn't add glTextureImage*D. Their reasoning? "Immutable texture is a more robust approach to handle textures".
Clearly, the ARB sees no value in an API that lets the user say which mipmaps are allocated and which are not.
And it should be noted that nothing in Direct3D 12, a much lower level API, allows this either. The answer to the question of how much memory a texture needs is purely a byte-count + alignment. It is not a series of byte counts, one-per-mipmap. And the functions to allocate resources similarly do not allow expanding mipmaps or anything of the like.
And I even checked Mantle's documentation. It has no facility to have an image's memory be non-contiguous. grBindObjectMemory (the function that associates memory storage with a texture) does not take a parameter specifying the mipmap level.
And for the sake of completeness, neither does Vulkan. It treats an images mipmap pyramid as a single, contiguous block of storage. Sparse images can work, but that works on page boundaries, not at the level of whole mipmaps.
So I would assume nothing about the nature of the hardware based on old OpenGL APIs.

so textures take much more memory.
Actually no. (EDIT) for a 1-dimensional texture the zeroth mipmap level consumes N bytes, the first N/2, the second N/4, and so on. So the total amount of bytes consumes is
sum(i in 0…){ N * 2^-i } = N * sum(i in 0…){2^-i}
That's a geometric series which converges to 2. So a mipmaped texture consumes exactly twice the memory of a not mipmaped texture. For a 2D texture it's 1/4th, 1/16th and so on. The larger the dimension of the texture the smaller is the mipmap overhead.
That's not "a lot".
A texture needs level 0 mipmap because it's near the camera, if it's far from the current camera, level 5 to 11 mipmaps may be enough.
There is no camera in OpenGL and that's not how the mipmaping level is determined. The Mipmap level being used is determined by the rate of change of the texture coordinate in screen coordinates (gradient of the texture coordinate).
After a while, camera goes far from this texture in the scene, 64x64 mipmap is enough
And maybe you're using the same texture for rendering on a primitive with a very steep texture coordinate gradient (low mipmap level) right after drawing it with a shallow texture coordinate gradient.
But in real world there is managing cost,
What I'm trying to say is, that the management overhead of trying to properly stream mipmaps is much higher and consumes much more GPU resources, than simply loading all the mipmaps and call it a day.
Also modern GPUs are capable of data fetches on their own; the graphics RAM is just a cache for the system RAM and when you load a texture it actually doesn't go to the graphics memory in the first place. The GPU will fetch the data it needs.


Fastest way to transfer buffer/texture data from GPU to CPU

As the question implies, I'm trying to transfer some buffer data from the gpu to the cpu and I want to do it fast.
Specifically, I'd like to transfer a 640x480 float buffer in less than 1ms.
Question 1: Is this possible in less than 1ms?
Whether it is or not, I'd like to find out what the fastest way is. Everything I've tried up to this point is by using FBOs. Here are the different methods and their respective average time for transfer. All of these are run right after binding to the FBO and rendering on the textures. As I'm no expert, there might be mistakes in my code or I might be doing unnecessary steps so please let me know. The transfers, however, have all been checked to be successful. I transfer everything to cv::Mat objects.
1)Using glReadPixels - < 3.1ms
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT,;
2)Using glGetTexImage - <2.9ms
3)Using PBO with glGetTexImage - <2.3ms
glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pbo);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture);
Before I go on, I understand that I don't use PBOs to their full potential since I immediately call glMapBuffer but there is no other process for the cpu to do at the moment. The texture is drawn the moment I have the necessary data and the texture data is necessary for me to move on. Despite all this, PBOs still seem faster.
Here's something interesting(to me at least). These are measured in debug mode. In release mode they are all 1ms slower.
Question 2: Why are they slower in release mode? Can I change this?
Question 3: Are there any other ways I can try to do the transfer?
Extra notes on Q3:
I read somewhere that the integrated graphics card can have faster access. Is this a thing? How would I make use of this? Is this connected to GL_INTEL_map_texture?
I barely know what CUDA is but it seems there is a way to do the transfer faster using it. Is this true?
Will reading the depth buffer instead of a texture be faster?

glDrawPixels vs textures to draw a 2d buffer in OpenGL

I have a 2d graphic library that I want to use in OpenGL, to be able to mix 2d and 3d graphic. The simplest way seems to be with glDrawPixels, but many recent tutorial, and forums, suggest to use a texture with the command glTexSubImage2D, and then to draw a square with such a texture.
My question is: why? where is the advantage? It just adds one more step (memory buffer->texture->video buffer, instead of memory buffer->video buffer).
There are two main reasons:
glDrawPixels() is deprecated, and not available in the OpenGL core profile, or in OpenGL ES.
When drawing the image multiple times, a lot of repeated work can be saved by storing the image data in a texture.
It's quite rare that you would have to draw an image only once. Much more commonly, you'll draw it repeatedly, on each redraw. With glDrawPixels() you have to pass the image data into OpenGL each time. If you store it in a texture, you can draw it repeatedly, and OpenGL can reuse the same data each time.
To draw the content of a texture, you don't necessarily have to set up a shader, draw a quad, etc. You can use glBlitFramebuffer() to copy the texture content to the display.
Since OpenGL use a video memory, use a simple "draw pixel" must be really slow because you will do a lot GPU/CPU synchronisation for each draw.
When you use glTexSubImage2D, you ensure that your image will reside(all the time) into the video memory which is fast.
One way to load a texture inside video memory could be :
glCreateTextures(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, &texture->mId);
glTextureParameteri(mId, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
GLsizei numMipmaps = ((GLsizei)log2(std::max(surface->w, surface->h)) + 1);
glTextureStorage2D(*texture, numMipmaps, internalFormat, surface->w, surface->h);
glTextureSubImage2D(*texture, 0, 0, 0, surface->w, surface->h,
format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface->pixels);
Don't forget binding if you do not want to use direct state access.
However, if you still want to perform pixel draw (for example for procedural rendering), you must write your own fragment shader to be as fast as possible

Most Efficient Way to Retrieve Texture Pixel Data?

I know Directx for Dx9 at least, has a texture object where you are able to get only a small portion of the texture to CPU accessible memory. It was a function called "LockRect" I believe. OpenGL has glGetTexImage() but it grabs the entire image and if the format isn't the same as the texture's then it is going to have to convert the entire texture into the new pixel format on top of transferring the entire texture. This function is also not in OpenGL ES. Framebuffers is another option but where I could potentially bind a framebuffer where a color attachment in connected to a texture. Then there is glReadPixels which reads from the framebuffer, so it should be reading from the texture. glReadPixels has limited pixel format options so a conversion is going to have to happen, but I can read the pixels I need (which is only 1 pixel). I haven't used this method but it seems like it is possible. If anyone can confirm the framebuffer method, that it is a working alternative. Then this method would also work for OpenGL ES 2+.
Are there any other methods? How efficient is the framebuffer method (if it works), does it end up having to convert the entire texture to the desired format before it reads the pixels or is it entirely implementation defined?
Edit: #Nicol_Bolas Please stop removing OpenGL from tags and adding OpenGL-ES, OpenGL-ES isn't applicable, OpenGL is. This is for OpenGL specifically but I would like it to be Open ES 2+ compatible if possible, though it doesn't have to be. If a OpenGL only solution is available then it is a consideration I will make if it is worth the trade off. Thank you.
Please note, I do not have that much experience with ES in particular, so there might be better ways to do this specifically in that context. The general gist applies in either plain OpenGL or ES, though.
First off, the most important performance consideration should be when you are doing the reading. If you request data from the video card while you are rendering, your program (the CPU end) will have to halt until the video card returns the data, which will slow rendering due to your inability to issue further render commands. As a general rule, you should always upload, render, download - do not mix any of these processes, it will impact speed immensely, and how much so can be very driver/hardware/OS dependent.
I suggest using glReadPixels( ) at the end of your render cycle. I suspect the limitations on formats for that function are connected to limitations on framebuffer formats; besides, you really should be using 8 bit unsigned or floating point, both of which are supported. If you have some fringe case not allowing any of those supported formats, you should explain what that is, as there may be a way to handle it specifically.
If you need the contents of the framebuffer at a specific point in rendering (rather than the end), create a second texture + framebuffer (again with the same format) to be an effective "backbuffer" and then copy from the target framebuffer to that texture. This occurs on the video card, so it does not impose the bus latency directly reading does. Here is something I wrote that does this operation:
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + unit );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, backbufferTextureHandle );
glBindFramebuffer( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferHandle );
0, // level
0, 0, // offset
0, 0, // x, y
screenX, screenY );
glBindFramebuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferHandle );
Then when you want the data, bind the backbuffer to GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER and use glReadPixels( ) on it.
Finally, you should keep in mind that a download of data will still halt the CPU end. If you download before displaying the framebuffer, you will put off displaying the image until after you can again execute commands, which might result in visible latency. As such, I suggest still using a non-default framebuffer even if you only care about the final buffer state, and ending your render cycle to the effect of:
(1.) Blit to the default framebuffer:
glBindFramebuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 ); // Default framebuffer
glBindFramebuffer( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferHandle );
0, 0, screenX, screenY,
0, 0, screenX, screenY,
(2.) Call whatever your swap buffers command may be in your given situation.
(3.) Your download call from the framebuffer (be it glReadPixels( ) or something else).
As for the speed impact of the blit/texcopy operations, it's quite good on most modern hardware and I have not found it to have a noticeable impact even done 10+ times a frame, but if you are dealing with antiquated hardware, it might be worth a second thought.

Can OpenGL be used to draw real valued triangles into buffer?

I need to implement an image reconstruction which involves drawing triangles in a buffer representing the pixels in an image. These triangles are assigned some floating point value to be filled with. If triangles are drawn such that they overlap, the values of the overlapping regions must be added together.
Is it possible to accomplish this with OpenGL? I would like to take advantage of the fact that rasterizing triangles is a basic graphics task that can be accelerated on the graphics card. I have a cpu-only implementation of this algorithm already but it is not fast enough for my purposes. This is due to the huge number of triangles that need to be drawn.
Specifically my questions are:
Can I draw triangles with a real value using openGL? (Or can I come up with a hack using color etc?)
Can OpenGL add the values where triangles overlap? (Once again I could deal with a hack, like color mixing)
Can I recover the real values for the pixels as an array of floats or similar to be further processed?
Do I have misconceptions about the idea that drawing in OpenGL -> using GPU to draw -> likely faster execution?
Additionally, I would like to run this code on a virtual machine so getting acceleration to work with OpenGL is more feasible than rolling my own implementation in something like Cuda as far as I understand. Is this true?
EDIT: Is an accumulation buffer an option here?
If 32-bit floats are sufficient then it looks like the answer is yes:
Even under the old fixed pipeline you could use a blending mode with the function GL_FUNC_ADD, though I'm sure fragment shaders can do it more easily now.
glReadPixels() will get you the data back out of the buffer after drawing.
There are software implementations of OpenGL, but you get to choose when you set up the context. Using the GPU should be much faster than the CPU.
No idea. I've never used OpenGL or CUDA on a VM. I've never used CUDA at all.
I guess giving pieces of code as an answer wouldn't be appropriate here as your question is extremely broad. So I'll simply answer your questions individually with bits of hints.
Yes, drawing triangles with openGL is a piece of cake. You provide 3 vertice per triangle and with the proper shaders your can draw triangles, with filling or just edges, whatever you want. You seem to require a large set (bigger than [0, 255]) since a lot of triangles may overlap, and the value of each may be bigger than one. This is not a problem. You can fill a 32bit precision one channel frame buffer. In your case only one channel may suffice.
Yes, the blending exists since forever on openGL. So whatever the version of openGL you choose to use, there will be a way to add up the value of the trianlges overlapping.
Yes, depending on you implement it you may have to use glGetSubData() or glReadPixels or something else. However, depending on the size of the matrix you're filling, it may be a bit long to download the full buffer (2000x1000 pixels for a one channel at 32bit would be around 4-5ms). It may be more efficient to do all your processing on the GPU and extract only few valuable information instead of continuing the processing on the CPU.
The execution will be undoubtedly faster. However, the download of data from the GPU memory is often not optimized (upload is). So the time you will win on the processing may be lost on the download. I've never worked with openGL on VM so the additional loss of performance is unknown to me.
//Struct definition
struct Triangle {
float[2] position;
float intensity;
glGenBuffers(1, &m_buffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, m_buffer);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, * sizeof(Triangle),
glBindBufferBase(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, 0);
glGenVertexArrays(1, &m_vao);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_buffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
glGenTextures(1, &m_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glGenFrameBuffers(1, &m_frameBuffer);
glBindFrameBuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_frameBuffer);
glBindFrameBuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
After you just need to write your render function. A simple glDraw*() should be enough. Just remember to bind your buffers correctly. To enable the blending with the proper function. You might also want to disable the anti aliasing for your case. At first I'd say you need an ortho projection but I don't have all the element of your problem so it's up to you.
Long story short, if you never worked with openGL, the piece of code above will be relevant only after you read few documentation/tutorials on openGL/GLSL.

Uploading texture very slow in OpenGL

I have written an emulator which I am in the process of porting to Linux. At the moment to do the video I am using Direct3D 11, which I am porting to OpenGL (which I'm running on Windows for now). I render to a 1024x1024 texture which I upload to memory every frame (the original hardware doesn't really lend itself to modern hardware acceleration, so I just do it all in software). However, I have found that uploading the texture in OpenGL is a lot slower.
In Direct3D uploading the texture every frame drops the frame rate from 416 to 395 (a 5% drop). In OpenGL it drops from 427 to 297 (a 30% drop!).
Here's the relevant code from my draw function.
deviceContext_->Map(texture, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &resource);
uint32_t *buf = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(resource.pData);
memcpy(buf, ...);
deviceContext_->Unmap(texture, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1024, 1024, 0, GL_RGBA,
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, textureBuffer);
Can anyone suggest what may be causing this slowdown?
If it makes any odds, I'm running Windows 7 x64 with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti.
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1024, 1024, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, textureBuffer);
You're doing several things wrong here. First, glTexImage2D is the equivalent of creating a Direct3D texture resource every frame. But you're not creating it; you're just uploading to it. You should use glTexImage2D only once per mipmap layer of interest; after that, all uploading should happen with glTexSubImage2D.
Second, your internal format (third parameter from the left) is GL_RGBA. You should always use explicit sizes for your image formats. So use GL_RGBA8. This isn't really a problem, but you should get into the habit now.
Third, you're using GL_RGBA ordering for your pixel transfer format (the third parameter from the right, not the left). This is generally not the most optimal pixel transfer format, as lots of hardware tends to prefer GL_BGRA ordering. But if you're not getting your data from whatever is producing it in that order, then there's not much that can be done.
Fourth, if you have something else you can do between starting the upload and actually rendering with it, you can employ asynchronous pixel transfer operations. You write your data to a buffer object (which can be mapped, so that you don't have to copy into it). Then you use glTexSubImage2D to transfer this data to OpenGL. Because the source data and the destination image are part of OpenGL's memory, it doesn't have to copy the data out of client memory before glTexSubImage2D returns.
Granted, that's probably not going to help you much, since you're already effectively doing that copy in the D3D case.
In OpenGL it drops from 427 to 297 (a 30% drop!)
The more important statistic is that it's a 1 millisecond difference. You should look at your timings in absolute time, not in frames-per-second, nor in percentage drops of FPS.
glTexImage2d does memory reallocation as well as update. Try to use glTexSubImage2d instead.