Visual c++ 2010 Express won't debug a new project - c++

On a simple "hello world" newly created project, the built is successful, but when I click "debug" Visual c++ becomes unresponsive and nothing happens.
Note that I can see in my tasks manager several processes with my project's name, even after closing Visual c++.
If I open my previous project I can still launch it without trouble.

The user "rcgldr" gave the answer in comment, the problem comes from the Avast anti-virus software. Turning it off solves the issue.


Visual Studio Failing to Create C++ Console Project

I have a problem where Visual Studio will not create a new C++ Console Application project. I can input the project name and location, but when I hit the create button it simply closes the project creator window and reopens it without creating anything. It will do this with both types of the standard C++ Win32 project templates. Everything else works and will load without this error, but for whatever reason Visual Studio will not create Win32 C++ project types. I have previously been able to create such projects in the past; the problem I am encountering is recent.
My version of Windows 10 has recently been updated to the most recent version, but I do not think this will have effected the program. I have tried to run the repair tool included with Visual Studio and running it as an administrator, but nothing has helped. Can you please tell me why Visual Studio might be refusing to create Win32 Projects and how to fix it?
Fixed it. I completely uninstalled Visual Studio and it worked fine after that. Rebooting didn't help; the reinstall did the trick.

Visual Studio 2012 doesn't load any project

So, I'm kinda new into this VS world. I'm using VS 2012 and it was everything working correctly last time. Now I try to open my projects and none of them actually loads. When I go to the solution explorer I just see the message "Load failed" followed by the message: "The project requires user input. Reload for more information." But when I reload, it pops up a message "The operation could not be completed. There is no support for this interface."
I don't know what it means by "requires user input", i never opened my project with any input, I just click on the project's file and open it...
Anyway, what is going on??
I got the same message (using VS 2013) opening a project located on a network drive.
I Right clicked the project in Solution Explorer and selected 'Reload Project', a dialog appeared warning me about an untrusted location, I clicked OK and the project loaded successfully.
Change the folder name of your project. Then VS asks again if it is trustable. than click YES. after that VS reloads the project
I had to "repair" Visual Studio Express 2012 on my Windows 10.0 Laptop. You get the repair option if you already have Visual Studio installed.
This fixed my issue which was exactly like above.
I removed the ComponentModelCache folder and restarted Visual Studio 2012.
This solved the issue for me.
This worked for me as well. I removed the contents of the folder, ComponentModelCache, then I restarted 2012 and the projects loaded without issue.

Visual Studio 2012 everything out of date

In Visual Studio 2012, I usually use C# applications, which work fine. Now that I feel like I have a strong grasp of C#, I've decided to move on to C++. I have changed no preferences. All of my C++ projects say that the project is out of date. Here are my steps:
File -> New Project
Click "Visual C++" tab -> Win32 Console Application
Change nothing and click OK
Click Finish for the Win32 Application Wizard
Press F5 to run, or click the button (which says "Local Windows Debugger").
I'm not sure if I'm making a mistake or if there are missing dependencies. My question is, what is causing this and how can I prevent this message? If you don't know, then what are some things that I can do to find out?
what is causing this
=> Two possible reasons :
you just created the project and have not built it before trying to launch it
OR you made some changes to the project files and tried to launch the application before building the project
how can I prevent this message?
Tick "Do not show this dialog again" and click yes : your application will automatically be built every time you want to launch it.
OR always build the project before launching it

Visual Studio 2012 express debugging

could you tell me why this happens when I simply press F5 in order to start debugging? VS is freshly installed and can't run hello world program :(
I checked for c# console application and that module works, only problem is when choosing C++
here is the screenshot..
First, i would recommend to Clean the project and choose Rebuild.
If the problem is still there, you need to check the exe location, and try to execute it manually.
I would say that the error is likely to come from some changes you did (project configuration) that require you to clean the solution, but it is just a mere guess.

Visual Studio 2010 not rebuilding/recompiling

I was working on a project when all of a sudden VS stopped recompiling my project each time I debugged (mid way through working... I never changed anything). So it keeps running the same old build over and over.
I don't want to have to "clean build" each time, and I've followed the instructions here (Visual Studio 2010 doesn't rebuild changed code unless I manually select "Rebuild"). Surprisingly, they were already set (prompt to build when project outdated, build is checked under configuration manager).
However, it still never prompts me (except for after clean), and it's getting really frustrating. I'm using VS c++ if it helps.
I just had the same issue. This might solve your problem:
Tools->Options->Project and Solution->Build and Run.
There is an option what to do for "On run, when projects are out of date". Set this to "always create". This will mean that if you compile a project which depends on another project in your project folder, then the other project is compiled first, just as you want.
In my case, this option was set but then set to something else after a crash of VS2010.