IIS ARR - offline installation? - iis-arr

trying to install IIS ARR, last time did it successful via the web platform online installer,however, our production servers are blocked of all internet connections, any way to do an offline installation of that? Really appreicate the help in advance!!

if the server use 64 bit OS, yes you can, just download the below package


WSUS server for offline network

First post on this forum,
I work on an offline network with a lot of computers on an active directory. I would like to automatically update Windows on all of them. I found WSUS offline but it only works on a single computer. I also found WSUS Server but from what I understood, it needs to be connected to another WSUS machine with Internet (which is not possible for me).
What I wish to do is a mix between them: being able to download updates on a computer, transfer them manually to a WSUS Server, and change the windows update source through GPO to my WSUS Server.
I've found other software like batchpatch or autopatcher but none of them could do that.
Does anyone know if it is possible ?
Yes, you can configure a WSUS server to operate offline, check the MS documentation regarding this:
Hope this help

WMI is very slow

We have installed VisualSVN server 3.5 on windows server 2012 r2. When we browsing the repository in the VisualSVN Server Manager, WMI provide host process has started and it uses the very very less cpu usage(4%) even overall CPU usage is less(20%). This means WMI is very slow in background.
we have the script to set the VisualSVN permission using WMI, this WMI query also failed with unknown cause.
Please, describe the issue in detail. It is hard to tell what the root cause is from the current issue summary. Checking VisualSVN Server logs and Windows Application / System / WMI logs can help.
Note that you can always contact support#visualsvn.com for assistance.
we have the script to set the Visual SVN permission using WMI, this
WMI query also failed with unknown cause.
Try the *-SvnAccessRule PowerShell cmdlets such as Get-SvnAccessRule, Add-SvnAccessRule and Set-SvnAccessRule. The access rule management cmdlets help you automate permission management, perform permission modifications in batch and generate permission reports.
IMPORTANT: VisualSVN Server 3.5.x release family is out of support since February 28, 2018. 3.5.x release family does not receive patch updates. Please, plan to upgrade your VisualSVN Server instance to the latest version, VisualSVN Server 3.9. Read the article KB138: Upgrading to VisualSVN Server 3.9 before beginning the upgrade. For the complete list of changes between version 3.5 and 3.9, take a look at the changelog.

ColdFusion 10 multi-instance on development install

So I am using ColdFusion 10 on Windows 7 64-bit machine. I have installed CF10 developer edition, now I am trying to create a second instance. I Add the instance in ColdFusion admin, then go into the Number folder and run the webconfig tool and add the site. When I go to services to start this new instance service, it does not start, it gives me an error.
App log:
The description for Event ID 256 from source ColdFusion 10 Application Server perm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
Can anyone help me get the second instance working, or is this really not allowed in the dev edition?
If I can get this working for ColdFusion 10, I want to get ColdFusion 11 working with 2 instances next.
I was able to work with the adobe install team, and they helped me figure out my web config connectors were messed up, and there was a random cfide folder in the site causing confusion and delay. I am up and running now.

Multi-CFML engine test environment

Does anyone have a good way to set up multiple CFML engines, and versions of them, together in a suitable environment for cross testing a CFML based application.
Ideally, I'd like this to be Ubuntu Server based as I'm using it with VirtualBox (under Windows 7). Plus it'd be helpful if it was possible to switch between, so my laptop can cope with one at a time rather than all running at once. I'm thinking of the following:
Adobe ColdFusion 9
Adobe ColdFusion 10
Railo 3.3.x
Railo 4.x
OpenBD 2.x
I'd also like to get them serving from the same shared directory, so I don't have to have a copy of the code for each engine. Cheers
You mentioned being able to "switch between, so my laptop can cope with one at a time rather than all running at once", I'm guessing that you are thinking that each one will run on a different VM, or that they might require a huge amount of memory. I don't think you need to worry about that. Unless you require that they be on different machines, I think you could do this all on one VM and with one instance of a servlet container (like Tomcat).
From a high-level view, here is how I would do it.
Install Tomcat
Create or download .wars for each of the engines.
Deploy said .wars to that one instance of Tomcat
Set up Tomcat to use each of those servlets from a different host name (server.xml)
Create a code directory outside of Tomcat for your one copy of the code
Set up a Symbolic link in each webapp to link the code folder into the servlet
You should then be able to hit the same source from each engine by visiting the different host names in the browser.
I may be missing something. It has been a long time since I set something like this up. You'll likely need to make a bunch of tweaks (JVM settings, switching to Sun/ORACLE JVM vs. OpenJDK, etc).
I don't think running this many engines will cause you great trouble. In my experiences, for development, I have had 3 instances of CF9 running on Tomcat using only 189mb of RAM. And each additional instance did not increase that number by 1/3. Far less. It would not surprise me if you could run all of those handily with less than 512md of RAM. Possibly even 256mb if you are really hurting on memory.
I hope this helps.
For ColdFusion 10, Railo and OpenBD you would be looking at deploying with standalone installations of Tomcat, Jetty or JBoss.
ColdFusion 9, probably the easiest solution is "Enterprise Multiserver configuration" setup.
With these kinds of installation they are pretty much platform agnostic.
The things to be aware of are the web server, proxy and jndi ports that are used by each installation, but only if you want to run more than one server at a time.
After that it's whether you are bothered about proxying from apache or Nginx to the server instances and the connector you want to use.
No idea if this helps...
Since you've mentioned the VirtualBox, I'll share my personal approach to this task. It includes few fairly simple steps:
Install Ubuntu Server as VirtualBox guest (host is also Ubuntu).
Set up only basic software like JVM and updates. Set up virtual
machine networking as bridged adapter to use my Wi-Fi connection.
Configure my Wi-Fi router DHCP to assign static IP for MAC address of the virtual machine.
Add entry to my (host) system hosts: ip_assigned_to_vm virtual.ubuntu
Set up guest additions and mount my ~/www directory inside the machine to access web applications.
Now, when I need another machine for experiments, or some other configuration of software (I've tested ACF 10 and Railo 4 this way) I do two things:
Clone existing clean machine.
Make sure it is using the same MAC address with bridged interface.
That's it.
It doesn't matter which of the machines I run, they all can be accessed as http://virtual.ubuntu (of course, it requires proper web-server configuration on the guest). Same time they are independent and it is completely safe to make anything I wish and test anything that runs on Ubuntu.
Obvious downsides are that I can run just one machine at a time, plus much more disk space is used. Not a problem to me.
I've tried approach with Tomcat and multiple WARs, but it has couple of issues: I can't use different JVM and Tomcat settings, also if I screw the setup -- all the Tomcat hosts are down.
Hope this helps.

Tomcat Server using 100% CPU?

I am new in using Tomcat Server. In one of the my web application i am using Tomcat 6.0.33 as a Server, it using 100% CPU. I couldn't find it why. Guys could you sort out this problem,
Why this tomcat using 100%CPU?
How to identify the problems of the above?
How to monitor the tomcat in windows?
Please, it would be more helpful for me..
Thanks in advance
Tomcat itself doesn't use 100% CPU, it is not designed that way. Most probably it is some application that is deployed on it. To make 100% sure that it's not Tomcat just download its distribution and start it up - I bet you CPU usage will be closer to 0.
To tell which application inside your Tomcat is misbehaving you will need to use profiling tools.
The best one IMO is Oracle's VisualVM. Start it from your JDK bin directory (it is called jvisualvm.exe), then follow the guide at the link. In particular its Profiling section.