Minko Engine - Cannot compile - c++

Sorry to be such a noob, but this is my first time compiling anything and i seem to have to everything correct. First i downloaded github client, then i cloned the minko SDK, then i download visual studio, then i added the variable in my system for D:\Minko\minko , and then i loaded the solution file in visual studio clicked f7 i think it was and watched it build perfect without errors (before or after i had to run the .bat file, i dont reme,ber the exact order from tutorial). Problem is i do not see any executables for running the minko studio, and when i try to open a .cpp in code blocks i get an error for the header files as well as trying to open the .cpp file in visual studio i click build for one of the tutorial examples aand nothing happens.. Sorry again and thank you in advance. Will there be a .exe any time soon? Oh, i also installed enscriptem just fine in case it was required.

Minko Studio is not part of the open source Minko SDK.
Minko Studio is actually deprecated. It might be soon replaced with a more efficient and powerful Blender plugin, but we have no release date yet.


How to properly open a Visual Studio project?

I have a problem that will be very simple to solve but I don't know how to do it.
Scenario: I want to run an emulator coded in C++ by a YT (javidx9) in Visual Studio. The project is here: https://github.com/OneLoneCoder/olcNES and the folder is "Part#2 - CPU"
Problem: I never use Visual Studio, so its something new for me, and my problem is that I don't know how to run the project (emulator). And I can't find any post or article on the internet about my problem. (I tried to create an empty project in VS and then copy the emulator files to the folder of my empty project and then run it, but it sent me an error that the files were not found (and its because that isn't the correct way to run the program and I don't know how to do it)).
My request: I would be very grateful if someone could explain to me how to open and run this project (the emulator) correctly in Visual Studio.
Your project does not have. sln file. You need to create new project in visual studio. Last file has main function as below. You need to run this main file(olcNes_Video1_6502.cpp)
You may need to check path of headers included from other projects.

visual studio unable to find assert.h

I'm a first year at uni and I just got my new laptop. I downloaded Visual Studio 2017 and pulled my solution repo. However, I'm having some issues because it appears that a lot of the files I had on my previous computer were not downloaded in the installation of VS. My university wifi is slow and I don't want to re-download if I don't have to. I followed the previous steps I took to download VS 2017 on my old computer. Yet, I'm getting errors like:
cannot open source file "assert.h"
cannot open source file "errno.h"
cannot open source file "float.h"
cannot open source file "corecrt.h"
cannot open source file "stddef.h"
cannot open source file "stdio.h"
(among 20+ others)
If I right-click and choose the "Open document" on the line with the error, I get the message:
File '_______.h' not found in current source file's directory or in build system path
However, if I go to my include paths, I can find files like:
but none of the ones that I'm told are missing.
Mainly, I'm wondering if there is a directory with this files I just need to add to the include directory or whether I just need to admit defeat and reinstall.
Thanks for the help, I welcome editing as I'm sure I've messed things up. I'm new to this.
Using VS2017 I was able to resolve this same issue by:
Right click on solution
Selecting 'Retarget Solution'
Selecting an SDK from the Windows SDK Version dropdown
Clicking OK button
Your Visual Studio 2017 installation is probably missing the C packages (they are not automatically included with the Desktop development with C++ workload).
To install it, start the Visual Studio Installer, go to Individual components, and check Windows Universal C Runtime:
I think this component is also automatically marked for installation when adding the Linux development with C++ workload.
I solved the problem by uninstalling my original installation of Visual Studio (2019 version), then reinstalling and including the workload Desktop Development with C++.
In contrast to the above solutions, I did not need (and it did not help) to add the Windows Universal C Runtime.

Unhandled exception at 0x74E733AB (ucrtbase.dll) in OpenClaw.exe

I wanted to tinker this open source remake of the famous Claw.
Visit https://github.com/pjasicek/OpenClaw
Before I start with how I've cloned this game and tried to build it, I'm new to the open source community. I did the following things.
I cloned the repository.
Opened the project using Visual Studio 2017 Community edition and I changed the Configuration to Release and platform to Win32.
I then built the libwap solution without any errors.
Then I used CMake 3.11.0 to generate the required files for the Box2D solution and then generated it and then the Box2D build was a success.
I built the Midiproc manually and finally, I tried building the entire solution.
It threw a MSVCR120D.dll missing error and I copied all the .dlls from the game's release folder https://github.com/pjasicek/OpenClaw/releases
Now the game runs just fine when I launch it from the File explorer, but when I try to launch it from Visual Studio 2017, it throws the following error.
Check out this image:
How do I run the game from Visual Studio? Have I misconfigured the Visual Studio?
If you need any more details on what I did, please let me know.
[EDIT] I want to configure Visual Studio to be able to run the release and modify the source code so I can tinker it and try to understand how the game works internally.
I cloned the repository again and did a clean compilation of all the solutions. Turns out there was a problem when I copied/overwritten all dlls from the release build. Now, the game builds and executes fine.
Thanks for the help.

How do I alter the full path of visual studio project so I can use it on multiple computers?

So for a class we have a couple of programs where we are using opengl. To make setup easier we started by cloning glitter https://github.com/Polytonic/Glitter. I then compliled it according to the instructions for visual studio 2017 and added my code to the project I am working on. I did this on my desktop computer but saved the files in onedrive. When I open the same project on my laptop and try to build the project I get the error "the source directory D:/OneDrive/fall_2017/Glitter does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt" and several other similar errors. On my laptop the directory to the files is C:/Users/Me/OneDrive/fall_2017/Glitter. The visual studio program lists the full path as D:/OneDrive/fall_2017/Glitter which is the path of the folder on my desktop.
Is there a way for me to change the filepath or is the issue with my cmake file? Do I have to rebuild it for every computer I use it on? I don't know a whole lot about visual studio so I don't know what I need to change to get this to work.
Turns out I have to rebuild on every computer. Thanks to those who left comments.

MSVCR100D.dll error at runtime

Ok , so i created a program using VC++ 2010. it ran just fine.
Got to work and could only install vc++ 8 due to having a crappy computer that is still stuck on xp sp2...
Everything will link up and build with no errors, But when the program starts to run i get "This application has failed to start because MSVCR100D.dll was not found"
I tried changing the runtime libary from MDd to MTd but still no luck...any idea?
That DLL comes with Visual Studio 2010. If you want to use your program, you'll somehow have to get your hands on it. If possible at your work, you can download it. Another (probably better) option would be to take it with you from home on a USB drive.
Edit: You can also try re-creating the project, and then copying the source code over into the new project. Your newly created project (in Visual Studio 2008) should not be depending on that erroneous DLL.
Edit 2: As Hans Passant added in a comment, this DLL is needed by Debug compilations of your program. So if you simply compile as Release, you can safely ignore the first part of my post. (I hope I'm not breaking gentleman rules by adding this to my post.)
MSVCR100D.dll is for debug mode, and is installed with visual studio 2010, since 2008 has MSVCR80D. You can just google that and download it, and put it in the same direcrory, or just complie in release mode.
here is a download link. You need the small download zip file button, not the big ones.
As I know, MSVCR100D is debug version of runtime library used by VC2010。So, if your point either is:
(1) you do not have that dll which you really need, you can download at http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcr100d or
(2) you want to run that program without requirement of MSVCR100/D.dll, you may need to recreate a project in VC8, then substitute with your source files (not solution file or other files managed by Vistual Studio).
FYI: If my memory were not going wrong, I remember that a project created by higher version of VS cannot be opened directly by lower version one. So, how did you build them?