C++ Composition with abstract class - c++

Lets say I have an abstract class that is expensive to create and copy:
class AbstractBase {
AbstractBase() {
for (int i = 0; i < 50000000; ++i) {
virtual void doThing() = 0;
vector<int> values;
It has two subclasses FirstDerived:
class FirstDerived : public AbstractBase {
void doThing() {
std::cout << "I did the thing in FirstDerived!\n";
and SecondDerived:
class SecondDerived : public AbstractBase {
void doThing() {
std::cout << "I did the thing in SecondDerived!\n";
Further, I would like to make a class that utilizes FirstDerived or SecondDerived using composition (not aggregation). Meaning that I want ComposedOfAbstractBase to own whichever temporary is passed in. If I weren't using abstract classes in this class would look like: (in C++11)
class ComposedOfWhicheverDerived {
ComposedOfWhicheverDerived(AbstractBase abstract_base) : abstract_base(std::move(abstract_base)) {;}
AbstractBase abstract_base;
However, this does not work with abstract classes because I cannot ever create an instance of AbstractBase, even if I am careful about not passing in a temporary AbstractBase, like so:
ComposedOfWhicheverDerived a(FirstDerived());
To the compiler this is just as bad as:
ComposedOfWhicheverDerived b(AbstractBase());
Because I still have an instance of AbstractBase in the class declaration.
The next solution I came up with is:
class ComposedOfAbstractBase {
ComposedOfAbstractBase(AbstractBase&& abstract_base) : some_derived_instance(abstract_base) {;}
AbstractBase& some_derived_instance;
This works perfectly (even though I don't fully understand it)! Both of these instances are valid and work as intended:
ComposedOfAbstractBase a(FirstDerived());
ComposedOfAbstractBase b(SecondDerived());
It doesn't create a copy of whatever AbstractBase temporary is passed in, and storing a reference to an AbstractBase is allowed. Though at best the reference to an rvalue reference seems unclear: it does not convey that ComposedOfAbstractBase owns whichever temporary is passed in. In addition to that, it turns out that this solution seems to be sub-optimal. To show this I created this class:
class ComposedOfFirstDerived {
ComposedOfFirstDerived(FirstDerived first_derived) : first_derived(std::move(first_derived)) {;}
FirstDerived first_derived;
Which can only take in a FirstDerived, so we can apply the std::move to offload ownership of the temporary. I can make an instance like so:
ComposedOfFirstDerived c(FirstDerived());
Interestingly enough, this class consistently is 10% faster to create than ComposedOfAbstractClass.
Does anybody know what is going on here? Why is ComposedOfFirstDerived so much faster to create than ComposedOfAbstractBase? Is there a better way to do composition with abstract classes or am I stuck with a sub-optimal solution?
Sorry if this was a mouthful of a question. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read through it and give a genuine answer, because I am beyond stumped!

ComposedOfAbstractBase is not a solution. You're holding a dangling reference.
Since AbstractBase is, as the name suggests, abstract - you cannot hold one by value. You can only hold one by reference or by pointer. Since a reference cannot own the object, that leaves you with the pointer. And the modern way of owning a pointer is to use unique_ptr:
class ComposedOfAbstractBasePtr {
ComposedOfAbstractBasePtr(std::unique_ptr<AbstractBase> p)
: some_derived_instance(std::move(p))
{ }
std::unique_ptr<AbstractBase> some_derived_instance;
Note that your AbstractBase does not have a virtual destructor. You should fix that.


Return unique_ptr with abstract class inside

I am trying to encapsulate details of the Engine implementation class. To do that I am returning std::unique_ptr of abstract class (IEngine in my case) instead of Engine. But I could not do that due to the compile error. I could return raw reference and it works but is that possible with unique_ptr? Thanks in advance.
class IEngine
virtual ~IEngine() = default;
virtual void Start() = 0;
class Engine : public IEngine
void Start() override {}
class Car
std::unique_ptr<Engine> m_engine;
std::unique_ptr<IEngine>& Get() { return m_engine; } // Here is compile error
int main()
Car lambo;
std::unique_ptr<IEngine> is a different type to std::unique_ptr<Engine>, so you are asking to return a reference to a temporary object.
std::unique_ptr uniquely owns the object it points to, so even if you removed the reference, it would be incorrect to create a std::unique_ptr<IEngine> from the existing std::unique_ptr<Engine> that you presumably want to leave unchanged.
You shouldn't be exposing std::unique_ptr here. I'm not really sure you should be exposing IEngine here. I'm also confused as to why you need the concrete Engine type in Car, but the outside world needs mutable access to a pointer to IEngine.
I would instead expect something like:
class Car
std::unique_ptr<IEngine> m_engine;
void TurnIgnition() { m_engine->Start(); }
I am trying to encapsulate details of the Engine implementation class.
Returning a non-const reference to a private member is rarely the right thing to do. In any case it is the opposite of data encapsulation. Once the caller has the reference they can do with it whatever they like. Returning a non const reference makes sense for convenience access methods like for example std::vector::operator[]. The purpose of std::vector::operator[] is not to hide the element from the caller. There are other ways to get your hands on it. Rather std::vector::operator[] is to make it more convenient to access elements. Encapsulation it is not.
It is also not clear why you want to return a unique_ptr from Get. When no transfer of ownership is desired no smart pointer needs to be returned.
I could return raw reference
Yes, thats perfectly fine:
#include <memory>
class IEngine
virtual ~IEngine() = default;
virtual void Start() = 0;
class Engine : public IEngine
void Start() override {}
class Car
std::unique_ptr<Engine> m_engine;
const IEngine& Get() { return *m_engine; } // Here is compile error
int main()
Car lambo;

How to provide different interfaces to an object (optimally)

I need a way to provide different interfaces from a single object.
For example. User one should be able to call Foo::bar() and user 2 should be able to call Foo::baz() but user one cannot call Foo::baz() and respectively user two cannot call Foo::bar().
I did manage to do this but I don't think that it's optimal.
class A
virtual void bar() = 0;
virtual ~A() = 0;
class B
virtual void baz() = 0;
virtual ~B() = 0;
class Foo : public A, public B
Foo() = default;
void baz() override;
void bar() override;
class Factory
foo = std::make_shared<Foo>();
std::shared_ptr<A> getUserOne()
return foo;
std::shared_ptr<B> getUserTwo()
return foo;
std::shared_ptr<Foo> foo;
Is there a better way to achieve this. Maybe with wrapper objects. I don't really need to allocate this foo object with new(std::make_shared) I even prefer not to, but I cannot use raw pointers and smart pointers give unnecessary overhead and system calls.
Edit: I'll try to give an example.
There is a car. User one is the driver. He can steer the wheel, accelerate or use the breaks. User two is the passenger and he can control the radio for example.
I don't want the passenger to be able to use the breaks or the driver to be able to use the radio.
Also they are both in the car so the actions of user one will have effect on user two and vice versa.
What you essentially need is a shared data between two objects. The inheritance is not a very good choice for this because not only you do not need is A relationship but you explicitely want to avoid it. Therefore composition is your answer, especially since you have a factory:
class Data
void bar();
void baz();
Then instead of inheritance you would use composition:
class A
A(Base *base) : mBase(base) {}
void bar() { mBase->bar(); }
Base *mBase = nullptr;
//class B would be the same only doing baz()
Finally the Factory:
class Factory
A *getUserOne() { return &mA; }
B *getUserTwo() { return &mB; }
Base mBase;
A mA(&mBase);
B mB(&mBase);
Couple of points about this solution. While it does not allocate on the heap you will need to keep the Factory alive as long as there are users of it. For this reason the use of std::shared_ptr as in the OP might be a smart idea. :-) But comes of course with the cost of the atomic reference counting.
Secondly A is not related to B in any way. This is by design and unlike the original solution does not allow dynamic_cast between A and B.
Lastly where the implementation will be is up to you. You can have it all in Data and have A and B merely call it (as in above) but you can also make Data into just a struct holding only your data and have the implementation of your methods in A and B respectively. The latter is more "data oriented" programming that has a lots of popularity these days as opposed to more traditional "object oriented" which is what I chose to demonstrate.
You can declare your data separately
struct Data
/* member variables */
Have an interface class capable of manipulating said data will all members protected
class Interface
Interface(Data &data) : m_data{data} {}
void bar() { /* implementation */ }
void baz() { /* implementation */ }
Data &m_data;
Have derived classed that make public specific members
class A : private Interface
A(Data &data) : Interface{data} {}
using Interface::bar;
class B : private Interface
B(Data &data) : Interface{data} {}
using Interface::baz;
This way you can also have users capable of having overlapping access to some functionality without having to implement it multiple times.
class Admin : private Interface
Admin(Data &data) : Interface{data} {}
using Interface::bar;
using Interface::baz;
Of course, depending on how you're using the data, you might want a pointer or shared pointer, possibly add some syncronization between accesses from multiple threads.
Sample code using this model:
void test()
Data d{};
auto a = A{d};
// a.baz is protected so illegal to call here
auto b = B{d};
// b.bar is protected so illegal to call here
auto admin = Admin{d};
This seems to me efficient in the sense that you only have one set of data and a single implementation for data manipulation, no matter how many user types you have.

Why can't I instantiate a reference to a base class at the same time as a pointer to a derived class?

The simplest example of my question can be seen in the following code snippet:
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived> aDerived)
: derived(std::move(aDerived)),
base(*aDerived) {};
std::unique_ptr<Derived> derived;
Base& base;
Here, you can see that the Handle class is essentially a wrapper around Derived. More importantly, I wish to expose the base class of Derived, Base, by way of a reference. The reason for this is that, ultimately, I wish for Handle to look something like this:
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
std::unique_ptr<Derived1> myD1;
std::unique_ptr<Derived2> myD2;
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived1> aD1)
: myD1(std::move(aD1)),
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived2> aD2)
: myD2(std::move(aD2)),
Base1& base1;
Base2& base2;
The reason I wish for Handle to work like this is that I am using it as a 'Component' in an 'entity component system', and I'd like for this particular component to be instantiatable from two different concrete implementations of the same two base classes. I mention this because an 'entity component system' design pattern by definition departs from traditional object-oriented programming practices: in other words, I know there are other ways of accomplishing what I am trying to do, however I wish to make it work in some variation of what I have listed here.
Why does the simple Handle example shown in my first snippet fail? It compiles fine but seg-faults when trying to access a method in Base. If I change the order in which I instantiate the member variables of Handle, I get some errors at compile time which I think could provide some hints but I do not really understand what is going on.
Here is a full working example of Handle and the classes it depends on:
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
class Base{
Base(int ax) : x(ax){};
virtual ~Base() = 0;
virtual void setVal(float a) = 0;
virtual float getVal() = 0 ;
int x;
class Derived : public Base{
Derived(int ax, int az)
: Base(ax), z(az){};
int z;
class Concrete : public Derived{
Concrete(int ax, int aw, int av)
: Derived(ax, aw),
void setVal(float a) override{
myVal = a;
float getVal() override{
return myVal;
float myVal;
int v;
class IHandle{
virtual ~IHandle() = 0;
template <class T>
class IHandle_ : public IHandle{
virtual ~IHandle_() = 0;
template <class T>
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived> aDerived)
: derived(std::move(aDerived)),
base(*aDerived) {};
std::unique_ptr<Derived> derived;
Base& base;
int main(){
// These two pointers are owned by an EntityManager
std::unique_ptr<Derived> ptr(new Concrete(1, 2, 3));
// we can get a reference to an IHandle from the EntityManager
std::unique_ptr<IHandle> aHandle(new Handle(std::move(ptr)));
// We need, specifically, a `Handle` implementation of `IHandle`
Handle& handle = static_cast<Handle&>(*aHandle);
// seg fault on the following line
std::cout << "a = " << handle.base.getVal() << std::endl;
return 0;
The members in a C++ class are initialized in the order you declare them, so looking at the first snippet, the order of initialization of the members in the Handle class is:
That said, it means that in the constructor the line
will transfer the internal resources of aDerived to derived, reasonably resetting the state of aDerived. So as soon as your code reach the statement
base will reference an empty (depends on your move constructor implementation inside Base and Derived class) object that most likely will be deleted from memory after the call of the constructor itself.
So, I believe that any reference to base you got in your code are pointing to a not allocated memory, giving the SEG_FAULT error.
SEG_FAULT most of the time refers to code that is using (in your case writing, see setval() ) an area of memory not (yet or anymore) allocated for the running process.
Hope this may help,
Have a good night,

C++ Creating Child Class from a Parent Class that's already been initialised

I have a class "Player". Its members are simple strings and ints and I've got Getters and Setters for each of these...basic stuff: (there's a load of members so I've just given 3 to shrink the code):
class Player
string Name;
string Role;
int FFDefence;
//constructor function
string Name = "Not Stated",
string vRole = "Not Stated",
int vFFDefence = 0,
//Getter Functions
string GetName() const;
string GetRole() const;
int GetFFDefence() const;
//Setter Functions
void SetName (string x);
void SetRole(string x);
void SetFFDefence(int x);
Player::Player( string vName,
string vRole,
int vFFDefence,
Name = vName;
Role = vRole;
FFDefence = vFFDefence,
//getter functions
string Player::GetName() const {return Name; };
string Player::GetRole() const {return Role; };
int Player::GetFFDefence() const {return FFDefence; };
//Setter Functions
void Player::SetName(string x) { Name = x ; };
void Player::SetRole(string x) { Role = x ; };
void Player::SetFFDefence(int x) { FFDefence = x ; };
So yeah - pretty bog standard......now I have a second class where one of the member functions is a Player Class itself.
class Batter
Player ID;
int Touch;
Batter(Player vID, int vTouch = 0....etc);
//Getter Functions
string GetRole() const;
int GetFFDefence() const;
int GetBFDefence() const;....and so on.
OK - that's the code out of the way!!!!
So I've got it doing everything I want in terms of passing variables in and out....so I can create
Player Dave ("Dave", "Opener", 98, ....etc)
then later on (when I need it) create
Batter OnStrike (Dave, 10, .....etc)
All gravy....OK so I've started looking into inheritance and realized this is what I should be doing....back converting not a problem (did this with arrays and vectors the other day)...
Here's my problem:
With what I've got now, I can create "Player Dave" and then pass him into the subclass of Batter whenever I need to. How do I do the same with traditional inheritance? How do I take a specific instance (already created) of Player and use that as the parent for a specific instance of the child class Batter? As far as I can deduce at the moment, you need to create both at the same time.
Just initialize your base object with the object provided:
class Player
Player(Player const&); // copy constructor (might be implicitly generated)
class Batter:
public Player
Batter(Player const& p, other arguments):
On the other hand, there's the question whether inheritance of Batter from Player is the right tool in your case. The fact that you pass a Player object to construction hints at the fact that a Player may become a batter, and maybe later also stop being a batter. That is, Batter is actually a role which the player may temporarily have. Therefore it may be a better idea to separate the Player object from the role, by having a separate Role hierarchy where Batter and Pitcher derive from Role, and Player has a method which returns the current role, and another which can assign another role to the player.
The idea with polymorphism is that if you have some class:
class Batter : public Player
Then every batter is also a player. So, for example, if you had a batter called dave, you'd be able to use dave wherever a Player was expected. You could for example:
int FunctionThatDoesSomething(Player &p, string some_parameter, ...);
FunctionThatDoesSomething(dave, "foo", ...);
Be careful to avoid slicing, which is when you accidentally make a base class copy of a subclass (this does not preserve subclass specific state. If you need to pass dave around, make sure you only refer to dave, don't copy dave. dave doesn't like to be copied.)
How exactly you build your players and batters is up to you. For example, your might have constructors with these signatures:
Player::Player(string name, string role, int vFFDefense);
Batter::Batter(Player &p, int vTouch, int moreStats);
Under some circumstances this might be convenient, but it's not particularly efficient because you have to create and copy the base class (not that efficiency is a big deal for small classes like this, but there's no point in trying to do things the dumb way). You would be better off making a constructor that takes everything it needs, and uses subobject initialization:
Batter::Batter(string name, string role, int vFFDefense, int moreBaseStats, int vTouch, int moreStats) : Player(name, role, vFFDefense, moreBaseStats)
But your implementation is ultimately up to you.
You are doing aggregation here, not inheritance. A Batter has a player. Inheritance would be a batter is a player.
Your design is good, you don't want to do inheritance for this.
While it's okay to say a Batter is always a Player from a conceptual point of view in this case, when you are dealing with a Batter, much of what player describes is irrelevant and when dealing with them as a player, they may not be batting.
Baseball is a bit foreign to me, but if you went down the inheritance route, you'd have descendants of player for each role in the team and get in a right mess when your pitcher came out to bat.
A classic illustration of the inheritance route.
Animal -> Fliers -> Bird -> Merlin
-> Runners -> Rodent -> Gerbil
Where do you put Bat and Ostrich?
You are left with saying a Bat is a bird, inventing a new class FlyingRodent, or Rodent having two parents...
All of which will lead to a confusing bug fest.
View all unconscious reaches for the inheritance hammer with extreme suspicion.
It really depends how you actually want your code factored.
Will a given Player ever become anything other than a Batter? If they can, then it is probably best to use aggregation (in a similar way to how you do now).
If you are aggregating then maybe use another class to hold the data. You could have a PlayerInfo class or struct and aggregate that:
struct PlayerInfo
string role_;
int ff_defence_;
class Player
Player(PlayerInfo const& info)
: info_(info)
virtual ~Player() = 0;
virtual void doSomething();
PlayerInfo const& getPlayerInfo() const { return info_; }
PlayerInfo info_;
class Batter : public Player
Batter(PlayerInfo const& info)
: Player(info)
virtual void doSomething();
If you actually want the inheritance then other answers here tell you what you need to do - construct an instance of Batter and pass on the constructor arguments to a constructor of the class you derive from (e.g. Batter) to initialize it.
Think carefully about what are you trying to express in your code.
The reason you would want to have Batter derived from Player is if you need virtual functions in Player that are implemented in Batter and do something different depending upon whether or not it is a Player or a Batter.
As an aside, its best to keep base classes abstract if possible, so Player would never be instantiated directly and would always need to be derived. I'd recommend reading Scott Meyers 'More Effective C++' to understand why this is. There's a section in there devoted to that. In fact some of the finer points of inheritance and OO design in general are nicely explained.
What you may actually want is something slightly different depending upon where you anticipate your model to change, and additionally where you you need it to have the dynamic behaviour possible through the use of virtual functions?
You could have a Player class that has all your player specific details. Then you could have a PlayerBehaviour class that implements what the player does:
class Player;
class PlayerBehaviour
virtual ~PlayerBehaviour() = 0;
virtual void doSomething(Player* player) = 0;
inline PlayerBehaviour::~PlayerBehaviour() {}
class BatterBehaviour : public PlayerBehaviour
virtual void doSomething(Player* player) {
if (player->isAngry()) {
void throwBatOnFloor();
class Player {
void doSomething() {
if (behaviour_.get()) {
auto_ptr<PlayerBehaviour> behaviour_;
// Due to the auto_ptr, the default copy and assignment operators are
// dangerous. You could use a smart pointer or implement
// these by having a clone() function in the behaviour class.
// Therefore copy/assign are private to prevent accidental misuse.
Player(Player const&);
Player& operator=(Player const&);
So, inheriting Batter from Player models the situation as a Batter is-a Player.
Having a Behaviour models the situation as a Player has-a Behaviour such as a Batter.
Stop using the "parent" and "child" terminology, think of "base" classes and "derived" classes ... that's what everyone else calls them. "Parent" and "child" can be used in too many other ways (e.g. an object that owns another one) so it's confusing terminology if you're talking about an inheritance relationship.
The derived class contains an entire instance of the base type inside itself. When the derived constructor starts executing the first thing it does is construct all its bases, which it does by calling their constructors. So the derived class can control how the base is constructed by passing it the right arguments:
class Base {
Base(std::string nm) : name(nm) { }
std::string name;
class Derived : public Base {
// construct my base by passing name to it
Derived(std::string name, int ii) : Base(name), i(ii) { }
int i;
Derived d("Dave Derived", 1);
This creates both the Base and Derived objects at the same time (one inside the other) which is probably what you want.
If do have an existing Base object and you want the base part of the derived object to be the same as that other one then you can pass it an object to copy:
class Base {
Base(std::string nm) : name(nm) { }
std::string name;
class Derived : public Base {
// construct my base by passing name to it
Derived(std::string name, int ii) : Base(name), i(ii) { }
// construct my base by passing another Base to it:
Derived(const Base& b, int ii) : Base(b), i(ii) { }
int i;
Base b("Barry Base");
Derived d(b, 2);
This doesn't put the existing Base object, b, inside the Derived one, instead it makes the base object a copy of the object b, by calling the Base copy constructor, so now there are two Base objects, the original b and the one inside d. This is closer to your original code, where the Batter contains a Player member, but now it's a base class not a member.
If you do want to use inheritance, the first form is probably more appropriate, where you pass arguments to the derived class and it uses those arguments to create the base.

Using a C++ child class instance as a default parameter?

So I have a couple classes defined thusly:
class StatLogger {
bool open(<parameters>);
And a child class that descends from it to implement a null object pattern (unopened it's its own null object)
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
Then I have a third class that I want to take an optional logger instance in its constructor:
class ThirdClass {
ThirdClass(StatLogger& logger=NullStatLogger());
My problem is when I do it as above, I get:
error: default argument for parameter
of type ‘StatLogger&’ has type
And if I put an explicit cast in the definition, I get:
error: no matching function for call
Complaining about not having a constructor from a NullStatLogger even though it's a child class. What am I doing wrong here, is this allowed in C++?
I you want to use inheritance and polymorphism, ThirdClass needs to use either a pointer or a reference to StatLogger object, not with an actual object. Likewise, under the circumstances you almost certainly need to make StatLogger::~StatLogger() virtual.
For example, modified as follows, the code should compile cleanly:
class StatLogger {
virtual ~StatLogger();
// bool open(<parameters>);
// <minutiae>
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
class ThirdClass {
StatLogger *log;
ThirdClass(StatLogger *logger=new NullStatLogger()) : log(logger) {}
Edit: If you prefer a reference, the code looks something like this:
class StatLogger {
virtual ~StatLogger();
// bool open(<parameters>);
// <minutiae>
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
class ThirdClass {
StatLogger &log;
ThirdClass(StatLogger &logger=*new NullStatLogger()) : log(logger) {}
Based on the discussion in Jerry's answer, what about simplifying the problem by not using a default variable at all:
class ThirdClass
StatLogger log;
ThirdClass() : log(NullLogger()) {}
ThirdClass(const StatLogger& logger) : log(logger) {}
There is no problem in using a derived instance as default argument for a base reference.
Now, you cannot bind a non-constant reference to a temporary (rvalue) which can be one reason for the compiler to complain about your code, but I would expect a better diagnose message (cannot bind temporary to reference or something alike).
This simple test compiles perfectly:
class base {};
class derived : public base {};
void f( base const & b = derived() ) {} // note: const &
int main() {
If the function must modify the received argument consider refactoring to a pointer and provide a default null value (not a default dynamically allocated object).
void f( base * b = 0) {
if (b) b->log( "something" );
Only if you want to keep the non-const reference interface and at the same time provide a default instance, then you must provide an static instance, but I would recommend against this:
namespace detail {
derived d;
// or:
derived & null_logger() {
static derived log;
return log;
void f( base & b = detail::d ) {}
// or:
void g( base & b = detail::default_value() ) {}
Well for a default value I believe you have to provide a default value...
ThirdClass(StatLogger *logger = NULL)
for example
Uh, I know this is an oooold question, but I just had the exact same problem, and after reading all the proposed answers and comments, I came up with a slightly different solution.
I think it also might just be appropriate for the problem instance presented here, so here it goes:
Make the NullStartLogger a singleton type of object!
For me, it was quite elegant and sort. Very shortly, singleton is an object that you can not construct at will, since only and exactly one instance can exist at all time. (Alternatively, there might be 0 instances before the first usage, since you can postpone the initialization). You can of course only add the singleton functionality in to your derived class, while all the other instances (and derivations) of the parent class can be initialized and created normally. But, if NullStatLogger is, as it was in my case, just a dummy class, it does not store any data externally and does not have different behavior depending on the instance/init parameters, singleton class fits well.
Here's a short code snipped making your NullStatLogger a singleton, as well as a way to use it in the ThirdClass:
class NullStatLogger : public StatLogger {
NullStatLogger() : StatLogger() {}
static NullStatLogger *_instance;
static NullStatLogger &instance();
NullStatLogger::_instance = 0;
NullStatLogger &NullStatLogger:instance() {
if (_instance == 0)
_instance = new NullStatLogger(); // constructor private, this is
// the only place you can call it
return *_instance; // the same instance always returned
class ThirdClass {
ThirdClass(StatLogger& logger=NullStatLogger::instance());
I know this surely won't help to whomever asked the question, but hopefully it helps someone else.