How to calculate the sum of the bitwise xor values of all the distinct combination of the given numbers efficiently? - c++

Given n(n<=1000000) positive integer numbers (each number is smaller than 1000000). The task is to calculate the sum of the bitwise xor ( ^ in c/c++) value of all the distinct combination of the given numbers.
Time limit is 1 second.
For example, if 3 integers are given as 7, 3 and 5, answer should be 7^3 + 7^5 + 3^5 = 12.
My approach is:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int num[1000001];
int main()
int n, i, sum, j;
scanf("%d", &n);
scanf("%d", &num[i]);
printf("%d\n", sum);
return 0;
But my code failed to run in 1 second. How can I write my code in a faster way, which can run in 1 second ?
Edit: Actually this is an Online Judge problem and I am getting Cpu Limit Exceeded with my above code.

You need to compute around 1e12 xors in order to brute force this. Modern processors can do around 1e10 such operations per second. So brute force cannot work; therefore they are looking for you to figure out a better algorithm.
So you need to find a way to determine the answer without computing all those xors.
Hint: can you think of a way to do it if all the input numbers were either zero or one (one bit)? And then extend it to numbers of two bits, three bits, and so on?

When optimising your code you can go 3 different routes:
Optimising the algorithm.
Optimising the calls to language and library functions.
Optimising for the particular architecture.
There may very well be a quicker mathematical way of xoring every pair combination and then summing them up, but I know it not. In any case, on the contemporary processors you'll be shaving off microseconds at best; that is because you are doing basic operations (xor and sum).
Optimising for the architecture also makes little sense. It normally becomes important in repetitive branching, you have nothing like that here.
The biggest problem in your algorithm is reading from the standard input. Despite the fact that "scanf" takes only 5 characters in your computer code, in machine language this is the bulk of your program. Unfortunately, if the data will actually change each time your run your code, there is no way around the requirement of reading from stdin, and there will be no difference whether you use scanf, std::cin >>, or even will attempt to implement your own method to read characters from input and convert them into ints.
All this assumes that you don't expect a human being to enter thousands of numbers in less than one second. I guess you can be running your code via: myprogram < data.

This function grows quadratically (thanks #rici). At around 25,000 positive integers with each being 999,999 (worst case) the for loop calculation alone can finish in approximately a second. Trying to make this work with input as you have specified and for 1 million positive integers just doesn't seem possible.

With the hint in Alan Stokes's answer, you may have a linear complexity instead of quadratic with the following:
std::size_t xor_sum(const std::vector<std::uint32_t>& v)
std::size_t res = 0;
for (std::size_t b = 0; b != 32; ++b) {
const std::size_t count_0 =
std::count_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
[b](std::uint32_t n) { return (n >> b) & 0x01; });
const std::size_t count_1 = v.size() - count_0;
res += count_0 * count_1 << b;
return res;
Live Demo.
x^y = Sum_b((x&b)^(y&b)) where b is a single bit mask (from 1<<0 to 1<<32).
For a given bit, with count_0 and count_1 the respective number of count of number with bit set to 0 or 1, we have count_0 * (count_0 - 1) 0^0, count_0 * count_1 0^1 and count_1 * (count_1 - 1) 1^1 (and 0^0 and 1^1 are 0).


Analyzing an algorithm involving bitwise operations and powers of two?

I wrote a program that computes the largest power of 2 in a given input number. For instance, the largest power of 2 in the number 26 is 16, since 24 is 16. Here is the algorithm:
uint power2( uint n )
uint i = n;
uint j = i & (i - 1);
while( j != 0 )
i = j;
j = i & (i - 1);
return i;
I've struggled a bit with analysis of algorithms. I know we are trying to figure out the Big-Oh, Big-Omega, or Big-Theta notation. In order to analyze an algorithm, we are supposed to count the number of basic operations? My problem here is that I see two lines that could be basic operations. I see the line uint j = i & (i - 1) outside the while loop and I also see the j = i & (i - 1) inside the while loop. I feel like the one inside the while loop is a basic operation for sure, but what about the one outside the while loop?
The other part I struggle with is determining how many times the body of the while loop will execute. For instance, if we have a for loop for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {...} we know that this loop will execute n times. Or even in a while loop while(i < n * n) {... i++} we know this loop will run n * n times. But for this while loop, it varies depending on the input. For instance, if the number you pass into it is a power of 2 right off the bat, the while loop will never execute. But, if you pass in a really large number, it'll execute many times. I don't know how many times it will execute to be quite honest. That's what I am trying to figure out. Can anyone help me understand what is going on in this algorithm and the number of times it runs, like O(n) or O(n^2), etc?
This is a good example of an algorithm where it's easier to reason about it when you have a good intuitive understanding of what it's doing rather than just by looking at the code itself.
For starters, what does i & (i - 1) do? If you take a number written in binary and subtract one from it, it has the effect of
clearing the least-significant 1 bit, and
setting all the bits after that to 1.
For example, if we take the binary number 1001000 (72) and subtract one, we get 1000111 (71). Notice how the least-significant 1 bit was cleared and all the bits below that were set to 1.
What happens when you AND a number i with the number i - 1? Well, All the bits above the least-significant 1 bit in both i and i - 1 are unchanged, but i and i - 1 disagree in all positions at or below the least-significant 1 bit in i. This means that i & (i - 1) has the effect of clearing the lowest 1 bit in the number i.
So let's go back to the code. Notice that each iteration of the while loop uses this technique to clear a bit from the number j. This means that the number of iterations of the while loop is directly proportional to the number of 1 bits set in the number n. Therefore, if we let b represent the number of 1 bits set in n, then the runtime of this algorithm is Θ(b).
To get a sense for the best and worst-case behavior of this algorithm, as you noted, if n is a perfect power of two, then the runtime is O(1). That's as good as this is going to get. For the worst case, the number n could be all 1 bits, in which case there will be Θ(log n) 1 bits set in the number n (since, in binary, the number n requires Θ(log n) bits to write out). Therefore, the worst-case runtime is Θ(log n).
In summary, we see that
the best-case runtime is O(1),
the worst-case runtime is Θ(log n), and
the exact runtime is Θ(b), where b is the number of bits set in n.

Need a way to make this code run faster

I'm trying to solve Project Euler problem 401. They only way I could find a way to solve it was brute-force. I've been running this code for like 10 mins without any answer. Can anyone help me with ideas improve it.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#define ull unsigned long long
using namespace std;
ull sigma2(ull n);
ull SIGMA2(ull n);
int main()
ull ans = SIGMA2(1000000000000000) % 1000000000;
cout << "Answer: " << ans << endl;
return 0;
ull sigma2(ull n)
ull sum = 0;
for(ull i = 1; i<=floor(sqrt(n)); i++)
if(n%i == 0)
sum += (i*i)+((n/i)*(n/i));
if(i*i == n)
sum -= n;
return sum;
ull SIGMA2(ull n)
ull sum = 0;
for(ull i = 1; i<=n; i++)
return sum;
You're missing some dividers, if a/b=c, and b is a divider of a then c will also be a divider of a but cmight be greater than floor(sqrt(a)), for example 3 > floor(sqrt(6)) but divides 6.
Then you should put your floor(sqrt(n)) in a variable and use the variable in the for, otherwise you recalculate it a every operation which is very expensive.
You can do some straightforward optimizations:
inline sigma2,
calculate floor(sqrt(n)) before the loop (but compiler may be doing it anyway, though),
precalculate squares of all ints from 1 to n and then use array lookup instead of multiplication
You will gain more by changing your approach. Think what you are trying to do - summing squares of all divisors of all integers from 1 to n. You grouped divisors by what they divide, but you can regroup terms in this sum. Let's group divisors by their value:
1 divides everything so it will appear n times in the sum, bringing 1*1*n total,
2 divides evens and will appear n/2 (integer division!) times, bringing 2*2*(n/2) total,
k ... will bring k*k*(n/k) total.
So we should just add up k*k*(n/k) for k from 1 to n.
Think about the problem.
Bruteforce the way you tried is obviously not a good idea.
You should come up with something better...
Isn't there any method how to use some nice prime factorization method to speed up the computation? Isn't there any recursion pattern? Try to find something...
One simple optimization that you can carry out is that there will be many repeated factors in the numbers.
So first estimate in how many numbers would 1 be a factor ( all N numbers ).
In how many numbers would 2 be a factor ( N/2 ).
Similarly for others.
Just multiply their squares with their frequency.
Time complexity shall then straight-away reduce to O(N)
There are obvious microoptimizations such as ++i rather than i++ or getting floor(sqrt(n)) out of the loop (these are two floating point operations which are really expensive compared to other integer operation in the loop), and calculting n/i only once (use a dummy variable for it and then calculate the square of the dummy).
There are also rather obvious simplifications in the algorithm. For example SIGMA2(i) = SIGMA2(i-1) + sigma2(i). But do not use recursion since you need a really huge number, this would not work and your stack memory would be exhausted. Use loop instead of recursion. There is a huge potential for improvement.
And well, there is a bigger problem - 10^15 has 15 digits. This number squared has 30 digits. There is no way you can store this into unsigned long long, which has I think about 20 digits. So you need to employ somehow the modulo 10^9 (the end of the assignment) and get additional space for your calculations...
And when using brute force, print out the temporary result every milion number for example to give you idea how fast you are approaching to the final result. Waiting 10 minutes blindly is not a good idea.

Optimizing my code for finding the factors of a given integer

Here is my code,but i'lld like to optimize it.I don't like the idea of it testing all the numbers before the square root of n,considering the fact that one could be faced with finding the factors of a large number. Your answers would be of great help. Thanks in advance.
unsigned int* factor(unsigned int n)
unsigned int tab[40];
int dim=0;
for(int i=2;i<=(int)sqrt(n);++i)
return tab;
Here's a suggestion on how to do this in 'proper' c++ (since you tagged as c++).
PS. Almost forgot to mention: I optimized the call to sqrt away :)
See it live on
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
typedef unsigned int uint;
std::vector<uint> factor(uint n)
std::vector<uint> tab;
int dim=0;
for(unsigned long i=2;i*i <= n; ++i)
return tab;
void test(uint x)
auto v = factor(x);
std::cout << x << ":\t";
std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), std::ostream_iterator<uint>(std::cout, ";"));
std::cout << std::endl;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
2: 2;
4: 2;2;
43: 43;
47: 47;
9997: 13;769;
There's a simple change that will cut the run time somewhat: factor out all the 2's, then only check odd numbers.
If you use
... i*i <= n; ...
It may run much faster than i <= sqrt(n)
By the way, you should try to handle factors of negative n or at least be sure you never pass a neg number
I'm afraid you cannot. There is no known method in the planet can factorize large integers in polynomial time. However, there are some methods can help you slightly (not significantly) speed up your program. Search Wikipedia for more references.
As seen from your solution , you find basically all prime numbers ( the condition while (n%i == 0)) works like that , especially for the case of large numbers , you could compute prime numbers beforehand, and keep checking only those. The prime number calculation could be done using Sieve of Eratosthenes method or some other efficient method.
unsigned int* factor(unsigned int n)
If unsigned int is the typical 32-bit type, the numbers are too small for any of the more advanced algorithms to pay off. The usual enhancements for the trial division are of course worthwhile.
If you're moving the division by 2 out of the loop, and divide only by odd numbers in the loop, as mentioned by Pete Becker, you're essentially halving the number of divisions needed to factor the input number, and thus speed up the function by a factor of very nearly 2.
If you carry that one step further and also eliminate the multiples of 3 from the divisors in the loop, you reduce the number of divisions and hence increase the speed by a factor close to 3 (on average; most numbers don't have any large prime factors, but are divisible by 2 or by 3, and for those the speedup is much smaller; but those numbers are quick to factor anyway. If you factor a longer range of numbers, the bulk of the time is spent factoring the few numbers with large prime divisors).
// if your compiler doesn't transform that to bit-operations, do it yourself
while(n % 2 == 0) {
tab[dim++] = 2;
n /= 2;
while(n % 3 == 0) {
tab[dim++] = 3;
n /= 3;
for(int d = 5, s = 2; d*d <= n; d += s, s = 6-s) {
while(n % d == 0) {
tab[dim++] = d;
n /= d;
If you're calling that function really often, it would be worthwhile to precompute the 6542 primes not exceeding 65535, store them in a static array, and divide only by the primes to eliminate all divisions that are a priori guaranteed to not find a divisor.
If unsigned int happens to be larger than 32 bits, then using one of the more advanced algorithms would be profitable. You should still begin with trial divisions to find the small prime factors (whether small should mean <= 1000, <= 10000, <= 100000 or perhaps <= 1000000 would need to be tested, my gut feeling says one of the smaller values would be better on average). If after the trial division phase the factorisation is not yet complete, check whether the remaining factor is prime using e.g. a deterministic (for the range in question) variant of the Miller-Rabin test. If it's not, search a factor using your favourite advanced algorithm. For 64 bit numbers, I'd recommend Pollard's rho algorithm or an elliptic curve factorisation. Pollard's rho algorithm is easier to implement and for numbers of that magnitude finds factors in comparable time, so that's my first recommendation.
Int is way to small to encounter any performance problems. I just tried to measure the time of your algorithm with boost but couldn't get any useful output (too fast). So you shouldn't worry about integers at all.
If you use i*i I was able to calculate 1.000.000 9-digit integers in 15.097 seconds. It's good to optimize an algorithm but instead of "wasting" time (depends on your situation) it's important to consider if a small improvement really is worth the effort. Sometimes you have to ask yourself if you rally need to be able to calculate 1.000.000 ints in 10 seconds or if 15 is fine as well.

Fastest way to find the sum of decimal digits

What is the fastest way to find the sum of decimal digits?
The following code is what I wrote but it is very very slow for range 1 to 1000000000000000000
long long sum_of_digits(long long input) {
long long total = 0;
while (input != 0) {
total += input % 10;
input /= 10;
return total;
int main ( int argc, char** argv) {
for ( long long i = 1L; i <= 1000000000000000000L; i++) {
return 0;
I'm assuming what you are trying to do is along the lines of
#include <iostream>
const long long limit = 1000000000000000000LL;
int main () {
long long grand_total = 0;
for (long long ii = 1; ii <= limit; ++ii) {
grand_total += sum_of_digits(i);
std::cout << "Grand total = " << grand_total << "\n";
return 0;
This won't work for two reasons:
It will take a long long time.
It will overflow.
To deal with the overflow problem, you will either have to put a bound on your upper limit or use some bignum package. I'll leave solving that problem up to you.
To deal with the computational burden you need to get creative. If you know the upper limit is limited to powers of 10 this is fairly easy. If the upper limit can be some arbitrary number you will have to get a bit more creative.
First look at the problem of computing the sum of digits of all integers from 0 to 10n-1 (e.g., 0 to 9 (n=1), 0 to 99 (n=2), etc.) Denote the sum of digits of all integers from 10n-1 as Sn. For n=1 (0 to 9), this is just 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 (9*10/2). Thus S1=45.
For n=2 (0 to 99), you are summing 0-9 ten times and you are summing 0-9 ten times again. For n=3 (0 to 999), you are summing 0-99 ten times and you are summing 0-9 100 times. For n=4 (0 to 9999), you are summing 0-999 ten times and you are summing 0-9 1000 times. In general, Sn=10Sn-1+10n-1S1 as a recursive expression. This simplifies to Sn=(9n10n)/2.
If the upper limit is of the form 10n, the solution is the above Sn plus one more for the number 1000...000. If the upper limit is an arbitrary number you will need to get creative once again. Think along the lines that went into developing the formula for Sn.
You can break this down recursively. The sum of the digits of an 18-digit number are the sums of the first 9 digits plus the last 9 digits. Likewise the sum of the digits of a 9-bit number will be the sum of the first 4 or 5 digits plus the sum of the last 5 or 4 digits. Naturally you can special-case when the value is 0.
Reading your edit: computing that function in a loop for i between 1 and 1000000000000000000 takes a long time. This is a no brainer.
1000000000000000000 is one billion billion. Your processor will be able to do at best billions of operations per second. Even with a nonexistant 4-5 Ghz processor, and assuming best case it compiles down to an add, a mod, a div, and a compare jump, you could only do 1 billion iterations per second, meaning it will take on the order of 1 billion seconds.
You probably don't want to do it in a bruteforce way. This seems to be more of a logical thinking question.
Note - 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = N(N+1)/2 = 45.
---- Changing the answer to make it clearer after David's comment
See David's answer - I had it wrong
Quite late to the party, but anyways, here is my solution. Sorry it's in Python and not C++, but it should be relatively easy to translate. And because this is primarily an algorithm problem, I hope that's ok.
As for the overflow problem, the only thing that comes to mind is to use arrays of digits instead of actual numbers. Given this algorithm I hope it won't affect performance too much.
It uses these three recursions I found by looking and poking at the problem. Rather then trying to come up with some general and arcane equations, here are three examples. A general case should be easily visible from those.
relation 1
Reduces function calls with arbitrary argument to several recursive calls with more predictable arguments for use in relations 2 and 3.
foo(3456) == foo(3000)
+ foo(400) + 400 * (3)
+ foo(50) + 50 * (3 + 4)
+ foo(6) + 6 * (3 + 4 + 5)
relation 2
Reduce calls with an argument in the form L*10^M (e.g: 30, 7000, 900000) to recursive call usable for relation 3. These triangular numbers popped in quite uninvited (but welcome) :)
triangular_numbers = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36] # 0 not used
foo(3000) == 3 * foo(1000) + triangular_numbers[3 - 1] * 1000
Only useful if L > 1. It holds true for L = 1 but is trivial. In that case, go directly to relation 3.
relation 3
Recursively reduce calls with argument in format 1*10^M to a call with argument that's divided by 10.
foo(1000) == foo(100) * 10 + 44 * 100 + 100 - 9 # 44 and 9 are constants
Ultimately you only have to really calculate the sum or digits for numbers 0 to 10, and it turns out than only up to 3 of these calculations are needed. Everything else is taken care of with this recursion. I'm pretty sure it runs in O(logN) time. That's FAAST!!!!!11one
On my laptop it calculates the sum of digit sums for a given number with over 1300 digits in under 7 seconds! Your test (1000000000000000000) gets calculated in 0.000112057 seconds!
I think you cannot do better than O(N) where N is the number of digits in the given number(which is not computationally expensive)
However if I understood your question correctly (the range) you want to output the sum of digits for a range of numbers. In that case, you can increment by one when you go from number0 to number9 and then decrease by 8.
You will need to cheat - look for mathematical patterns that let you short-cut your computations.
For example, do you really need to test that input != 0 every time? Does it matter if you add 0/10 several times? Since it won't matter, consider unrolling the loop.
Can you do the calculation in a larger base, eg, base 10^2, 10^3, etcetera, that might allow you to reduce the number of digits, which you'll then have to convert back to base 10? If this works, you'll be able to implement a cache more easily.
Consider looking at compiler intrinsics that let you give hints to the compiler for branch prediction.
Given that this is C++, consider implementing this using template metaprogramming.
Given that sum_of_digits is purely functional, consider caching the results.
Now, most of those suggestions will backfire - but the point I'm making is that if you have hit the limits of what your computer can do for a given algorithm, you do need to find a different solution.
This is probably an excellent starting point if you want to investigate this in detail:
Possibility 1:
You could make it faster by feeding the result of one iteration of the loop into the next iteration.
For example, if i == 365, the result is 14. In the next loop, i == 366 -- 1 more than the previous result. The sum is also 1 more: 3 + 6 + 6 = 15.
Problems arise when there is a carry digit. If i == 99 (ie. result = 18), the next loop's result isn't 19, it's 1. You'll need extra code to detect this case.
Possibility 2:
While thinking though the above, it occurred to me that the sequence of results from sum_of_digits when graphed would resemble a sawtooth. With some analysis of the resulting graph (which I leave as an exercise for the reader), it may be possible to identify a method to allow direct calculation of the sum result.
However, as some others have pointed out: Even with the fastest possible implementation of sum_of_digits and the most optimised loop code, you can't possibly calculate 1000000000000000000 results in any useful timeframe, and certainly not in less than one second.
Edit: It seems you want the the sum of the actual digits such that: 12345 = 1+2+3+4+5 not the count of digits, nor the sum of all numbers 1 to 12345 (inclusive);
As such the fastest you can get is:
long long sum_of_digits(long long input) {
long long total = input % 10;
while ((input /= 10) != 0)
total += input % 10;
return total;
Which is still going to be slow when you're running enough iterations. Your requirement of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000L iterations is One Million, Million, Million. Given 100 Million takes around 10,000ms on my computer, one can expect that it will take 100ms per 1 million records, and you want to do that another million million times. There are only 86400 seconds in a day, so at best we can compute around 86,400 Million records per day. It would take one computer
Lets suppose your method could be performed in a single float operation (somehow), suppose you are using the K computer which is currently the fastest (Rmax) supercomputer at over 10 petaflops, if you do the math that is = 10,000 Million Million floating operations per second. This means that your 1 Million, Million, Million loop will take the world's fastest non-distributed supercomputer 100 seconds to compute the sums (IF it took 1 float operation to calculate, which it can't), so you will need to wait around for quite some time for computers to become 100 so much more powerful for your solution to be runable in under one second.
What ever you're trying to do, you're either trying to do an unsolvable problem in near real-time (eg: graphics calculation related) or you misunderstand the question / task that was given you, or you are expected to perform something faster than any (non-distributed) computer system can do.
If your task is actually to sum all the digits of a range as you show and then output them, the answer is not to improve the for loop. for example:
1 = 0
10 = 46
100 = 901
1000 = 13501
10000 = 180001
100000 = 2250001
1000000 = 27000001
10000000 = 315000001
100000000 = 3600000001
From this you could work out a formula to actually compute the total sum of all digits for all numbers from 1 to N. But it's not clear what you really want, beyond a much faster computer.
No the best, but simple:
int DigitSumRange(int a, int b) {
int s = 0;
for (; a <= b; a++)
for(c : to_string(a))
s += c-48;
return s;
A Python function is given below, which converts the number to a string and then to a list of digits and then finds the sum of these digits.
def SumDigits(n):
z=[int(d) for d in ns]
In C++ one of the fastest way can be using strings.
first of all get the input from users in a string. Then add each element of string after converting it into int. It can be done using -> (str[i] - '0').
using namespace std;
int main()
{ string str;
long long int sum=0;
for(long long int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
sum = sum + (str[i]-'0');
The formula for finding the sum of the digits of numbers between 1 to N is:
(1 + N)*(N/2)
There is a class written in C# which supports a number with more than the supported max-limit of long.
You can find it here. [Oyster.Math][2]
Using this class, I have generated a block of code in c#, may be its of some help to you.
using Oyster.Math;
class Program
private static DateTime startDate;
static void Main(string[] args)
startDate = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Finding Sum of digits from {0} to {1}", 1L, 1000000000000000000L);
Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for the process: {0},", DateTime.Now - startDate);
private static void sum_of_digits(long input)
var answer = IntX.Multiply(IntX.Parse(Convert.ToString(1 + input)), IntX.Parse(Convert.ToString(input / 2)), MultiplyMode.Classic);
Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0}", answer);
Please ignore this comment if it is not relevant for your context.
If you want to find the sum for the range say 1 to N then simply do the following
long sum = N(N+1)/2;
it is the fastest way.

Writing a C++ version of the algebra game 24

I am trying to write a C++ program that works like the game 24. For those who don't know how it is played, basically you try to find any way that 4 numbers can total 24 through the four algebraic operators of +, -, /, *, and parenthesis.
As an example, say someone inputs 2,3,1,5
((2+3)*5) - 1 = 24
It was relatively simple to code the function to determine if three numbers can make 24 because of the limited number of positions for parenthesis, but I can not figure how code it efficiently when four variables are entered.
I have some permutations working now but I still cannot enumerate all cases because I don't know how to code for the cases where the operations are the same.
Also, what is the easiest way to calculate the RPN? I came across many pages such as this one:
but as a beginner, I am not sure how to implement it.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
bool MakeSum(int num1, int num2, int num3, int num4)
vector<int> vi;
char a1 = '+';
char a2 = '-';
char a3 = '*';
char a4 = '/';
vector<char> va;
cout<<vi[0]<<vi[1]<<vi[2]<<vi[3]<< va[0]<<va[1]<<va[2]<<endl;
cout<<vi[0]<<vi[1]<<vi[2]<<va[0]<< vi[3]<<va[1]<<va[2]<<endl;
cout<<vi[0]<<vi[1]<<vi[2]<<va[0]<< va[1]<<vi[3]<<va[2]<<endl;
cout<<vi[0]<<vi[1]<<va[0]<<vi[2]<< vi[3]<<va[1]<<va[2]<<endl;
cout<<vi[0]<<vi[1]<<va[0]<<vi[2]<< va[1]<<vi[3]<<va[2]<<endl;
return 0;
int main()
return 0;
So, the simple way is to permute through all possible combinations. This is slightly tricky, the order of the numbers can be important, and certainly the order of operations is.
One observation is that you are trying to generate all possible expression trees with certain properties. One property is that the tree will always have exactly 4 leaves. This means the tree will also always have exactly 3 internal nodes. There are only 3 possible shapes for such a tree:
/ \
/ \ (and the mirror image)
/ \
/ \
/ \
A N (and the mirror image)
/ \
/` `\
/ \ / \
In each spot for A you can have any one of the 4 operations. In each spot for N you can have any one of the numbers. But each number can only appear for one N.
Coding this as a brute force search shouldn't be too hard, and I think that after you have things done this way it will become easier to think about optimizations.
For example, + and * are commutative. This means that mirrors that flip the left and right children of those operations will have no effect. It might be possible to cut down searching through all such flips.
Someone else mentioned RPN notation. The trees directly map to this. Here is a list of all possible trees in RPN:
That's 4*3*2 = 24 possibilities for numbers, 4*4*4 = 64 possibilities for operations, 24 * 64 * 5 = 7680 total possibilities for a given set of 4 numbers. Easily countable and can be evaluated in a tiny fraction of a second on a modern system. Heck, even in basic on my old Atari 8 bit I bet this problem would only take minutes for a given group of 4 numbers.
You can just use Reverse Polish Notation to generate the possible expressions, which should remove the need for parantheses.
An absolutely naive way to do this would be to generate all possible strings of 4 digits and 3 operators (paying no heed to validity as an RPN), assume it is in RPN and try to evaluate it. You will hit some error cases (as in invalid RPN strings). The total number of possibilities (if I calculated correctly) is ~50,000.
A more clever way should get it down to ~7500 I believe (64*24*5 to be exact): Generate a permutation of the digits (24 ways), generate a triplet of 3 operators (4^3 = 64 ways) and now place the operators among the digits to make it valid RPN(there are 5 ways, see Omnifarious' answer).
You should be able to find permutation generators and RPN calculators easily on the web.
Hope that helps!
PS: Just FYI: RPN is nothing but the postorder traversal of the corresponding expression tree, and for d digits, the number is d! * 4^(d-1) * Choose(2(d-1), (d-1))/d. (The last term is a catalan number).
Edited: The solution below is wrong. We also need to consider the numbers makeable with just x_2 and x_4, and with just x_1 and x_4. This approach can still work, but it's going to be rather more complex (and even less efficient). Sorry...
Suppose we have four numbers x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4. Write
S = { all numbers we can make just using x_3, x_4 },
Then we can rewrite the set we're interested in, which I'll call
T = { all numbers we can make using x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 }
T = { all numbers we can make using x_1, x_2 and some s from S }.
So an algorithm is to generate all possible numbers in S, then use each number s in S in turn to generate part of T. (This will generalise fairly easily to n numbers instead of just 4).
Here's a rough, untested code example:
#include <set> // we can use std::set to store integers without duplication
#include <vector> // we might want duplication in the inputs
// the 2-number special case
std::set<int> all_combinations_from_pair(int a, int b)
std::set results;
// here we just use brute force
results.insert(a+b); // = b+a
results.insert(a*b); // = b*a
// need to make sure it divides exactly
if (a%b==0) results.insert(a/b);
if (b%a==0) results.insert(b/a);
return results;
// the general case
std::set<int> all_combinations_from(std::vector<int> inputs)
if (inputs.size() == 2)
return all_combinations_from_pair(inputs[0], inputs[1]);
std::set<int> S = all_combinations_from_pair(inputs[0], inputs[1]);
std::set<int> T;
std::set<int> rest = S;
rest.remove(rest.begin()); // gets rid of first two
for (std::set<int>.iterator i = S.begin(); i < S.end(); i++)
std::set<int> new_inputs = S;
std::set<int> new_outputs = all_combinations_from(new_inputs);
for (std::set<int>.iterator j = new_outputs.begin(); j < new_outputs.end(); j++)
T.insert(*j); // I'm sure you can do this with set_union()
return T;
If you are allowed to use the same operator twice, you probably don't want to mix the operators into the numbers. Instead, perhaps use three 0's as a placeholder for where operations will occur (none of the 4 numbers are 0, right?) and use another structure to determine which operations will be used.
The second structure could be a vector<int> initialized with three 1's followed by three 0's. The 0's correspond to the 0's in the number vector. If a 0 is preceded by zero 1's, the corresponding operation is +, if preceded by one 1, it's -, etc. For example:
6807900 <= equation of form ( 6 # 8 ) # ( 7 # 9 )
100110 <= replace #'s with (-,-,/)
possibility is (6-8)-(7/9)
Advance through the operation possibilities using next_permutation in an inner loop.
By the way, you can also return early if the number-permutation is an invalid postfix expression. All permutations of the above example less than 6708090 are invalid, and all greater are valid, so you could start with 9876000 and work your way down with prev_permutation.
Look up the Knapsack problem (here's a link to get you started:, this problem is pretty close to that, just a little harder (and the Knapsack problem is NP-complete!)
One thing that might make this faster than normal is parallelisation. Check out OpenMP. Using this, more than one check is carried out at once (your "alg" function) thus if you have a dual/quad core cpu, your program should be faster.
That said, if as suggested above the problem is NP-complete, it'll be faster, not necessarily fast.
i wrote something like this before. You need a recursive evaluator. Call evaluate, when you hit "(" call evaluate again otherwise run along with digits and operators till you hit ")", now return the result of the -+*/ operations the the evaluate instance above you