VS C++: A task was canceled [duplicate] - c++

After installing VS 2013 (Update 3) on windows 7 SP1 I have similar situation like in this post After installing windows 8.1 sdk visual studio cant build any win32 project and print output :
1>----— Build started: Project: ConsoleApplication1, Configuration: Debug Win32 —----
1>A task was canceled.
1>A task was canceled.
========= Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Just to be complete,
Closing and reopening Visual Studio worked for me after I had changed the time zone and was getting the same errors as you.

I encountered the same error when I installed VS2013 update 5. During the installation my VS was open. Prior to installation of the update, I was asked to close VS but I neglected. That might have been the reason for the error although not sure about the exact cause.
After installation, the installer prompted me to restart the computer and the error was gone after I restarted my computer.

I am encountering similar problem with VS2015 update 3. Once this start happening I can't build application and can't start another instance Visual studio as it gives out of memory exception.
After looking through task lists I found out that there are many instance of conhost.exe and MSBuild.exe processes. So as temporary fix I kill all instances and try again building it is not perfect solution but works some times.
You can try run following batch commands.
Taskkill /IM MSBuild.exe /F
Taskkill /IM conhost.exe /F

Changed the time zone of system (Start>Settings>Time&language>Date&time>Time zone) to automatic, and then restarted the VS2019(on this I was facing the issue) in administrator mode. Issue got resolved for me.

I had the "A task was cancelled" error, not after updating Visual Studio or changing the time clock, but when enabled editing to a file from my version control software.
Likewise, reloading Visual Studio fixed the error.


Visual Studio 2022 "A task was cancelled" after build

I'm using Visual Studio Community 2022. Now I have a similar problem with Visual studio 2013 "A task was cancelled".
A few moments ago, everything went alright. However I suddenly found that when I try to build my cpp project, VS only output
1>----— Build started: Project: MyConsoleApp, Configuration: Release x64 —----
After about 5 minutes, it becomes
1>----— Build started: Project: MyConsoleApp, Configuration: Release x64 —----
1>A task was canceled.
1>A task was canceled.
========= Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
All my cpp projects have the same problem now. My time zone is correct. I have tried to reopen VS, restart my computer and reinstall Visual Studio, but this problem still exists.
I have the same problem as you, since February 28th, VS2022 could not build any project, until today, I uninstalled the anti-virus software (360 Security Guard) installed on my computer, it returned to normal work, I think this is due to the anti-virus software update caused by the incompatible VS2022, You can try uninstalling the anti-virus software installed on your computer, which may solve the problem

Unrecognized error occurred in the Windows Web Services framework

I'm trying to build and run a simple project in Visual Studio 2017 (C++) in x64 using the Local Windows Debugger. However every time I try to run it using the debugger I get this error.
This error doesn't show up when I change it from x64 to x86, but I need it to compile to x64. This has happened on both computers that I've tried it on, and seems to happen in every one of my projects. I've tried reinstalling Visual Studio already and nothing's changed. I've tried adding 'devenv.exe' as an exception to the Windows Firewall but no changes there either, even when I disabled the firewall completely. My antivirus isn't affecting it at all either: still happens when I disable it.
The application runs fine when I find it in the explorer and run it manually but then I don't have any debugging tools.
What am I doing wrong here, how do I make it build and run my project as x64?
I get this error every time I have an active VPN connection. If you use a VPN, try disconnect and see if the error disappears.
If you want to use a VPN, the solution (assuming you have Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7 or later) is as follows:
Go to the Windows Start Menu and launch the “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 Preview”
Run: "%DevEnvDir%vsregedit.exe" set "%VSINSTALLDIR:~0,-1%" HKCU Debugger UseAnonymousPipes dword 1
Restart VS if it is already running
That solution is from this link to Microsoft.

Visual studio 2013 "A task was cancelled"

After installing VS 2013 (Update 3) on windows 7 SP1 I have similar situation like in this post After installing windows 8.1 sdk visual studio cant build any win32 project and print output :
1>----— Build started: Project: ConsoleApplication1, Configuration: Debug Win32 —----
1>A task was canceled.
1>A task was canceled.
========= Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Just to be complete,
Closing and reopening Visual Studio worked for me after I had changed the time zone and was getting the same errors as you.
I encountered the same error when I installed VS2013 update 5. During the installation my VS was open. Prior to installation of the update, I was asked to close VS but I neglected. That might have been the reason for the error although not sure about the exact cause.
After installation, the installer prompted me to restart the computer and the error was gone after I restarted my computer.
I am encountering similar problem with VS2015 update 3. Once this start happening I can't build application and can't start another instance Visual studio as it gives out of memory exception.
After looking through task lists I found out that there are many instance of conhost.exe and MSBuild.exe processes. So as temporary fix I kill all instances and try again building it is not perfect solution but works some times.
You can try run following batch commands.
Taskkill /IM MSBuild.exe /F
Taskkill /IM conhost.exe /F
Changed the time zone of system (Start>Settings>Time&language>Date&time>Time zone) to automatic, and then restarted the VS2019(on this I was facing the issue) in administrator mode. Issue got resolved for me.
I had the "A task was cancelled" error, not after updating Visual Studio or changing the time clock, but when enabled editing to a file from my version control software.
Likewise, reloading Visual Studio fixed the error.

microsoft visual studio 2008 builds keep failing

My builds keep failing with the following error
Project : error PRJ0002 : Error result 31 returned from 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\mt.exe'.
I find that i have to kill some process called mspdbsrv.exe description:"microsoft program database" Then rebuild the entire project. This is annoying. Is there a permanent solution to this problem or is it stuck with me for good?
OS: windows 7 ultimate
msv studio 2008 + sp1 professional
The problem is that for some reason, your mspdbsrv.exe is staying alive after the build. This is what's used to generate your .pdb files as part of the build. The only reliable solution seems to be to kill that process.
What you can do is at least automate that, just add a post-build event and console kill it. I'd suggest using the SysInternals PSKill utility (free) like this in your post-build:
pskill mspdbsrv.exe
This issue came into effect on our Windows10 build slave over the holiday. It worked Thu and failed Fri without any code changes or anyone even in the office either day. We assume that there was an automated microsoft update that caused the issue.
Disabling Windows Defender solved the problem for us.
Microsoft Security Essentials appears to have caused my problem. I added mt.exe to the Excluded processes, and the problem stopped occurring.
I had the same problem. It was solved after VIPRE Anti virus disabling.

CUDA + Visual Studio = suppressed output window

Normally, when I use Visual Studio to do a build, I see warnings and errors shown in the output pane, e.g.
1>------ Build started: Project: pdcuda, Configuration: Release x64 ------
foo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "foo"
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
I'm doing some GPU programming with CUDA. Upon upgrading to 2.1, I no longer get any useful output in Visual Studio. For example, all I now see is:
1>------ Build started: Project: pdcuda, Configuration: Release x64 ------
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
The other details can be found in BuildLog.htm, but it's inconvenient to hunt that file down all the time.
Does anyone know how to force Visual Studio to show the output in its output pane?
Things that don't help:
uninstalling CUDA: the problem persists in all projects
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Build and Run > MSBuild project build output verbosity: changing this pulldown, even to "Diagnostic" has no discernable effect.
EDIT: Additional things that don't help:
devenv.exe /resetsettings
devenv.exe /resetuserdata
UPDATE (in response to Die in Sente): It's now working on one of the two machines (I'm not sure what I did to fix it though). The machine that's still having problems has a CUDA Visual Studio Wizard installed that has caused similar problems before. The still-broken machine had version 15.00.21022.8 of the compiler. The working machine has 15.00.30729.1. After making a backup, I transferred "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN\amd64" from the working to the broken machine. I observe no changes in behavior on the broken machine.
I have exactly the same problem, but without CUDA. Today Visual Studio just decided it wasn't going to show any build messages anymore. It was working fine, then one of my builds it just stopped working. The problem persists over all my projects now, and persists over reboots. I also see the correct messages in buildlog.htm. This is ridonkulous!
EDIT: Ooh, I used the add/remove programs to do a repair, and now it works again! Yeah!
did you tried to reset IDE
devenv.exe /resetsettings
devenv.exe /resetuserdata
I also recently install CUDA 2.1 (on top of 2.0 I believe). The default installation for CUDA 2.1 moved the SDK from
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA CUDA SDK\
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NVIDIA Corportation\NVIDIA CUDA SDK\
which initially caused me some problems. Are all of your paths resolving correctly?
This might sound like a far out suggestion. Get the CUDA SDK and try your code with the sample CUDA-C++ project in there. Maybe something changed in the build rules for CUDA v2.1.
If you go to Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run. Last property is "MSBuild Project build output verbosity". It defaults to Minimal, change it to normal and the build messages will show up in Output window.
This also enables any <Message Text="test message"></Message> output to show up in Visual Studio Build Output Window.
Final solution: reinstall the OS.