django cms and responsive images - django

I'm building an responsive website with django and django-cms. So far everything is fine. Now I'm at the point that I need to specify and to deliver responsive images to different devices. How do you solve this problem for yourself?
Is there a possibility for the website-author to upload in the backend a picture in different sizes (like small, medium, large) to use with srcset (maybe with django-cascade) Or are there automated solutions for django and django-cms like the php-project adaptive images.
I found django-daguerre but I'm not shure how it can be implemented with django-cms. There is also the django-responsive-images 1.0.2 package.
So I want to ask you how you solve this problem for your projects.

Here's what I do for responsive (and retina) images in djangocms.
I use the THUMBNAIL_HIGH_RESOLUTION = True setting of easy_thumbnails
I use cmsplugin_filer_image for my images. I overwrite its template default.html by adding srcset and Twitter bootstrap's img-responsive class to the img tags in the template.
You could of course also use foundation's interchange, retina.js or your own css/js solution to grab the desired pictures for the respective resolutions.


How to insert multiple images in the Django blog app?

What I want is similar to the stack overflow posts, I can add images in between the text, just simply copy the image and paste it in my blog while editing. is it possible? seen some posts that can add a single image as post cover or add the designated number of images like 'must insert 3 images in a post'. that's not what I want.
Have you heard of the Django content management system (CMS) Wagtail? It really sounds like what you want is a CMS, and Wagtail is, as far as I know, the most popular and fleshed out one for Django. You can read in the Wagtail docs about inserting images in a page (tailored for editors) or using images in templates (tailored for developers).
Do keep in mind though that Wagtail is a whole CMS. If you were aiming for more limited functionality, that doesn't come with a bundle of other CMS niceties, you might want to look elsewhere.

django-cms picture plugin - bulk upload

What would be the best way to make it possible to upload many pictures at once to some cms page? or alternatively, how can I change the admin template/view to make it work?
is there a nice way to achieve it?
(I'm working withe the default picture plugin)
picture plugin does not support multiple uploads. why don't you use gallery plugin? where you can add many images at once.

django sorl-thumbnail json

I am using Sorl-Thumbnail to generate thumbnails within pages via template tags.
This all works perfectly fine.
However I have now added a store locator function to the site which feeds into my Google Maps JS via JSON.
In the infowindow popups I would like to put a tiny image of the storefront.
So I need to create another size of thumbnail and I need to include the URL for this within my JSON.
It seemed initially that Sorl doesnt support this due to its requirement for Tags within a page.
I have looked at the low level API version "get_thumbnail" and have tried to implement this within my Model without much luck so far.
I have no problem with my JSON and serialisation, just getting the thumbnail generated and into the model prior to this.
Has anyone had any experience with this scenario previously?

Multiple images not showing in frontend virtuemart2?

I am using Joomla 2.5.8 and virtue mart 2.0.14,I uploaded multiple images to a product in virtue mart but it displays only single images instead of displaying multiple images.How can i solve this problem.
I don't really understand your question but once something similar happened to me - I uploaded more photos of a product but when I looked at its detail on the front-end, there was just one image. The silly reason for it was that I was looking at another product than I added additional images for.
However, I would strongly recommend you looking at the Joomla Extensions and download a plugin for it.

Django Photologue Tutorial

I have a hard time understanding how photologue works exactly.
Is anybody aware of a Example Project Tutorial where I can display a gallery via Django-Photologue. Where Imagelinks are stored in a database?
Or how can I achieve that in Django?
Or what else is out there to create a decent Photo Display?
Thanks for the time!
The best way to get started with photologue is to start a new django project, and follow the installation instructions. Then, load up the django admin and start adding photos and creating galleries. You should be able to get a good understanding of Photologue that way.
Photologue is based around the concept of having gallerys of images with different photo sizes and effects. It's great if you want to show a gallery of images. If you are looking to intergrate images into your own apps, you might find ImageKit much more useful. I think it's based on Photologue, but instead of giving you automated photo galleries it provides hooks that you can use to do manage photos programmatically.
Here is an example project by the author of photologue: