How to start programming on Audio/Video stream with c++? [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i know c++ programming language very well. i would like to start programming on Audio/Video/image processing. i am newbie for these streams.
Please help me out on how should I start or which one should i pick up first?
What would be the learning curve for beginner like me to catch the concept properly.?
Also , please mention good books or reference for beginner?
Why i am asking this question is i want to do programming for Audio/Video/image processing as professional as hoping that this would add valuable skill in my resume for future growth.

About image processing:
Book: Digital Image Processing - R. Gonzalez, R. Woods
C++ Library: OpenCV


How to implement object detection by Caffe and CNN [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to implement object detection using Caffe framework and Convolution Neural Network, could you recommend some papers and demos about that?
I just need to know how to implement it.
If you can provide the source code, it will be perfect.
A very good starting point to object detection using Deep Learning is the series of papers on R-CNN by Ross Girshick.
You can find python impelementation of faster R-CNN a good reference for implementation.

Qt and C++ game development for assignment [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've got the assignment to write a pacman game using qt creator and c++. I know that QT Quick is better suited for games but i've got no option. The only problem is i am a little bit lost because the documentation of qt is great but there is massive amount of it. Could you provide me some tutorials or links to the documentation where to start?
I would be grateful.
Try to give a look at the QGraphisView and the Animation framework examples, probably they are a good starting point.

C++ Reinforcement Learning Library [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have been looking for a C++ Library that implements Reinforcement Learning Algorithms but was not very satisfied with the results.
I found the Reinforcement Learning Toolbox 2.0 from the TU Graz but unfortunately this project is very old and I was unable to get it to compile.
There is also code from Hado van Hasselt. It looks promising but does not seem to be actively maintained.
Which libraries do you use for Reinforcement Learning in C++?
RL-Glue is somewhat of a standard int the reinforcement learning community. RL-Library is the part that implements standard algorithms. That said, the most common reinforcement algorithms are so simple that they don't call for any kind of library.

Boost::Spirit mini_c tutorial [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any tutorial describing mini_c example from boost::spirit? It looks as good example of using grammar from boost::spirit::qi, but it's rather complex one and some guide through the code would be helpful.
None that I know of. However, the mini_c example is step 9 in a series of calculator examples. Therefore, if you start working from calc1.cpp up to mini_c (or even the new 'conjure' examples now added to SVN) you shouldn't have a hard time understanding what's going on.

Good books for Interpreter and Compiler using C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm planning to write a simple interpreter ( like TI-BASIC language for TI-89 ) or compiler ( C compiler ) using C++. I'm currently taking a course about programming languages, and learning the basic of BNF, EBNF. I wonder is it good enough to start on this project? In addition, could anyone know some good books about this area? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
The Dragon Book is a must read if you want to write a compiler.
Everyone I know rants and raves about Modern Compiler Construction in C, although the Java version usually gets more credit. However if you want a more C++ focused book you can't go wrong with Writing Compiler and Interpreters.