C++ Reinforcement Learning Library [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have been looking for a C++ Library that implements Reinforcement Learning Algorithms but was not very satisfied with the results.
I found the Reinforcement Learning Toolbox 2.0 from the TU Graz but unfortunately this project is very old and I was unable to get it to compile.
There is also code from Hado van Hasselt. It looks promising but does not seem to be actively maintained.
Which libraries do you use for Reinforcement Learning in C++?

RL-Glue is somewhat of a standard int the reinforcement learning community. RL-Library is the part that implements standard algorithms. That said, the most common reinforcement algorithms are so simple that they don't call for any kind of library.


plot vertices in c++ graphically for graphs [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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is it possible to draw a adjacency graph like the one shown below in c++
and show it graphically.
is this even possible with C++
if yes can some one please point me to the correct library or tutorial.
or an example or would be really helpful.
i would be using visual studio 2015 for this task.
There are plenty of plotting libraries google search will offer you, but they do require downloading source and building them which is sometimes not trivial especially for a beginner.
I suggest looking at graphviz which as you can see has similar graphics to your example. Good walk through on how to build it could be found here with specifics related to VS here.

Native library for stereo-images and computing disparity/depth map [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For a more complex project, I need to compute the approximate, relative distances of objects from two images (from stereo-cameras). Practically what this neat tutorial explains: https://chrisjmccormick.wordpress.com/2014/01/10/stereo-vision-tutorial-part-i/ and with a result like that
Think I shouldn't be reinventing the wheel for this project and since speed is very important (realtime from two videostreams) I'm looking for a native library (preferably in C++ where the whole project is written in) for this task.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Open source would be greatest but not mandatory.
Huge thanks in advance!
try with LIBELAS library (Library for Efficient Large-scale Stereo Matching).

How to implement object detection by Caffe and CNN [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to implement object detection using Caffe framework and Convolution Neural Network, could you recommend some papers and demos about that?
I just need to know how to implement it.
If you can provide the source code, it will be perfect.
A very good starting point to object detection using Deep Learning is the series of papers on R-CNN by Ross Girshick.
You can find python impelementation of faster R-CNN a good reference for implementation.

How to start programming on Audio/Video stream with c++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i know c++ programming language very well. i would like to start programming on Audio/Video/image processing. i am newbie for these streams.
Please help me out on how should I start or which one should i pick up first?
What would be the learning curve for beginner like me to catch the concept properly.?
Also , please mention good books or reference for beginner?
Why i am asking this question is i want to do programming for Audio/Video/image processing as professional as hoping that this would add valuable skill in my resume for future growth.
About image processing:
Book: Digital Image Processing - R. Gonzalez, R. Woods
C++ Library: OpenCV

data frame library in C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How might one implement data frame in R, Python, and other languages using C++?
In general, data.frame solves a problem which is solved fundamentally differently in C++ (and other languages) – namely via class hierarchies, or, in the simplest case, via a vector of tuples.
Since you haven’t given specifics it’s hard to know what exactly you are after but if it’s ease of computation, Armadillo is a good linear algebra library for C++ (one among many). I haven’t yet found a good statistics framework for C++ – I suggest simply sticking with R for that.