Visual Studio 2012 Intelli-sense isn't working - c++

ok, i'm not sure how to say this but you know how when you type something it will have a dropdown menu of possible things you might be trying to do, like when you type in #include

If you start to type something, and then press CTRL + Space it will show code completion suggestions. If that still does not work then you should probably restart the instance of visual studio.

Ctrl + Space. or. Ctrl + J. or Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard and check what is assigned to these shortcuts. The command name should be Edit.CompleteWord


Is there a way to switch tabs with CTRL+[NUMBER] instead of CTRL+TAB?

I am using Visual Studio Community 2017 and am frequently switching between several class files. The way I am having to do this is by pressing Ctrl+Tab (or Ctrl+Shift+Tab) repeatedly until I reach the desired tab.
It would be more convenient if there was a way to switch between tabs by pressing Ctrl+(tab's index) similar to how browser tabs are navigated. e.g. pressing Ctrl+1 opens the first/leftmost tab on your browser, Ctrl+2 opens the second one, etc.
Looking in Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard, there are commands that use View.NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward (The Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab functionality) that can be re-mapped - however nothing for the functionality I described above.
There are threads solving this issue for Visual Studio Code, however (and I'm really surprised/must be really dumb that) there are no threads that I could find for just Visual Studio.
Threads for Visual Studio Code:
Is there a quick change tabs function in Visual Studio Code?
You can switch to a specific tab with a keyboard shortcut with my Tabs Studio extension:
And you can additionally enable the Show tab numbers option to simplify usage of NavigateToTabXX commands:
So... After doing a more sensible search on StackOverflow instead of Google, I've found this thread;
Which suggested to download a Visual Studio tool called "Hot Tabs". I have done so and it's working well for my purposes at the moment.
Hot Tabs

Visual Studio's bug: editor tabs (code tabs) appear->hide->appear forever => non-responsive

I love to open many tabs (10-30) of .cpp and .h, so the tab are overflowed to the right, i.e. Visual Studio can't show named of all opened tabs at the same time. (which is ok)
When I pin a new tab or change Visual Studio resolution (resize its window), Visual Studio will try to determine which one should be shown and which one should not (that is what I think).
In rare cases (1%), Visual Studio fail to do so. After I pin a new code tab (e.g. .cpp), it loops forever. For example, in the image, it is possible that the last of the four tabs will appear -> hide -> appear -> ... so on (forever).
Visual Studio would try to update other GUI to match the appearance/disappearance of the tab (e.g. width of console pane ?).
Within about 1-3 seconds, if I don't resize the window, Visual Studio will become unresponsive.
I will have to terminate it, lose some of my work.
It is like a mini-game.
I am sure that is a bug of Visual Studio. Have anyone faced it?
(Please comment if you faced the same problem!)
I don't think it is related to plugin "Visual Assist" or "Resharper".
I always set my monitor to low-resolution (1280 x 720), but I don't think it is a problem.
Question: How to solve this swappy bug, or at least avoid/alleviate it?

Debugging in Visual Studio : Breakpoint moves and inserts a new line

I am a beginner with Visual Studio and I am encounting a problem when I am in the Debug Mode.
I did not have this problem at first, and now it happens more and more.
This is what happens :
I am debugging my project and I hit a breakpoint. So I press F5 to continue debugging, and then a new line is inserted just before the line with the breakpoint, and the program continues debugging. Problem is it modifies my code...
The problem does not occur when I press F10 or F11 (but it still happens later when I press F5). And it does not occur everywhere in the code, just with some lines, especially the new ones.
I have tried many things like :
restart VS, clean solution, delete .pdb, make sure I have the good type of linefeed.
Please help me !
Check your Keyboard settings at Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard.
Try press F5 in Press shortcut keys input and see at "Shortcut currently used by".
In my case there is only "Debug.Start (F5 (Global))".
If you have other commands, try to remove it.

Tab navigation keyboard shortcut for webstorm

I wish this task did not take up so much of my time.
I am using webstorm along with VIM plugin active on MAC.
Attempting to navigate between open tabs(code files) using keyboard shortcuts.
As per intellij shortcut guide one must use Ctrl + Alt + left arrow or
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow.
( )
Went through webstorm settings and couldn't locate the keyboard short guide.
Googled enough
However these shortcuts are not working.
Any clue how to make this work ?
The shortcut you described is "Navigate backward", which is not what you are looking for. Furthermore, the shortcuts you linked are for Windows, not MAC.
The actions you want are "Select Next/Previous Tab". According to the MAC shortcut list (PDF), the shortcuts are Control + Right/Left.
You might want to look into "Recent Files" (Command + E) and "Recently Changed Files" (Command + Shift + E), which is usually faster than switching tabs manually.

Automatic Code completion in Eclipse 8.4?

I recently installed Eclipse Luna(for win7) for developing C++ programs. The problem is the code completion only shows suggestions when I press Ctrl + Space button. I searched on the internet, but the only solution I was able to find is for old Eclipse(Java) version 3.4 or something. In that you have some text feilds in which you can enter the characters for auto-completion. But in 8.4 there are no such text-fields. Do they have a plugin for this? Please Help me
Yes they've changed the behavior a bit. The auto completion list pops up at entering ., -> or ::, and as you mentioned with CTRL + Space
If the list popped up, press TAB once to get inside the popup selection list, and go up down with the arrow keys. Press enter to select one.
If the entered symbol is specified enough, to select a proposal, hitting Space after the dialog popped up, will autocomplete though.