ocaml-glpk (glpk bindings) and OASIS - ocaml

Preface: I am new to OCaml, OPAM, and OASIS.
tldr question: How do I properly set up a package with opam that is not already available in the repository (I can't just do opam install X)? More details follow:
I am trying to include ocaml-glpk in an OCaml project. I installed ocaml-glpk just by running make and make install as stated in the README, and the given example compiles and runs correctly. However, I am using OASIS to generate the build system of my project, and I am not sure how to set it up. I have the same example (renamed to glpkExample.ml in a src folder) and the following in my _oasis file:
Executable "glpkExample"
Path: src
MainIs: glpkExample.ml
CompiledObject: best
After running oasis setup -setup-update dynamic, I run make and get the following error:
ocaml setup.ml -build
Finished, 0 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
+ /home/dimitrios/.opam/system/bin/ocamlfind ocamlopt -g -linkpkg -package glpk src/glpkExample.cmx -o src/glpkExample.native
File "_none_", line 1:
Error: Cannot find file /home/dimitrios/.opam/system/lib/glpk/glpk.cmxa
Command exited with code 2.
Compilation unsuccessful after building 4 targets (3 cached) in 00:00:00.
E: Failure("Command ''/usr/bin/ocamlbuild' src/glpkExample.native -tag debug' terminated with error code 10")
make: *** [build] Error 1
It seems the glpk library is missing a cmxa file needed to compile a native executable. I am not sure how to fix this. To compile glpkExample.ml correctly, my Makefile includes /home/dimitrios/.opam/system/lib/glpk and also uses the OCamlMakefile, which is extremely long and convoluted. Any help on setting this up with OASIS or how to get ocaml-glpk to work nicely with OASIS would be greatly appreciated.

This website is not appropriate for bug reports. You should really report it here.
The temporary solution is to use CompiledObject: byte to compile in bytecode.

If you're using opam then it is best to install application with it, not manually. Try to clean up your system and remove whatever you installed, and then do:
$ eval `opam config env`
$ opam install ocaml-glpk
Afterwards, if glpk is packaged in opam correctly, it should work with your setup, i.e., just with oasis's BuildDepends field and nothing more.


ocamlbuild can't find file graphics.cma

I reviewed this thread OCaml - Cannot find graphics.cma but unfortunately wasn't able to resolve it finding the recommendation here. I'm on Catalina macos and when running ocamlbuild foo.byte, I get this error:
+ ocamlc.opt str.cma graphics.cma -thread threads.cma foo.cmo -o foo.byte
File "_none_", line 1:
Error: Cannot find file graphics.cma
Command exited with code 2.
Compilation unsuccessful after building 3 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
I tried installing graphics via opam and installing xquartz as well manually after removing the brew version of xquartz which, enabled me to install graphics just fine but still gives me the error above.
Without more details, it sounds like you have not added the "graphics" package to your _tag file. (Detailing this dependency is also required with dune).

Flatpak (flatpak-build) fatal error when building submodules

Following on from here, when using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed I cannot get flatpak-builder to compile submodule dependencies. I first noticed this issue when developing a console application within Gnome Builder using the Vala dependencies Gee and GXml.
As a test, I have installed org.gnome.Books.json and issued the following command (as documented here):
$ flatpak-builder --repo=repo books-app org.gnome.Books.json
The outcome is the same as I observed when developing my own application, the fatal error:
Initializing build dir
Committing stage init to cache
Starting build of org.gnome.Books
fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied
<more stuff>
Cloning into '/home/robin/Projects-CSim/org.gnome.books/.flatpak-builder/build/gnome-online-accounts-1/telepathy-account-widgets'...
Submodule path 'telepathy-account-widgets': checked out '7d944b79961dfb6291110ceb27597a224d329b36'
error: Build directory /home/<user>/Projects/org.gnome.books/.flatpak-builder/rofiles/rofiles-D4R4cZ not initialized, use flatpak build-init
Error: module gnome-online-accounts: module gnome-online-accounts: Child process exited with code 1
Effectively it fails to build the very first submodule. This is the same behaviour that I observed when invoked from Gnome-Builder on my project; it downloaded but failed to build the very first submodule - in that case it was libgee-0.8.
I've double checked the Flatpak (V0.10.4) installation here and cannot find a solution. I understand from the documentation that invoking flatpak-builder should automatically invoke flatpak build-init.
This is worrisome as Gnome-Builder seems be using Flatpak as the default packager. Any suggestions?
The problem is not Flatpak. It is a conflict between Flatpak and fuse. For some reason this was not occuring with valac or meson from the command line, only Flatpak.
From here we find a solution:
# chmod +x /usr/bin/fusermount
Is this a peculiarity of OpenSUSE Tumbleweed? In any case, after making this change, Flatpak builds submodules as expected. Magnificent!
Not sure about the security aspect of this, however - any comments would be welcomed.

oasis picks up wrong ocamlbuild

I try to compile an Ocaml project with an Ocaml version provided by Opam.
My ocamlbuild, ocamlfind, and oasis seem OK :
dhcp-182-73:compil fred$ which ocamlfind
dhcp-182-73:compil fred$ which oasis
But when I try to compile, it seems that a wrong version of ocamlbuild is called, and even the version of ocamlfind is right, I think that it explains why ocamlfind can't find the sexplib library.
$ make
ocaml setup.ml -build
Finished, 0 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
+ /Users/fred/.opam/system/bin/ocamlfind ocamldep -package threads -package sexplib.syntax -package core -package comparelib.syntax -modules src/tricot/tricot.mli > src/tricot/tricot.mli.depends
ocamlfind: Package `sexplib.syntax' not found
Command exited with code 2.
Compilation unsuccessful after building 1 target (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
E: Failure("Command ''/usr/local/bin/ocamlbuild' src/tricot/tricot.cma src/tricot/tricot.cmxa src/tricot/tricot.a src/tricot/tricot.cmxs src/compil/compil.cma src/compil/compil.cmxa src/compil/compil.a src/compil/compil.cmxs src/main.native -use-ocamlfind -tag debug' terminated with error code 10")
make: *** [build] Error 1
I've tried to tell oasis which version of ocambuild to use without success, does someone knows how it could be done ?
Try deleting setup.data and running make again. Oasis caches the paths the first time you try to build, and doesn't update them automatically afterwards. Perhaps you tried to build it, then used opam switch, then tried to build it again?
You must be missing a
eval $(opam config env)
See the documentation of opam switch.
Note that normally opam's install procedure should have made so that this gets invoked automatically on new shells. You may want to run opam init again it will prompt you to agree to make changes to your .profile so that everything is in order when you start new shells.
EDIT: In fact it looks like you changed to the system switch between the two invocations you show us. So it seems that in the system switch sexp is not installed. In anycase whenever you opam switch in a shell always invoke the command I mentioned above so that the right paths are setup.
In addition to Thomas's answer, you can discard the configuration by
ocaml setup.ml -distclean

ocaml batteries installation

There seems to be conflicting information about batteries installation. I have tried several suggestions, but none have worked for me.
I first tried
ocamlfind batteries/ocaml
but that gave this error:
ocamlfind: Cannot find command: /username/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/batteries/ocaml
I then tried copying the ocamlinit file from the batteries directory to .ocamlinit in my home directory. This gave this error:
Cannot find file topfind.
File ".ocamlinit", line 38, characters 0-20:
Error: Unbound module Toploop
I am using ocaml 4.00.1.
Note: I apologize if this question is redundant with this one ocaml batteries compiling : Unbound module Toploop but the answer given was not explicit enough for me to actually try.
Like #rgrinberg said, try to install batteries with opam. For that, first download the quick installer:
$ wget http://www.ocamlpro.com/pub/opam_installer.sh
Then execute this script:
$ sh ./opam_installer.sh /usr/local/bin
It will install the latest "stable" opam (you can of course change the path /usr/local/bin) and the latest version of the OCaml compiler.
After that, you just need to run:
$ opam install batteries
and it should be ok.
You can also check ocaml.org install section (by package manager) or opam website.

Trying to install OCaml 3.12.1 on Linux with Godi

I'm trying to install OCaml 3.12.1 on 64 bit Linux (Mint Linux which is essentially Ubuntu 11.04). I'm using the latest rocketboost (godi-rocketboost-20110717). I run ./bootstrap and after a while get the following (in bootstrap.log):
4287 ### Building godi-pcre
4288 ===> Cleaning for godi-pcre-6.2.2godi1
4289 => Checksum mismatch for pcre-ocaml-6.2.2.tar.gz.
4290 Make sure the Makefile and checksum file (/home/phil/godi-3.12.1/build/godi/ godi-pcre/distinfo)
4291 are up to date. If you want to override this check, type
4292 "godi_make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args]".
4293 Error: Exec error: File /home/phil/godi-3.12.1/build/godi/godi-pcre/./../../ mk/bsd.pkg.mk, line 1689: Command returned with non-zero exit code
4294 Error: Command fails with code 1: godi_console
Is this a package problem with pcre?
And how would I use the suggest "godi_make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args]" to fix this?
This has been fixed by the maintainer of the pcre-ocaml library. It should work fine now.