Android ActionBar vs ToolBar - android-actionbar

Can you make Android new Toolbar to be shown with shadow like you could do with the old ActionBar?
Please refer to the image: Left is ActionBar and you can see it looks "floating" with shadow while the right one is ToolBar, how can you show it the same?

Use attibute android:elevetion=4dp on toolbar.


How to make appBar and statusBar transparent

I want my home page of my app to look like the pictures seen in this link Transparent actionBar and statusBar in Android lollipop
How can I do this?

MFC VC++: How to remove blank space between the Window caption and Client area

I am developing a desktop app using MFC. The following image shows the current state of the app's window top part. The area marked in red is unnecessary and I want to remove it.
How can I remove that space or atleast change the color to match the rest of the window background?
More Info:
The App is using Ribbon UI. I have added the App button programmatically in onCreate of CMainFrame. Is it the bar that holds the Ribbon categories? I tried SetMenubarState(AFX_MVS_HIDDEN) thinking it was the menu bar, but that didn't work. Just changing its color is also acceptable.
I have managed to change the color of that ribbon strip, and removed the caption bar I used for showing the 'add' button. Now I need to figure out how to place the 'Add' button on the right side of the ribbon strip.

Android show ActionBar without navigation items

I would like to display the ActionBar alone without any navigation buttons(Home, back,etc) which are present at the bottom of the screen.
If I use '#android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen', then even the ActionBar is not present.
Is there a way to display ONLY the ACTIONBAR without the navigation bar at the bottom?
For hiding the Navigation Bar, which is there only since API 14, see this

wxFormBuilder Toolbar Spacing

I am creating a layout using wxFormBuilder. I have a frame, wxBoxSizer (wxToolBar and wxListBook in it) and a wxMenuBar with a wxMenu in it, like so:
I then view the XRC Window and it seems ok:
Then, I add a tool to the toolbar, like so:
The problem shows up when I then check the XRC Window and I see that there is a blank space between the menubar and the toolbar:
How can I remove this gap? Thanks.
Normal, default frame toolbar shouldn't be added to the sizer managing the rest of the frame elements because it's already handled by wxFrame itself automatically, so if you just need a toolbar positioned in the standard location (as opposed to having a toolbar in the middle of a window or something like that) you just shouldn't do this. I'm still not sure where does the gap come from but I am pretty sure that it will disappear once you stop adding toolbar to the sizer.

How to remove the "default button" border?

When you have a GtkButton in GTK and it is the default for some window (will be activated when you press Enter), a tiny border is draw around it to inform the user that the button is the default button. How to remove this border ?
I already tried: default-border and default-outside-border style properties.
After hours finding for this, I've discovered it:
gtk_button_set_relief(GTK_BUTTON(button_widget), GTK_RELIEF_HALF);
GTK should have a gallery showing how this changes the button behavior.