I want my home page of my app to look like the pictures seen in this link Transparent actionBar and statusBar in Android lollipop
How can I do this?
I'm working on a WinUI3 desktop application in c++. I was trying to achieve an experience where we can show a ProgressRing in the center of the screen when there is a delay in screen update. In my application, my window has a Canvas as its content and that canvas contains many widgets. I want to put a new Canvas as an overlay on top of the existing Canvas and show a ProgressRing on the new Overlay Canvas and I was able to achieve an experience like this.
The overlay Canvas in the image has a background color as transparent, I wanted to make the overlay canvas translucent. So that all the widgets below the overlay canvas will look like grayed-out non-interactive widgets.
I would be of great help if you could help me with this issue.
Thank you,
Harshithraj P
One way to do that is to set the Background("Black" maybe?) and the Opacity depending on how you want it to look.
I noticed that some applications based on Qt have a button with a context menu in their title bar, I would like to achieve a similar effect in my application, can someone tell me how to achieve it? The image shows one of those applications with the button clicked showing the context menu
Button with Context Menu
Thanks in advance...
The title bar is generally handled by the window manager (DWM on Windows or KWin for KDE on Linux, etc.).
There are only a limited things you can do to customize the native title bar, and it will not be portable.
What you can do is disable the native title bar by using Qt::WindowTitleHint or Qt::FramelessWindowHint and implements your own title bar within your software. But this has some drawbacks as you lose some of the features provided by the window manager.
You can start by looking at these forum posts:
Customize Titlebar on forum.qt.io
Customize window frame on forum.qt.io
One of the option:
if You use QML you can create your custom window title bar by setting Qt.FramelessWindowHint. Then inside create your own titlebar Rectangle with everything that you want
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint
But unfortunately you will need to write all windows controls (moving, sizing, buttons ...) from scratch
(here is some info about moving)
I am using an actionbar in my app. But this actionbar is not displayed perfectly.
This is a picture of my actionbar:
please help me ...
Just use this code for set Background image in actionbar
Can you make Android new Toolbar to be shown with shadow like you could do with the old ActionBar?
Please refer to the image: Left is ActionBar and you can see it looks "floating" with shadow while the right one is ToolBar, how can you show it the same?
Use attibute android:elevetion=4dp on toolbar.
I would like to display the ActionBar alone without any navigation buttons(Home, back,etc) which are present at the bottom of the screen.
If I use '#android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen', then even the ActionBar is not present.
Is there a way to display ONLY the ACTIONBAR without the navigation bar at the bottom?
For hiding the Navigation Bar, which is there only since API 14, see this