Problems with Mutex Locking in Go - concurrency

Everything works great apart from the mutex. After I lock and unlock, it won't do anything. Is there something obvious I'm missing?
On top of this, after unlocking, I want to run a function inside this function. I've tried just calling it as a regular function (timer()) and even (go timer()).
func shield(state *State){
for s := range state.ToggleShield { //run if data on channel
if s == true { //if data on channel is true
fmt.Println("Opening the shields This is uninteruptable. Please wait...")
state.Finished = false //disable other commands
ticker := time.Tick(time.Second)
for i := 10; i >= 0; i-- {
fmt.Printf("\rOn 10/%d", i)

The Go Programming Language Specification
Go statements
A "go" statement starts the execution of a function call as an
independent concurrent thread of control, or goroutine, within the
same address space.
The function value and parameters are evaluated as usual in the
calling goroutine, but unlike with a regular call, program execution
does not wait for the invoked function to complete. Instead, the
function begins executing independently in a new goroutine. When the
function terminates, its goroutine also terminates.
Your program does not appear to have proper mechanisms to wait until your goroutines complete: "program execution does not wait for the invoked function to complete." To demonstrate this, I inserted a crude wait mechanism at the end of your program main function:
// wait for a while to give goroutines a chance to complete
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
Toggling Shield
Opening the shields This is uninteruptable. Please wait...
On 10/10
On 10/9
On 10/8
On 10/7
On 10/6
Program exited.


How to stop a long-running function prematurely?

I am working on a plotting algorithm. To do this I get the data from a DAQ board in my main GUI thread and then I send the data over to a worker thread to be processed, the worker thread emits a signal with the new QImage which I display as a plot in my GUI. The problem is the function, let's call it generateImage(), to calculate and generate the QImage takes a long time (~50-70 milliseconds, depending on data length) and in between this time another set of data might arrive which will require the worker thread to recalculate the plot from the beginning. I want the generateImage() to abandon the calculation and restart from the beginning if the new data arrives while it is still calculating. My approach is to set a member boolean variable, let's call it b_abort_, and check if it is set to true inside generateImage() and return if it's true, outside generateImage() it always remains true and I only set it to false before generateImage() is called.
All this happens in a worker thread, I subclass QObject and use moveToThread() to move it to a worker thread.
The function which starts calculation:
void WorkerThread::startCalc()
b_abort_ = false;
// if b_abort_ is set to true, generateImage() will return prematurely
emit calcFinished();
b_abort_ = true;
Function which does all calculations and generates image:
void WorkerThread::generateImage()
/* Calculation of some parts */
for(int ii = 0; ii < Rawdata.length(); ++ii) // Starting main time consuming loop
/* Perform calculation for one data point from Rawdata */
// data calculation complete, now it's time to generate QImage
// before that I check if b_abort_ is set to true
for(int ii = 0; ii < CalculatedData.length(); ++ii) // plotting calculated data on QImage
/* plot one data point from CalculatedData vector */
// generation of QImage finished, time to send the signal
emit renderedPlot(image); // image is a QImage object
In my worker thread, I have a slot to receive data from the main GUI Thread, it is configured with Qt::QueuedConnection (the default) as the connection type:
void WorkerThread::receiveData(QVector<double> data)
if(!b_abort_) // check if calculation is still running
QEventLoop loop;
connect(this, &WorkerThread::calcFinished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
b_abort_ = true; // set it to true and wait for calculation to stop
// start new calculation
RawData = data;
RawData = data;
When I use this approach in my main GUI Thread, the generateImage() function blocks all event loops, and my GUI freezes, which makes me think that inside a single thread (main GUI thread or a worker thread) only one function can run at a time and so any change in b_abort_ is not applied until the thread's event loop returns to process other functions. When using WorkerThread it is difficult to verify if this is working, some times it works fine while other times it generates bad allocation error which seems like it is not working (although it might be because of a different reason entirely, I am not sure). I would like to ask your opinion, is this the right approach to stop a long-running calculation prematurely? Are there any other methods that I can use which will be more robust than my current approach?
How to stop a long-running function in another thread prematurely?
You're correct that the only sane way to do this is to have the long-running thread check, at regular intervals, whether it should stop early.
Note that the flag you're checking must be atomic, or protected by a mutex, or otherwise somehow synchronized. Otherwise it's entirely legitimate for the worker thread to check the variable and never see the value change (no, you can't use volatile for this).
... which makes me think that inside a single thread (main GUI thread or a worker thread) only one function can run at a time ...
Yes, that's exactly what a thread is! It is a single, linear thread of execution. It can't do two things at once. Doing two things at once is the whole reason for having more than one thread.
The approach should be to have a worker thread waiting for work to do, and a main thread that only ever sends it asynchronous messages (start generating an image with this data, or interrupt processing and start again with this data instead, or whatever).
If the main thread calls a function that should happen in the worker thread instead, well, you've deliberately started executing it in the main thread, and the main thread won't do anything until it returns. Just like every other function.
As an aside, your design has a problem: it's possible to never finish generating a single image if it keeps being interrupted by new data.
The usual solution is double-buffering: you let the worker thread finish generating the current image while the main thread accumulates data for the next one. When the worker has finished one image, it can be passed back to the main thread for display. Then the worker can start processing the next, so it takes the buffer of "dirty" updates that the main thread has prepared for it. Subsequent updates are again added to the (now empty) buffer for the next image.

How to block a thread while other threads are waiting

I have a very specific problem to solve. I'm pretty sure someone else in the world has already encountered and solved it but I didn't find any solutions yet.
Here it is :
I have a thread that pop command from a queue and execute them asynchronously
I can call from any other thread a function to execute a command synchronously, bypassing the queue mechanism, returning a result, and taking priority of execution (after the current execution is over).
I have a mutex protecting a command execution so only one is executed at a time
The problem is, with a simple mutex, I have no certitude that a synchronous call will get the mutex before the asynchronous thread when in conflict. In fact, our test shows that the allocation is very unfair and that the asynchronous thread always win.
So I want to block the asynchronous thread while there is a synchronous call waiting. I don't know in advance how many synchronous call can be made, and I don't control the threads that make the calls (so any solution using a pool of threads is not possible).
I'm using C++ and Microsoft library. I know the basic synchronization objects, but maybe there is an more advance object or method suitable for my problem that I don't know.
I'm open to any idea!
Ok so I finally get the chance to close this. I tried some of the solution proposed here and in the link posted.
In the end, I combined a mutex for the command execution and a counter of awaiting sync calls (the counter is also protected by a mutex of course).
The async thread check the counter before trying to get the mutex, and wait the counter to be 0. Also, to avoid a loop with sleep, I added an event that is set when the counter is set to 0. The async thread wait for this event before trying to get the mutex.
void incrementSyncCounter()
DLGuardThread guard(_counterMutex);
void decrementSyncCounter()
DLGuardThread guard(_counterMutex);
// If the counter is 0, it means that no other sync call is waiting, so we notify the main thread by setting the event
if(_synchCount == 0)
unsigned long getSyncCounter()
DLGuardThread guard(_counterMutex);
return _synchCount;
bool executeCommand(Command* command)
// Increment the sync call counter so the main thread can be locked while at least one sync call is waiting
// Execute the command using mutex protection
DLGuardThread guard(_theCommandMutex);
bool res = command->execute();
// Decrement the sync call counter so the main thread can be unlocked if there is no sync call waiting
return res;
void main ()
// Infinite loop
// While the Synchronous call counter is not 0, this main thread is locked to give priority to the sync calls.
// _counterEvent will be set when the counter is decremented to 0, then this thread will check the value once again to be sure no other call has arrived inbetween.
while(getSyncCounter() > 0)
::WaitForSingleObject (_counterEvent.hEvent(), INFINITE);
// Take mutex
DLGuardThread guard(_theCommandMutex);
status = command->execute();
// Release mutex

Goroutine and for loop

All I want to do is to send one value to the channel and return from the main() function and exit the program right after I receive one value from the channel ch.
But this keeps running forever:
ch := make(chan int)
for {
go func() {
ch <- 1
How do I return with this for loop after I receive one value from the channel?
And why does this run forever?
Go playground link is here
Since the for loop runs forever, your code runs forever. Receiving from ch after the for loop is never reached.
If you want your code to exit sometime, you have to end the for loop sometime, e.g. make it run only a certain number of iterations:
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
So if you only run 5 iterations (like in my example), after the for loop receiving from ch will be executed which may block (because ch is unbuffered) if other goroutines have not yet run, and at least one of the started goroutines will be executed which sends a value on the channel which may trigger the main goroutine to continue (because its blocking operating is no longer blocking).
Also note that the Go Memory Model only guarantees that certain events happen before other events, you have no guarantee how 2 concurrent goroutines are executed. You have no guarantee that the goroutines started in the for loop will start to execute before the main goroutine gets blocked at receiving from ch.
Usually when a goroutine gets blocked (e.g. blocking channel receive operation), the runtime may schedule another goroutine to run.

How to restart a multithreaded C++ program inside the code?

as i describe in the header I would like to have in a thread an if statement which is checked every 1 minute and if it is true restart the whole programm.. Any suggestions?
void* checkThread(void* arg)
//restart procedure
int main()
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, checkThread, main_object);
If you are going for the nuke-it-from-orbit approach (i.e. you don't want to trust your code to do a controlled shutdown reliably), then having the kill-and-auto-relaunch mechanism inside the same process space as the other code is not a very robust approach. For example, if one of the other threads were to crash, it would take your auto-restart-thread down with it.
A more fail-safe approach would be to have your auto-restart-thread launch all of the other code in a sub-process (via fork(); calling exec() is allowable but not necessary in this case). After 60 seconds, the parent process can kill the child process it created (by calling kill() on the process ID that fork() returned) and then launch a new one.
The advantage of doing it this way is that the separating of memory spaces protects your relauncher-code from any bugs in the rest of the code, and the killing of the child process means that the OS will handle all the cleanup of memory and other resources for you, so there is less of a worry about things like memory or file-handle leaks.
If you want a "nice" way to do it, you set a flag, and then politely wait for the threads to finish, before relaunching everything.
main_thread() {
do {
kill_and_restart_everything = false;
// create your threads.
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, checkThread, main_object);
pthread_create(&thread2, ...);
pthread_create(&thread3, ...);
// wait for your threads.
pthread_join(thread1, nullptr);
pthread_join(thread2, nullptr);
pthread_join(thread3, nullptr);
} while (kill_and_restart_everything);
void* checkThread(void* arg) {
while (! kill_and_restart_everything) {
kill_and_restart_everything = true;
void* workerThread(void* arg) {
// do stuff. periodically check
if (kill_and_restart_everything) {
// terminate this thread early.
// do it cleanly too, release any resources, etc (RAII is your friend here).
return nullptr;
// do other stuff, remember to have that check happen fairly regularly.
This way, whenever if(statement) is true, it will set a boolean that can be used to tell each thread to shut down. Then the program waits for each thread to finish, and then starts it all over again.
Downsides: If you're using any global state, that data will not be cleaned up and can cause problems for you. If a thread doesn't check your signal, you could be waiting a looooong time.
If you want to kill everything (nuke it from orbit) and restart, you could simply wrap this program in a shell script (which can then detect whatever condition you want, kill -9 the program, and relaunch it).
Use the exec system call to restart the process from the start of the program.
you can do it in two parts:
Part1: one thread that checks for the statement and sets a boolean to true when you need to restart the program
This is the "checker" thread
Part2: one thread that computes what you want:
this will "relaunch" the program as long as needed
This "relaunch" consists in a big loop
In the loop:
creates a thread that will actually execute your programme (the task you want to be executed)
ends this taks when the boolean is set to true
creates another thread to replace then one that is terminated
The main of your program consists in launching the "checker" and the "relauncher"
Tell me if you have any questions/remarks I can detail or add some code

WaitForSingleObject times out too fast

I have this piece of code in a secondary thread:
DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(myhandle,10000);
if(result == WAIT_OBJECT_0){
else if(result == WAIT_TIMEOUT){
Sometimes, not always, the timeout will get called almost as soon as the WaitForSingleObject is called (not even 1s delay).
Am I doing something wrong ? Any suggestions for more stable alternatives ?
myhandle is created inside a class constructor as:
myhandle = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,_T("myhandle"));
it would get called by another function:
The point is it works when I do the SetEvent, the problem is that it sometimes times out as soon as the WaitForSingleObject is called, even though it should wait 10s.
Do you really need/want a named event? Typically this is only required for inter-process concurrency control.
If you have multiple instances of this class they will all use the same event - see the docs for CreateEvent about calling for a named object that already exists.
It may be that all you need to do is remove the name here. This allows each class instance to have its own Event object and behaviour should be more predictable.
WaitForSingleObject will not wait the whole 10 seconds. It will wait for the first of:
The timeout value is elapsed
The event is signaled
The handle becomes invalid (closed in another thread)
If the event is set when you call WaitForSingleObject, condition #2 is true from the start and WaitForSingleObject returns immediatly.
If you want to always wait 10 seconds, you should use code like this :
//Always wait 10 seconds
//Test the event without waiting
if(WaitForSingleObject(myhandle, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
AfxMessageBox(_T("Event was set in the last 10 secondes"));
} else {
Took awhile but the problem actually was that the program sometimes did multiple calls to WaitForSingleObject. So it's a previous call that is timing out.
Solution is to use WaitForMultipleObjects and set a cancelling event in the case it is known that the first event won't be set, so the timer is cancelled before is it re-invoked.