I am new to WEKA and I want to ask you few questions regarding WEKA.
I had follow this tutorial (Named Entity Recognition using WEKA).
But I am really confusing and have no idea at all.
Is it possible if I want to filter the string by phrase not word/token?
For example in my .ARFF file:
#attribute text string
#attribute tag {CC, CD, DT, EX, FW, IN, JJ, JJR, JJS, LS, MD, NN, NNS, NNP, NNPS, PDT, POS, PRP, PRP$, RB, RBR, RBS, RP, SYM, TO, UH, VB, VBD , VBG, VBN , VBP, VBZ, WDT, WP, WP$, WRB, ,, ., :}
#attribute capital {Y, N}
#attribute chunked {B-NP, I-NP, B-VP, I-VP, B-PP, I-PP, B-ADJP, B-ADVP , B-SBAR, B-PRT, O-Punctuation}
#attribute ##class## {B-PER, I-PER, B-ORG, I-ORG, B-NUM, I-NUM, O, B-LOC, I-LOC}
So, when I filtered the String, it tokenized the string into word but what I want is, I want to tokenize/filter the string according to the phrase. For example extract the phrase "New York" not "New" and "York" according to the chunked attributes.
"B-NP" means start phrase and "I-NP" means next phrase (the middle or end of the phrase).
How can i show the result for the classify class for example:
B-PER and I-PER to the class name PERSON?
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class
0 0.021 0 0 0 0.768 B-PER
1 0.084 0.333 1 0.5 0.963 I-PER
0.167 0.054 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.313 B-ORG
0 0 0 0 0 0.964 I-ORG
0 0 0 0 0 0.281 B-NUM
0 0 0 0 0 0.148 I-NUM
0.972 0.074 0.972 0.972 0.972 0.949 O
0.875 0 1 0.875 0.933 0.977 B-LOC
0 0 0 0 0 0.907 I-LOC
Weighted Avg. 0.828 0.061 0.811 0.828 0.813 0.894
In my opinion, WEKA won't (currently) be the best machine learning software to do NER... as far as I know, WEKA does classify sets of examples, for NER it may be done either:
By tokenizing sentences in tokens: in that case sequence (i.e. contiguity) will be lost... "New" and "York" are two separate examples, the fact that those words are contiguous won't be taken into account in any way.
By keeping chunks / sentences as examples: sequences can then be kept as a whole and filtered (StringToWordVector for instance), but one class has to be associated for each chunk/sentence (for instance O+O+O+B-LOC+I-LOC+O is the class of the whole sentence in your example).
In both cases, contiguity is not taken into account, which is really disturbing. Also, as far as I know, this is the same for R (?). This why "sequence labelling" (NER, morpho-syntax, syntax and dependencies) are usually done using software that determines a token category using current word, but also previous, next word, etc. and can output single tokens but also multitoken expressions or more complicated structures.
For NER, currently, CRF are usually used for that, see:
Does pandas have a built-in string matching function for exact matches and not regex? The code below for tropical_two has a slightly higher count. Documentation tells me it does a regex search.
tropical = reviews['description'].map(lambda x: "tropical" in x).sum()
tropical_two = reviews['description'].str.count("tropical").sum()
The first way is the answer key from Kaggle but something about it seems less readable and intuitive to me compared to a .str function because when I run this it returns True instead of 2 so I am a little confused about if the answer key method is actually counting all occurrences of "tropical" and not just the first.
def in_str(text):
return "tropical" in text
in_str("tropical is tropical")
First 2 lines of dataframe:
0 Italy Aromas include tropical fruit, broom, brimston... Vulkà Bianco 87 NaN Sicily & Sardinia Etna NaN Kerin O’Keefe #kerinokeefe Nicosia 2013 Vulkà Bianco (Etna) White Blend Nicosia
1 Portugal This is ripe and fruity, a wine that is smooth... Avidagos 87 15.0 Douro NaN NaN Roger Voss #vossroger Quinta dos Avidagos 2011 Avidagos Red (Douro) Portuguese Red Quinta dos Avidagos
Notebook here, tropical code in cell #2
You may use str.count with word boundary markers to match the exact search term:
tropical_two = reviews['description'].str.count(r'\btropical\b').sum()
There may not be the need for a separate exact API, as str.count can be used for exact matches as well.
I'm trying to do some feature selection algorithms on the UCI adult data set and I'm running into a problem with Univaraite feature selection. I'm doing onehot encoding on all the categorical data to change them to numerical but that gives me a lot of f scores.
How can I avoid this? What should I do to make this code better?
# Encode
adult['Gender'] = adult['sex'].map({'Female': 0, 'Male': 1}).astype(int)
adult = adult.drop(['sex'], axis=1)
adult['Earnings'] = adult['income'].map({'<=50K': 0, '>50K': 1}).astype(int)
adult = adult.drop(['income'], axis=1)
#OneHot Encode
adult = pd.get_dummies(adult, columns=["race"])
target = adult["Earnings"]
data = adult.drop(["Earnings"], axis=1)
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=5)
selector.fit_transform(data, target)
for n,s in zip( data.head(0), selector.scores_):
print "F Score ", s,"for feature ", n
Partial results of current code:
F Score 26.1375747945 for feature race_Amer-Indian-Eskimo
F Score 3.91592196913 for feature race_Asian-Pac-Islander
F Score 237.173133254 for feature race_Black
F Score 31.117798305 for feature race_Other
F Score 218.117092671 for feature race_White
Expected Results:
F Score "f_score" for feature "race"
By doing the one hot encoding the feature in above is split into many sub-features, where I would just like to generalize it to just race (see Expected Results) if that is possible.
One way in which you can reduce the number of features, whilst still encoding your categories in a non-ordinal manner, is by using binary encoding. One-hot-encoding has a linear growth rate n where n is the number of categories in a categorical feature. Binary encoding has log_2(n) growth rate. In other words, doubling the number of categories adds a single column for binary encoding, where as it doubles the number of columns for one-hot encoding.
Binary encoding can be easily implemented in python by using the categorical_encoding package. The package is pip installable and works very seamlessly with sklearn and pandas. Here is an example
import pandas as pd
import category_encoders as ce
df = pd.DataFrame({'cat1':['A','N','K','P'], 'cat2':['C','S','T','B']})
enc_bin = ce.binary_encoding.BinaryEncoding(cols=['cat1']) # cols=None, all string columns encoded
df_trans = enc_bin.fit_transform(df)
cat1_0 cat1_1 cat2
0 1 1 C
1 0 1 S
2 1 0 T
3 0 0 B
Here is the code from a previous answer by me using the same variables as above but with one-hot encoding. Lets compare how the two different outputs look.
import pandas as pd
import category_encoders as ce
df = pd.DataFrame({'cat1':['A','N','K','P'], 'cat2':['C','S','T','B']})
enc_ohe = ce.one_hot.OneHotEncoder(cols=['cat1']) # cols=None, all string columns encoded
df_trans = enc_ohe.fit_transform(df)
cat1_0 cat1_1 cat1_2 cat1_3 cat2
0 0 0 1 0 C
1 0 0 0 1 S
2 1 0 0 0 T
3 0 1 0 0 B
See how binary encoding uses half as many columns to uniquely describe each category within the category cat1.
I was wondering if anyone knew an easier way of doing the following:
I have a dataset of health facility caseload by year, where each observation is one health facility. Facilities were 'brought online' in different years, so some have zeros before they have values for caseload. Also, some 'discontinue', as in they did provide services, but don't any more. I would like to replace the zeros with missing values for the years in which a facility discontinued. In the following example, the 3rd and 4th facilities discontinued, so I'd like missing for y2014 for the 3rd and y2013 & y2014 for the 4th.
y2011 y2012 y2013 y2014
0 0 76 82
0 0 29 13
0 0 25 0
5 10 0 0
0 0 17 24
I tried the following, which worked, but I'm going to have many years worth of data to work on (2000-2014), so was wondering if there was a more efficient way.
replace y2014=. if y2014==0 & (y2013>0 | y2012>0 | y2011>0)
replace y2013=. if y2013==0 & ( y2012>0 | y2011>0)
replace y2012=. if y2012==0 & ( y2011>0)
I messed around with egen rowlast to identify the facilities with a zero in the last year (meaning they discontinued), but then wasn't sure where to go with it.
Your problem would benefit from a loop over the variables.
We'll initialise started to 0, change our mind about started when we see a positive value, and change any subsequent 0s to missings if started is 1.
gen started = 0
forval y = 2000/2014 {
replace started = 1 if y`y' > 0
replace y`y' = . if started == 1 & y`y' == 0
Note that this scheme allows re-starts.
A more general comment is that this is not the better data structure for such panel or longitudinal data. This particular problem is not too challenging, but most problems with such data will be easier after reshape long.
See here for a survey of "rowwise" technique in Stata.
My goal is to compute the KL distance between the following text documents:
1)The boy is having a lad relationship
2)The boy is having a boy relationship
3)It is a lovely day in NY
I first of all vectorised the documents in order to easily apply numpy
I then applied the following code for computing KL distance between the texts:
import numpy as np
import math
from math import log
def kl(p, q):
p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float)
q = np.asarray(q, dtype=np.float)
return np.sum(np.where(p != 0,(p-q) * np.log10(p / q), 0))
for x in v:
print KL
Here is the result of the above code: [0.0, 0.602059991328, 0.0].
Texts 1 and 3 are completely different, but the distance between them is 0, while texts 1 and 2, which are highly related has a distance of 0.602059991328. This isn't accurate.
Does anyone has an idea of what I'm not doing right with regards to KL? Many thanks for your suggestions.
Though I hate to add another answer, there are two points here. First, as Jaime pointed out in the comments, KL divergence (or distance - they are, according to the following documentation, the same) is designed to measure the difference between probability distributions. This means basically that what you pass to the function should be two array-likes, the elements of each of which sum to 1.
Second, scipy apparently does implement this, with a naming scheme more related to the field of information theory. The function is "entropy":
scipy.stats.entropy(pk, qk=None, base=None)
From the docs:
If qk is not None, then compute a relative entropy (also known as
Kullback-Leibler divergence or Kullback-Leibler distance) S = sum(pk *
log(pk / qk), axis=0).
The bonus of this function as well is that it will normalize the vectors you pass it if they do not sum to 1 (though this means you have to be careful with the arrays you pass - ie, how they are constructed from data).
Hope this helps, and at least a library provides it so don't have to code your own.
After a bit of googling to undersand the KL concept, I think that your problem is due to the vectorization : you're comparing the number of appearance of different words. You should either link your column indice to one word, or use a dictionnary:
# The boy is having a lad relationship It lovely day in NY
1)[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0]
2)[1 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
3)[0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1]
Then you can use your kl function.
To automatically vectorize to a dictionnary, see How to count the frequency of the elements in a list? (collections.Counter is exactly what you need). Then you can loop over the union of the keys of the dictionaries to compute the KL distance.
A potential issue might be in your NP definition of KL. Read the wikipedia page for formula: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullback%E2%80%93Leibler_divergence
Note that you multiply (p-q) by the log result. In accordance with the KL formula, this should only be p:
return np.sum(np.where(p != 0,(p) * np.log10(p / q), 0))
That may help...
I'm trying to write a perl regex to match the 5th column of files that contain 11 columns. There's also a preamble and footer which are not data. Any good thoughts on how to do this? Here's what I have so far:
if($line =~ m/\A.*\s(\b\w{9}\b)\s+(\b[\d,.]+\b)\s+(\b[\d,.sh]+\b)\s+.*/i) {
And this is what the forms look like:
No. Form 13F File Number Name
____ 28-________________ None
[Repeat as necessary.]
Abbott Laboratories com 2824100 4,570 97,705 SH sole 97,705 0 0
Allstate Corp com 20002101 12,882 448,398 SH sole 448,398 0 0
American Express Co com 25816109 11,669 293,909 SH sole 293,909 0 0
Apollo Group Inc com 37604105 8,286 195,106 SH sole 195,106 0 0
Bank of America com 60505104 174 12,100 SH sole 12,100 0 0
Baxter Internat'l Inc com 71813109 2,122 52,210 SH sole 52,210 0 0
Becton Dickinson & Co com 75887109 8,216 121,506 SH sole 121,506 0 0
Citigroup Inc com 172967101 13,514 3,594,141 SH sole 3,594,141 0 0
Coca-Cola Co. com 191216100 318 6,345 SH sole 6,345 0 0
Colgate Palmolive Co com 194162103 523 6,644 SH sole 6,644 0 0
If you ever do write a regex this long, you should at least use the x flag to ignore whitespace, and importantly allow whitespace and comments:
something else # actually trying to do this
blah # for fringe case X
If you find it hard to read your own regex, others will find it Impossible.
I think a regular expression is overkill for this.
What I'd do is clean up the input and use Text::CSV_XS on the file, specifying the record separator (sep_char).
Like Ether said, another tool would be appropriate for this job.
#fields = split /\t/, $line;
if (#fields == 11) { # less than 11 fields is probably header/footer
$the_5th_column = $fields[4];
My first thought is that the sample data is horribly mangled in your example. It'd be great to see it embedded inside some <pre>...</pre> tags so columns will be preserved.
If you are dealing with columnar data, you can go after it using substr() or unpack() easier than you can using regex. You can use regex to parse out the data, but most of us who've been programming Perl a while also learned that regex is not the first tool to grab a lot of times. That's why you got the other comments. Regex is a powerful weapon, but it's also easy to shoot yourself in the foot.
After a bit of nosing around on the SEC edgar site, I've found that the 13F files are nicely formatted. And, you should have no problem figuring out how to process them using substr and/or unpack.
- ------------------------------ ---------------- --------- -------- -------- --- ---- ------- ------------ -------- -------- --------
3M CO COM 88579Y101 478 6051 SH SOLE 6051 0 0
ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 402 8596 SH SOLE 8596 0 0
AFLAC INC COM 001055102 291 6815 SH SOLE 6815 0 0
ALCATEL-LUCENT SPONSORED ADR 013904305 172 67524 SH SOLE 67524 0 0
If you are seeing the 13F files unformatted, as in your example, then you are not viewing correctly because there are tabs between columns in some of the files.
I looked through 68 files to get an idea of what's out there, then wrote a quick unpack-based routine and got this:
3M CO, COM, 88579Y101, 478, 6051, SH, , SOLE, , 6051, 0, 0
ABBOTT LABS, COM, 002824100, 402, 8596, SH, , SOLE, , 8596, 0, 0
AFLAC INC, COM, 001055102, 291, 6815, SH, , SOLE, , 6815, 0, 0
ALCATEL-LUCENT, SPONSORED ADR, 013904305, 172, 67524, SH, , SOLE, , 67524, 0, 0
Based on some of the other files here's some thoughts on how to process them:
Some of the files use tabs to separate the columns. Those are trivial to parse and you do not need regex to split the columns. 0001031972-10-000004.txt appears to be that way and looks very similar to your example.
Some of the files use tabs to align the columns, not separate them. You'll need to figure out how to compress multiple tab runs into a single tab, then probably split on tabs to get your columns.
Others use a blank line to separate the rows vertically so you'll need to skip blank lines.
Others allow wrap columns to the next line (like a spreadsheet would in a column that is not wide enough. It's not too hard to figure out how to deal with that, but how to do it is being left as an exercise for you.
Some use centered column alignment, resulting in leading and trailing whitespace in your data. s/^\s+//; and s/\s+$//; will become your friends.
The most interesting one I saw appeared to have been created correctly, then word-wrapped at column 78, leading me to think some moron loaded their spreadsheet or report into their word processor then saved it. Reading that is a two step process of getting rid of the wrapping carriage-returns, then re-processing the data to parse out the columns. As an added task they also have column headings in the data for page breaks.
You should be able to get 100% of the files parsed, however you'll probably want to do it with a couple different parsing methods because of the use of tabs and blank lines and embedded column headers.
Ah, the fun of processing data from the wilderness.